Showing posts with label Jersey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jersey. Show all posts

Friday, May 4, 2018

Jersey Shore: Is Sammi Giancola FINALLY Coming Back?!

Hasn"t it been so fun having Jersey Shore back on our televisions?

Well, fun, depressing, mortifying … but still, it"s just like old times!

We"ve seen those beloved guidos and guidettes get wasted, make terrible decisions — seriously, it"s like they never left.

But even though it"s been very entertaining, there"s still been one very big thing missing, and that, of course, is the presence of Sammi Sweetheart.

She"s explained at length why she made the decision not to return to the Shore, saying that she"s "at a completely different place in my life right now focusing on my businesses and relationship."

She also said that she"s "not the same person as I was when I was 22," and that she wanted "to avoid potentially TOXIC SITUATIONS."

After seeing last week"s episode, we know she was definitely smart to avoid this mess — more on that in a moment.

But still, it"s hard not to have the whole gang together.

However, in a new interview that the current Jersey Shore crew did, it sounds like there"s a chance Sammi may make an appearance in the second season of Family Vacation!

When asked if she"d be coming back, Vinny said that "there"s always a chance," but Pauly D took it a step further, saying "I can almost bet on that."

He explained his answer, saying that after seeing all the buzz around the new show "she must want to do it, I gotta say. She must have to want to do the second one."

JWoww agreed with him, because "for the simple fact that she will always be a part of us and she"ll always be mentioned or brought up, at least capitalize on it, speak your own truth."

"Come in," she continued, "fight us and whatever, or love us, or like be around us. It"s kind of sh-tty that she"s not taking the opportunity."

Everyone was nodding while she was saying all of this, so it seemed like everyone agreed that she should and probably will come back — everyone but Deena.

She said that she doesn"t know that Sammi will come back because they tried to talk her into it when they got the show, but "she"s just not into it anymore."

While it would be great to see good ol" Sammi Sweetheart back on Jersey Shore, we have to say that, given what"s been developing recently, she absolutely made the right call.

And we"re with Deena — it would be really surprising if she did decide to come back for the next season.

As we"ve seen on the show, Ronnie, Sammi"s ex and, let"s be real, the main reason she"s not interested in filming anything, is still an absolute mess these days.

We saw him cheat on his then-pregnant girlfriend, and we saw him admit that he still has feelings for Sammi.

In a confessional, Deena revealed that he talks about her all the time, and that "Sam told me that he used to call her on blocked numbers, and used to like, be really weird."

She even said that "she was afraid she was gonna get in the house and he would get drunk and spiral and try and get back with her or something."

And besides everything we"ve seen on the show, he"s been having a pretty public meltdown recently, what with his Instagram fights with the mother of his newborn daughter and all that.

If the Ronnie of today feels comfortable threatening to beat his baby mama in an Instagram video, then Sammi is smart to stay far, far away.

Watch the Jersey Shore cast speculate on her return in the video below:

Jersey shore is sammi giancola finally coming back

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Jersey Shore Stars Refuse to Call Out Ronnie: Watch!

The cast of Jersey Shore is a family, we get that.

So it should really come as little surprise that these MTV stars are basically on Team Ronnie Ortiz-Magro when it comes to their friend"s ongoing beef with baby mama Jen Harley.

But it was still unfortunate to see Pauly D, Snooki and company essentially stand up for Ronnie in the wake of his explosive and very public fight with Harley this week.

We make such a statement following the appearance of these Jersey Shore stalwarts on The View this week.

"I have to bring up the elephant in the room that Ronnie is not here," Meghan McCain said during her interview with the show"s leading men and ladies on Wedneday.

"I"m a big fan of his, he"s been very provocative this season," he host continued, adding:

"He"s at home with his newborn baby girl, but he made headlines this past few days because he"s been publicly fighting with his girlfriend. Obviously you guys are close, how do you feel about this?"

(Editor"s Note: Can we stop for a moment and acknowledge how crazy and hilarious it is that Meghan McCain is asking questions about Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, while stating how she"s a "big fan of his?")

For those not in the know, Ronnie and Harley, who welcomed a daughter into the world just a month ago, went at it over Instagram last weekend.

They exchanged vicious insults over allegations of sex tape filming and infidelity, with words being tossed back and forth such as "hoe," "cokehead" and "cum dumpster."

