Showing posts with label Kimmel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kimmel. Show all posts

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Just Obliterated Brian Kilmeade

Jimmy Kimmel makes a living by making jokes.

But he"s made a name for himself of late by taking a serious stance when it comes to health insurance in America.

This is because Kimmel"s son underwent open heart surgery over the summer and the talk show host has since been vocal about how one"s financial situation should not dictate whether one"s child receives the best medical care possible.

This brings up to the latest proposal by members of the U.S. Senate to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with a bill that does not always cover individuals for their pre-existing conditions.

Without boring readers regarding the details of this bill, allow us to say this:

It would raise premiums and it would take away insurance from over 20 million people.

On Tuesday night, Kimmel zeroed in on how the bill would also implement lifetime caps on coverage and discriminate based on preexisting conditions.

In response to his critique, Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy appeared on CNN on Wednesday and told Chris Cuomo that Kimmel simply “does not understand” the legislation.

“Oh, I get it. I don’t understand because I’m a talk show host, right?” Kimmel asked, sarcastically.

Then, after listing over a dozen major health care organizations that “vehemently oppose the bill,” Kimmel suggested that maybe the problem is that “I do understand, and you got caught with your G-O-Penis out."

Because Cassidy was actually a recent guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live, the host continued as follows:

“I don’t want to turn this into a Kanye-and-Taylor-Swift-type situation, but when Senator Cassidy was on my show in May, he told me that he believed that every American family regardless of income should be able to get quality health care, and I believed he was sincere.

"Sadly, the bill he unveiled last week with Senator Lindsey Graham indicates that he was not sincere. It is, by many accounts, the worst health care bill yet."

From there, Kimmel took umbrage with Fox & Friends‘ co-host Brian Kilmeade, who referred to the late-night host as a Hollywood elitist pushing his political agenda on the rest of the country.

Take it away, Jimmy!

“The reason I found this comment to be particularly annoying is because this is a guy who, whenever I see him, kisses my ass,”

"Oh, he’s such a fan… He follows me on Twitter; he asked me to write a blurb for his book, which I did; he calls my agent looking for projects. He’s dying to be a member of the Hollywood elite.

"The only reason he’s not a member of the Hollywood elite is because nobody will hire him to be one.

"And you know, the reason I’m talking about this is because my son had an open-heart surgery, then has to have two more, and because of that I learned that there are kids with no insurance in the same situation.

"I don’t get anything out of this, Brian, you phony little creep.”

Watch Kimmel"s full blistering monologue below:

Jimmy kimmel just obliterated brian kilmeade

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Donald Trump Voters Have THIS to Say About Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel brought his own version of fire and fury to ABC on Tuesday night.

In response to President Trump refusing to condemn and disavow White Supremacists who gathered in Charlottesville over the weekend, Kimmel unleashed his harshest critique yet on Trump.

And on his voters as well.

"The president is completely unhinged," Kimmel said earlier this week. "The wheels are off the wagon and hurtling toward the moon right now."

As you might expect, a certain segment of the American population was unhappy with Kimmel over his rebuke of Trump.

And then they let him know it via social media.

“I really think I made a breakthrough and I base that on all the thoughtful responses I got on Twitter and Facebook," Kimmel joked last night about the feedback his monologue generated.

He then went on to quote some dude named Thomas who wrote: "Why don’t you go somewhere else like a different country if you don’t like our president and stop you’re crying on TV snowflake."

This gave Kimmel an idea:

Why not do a version of his Celebrities Read Mean Tweets sketch… only the celebrity is himself!

And the Tweets are all from Donald Trump supporters!

“I want to thank everyone for the feedback,” Kimmel said, adding:

“And it just goes to show you that if you try to understand where people are coming from, and talk to them like human beings, they will open up.

"You just have to communicate.”

Considering one Internet user referred to Kimmel as a "whining baby," we think he was being sarcastic with this comment.

But click PLAY on the video below to get an idea of how some viewers are feeling about Jimmy Kimmel these days.

(And then click HERE to see what Jimmy Fallon even said about President Trump!)

Jimmy kimmel reads mean tweets dot dot dot aimed at himself

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Slams Trump: The President Is a Total Disaster!

As you"ve no doubt heard by now, Donald Trump stunned the world yesterday when he defended the actions of the white supremacist hate groups that engaged in violent protests and deadly acts of terrorism in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend.

Most public figures have condemned the president"s words, but shockingly, several say they"re still in his corner.

We think it"s safe to say Jimmy Kimmel is squarely in the former camp.

After joking that he would rather have Game of Thrones despot Cersei Lannister in charge of the country, Kimmel informed the crowd that what was supposed to be a press conference about infrastructure quickly turned into Trump offering "an impassioned defense of white supremacy."

"It would be like if your book club meeting turned into a cockfight," Kimmel told his audience.

Kimmel remains a comedian first and foremost, but he"s clearly concerned by Trump"s latest actions, and he addressed them in a more serious tone than we"re accustomed to seeing from the late night host.

"The president is completely unhinged," Kimmel said.

"The wheels are off the wagon and hurtling toward the moon right now."

Kimmel made an attempt to understand the mindset of Trump voters, saying:

"You didn’t want business as usual — nothing ever seems to get done, it’s always the same, these candidates make a lot of promises that go nowhere. It happens over and over again… and you’re sick of it."

