Showing posts with label Harvey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harvey. Show all posts

Friday, January 5, 2018

Harvey Weinstein in Arizona Despite Rumors He"s Back in L.A. for "Golden Globes"

Harvey Weinstein’s not hanging out in L.A. preparing to crash a ‘Golden Globes’ party this weekend … because he’s still hundreds of miles away. Rumors started circulating online Thursday the notorious producer had made his way back to Hollywood…


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Paul Sorvino on Harvey Weinstein: I"ll Kill the Motherf--ker!

If you"ve been anywhere near the internet in the past three months, then you"re no doubt aware of the shocking public disgrace that is the Harvey Weinstein sex scandals.

At this point, there are so many accusations against Weinstein that it"s nearly impossible to keep track of them all, but not one of his victims has forgotten the damage he inflicted.

Among Weinstein"s many high-profile (alleged) victims is the actress Mira Sorvino, who was (allegedly) blacklisted by the powerful mogul after he attempted to rape her and she fled.

Those familiar with the situation say Weinstein effectively derailed Sorvino"s once-promising career as revenge for eluding his attempted sexual assault.

It remains to be seen if Weinstein will go to prison in connection with the many accusations against him, but it"s beginning to look like he"d be better off incarcerated.

The former Miramax chief has some mighty powerful enemies on the outside these days, including Mira"s famous father, Paul Sorvino.

You might know Paul as Paulie in Goodfellas, or from a number of other intimidating badass roles that didn"t seem to be much of a stretch for the veteran actor.

TMZ recently caught up with Paul and asked him about the Weinstein situation.

"He better hope that he goes to jail," Sorvino told the outlet in no uncertain terms.

"If we come across, I think he"ll be lying on the floor … somehow."

Hilariously, Sorvino"s awesome threats get even more blunt from there.

Watch the full clip below to see Sorvino make an early case for himself as Dad of the Year:

Paul sorvino on harvey weinstein ill kill the motherf ker

Harvey Weinstein, LAPD Bundling All Cases for Prosecutors

The L.A. County District Attorney will be getting a slew of Harvey Weinstein cases in the not-too-distant future … and they’ll be getting them all at once, law enforcement sources tell TMZ. We’re told the Sexual Assault Section will not be feeding…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Paul Sorvino Says About Harvey Weinstein, "I Will Kill That MF" for Blacklisting Mira

Paul Sorvino seems to prefer street justice to the whole judicial thing … because he wants revenge against Harvey Weinstein in the worst way. Sorvino was leaving Bristol Farms in WeHo Tuesday night when we asked about Mira’s claims that she was…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Harvey Weinstein Cases Go to District Attorney

Beverly Hills PD has sent 2 Harvey Weinstein cases to the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office … TMZ has learned. The D.A’s Office says it’s currently reviewing the results of 2 BHPD investigations. It’s a huge step — no previous Weinstein…


Monday, January 1, 2018

Snoop Dogg Performs, Brings Strippers to Hurricane Harvey Relief Party

Snoop Dogg may have been the headliner at a Hurricane Harvey Relief party, but the guy throwing the bash — Houston lawyer Tony Buzbee – got the VIP treatment … right there on stage. The famed attorney threw a huge holiday shindig this…


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Dustin Diamond Takes Stab at Playing Harvey Weinstein in Bloody Music Video

A Harvey Weinstein project’s the last thing most people want to go near these days, but one man fully embraced it … Screech!!! Dustin Diamond’s getting back into acting in a debaucherous music video filled with sex, drugs, rock and roll … and…


Saturday, December 23, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Hits Up Juice Store in Arizona

Harvey Weinstein is now persona non grata in Hollywood, disgraced and under police microscope … he may not have pull anymore, but he has juice. Weinstein hit up Kaleidoscope Juice in Scottsdale, Arizona where he’s been living for months, since…


Friday, December 22, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Will Likely Skate in LAPD Criminal Investigations

Harvey Weinstein will likely not be charged with a crime in L.A. … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources directly connected with multiple Weinstein investigations tell TMZ, detectives from LAPD’s Sexual Assault Section of the Robbery-Homicide…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Harvey Weinstein"s Ex-Wife Says He Owes $5 Mil in Child Support

Harvey Weinstein’s ex-wife says he’s blowing stacks of cash on lawyers to fight sexual assault and harassment claims, and she’s worried his children will get left in the lurch … to the tune of $ 5 mil. Eve Chilton was in a Manhattan court Thursday…


daily-celebrities: Lori Harvey


Lori Harvey


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Meryl Streep to Rose McGowan: I Didn"t Know About Harvey Weinstein!