It was pretty embarrassing and ridiculous for all involved.

Get caught up here:

"So Ronnie, um…out of respect for him and his family, he"s not here, so we don"t wanna speak on his behalf," Pauly D replied on behalf of the cast, adding:

"We are one big family, so we love and support each other and everything it is that we do."

This is the answer we"d expect him to give.

But considering there"s even footage of Ronnie threatening to beat up Harley, perhaps his friends need to show some tough love and suggest the muscular reality star seek professional help of some kind.

This is the footage to which we"re referring:

Pretty nuts, right?

"I want to apologize to my family, friends, and fans," Ronnie has said of his action.

"This is a private matter that should have never been made public. I remain focused on my daughter and she is my number one priority."

Watch the Jersey Shore cast talk about a lot of stuff, Ortiz-Magro included, below:

Jersey shore stars shower ronnie with support for some reason

Monday, April 30, 2018

Ronnie From "Jersey Shore" Gets in Heated Fight with Baby Mama

Ronnie from “Jersey Shore” allegedly got into a physical confrontation with his baby mama … and it was caught on video. Ronnie’s baby mama, Jen Harley, took to Instagram Live on Monday and posted this video showing Ronnie in a heated argument with…


Friday, April 27, 2018

Jersey Shore Family Vacation Recap: Ronnie Gets Busted, Goes on World"s Saddest Bender

Back in 2009, Jersey Shore became TV’s ultimate guilty pleasure thanks in large part to the willingness of its twenty-something castmates to put their various organs in harm’s way for our amusement (livers, genitals, irradiated leathery skin).

But will the schtick play as well now that they’re in their thirties and most of them have kids?

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro aims to find out!

If you watched last week’s episode of Jersey Shore Family Vacation, you know that Ronnie made the questionable decision to take a braless Swedish blonde into the bathroom, despite the fact that he has a pregnant girlfriend waiting at home.

(Sadly, his roommates admonitions of “Raaahn, staaahp!” fell on deaf ears.)

Pauly D pulled a move that once would’ve been known as a robbery, but now looks something more like an act of mercy.

Ron and the Swede put on the brakes, but they were well past the point at which his girlfriend would’ve been cool with that transpired.

To his credit, Ron was overcome with guilt, so he dragged his drunk ass to bed and resolved to make things right in the morning.

Just kidding, he stayed up and continued to guzzle Ron-Ron juice with Snooki until it seemed like a good idea to drag their daytime drunk asses out in public.

Ron proceeded to make things even worse by 

“I don’t trust her for shit. I don’t,” he revealed. “So all I can do is act happy and be the best father I can be, and at the end of the day, I’m still f-cking miserable.”

Ronnie adds, “If Jen was not pregnant, I don’t know if I’d be with her,” apparently forgetting in his inebriated state that there’s a camera crew documenting his every word,

(He later jokes about “canceling cable” before the episode airs, a rare occasion in which a reality star actually acknowledges the fact that they’re on a reality show.)

In one of the series’ most darkly hilarious moments to date, Snooki drunkenly accosts some children, while Ronnie, instead of stopping her from traumatizing the poor kids reflects on impending fatherhood.

At that point, he and Snooks finally decide to remove their balloon crowns and go to bed.

Unfortunately, a few hours later, they’re forced to wake up and answer the question: do hangovers and yachts mix?

The answer of course, is hell no, but the two of them fare surprisingly well, considering they were pounding giant fishbowl cocktails in theme restaurants as the breakfast crowd made way for the lunch crowd.

Ronnie’s plight worsens as the day goes on, when his girlfriend refuses to answer his phone calls.

He lets out some aggression by taking a few shots at Mike “The Incarceration” Sorrentino, but for the most part, the rest of the cast sits this episode out.

The strange pacing is a testament to the fact that the guidos’ lives are simply less eventful these days, and as a result, producers are often forced to expand on a single storyline until it fills 60 minutes of screen time.

That’s not necessarily a knock on Family Vacation, so much as its an acknowledgement that its a very different show than the original Jersey Shore.

The good news (we think?) is that Ronnie and Jen welcomed their first child and they’re still very much together.

Hopefully, going forward, he’ll take hs family vacations with his actual family.

Watch Jersey Shore online for more hijinks from our favorite aging UV ray enthusiasts.


Friday, April 20, 2018

Sammi Giancola: I Can"t Return to Jersey Shore Because of Ronnie!!

So, Jersey Shore: Family Vacation is happening, and it"s just as insane as the trailers made it look. The ratings are doing well, and they"ve already been renewed for another season.

But Sammi Sweetheart didn"t return to the show"s revival series.

Finally, that conspicuous absence has been fully explained by the cast, as you can see in the video below.

The clip below begins with Ronnie asserting that the other women of Jersey Shore didn"t really know Sammi that well when he was dating her.

"When me and her dated, she never talked to you."

Deena disagrees, saying: "She talked to me."

"Not really," Ronnie argues. "Not really. Not the way she talks to you now. She talks to you after we broke up."

Which prompts Deena to spill everything that"s going on.

It was Ronnie, she says, that really scared Sammi away from participating in this revival.

"Ron," Deena says. "Needs to stop talking about Sam and, like, move the f–k on."

And she continues.

"Sam told me that he used to call her on blocked numbers and used to, like, be really weird."

That is alarming behavior.

"She was afraid that she was going to get into the house and he would get drunk and spiral."

Sammi allegedly had a very specific concern about an intoxicated Ronnie might do.

"And try to get back with her or something."

This matches what Snooki told Larry King.

"Sam decided not to do it," she told him in a recent interview.

At first, she tried to keep things vague.

"Basically," Snooki says of Sammi. "She was over the whole reality scene."

But she quickly becomes more specific.

"She didn"t want to be in a toxic relationship with Ron anymore. Which we totally get."

When Sammi spoke for herself on social media, she used much vaguer terms to describe what she was avoiding.

"I am currently extremely happy in every aspect of my life and want to avoid potentially toxic situations."

Yeah, an ex who can"t seem to get the message and will be drinking … that sounds pretty toxic.

"I"ve just decided to live my life for me these days."

At the time, this could have had a number of meanings.

But in light of what we"ve heard, it seems clear that she was referring to wanting to avoid Ronnie.

This is … alarming. Not surprising — we all saw what Ronnie was like with Sammi on camera.

But if a woman is afraid to return to a reality series because of a man … should she be the one who doesn"t make it on camera?

Someone doesn"t have to fear for their physical safety for the other person to be the wrongdoer, right?

We"d hoped for more from Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.

Earlier this month, Ronnie and his girlfriend welcomed their baby girl.

But if that relationship wasn"t enough to assure Sammi that he"d leave her alone, we absolutely do not blame her.

If you look at the way that he speaks so defensively in this video, you can"t help but wonder if Sammi was right to avoid him.

Sammi giancola i cant return to jersey shore because of ronnie

Friday, April 6, 2018

Jersey Shore Family Vacation Recap: Sex Doll Sammi & the Sober Situation

Jersey Shore Family Vacation made its long-awaited debut on MTV last night, and the consensus among viewers seems to be that while the guidos and guidettes didn’t quite deliver the same bonkers energy and smush-room shenanigans of their initial run, it was nice to check in with TV’s most heavily spray-tanned cast.

Of course, not everyone was able to make it to South Beach to enjoy all the fist-pumping and facial fillers.

Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola was sadly absent from the reunion for reasons that weren’t made entirely clear in last night’s episode.

(In a recent Instagram post, Sammi explained that she’s in a “completely different place” in her life these days, and she wants to avoid potentially “TOXIC SITUATIONS,” which most interpreted as a jab at her ex, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.)

But that doesn’t mean Sammi was forgotten.

No, the cast paid tribute to Giancola with a sex doll forged in her image.

The disturbing doppelganger even sported a t-shirt reading “I’m in a really good place right now” and spouted pre-recorded snippets of dialogue, most notably, “Roooon, stahhhhp!”

And with that appropriately tawdry blast from the past (and the help of a few dozen liters of wine) the initial awkwardness of reuniting comes to an end and the cast is officially ready to make Miami a much greasier place.

Of course, a lot has changed since the guidos parted ways in Seaside Heights way back in 2011.

Snooki, JWoww and Pauly D all have kids now. Ronnie’s girlfriend is seven months pregnant. Vinny is so committed to his keto diet he won’t even dog a slice of pizza while thoroughly hammered.

And of course, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino might soon be imprisoned for tax evasion.