Rose McGowan has zero chill, and that’s usually a good thing. We love hearing her tear Harvey Weinstein a new one.

Sometimes, however, that admirable passion gets a little misplaced. The result is Rose McGowan slamming Meryl Streep, of all people, basically accusing her of having been complicit in Weinstein’s monstrous deeds.

Meryl Streep is speaking out, saying that she’s very hurt by Rose’s words, and endeavoring to make things clear.

Rose McGowan was outspoken in accusing Harvey Weinstein of rape — and she’s certainly not alone.

Too many actresses have come forward, identifying Weinstein as their harasser or their rapist.

Salma Hayek spoke of Weinstein as a “monster,” and says that she wonders if it was only her friendships with other influential members of Hollywood that prevented Weinstein from raping her.

Some times, a person escapes from a sexual predator because they have the right friends. Others just get lucky.

And others … unlucky.

Rose McGowan has spoken loud and clear against Weinstein. Unfortunately, some of her ire was misdirected at her fellow actresses.

“Actresses, like Meryl Streep, who happily worked for The Pig Monster, are wearing black @GoldenGlobes in a silent protest.”

We would counter that, surely, they did not know. A lot of people have no idea that there’s a monster in their midst.

“YOUR SILENCE is THE problem. You’ll accept a fake award breathlessly & affect no real change.”

All awards are fake, really.

“I despise your hypocrisy. Maybe you should all wear Marchesa.”

Marchesa, of course, is the clothing line by Weinstein’s wife. While many feel sorry for the woman who most assume never knew of her husband’s monstrous deeds, Rose McGowan has been less sympathetic.

Rose has since deleted the tweet.

Meryl Streep addressed Rose McGowan’s criticisms in a lengthy letter, published in The Huffington Post.

“It hurt to be attacked by Rose McGowan in banner headlines this weekend, but I want to let her know I did not know about Weinstein’s crimes, not in the ’90s when he attacked her, or through subsequent decades when he proceeded to attack others.”

That’s what we figured.

“I wasn’t deliberately silent. I didn’t know. I don’t tacitly approve of rape. I didn’t know. I don’t like young women being assaulted. I didn’t know this was happening.”

Sexual predators go to great lengths to cover up their crimes.

Meryl then goes on to explain how little contact she’s had with Weinstein.

“I don’t know where Harvey lives, nor has he ever been to my home.”

That’s good for her.

“I have never in my life been invited to his hotel room.”

For many actors, exchanging scripts and even auditioning in hotel rooms isn’t uncommon. Some wonder if, in light of these uncovered abuses, that should now change.

“I have been to his office once, for a meeting with Wes Craven for ‘Mustic of the Heart’ in 1998.”

That’s … nearly 20 years ago.

“HW distributed movies I made with other people.”

“HW was not a filmmaker; he was often a producer, primarily a marketer of films made by other people — some of them great, some not great.”

Weinstein did sometimes assume a hand-on role in films, but that makes him a demanding producer, not a filmmaker.

“But not every actor, actress, and director who made films that HW distributed knew he abused women, or that he raped Rose in the 90s, other women before and others after, until they told us. We did not know that women’s silence was purchased by him and his enablers.”

Sometimes, survivors are shocked to learn that other people didn’t know what happened to them. When something consumes your life, it’s hard to imagine that others could be so blind.

“HW needed us not to know this, because our association with him bought him credibility, an ability to lure young, aspiring women into circumstances where they would be hurt.”

Yes, predators have a vested interest in appearing innocent and personable.

“He needed me much more than I needed him and he made sure I didn’t know. Apparently he hired ex Mossad operators to protect this information from becoming public.”

We’ve heard about that.

“Rose and the scores of other victims of these powerful, moneyed, ruthless men face an adversary for whom Winning, at any and all costs, is the only acceptable outcome.”

Meryl then talks specifically about what people are doing to protect survivors from the wrath of the men who want them silenced.

“That’s why a legal defense fund for victims is currently being assembled to which hundreds of good hearted people in our business will contribute, to bring down the bastards, and help victims fight this scourge within.”

“Rose assumed and broadcast something untrue about me, and I wanted to let her know the truth.”

It’s clear that Meryl is speaking with compassion, here.

“Through friends who know her, I got my home phone number to her the minute I read the headlines.”

That was a good move to make.