Sorrentino’s legal entanglements very nearly prevented him from making the trip, but when he did finally meet up with his former roommates, we learned that he’s matured into a very different Sitch.

The Situation is sober and in a relationship now, which should put him in a prime position to be incredibly bored and mildly irritated for the remainder of the season.

Of course, these days, Mike is actually well-liked by the rest of the cast (with the apparent exception of Ronnie), which means he’ll likely receive plenty of support from people who want to make sure he stays on the wagon and out of prison.

Frankly, we have mixed feelings about Sorrentino’s current … situation.

Yes, it’s nice that he’s grown into a better person, but will a sober, non-confrontational Sitch bring much to the table in terms of entertainment value?

And we won’t even get into the ethical questions about tossing a recently-convicted felon and a recovering addict into a lion’s den of temptation.

The premiere episode concluded with blackouts of both the electrical and drunken variety, as well as the decision to toss Sex Doll Sammi into the pool.

This led to Snooki losing her wedding rings, which in turn, led her to drunkenly arriving at the decision to go home.

Obviously, she’s not really gonna leave, and considering her earnings have been in the seven-figure range for nearly a decade now, it’s hard to get too concerned about her lost diamonds.

Ultimately, the final scene served to remind us that while Family Vacation may be entertaining at times, the cast will never be able to recapture the lightning in a bottle that was their first run on MTV.

While episodes used to conclude with barroom brawls, now we have concocted drama over lost jewelry.

All-in-all, it was a step up from the abysmally lame Jersey Shore reunion special that aired last year, but these guidos will need to step their game up if they want to continue leading fans into the smush room.


Thursday, April 5, 2018

"Jersey Shore"s" JWoww Says Sammi Sweetheart Sex Doll Should"ve Been The Real Thing

JWoww says Sammi Sweetheart’s sex doll stand-in offered some good times for the ‘Jersey Shore’ cast … but it sounds like she misses the real McCoy. We spoke to Jenni ‘JWoww’ Farley Thursday ahead of the premiere of their reunion season on MTV,…


"Jersey Shore" Reunion: Sammi Sweetheart Returns As Sex Doll

Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola won’t be on the “Jersey Shore” reunion, at least not in the flesh, but the crew won’t be a woman down since she’s being replaced by a sex doll. Doug Weldon is the owner of and tells TMZ that someone…


Friday, March 30, 2018

Sammi Giancola: I"m Not Doing Jersey Shore Family Vacation, It"s Toxic!!

We’ve all seen the insane trailer for Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, and this reunion looks like it’s going to be bonkers.

But while most of the cast was begging MTV to make this happen, Sammi Sweetheart isn’t even going to show up.


Sammi Giancola took to Instagram to explain her reasoning.

“I have chosen not to join the show this season because I am at a completely different place in my life right now focusing on my businesses and relationship.”

Her statement continues to emphasize that, like many of her castmates, she is in a different stage of her life than she was when she first attained stardom.

“I am not the same person as I was when I was 22. At 31.”

And she says something cryptic that many fans found to be alarming.

“I am currently extremely happy in every aspect of my life and want to avoid potentially TOXIC SITUATIONS.”


But, despite dropping the word “toxic,” it sounds like she’s not trying to bash anyone.

“However, it was a difficult decision as I love my roomies.”

She announces what she’ll be doing instead of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

“I’ve decided to focus on me, my future and what truly makes me happy.”

And she makes it clear that she holds no ill will.

“I will forever be grateful to ‘Jersey Shore’ and everything it has brought to me!”

We have to wonder if the “toxic” situation to which she referred was the party atmosphere or reality television itself, not the people.

She explains why she’s left reality stardom behind.

“I’ve just decided to live my life for me these days.”

And she gives a big shoutout to everyone who’s been part of her life.

“Also I am forever grateful & thankful for all of you!!!”

She singles out her fans in particular.

“Special shoutout to my fans, but I’m not going anywhere! Follow me and stay tuned, you never know what I could be up to NEXT!”

After posting that, Sammi wrote in the captions:

“I love you guys! Thank you all so much for your DMs, comments, messages & kind words.”

She says that they really do mean a lot to her.

“I read them all and am forever grateful and thankful for you guys!!”

And she got support in the comments from none other than JWoww’s husband, Roger Matthews, who wrote:

“Lots of respect for this as I said to you. Minus the money I see absolutely zero benefits to participating. You look happy and at peace. Stay blessed.”

Matthews did clear up that he wasn’t condemning his wife or anyone else:

“Different circumstances for different households. My wife is a grown adult and can make her own choices. Very proud of the businesswoman and mother my wife has become.”

He sounds like a very supportive husband.

“I would never tell my wife what she can and can’t do. Free will should always prevail. I wasn’t aware of what the show would be.”

In his mind, Jersey Shore: Family Vacation was going to be something very different.

“I thought the powers that be might want to show a new side to them. A mature side with [families] and children.”

That is adorably naive.

“I was wrong but to be clear I love my wife very much. Drama sells. I get it. Just not my thing anymore.”

It sounds like Sammi’s former castmates aren’t really clear on why she decided to opt out.

But Pauly D tells TooFab his theory:

“She must be rich! Maybe she doesn’t need the money. I’m trying to think about it, like, maybe she’s rich? I don’t know. We wanted everybody to do it.”

Honestly, most people would assume that anyone who would turn up their nose at a reality TV gig must be wealthy enough that they just don’t need money.


Snooki: We Had to BEG to Make Jersey Shore Family Vacation Happen

By now, we’ve all seen the insane new Jersey Shore: Family Vacation trailer.

But how exactly did that come to be?

As it turns out, it’s because the cast went to the network and begged for them to make it happen.

Jersey Shore Family Vacation Still 01

in an interview with The New York Times, Nicole Polizzi, known to fans and to the rest of the world as Snooki, revealed what it took to make Jersey Shore: Family Vacation a reality.

“We basically were begging MTV to bring us back,” she admits.

It sounds like she and her castmates had to do a lot of persuading to make this happen.

“We were begging everyone to bring us back.”

A number of cast members had appeared on an informal reunion, hosted by E! a few years back.

But it wasn’t the same.

And some of them felt almost adulterous for appearing off of MTV, the network that made them famous on the original Jersey Shore.

Jersey Shore was far from the last place where fans and viewers saw their favorite orange, beach-adjacent hooligans. They’ve all made sure to appear in the public eye.

Pauly D and Ronnie Ortiz-Magro both appeared on E!’s Famously Single.

Deena Cortese showed up on Couples Therapy on VH1.

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino showed up on the Food Network, of all places. But the show was called Worst Cooks in America.

Snooki was a contestant on The New Celebrity Apprentice, which was hosted by Arnold Schwarzenegger and didn’t last very long, as Trump fans weren’t going to watch without Trump and those who hate Trump weren’t going to watch a show on which he was still a producer.

Snooki also made a scripted appearance television appearance on the CW series, Supernatural, as a crossroads demon, though it was several seasons after the series had jumped the shark.

Then, of course, there was Snooki & Jwoww, which actually ran for a few years. That was on MTV.

MTV also experimented with giving Vinny Guadagnino his own series, The Show With Vinny. That one … did not last a few years.

There was more to making Jersey Shore: Family Vacation happen than the original cast members asking for it, of course.

The time seemed right, for a few reasons.

Though many of the cast members are still relatively young, they’re all in different stages of their lives at the moment.

And a lot of people will be interested to see if their version of partying hard has changed now that so many of them are parents.

More significantly, from the network’s point of view, is that it looks like viewers are up for seeing some absolute disasters drinking and partying on television.

Apparently the success of Floribama Shore was a factor in deciding to give Jersey Shore: Family Vacation the go-ahead.

In fact, apparently the existence of Floribama Shore generated demand to see where the original Jersey Shore crew is now.

Jersey Shore Family Vacation Still 03

Snooki shares that her husband was very encouraging when it came to whether or not she should film this television event.

“He was like, ‘Go, babe, have fun,’” she reveals. “‘Make that money. Enjoy yourself.’”

She did admit that she did have to talk herself into it.

“I had to keep telling myself, yes, you miss the kids, but you can be a bad mom for a little bit.”

We don’t really think that this qualifies as being a bad mother. Maybe if her child were with her to witness all of the shenanigans, sure.

And she set out to party.

“Go drink. Go blackout. Do what you’ve got to do.”

For the record, it’s totally possible to drink and party and even get wildly drunk without blacking out. Just … putting that out there.

Jersey Shore Family Vacation Still 02

Since The Situation is headed for prison, this special will sort of be one last hurrah for him. For a while, anyway.