“I sat by that phone all day yesterday and this morning, hoping to express both my deep respect for her and others’ bravery in exposing the monsters among us, and my sympathy for the untold, ongoing pain she suffers.”

Perhaps Rose McGowan was following Uma Thurman’s advice about waiting until she calms down before speaking up.

“No one can bring back what entitled bosses like Bill O’Reilly, Roger Ailes, and HW took from the women who endured attacks on their bodies and their ability to make a living.”

Sad but true.

“And I hoped that she would give me a hearing. She did not, but I hope she reads this.”

Meryl’s statement continues:

“I am truly sorry she sees me as an adversary, because we are both, together with all the women in our business, standing in defiance of the same implacable foe: a status quo that wants so badly to return to the bad old days, the old ways where women were used, abused and refused entry into the decision-making, top levels of the industry.”

And that, she says, is where the real problem lies.

“That’s where the cover-ups convene. Those rooms must be disinfected, and integrated, before anything even begins to change.”

Change can be a lengthy process, but it’s better to take your time than to rush and let horrible people slip through the cracks.


Harvey Weinstein"s Prenup Says Georgina Gets $12 Million If She Divorces Him Today

Georgina Chapman stands to get 8 figures if she divorces Harvey Weinstein today, but their prenup says she could fork out much more … now that they’ve crossed the 10-year mark. The Weinsteins’ 10th anniversary was Friday, and while they…


Monday, December 18, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Settlement Payments Now Under Investigation

Harvey Weinstein might dodge prosecution on sex crimes, but he could still get nailed for financial crimes tied to settlement money he’s paid alleged victims over the years. Law enforcement sources confirm the Manhattan D.A. is actively probing…


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Salma Hayek Details Sexual Harassment, Death Threats from Harvey Weinstein

Remember that the avalanche of unmasked sex monsters over the past few months began with the sexual harassment accusations against Harvey Weinstein.

That turned out to be only the tip of the nightmare iceberg. In the entertainment industry, and even specifically with Harvey Weinstein, whose list of accusers continues to grow.

Salma Hayek posted a lengthy description of the nightmare that Weinstein put her through, and she named the one thing that she believes saved her from being raped.

Writing a lengthy essay in the New York Times, Salma Hayek first reveals why she waited so long — even after Harvey Weinstein was exposed — to tell her story.

“When so many women came forward to describe what Harvey had done to them, I had to confront my cowardice and humbly accept that my story, as important as it was to me, was nothing but a drop in an ocean of sorrow and confusion.”

It is not uncommon for people who’ve been through awful experiences, like those that she’s going to describe, to try to minimize them.

Just because someone else had it worse doesn’t mean that what happened to you was okay.

“I felt that by now nobody would care about my pain — maybe this was an effect of the many times I was told, especially by Harvey, that I was nobody.”

We’re crushed that she feels that way.

We’ll go ahead and point out that many people, after reading Salma Hayek’s words, mirror Uma Thurman’s feelings on Harvey Weinstein.

“I am inspired by those who had the courage to speak out, especially in a society that elected a president who has been accused of sexual harassment and assault by more than a dozen women and whom we have all heard make a statement about how a man in power can do anything he wants to women.”

Trump has bragged about his wrongdoings and his apparent immunity from justice more than once. It takes a brave person to speak out when it’s so clear that monsters can get away with almost anything.

But Salma Hayek is no longer remaining silent.

Salma refers to director Robert Rodriguez and producer Elizabeth Avellan, and makes a chilling statement about how they may have, unwittingly, protected her from facing the worst that Weinstein had to offer.

“Knowing what I know now, I wonder if it wasn’t my friendship with them — and Quentin Tarantino and George Clooney — that saved me from being raped.”

But she says that, at first, she was delighted to work for the mega-producer.

“He had taken a chance on me — a nobody. He had said yes. Little did I know it would become my turn to say no.”

Long before filming began, Salma had to start turning him down.

“No to opening the door to him at all hours of the night, hotel after hotel, location after location, where he would show up unexpectedly, including one location where I was doing a movie he wasn’t even involved with.”

Gross, creepy, and stalkery.

“No to me taking a shower with him. No to letting him watch me take a shower. No to letting him give me a massage. No to letting a naked friend of his give me a massage. No to letting him give me oral sex. No to my getting naked with another woman. No, no, no, no, no.”

Those sound very hauntingly familiar from the first harassment allegations against Weinstein.

“And with every refusal came Harvey’s Machiavellian rage.”


“I don’t think he hated anything more than the word ‘no."”

“The absurdity of his demands went from getting a furious call in the middle of the night asking me to fire my agent for a fight he was having with him about a different movie with a different client …”

That sounds like an over-the-top power move.

“… To physically dragging me out of the opening gala of the Venice Film Festival, which was in honor of “Frida,” so I could hang out at his private party with him and some women I thought were models but I was told later were high-priced prostitutes.”

Though there’s nothing wrong with sex workers, there’s everything wrong with manhandling an actress and forcing her to go along with you.

“The range of his persuasion tactics went from sweet-talking me to that one time when, in an attack of fury, he said the terrifying words, ‘I will kill you, don’t think I can’t."”

Please don’t ever, ever ask someone why they didn’t speak up. At this point, after all that we’ve heard, it’s a stupid question as well as a hurtful one.

It was, she says, after he realized that she was not going to have sex with him that Harvey Weinstein tried to take the film out from under her.

She had to sue him — and not for sexual harassment — and then perform multiple minor miracles (including recruiting multiple big-name actors) in order to strongarm Weinstein into letting her go through with the film.

But her fight was only beginning.

“Ironically, once we started filming, the sexual harassment stopped but the rage escalated. We paid the price for standing up to him nearly every day of shooting.”

And yes, Salma Hayek does describe the ways in which Weinstein exacted revenge for her defiance.

“Halfway through shooting, Harvey turned up on set and complained about Frida’s ‘unibrow."”

Minor point — Frida Kahlo’s unibrow is iconic. The film would have been worse off without it.

“He insisted that I eliminate the limp and berated my performance. Then he asked everyone in the room to step out except for me.”


“He told me that the only thing I had going for me was my sex appeal and that there was none of that in this movie. So he told me he was going to shut down the film because no one would want to see me in that role.”

What a disgusting creep.

“It was soul crushing because, I confess, lost in the fog of a sort of Stockholm syndrome, I wanted him to see me as an artist: not only as a capable actress but also as somebody who could identify a compelling story and had the vision to tell it in an original way.”

It’s not uncommon to want approval, no matter how poorly you’re treated. You see that kind of thing from abused children all of the time, and it’s not surprising coming from this kind of nightmarish workplace environment.

“I arrived on the set the day we were to shoot the scene that I believed would save the movie. And for the first and last time in my career, I had a nervous breakdown.”

Absolutely understandable.

“It was not because I would be naked with another woman. It was because I would be naked with her for Harvey Weinstein.”


Frida, of course, went on to be critically acclaimed and award-winning.

it seems clear now that this was despite Weinstein’s attempts at petty sabotage, rather than because of some “irreplaceable genius” that he allegedly possessed.

Salma Hayek summarizes the changing circumstances that finally allow women to speak up against powerful men:

“Men sexually harassed because they could. Women are talking today because, in this new era, we finally can.”

Well said.


Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Allegations are Fair Game for LAPD

Harvey Weinstein accusers are getting the full attention of the LAPD … even if the alleged sexual misconduct occurred outside the city of L.A. or is outside the statute of limitations … law enforcement sources tell TMZ. Our sources say the…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Salma Hayek Details Harvey Weinstein Alleged Sexual Misconduct Nightmare

Salma Hayek said for years Harvey Weinstein was a monster who asked her, among other things, to let him give her oral sex … threatening to kill her and tormenting her career when she refused. The actress shared in detail the torture…


Monday, December 11, 2017

Harvey Weinstein, Rape Charges in Paz de la Huerta Case Highly Unlikely

Harvey Weinstein is under investigation for allegedly raping Paz de la Huerta on 2 occasions, but law enforcement sources tell TMZ a prosecution is highly unlikely. De la Huerta says in November 2010, Weinstein went to her apartment, pushed her on…


Friday, December 8, 2017

Steve Harvey Sued for Alleged Fraud Involving Charity and Blames Oprah, Tyler Perry

Steve Harvey is being sued by a guy who claims he was hired by the TV mogul to raise $ 20 million for the Steve and Marjorie Foundation as well as other ventures and got royally stiffed. Vincent Dimmock claims he struck a deal with Harvey in April to…


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Harvey Weinstein, TWC Sued for Conspiracy to Cover Up His Sexual Predator Ways

The Weinstein Company’s Board of Directors, lawyers and consultants all conspired to shame and blackball Harvey Weinstein’s accusers … according to a blockbuster lawsuit filed by 6 women. The plaintiffs came into contact with Weinstein in…