But this will give fans a renewed taste of their old favorites.

MTV is a network that focuses primarily on a teenage audience, but they’ve made it clear that Jersey Shore: Family Vacation is for returning fans, too.

It’s certainly going to be one wild adventure, and it premieres on April 5th.


Friday, February 16, 2018

Jersey Shore: The Show"s Most Iconic Moments!

Sometimes, every once in a while, actual magic happens.

And the news that Jersey Shore is returning to MTV for a brand new season?

If that"s not magic, who knows what is?

The new season premieres on April 5th on MTV, and to prepare ourselves for that glorious day, let"s take a few moments to look back at some of the most memorable scenes in Jersey Shore history.

Grab a nice tall glass of Ron Ron Juice, make sure your hair is straightened and your t-shirt is as fresh as possible … and let"s do this.

1. That Time a Guy Punched Snooki Right in the Face

Snooki getting punched on jersey shore

During the first season of Jersey Shore, some guy just hauled off and punched Snooki. Right in the face. For no real reason. He was immediately arrested, the horrific event served as a bonding moment for everyone, and an entire nation was somehow endeared to Snookers.

2. "Hold My Earrings"

Snooki fights with angelina pivarnick

In the grand scheme of things, Angelina wasn’t on the show for very long at all, but she still left an impression — a very, very bad one. In this legendary scene, Snooki attacks her after she announces her feelings that the rest of the cast members are “fake.” Because on the Shore, them’s fightin’ words.

3. JWoww Doesn’t Play

Jwoww punches mike the situation sorrentino

“Hold up,” you may be wondering at this point. “Are all these iconic moments just fights?” And honestly, yeah, a lot of them are. But could you honestly say that special moments like this one, the one where JWoww gets so trashed that she gets kicked out of a club and then blames it on The Situation and tries to hit him in retaliation, aren’t the most memorable?

4. Guido Makeovers!

Pauly d and vinny guadagnino go full guido

Remember the beautiful bromance between Pauly D and Vinny? Here’s one of the most precious moments they shared on the show — it’s enough to bring a tear to your eye.

5. The Smush Room!

Pauly d and vinny guadagnino prank jwoww

This clip in itself isn’t necessarily iconic, but it focuses on two things that will always be heavily associated with Jersey Shore — pranks and the word “smush.” In the clip, JWoww has plans to use the Smush Room for an evening with her boyfriend, but Pauly and Vinny aren’t having it.

6. The Situation Falls on a Grenade

The situation defuses a dangerous grenade

While we’re talking about classic Jersey Shore terms, we have to talk about grenades, right? Like the last clip, this one itself isn’t what’s iconic — it’s just a really solid example of how seriously the guys took grenades. Which was very, very seriously.

View Slideshow

Monday, February 12, 2018

Jersey Shore: See the Latest Teasers ... and Angelina"s Return?!

We’re going to Jersey Shore, bitch!

Just kidding, we’re not — except we kind of are, because the legendary cast of Jersey Shore is returning back to where all that magic happened, and we get to see it right on our television screens.

Or, OK, they’re not exactly going back to where all the magic happened.

Instead of returning to the house that was actually on the Jersey shore, they’ll be in Miami again.

But still, in a way, we might as well be right there with all of our favorite guidos and guidettes, acting like the hottest messes that ever walked the boardwalk.

And how beautiful is that?

Back in November, we first learned that MTV was bringing back one of the greatest reality shows of all time, and ever since then, we’ve been anxiously awaiting its return.

Thanks to this new teaser, which finally reveals the premiere date, we now know we don’t have to wait too much longer!

Check out the preview, then we’ll talk:

OK, so April 5th — mark your calendars, and be sure to get your GTL in beforehand, because you aren’t going to want to miss this.

Just in that quick little video, we see Snooki going to town on a pickle — just like old times! — and Pauly D and Vinny rekindling their epic bromance.

Next, there’s Snooki humping JWoww, then Ronnie sitting on Vinny’s lap, looking absolutely trashed.

Finally we see a shot of the whole gang together before the teaser cuts to a shot of Deena and Snooki standing on the water, where Deena shouts to all who can hear her, “We’re your new neighb

Can you imagine?

Next is a teaser with a little more meat to it — and oh, what exciting meat it is:

That’s right! Angelina Pivarnick, AKA the Staten Island Dump, is back!

She knocks on the door and waits patiently until The Situation answers it, then greets him not with a hug or even a handshake, but with “You think I’m a dirty little hamster?!”


“Oh sh-t …” The Situation says, and it really does look like he had no idea she was going to be there at all.

He even asks her “Who sent you?”

She seems friendly enough, at least in this short little clip.

And it’s worth noting that she actually has suitcases this time around instead of trash bags.

But we can’t imagine that a house with Angelina in it will stay drama-free for long.

Since today is obviously a very blessed day, we have one more precious sneak peek to enjoy:

Remember Ron Ron Juice?!

Of course you do — how could you possibly forget?

But just in case you did, Ron Ron Juice is a special little drink invented by Ronnie, and as he explains it, it’s “the sh-t that gets the night going.”

“Whenever that sh-t comes out, it’s always a filthy night.”

Basically he just cuts up some watermelon slices and some cherries and then throws that stuff in a blender with cranberry juice, vodka, and ice.

Pauly D calls it “the root of all evil,” but honestly it does sound pretty delicious.

While the guys are sipping on their juice, The Situation takes a moment to explain some of his life philosophies.

“I wait till the last minute to shave,” he explains, “I wait till the last minute to put the shirt on, ‘cause then you feel fresh. These are rules to live by.”

“Shave last minute, haircut the day of, maybe the tanning and the gym. You gotta do the guido handbook.”

If you’ve ever watched a single episode of Jersey Shore then you know all this, but still, it’s comforting to hear all this laid out fresh, isn’t it?

Just a little over seven weeks until the season premiere!


Monday, February 5, 2018

Karl-Anthony Towns Rocked "Free Meek Mill" Jersey at Super Bowl

NBA star Karl-Anthony Towns made a political statement at the Super Bowl — making sure everyone knew he was rooting for the Eagles … and Meek Mill.  KAT, flanked by his smokin’ hot GF, came to the big game reppin’ a “Free Meek Mill” Eagles…


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

JuJu Smith-Schuster Flips Off Pats Fan In Tom Brady Jersey

JuJu Smith-Schuster is playin’ with fire!!! The Pittsburgh Steelers rookie WR was asked to take a pic with a fan who happened to be wearing a Tom Brady jersey … and he obliged.  BUT, HE SNUCK IN A MIDDLE FINGER AIMED RIGHT AT #12!! JuJu…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Snooki & Jionni LaValle: Marriage Troubles Confirmed Ahead of Jersey Shore Reunion

Currently, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi is in Miami, filming Jersey Shore: Family Vacation with her famous frenemies.

We imagine she’s enjoying the break from reality almost as much as Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino (who’s currently facing 15 years in prison for tax evasion), as Snooki has some serious issues to face when she gets back home.

For several weeks now, reports that Snooki and Jionni LaValle are headed for divorce have been circulating non-stop on social media.

Insiders claim that Snooki and Jionni are living separate lives and have spent much of the past year simply going through the motions of a happy marriage.  

“Snooki and her husband have been having problems in their marriage,” an insider tells Life & Style.

The source adds that Snooki “thinks that Jionni is very controlling and that he doesn’t want her to work. He wants a housewife, not a working mom.”

Snooki hasn’t spoken publicly about her alleged marital issues, but Jionni recently let loose in an Instagram tirade that left fans feeling perplexed.

Apparently, LaValle wrote the post while his wife was packing for Miami.

Jionni admitted that he was upset with his wife’s decision to leave home for an extended period of time, but he also–somewhat confusingly–claimed that all is well in their marriage. 

“Hey guys, I’m going to visit this subject one time and one time only so……. My wife is filming a scene packing up and leaving for her new show and I AM CHOOSING TO NOT be on TV because I simply DO NOT like it,” LaValle wrote.

“You will not see me on her reality show. Being a reality star was never something I wanted to be when I grew up,” he added.

“We ARE not divorced. For the HATERS I hope this message finds you and confuses you even more about life and for the FANS of my wife and her show… I got your back!!!”

One insider says the real cause of Jionni’s anger is the fact that Snooki made the decision that he should stay home with the kids while she gets paid to party with her friends.

“She sees Jersey Shore as her show, and he came in after it began She doesn’t need or want him with her,” says the source.

The fact that Snooki has hooked up with Vinny Guadagnino and also has a complicated history with Sorrentino probably isn’t helping Jionni to relax.

No word yet on when Family Vacation will air.

But you can bet Jionni will be watching intently.


The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 8 Episode 15 Recap: Margaret vs. Siggy

Kim D was back to stir the pot on The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 8 Episode 15, and Teresa Giudice was not about to let her leave without throwing in her two cents. 

“F—k yeah, I’m on probation, bitch,” Teresa snarled at her enemy before saying that Posche stood for “Piece Of S—t Coke wHore Every day.”

Yes, we’re not so sure Teresa is very good at her spelling. We pity the editor of her books. 

Kim then pointed out that the fashion show raised $ 3,000 for the family, and that only paved the way for some more drama as Teresa claimed Kim stole some of the money for herself. 

Teresa yelled that Kim D liked to wreck marriages, and even threw in some words about her being a madame. This paved the way for Kim to say that she did not hate the idea of being one. 

Wouldn’t it be great if returned full-time? There would be fights on an episodic basis. It would really be Kim D vs. the world. 

When Kim D was ushered out of the studio because she served her purpose to rile the women up, Margaret Josephs admitted that she was being sued for over $ 9 million by Vineyard Vines. 

This has been widely speculated on social media and something Siggy Flicker has been taunting her with via social media, so it’s excellent that Margaret admitted it. 

Margaret was adamant that it was “normal” in the industry, but Siggy continued to try and paint the fashion designer as a bad person. 

Now that Siggy is out of the cast, we can breathe a huge sigh of relief until the producers cast the next unstable person to try and cut the women down. 

Then, it all switched up and gave us a Dolores Catania and Danielle Staub argument for the ages. If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you will already know that Danielle has been critical of Dolores’ relationship with her ex-husband, Frank. 

Dolores admitted that something was “off” with Danielle and that she did not have any evidence to back up the claims that she was on drugs.

“I get it. You don’t like me, but shut the f—k up and stop calling me names,” Danielle fired back at her nemesis. 

“I don’t want anything to do with Dolores Catania, that piece of s—t,” Danielle subsequently said while Dolores was backstage, and it became clear that Dolores loved winding Danielle up. 

She was legit laughing and Danielle shouting. Well played, Dolores. 

In the end, it all came down to Margaret vs. Siggy, which has been the storyline all season long. 

Siggy would not confirm whether she thought Margaret was anti-semitic, saying: 

“Only Margaret knows what’s in her heart.”

But things took a tense turn when Margaret started telling Siggy that she had deep ties to Jewish people. 

“Shame on you. You are not Jewish. You didn’t convert. You are not Jewish,” Siggy balked at her. 

Andy chimed in with his thoughts and admitted that his parents did not agree with Siggy’s sentiments about Margaret. 

“You don’t bring him up in casual conversation,” Siggy said. “It’s done.”

So, that’s a wrap on The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 8!

What did you think of all the action? 

Was it worth the wait?

Hit the comments below!


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Mike "The Situation" Shuns Alcohol in "Jersey Shore" Reunion"s First Night Out

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino went booze-less during the “Jersey Shore” cast’s first official night out. Paps got Mike out Tuesday night with the rest of his GTL crew at a South Beach club, and he was clutching a Red Bull can the entire time.…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tom Brady"s Jersey Will Be On Lockdown at Super Bowl LII

There will be no Jerseygate 2 at Super Bowl LII — with law enforcement putting together special plans to watch Tom Brady’s jersey LIKE A HAWK in the wake of last year’s theft, TMZ Sports has learned.  First off, the guy who jacked Tom’s jersey…


Saturday, January 20, 2018

First Pics of "Jersey Shore" Cast Reunion in Miami

The cast of “Jersey Shore” has finally reunited in Miami … and the drinks are already flowin’. We got pics of Ronnie, Pauly D, Snooki, JWoww and Deena toasting to what’s sure to be a fun next few days. Missing are Vinny, Mike “The…


Friday, January 19, 2018

Mike "The Situation" Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud, Judge OKs trip to Florida for "Jersey Shore"

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino just entered a guilty plea in his tax evasion case … but this situation ain’t ALL bad news. The “Jersey Shore” star — flanked by his girlfriend Lauren Pesce — entered his plea in federal court Friday in…