He added:

“And then this guy shows up riding down a golden escalator — he’s not a part of the political establishment; in fact, he’s the opposite of that… Let’s roll the dice. Let him get in there and run the country like a business.”

The host then rattled off a list of Trump"s most egregious policies and errors (the Muslim ban, "playing chicken with Kim Jong Un," etc.) before informing the president"s supporters that they chose "the wrong guy."

Kimmel"s not the first late night host to bash Trump this week, but his take-down is a doozy,

Check out below:

Jimmy kimmel slams trump the president is a total disaster

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Gives Update on Infant Son After Heart Surgery

You’re going to want to hold onto something for this one, friends.

Some tissues, your cat, your butt … something.

Because you’re going to need some kind of support to deal with how cute this new update on Jimmy Kimmel’s baby boy is.

As you’ll surely remember, Jimmy opened up about his son in a heartbreaking speech he made on his talk show back in May.

The boy, Billy, was born on April 21st, and as he explained, “He appeared a normal, healthy baby.”

But then, about three hours later, he said that “A very attentive nurse at Cedars-Sinai heard a murmur in his heart and noticed he was a bit purple, which is not common.”

From there, the medical staff figured out that “he wasn’t getting enough oxygen in his blood, either in his heart or lungs.”

He said it was “a terrifying thing,” and we can certainly believe it.

Eventually, a heart surgeon came in to explain that little Billy was born with a congenital heart disease, one that had created “a hole in the wall of the left and right side of his heart.”

The poor little newborn had to have surgery to repair the holes, and he’ll eventually need another, but he’s expected to be just fine.

It was a tough story to hear, to say the least.

But now, Billy is three months old.

And in some new photos that Jimmy and his wife, Molly McNearney, shared on Twitter, he looks like a happy, healthy baby!

“Billy is 3 months old & doing great,” Jimmy wrote. “Thnx for the love & support.”

He also added a simple enough request to “Please remind your Congresspeople that every kid deserves the care he got.”

For Molly’s update, she wrote “Billy’s looking out for a lot of his buddies at Children’s Hospital. Remind your Congresspeople to protect them.”

First of all, Billy is just painfully adorable, isn’t he?

Seriously, just an insanely cute little baby.

And second of all, it’s not surprising that they’re pushing their followers to contact Congress about healthcare issues — in Jimmy’s monologue, he did the same thing.

Then, he pointed out that before Obama put his healthcare plan into place, “if you were born with a congenital heart disease like my son was, there’s a good chance you’d never be able to get health insurance because you had a pre-existing condition.”

“If your parents didn’t have medical insurance, you might not even live long enough to get denied because of your pre-existing condition.”

He insisted that “if your baby is going to die and it doesn’t have to, it shouldn’t matter how much money you make.”

“No parent should ever have to decide if they can afford to save their child’s life. It just shouldn’t happen. Not here.”

He’s not wrong.

It’s clear that Billy’s birth and the problems he experienced really inspired Jimmy, who’s always been outspoken about politics, even before, to use his voice to urge others to stand up for what’s right.

And seeing Billy’s precious little face, it’s easy to understand why he feels so moved.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner Calls Out Jimmy Kimmel for Jokes About Her: WATCH!

If Caitlyn Jenner plans to run for public office, she"s going to have to develop a thick skin when it comes to criticism. Especially since a lot of her political views kind of suck.

But what she shouldn"t have to put up with are vile jokes about her gender or any jab related to the fact that she"s transgender.

So we were glad to see her call out Jimmy Kimmel — right to his face — for jokes that he"s made in the past. You"ll see that, and Jimmy"s apology, in the video below.

Caitlyn jenner and jimmy kimmel

To be fair, the sorts of jokes cracked by late night hosts like Jimmy Kimmel came about before the public even knew Caitlyn"s real name or that she was transgender.

People were just wondering "huh what"s going on?"

And then jokes ensued.

Kind of like how everybody made jokes about Amanda Bynes" once-infamous behavior before the world learned that she was suffering from genuine mental illness.

(Thus forever ruining a lot of Penelope Taynt jokes that referred to Amanda Bynes" work on Nickelodeon)

Caitlyn jenner for sirius

Jokes that people like Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon (enough with the "Jimmies" hosting late night, please, this is almost like blond superhero actors named Chris) weren"t intended to be vicious towards a trans woman.

They"re not like Blac Chyna"s mom"s transphobic rant or Rob Kardashian"s dumbass transphobic "jab" at Kris Jenner.

(Seriously, you think that Rob can"t sink any lower and then he goes and misgenders a member of his own family — in an effort to insult his mom)

But in retrospect, knowing that Caitlyn is trans — one of the most famous transgender women in the world, if not necessarily the most loved — makes jokes about cosmetic surgeries or anything about her appearance … not cool.

And Caitlyn brings it up.

Caitlyn jenner in golf cart

"It had been hammered all over the media for the longest time. In fact, guys like you, making some jokes," Caitlyn says in the video below.

Jimmy seems a little flustered and, appropriately, a little embarrassed.

"Right, but we didn’t know what was happening! We thought you were just vain. Sorry about that, by the way."

That might not sound sincere, but the way that he says it in the video did sound like he meant it.

Now, again, people are free to make fun of Caitlyn"s awful views as much as they like.

They are not free to joke about the fact that she"s trans.

Kind of like how you can disagree with President Obama"s policies or views, but bringing his race into things is inexcusable.

Remember — trans women are murdered every month of every year, usually by people they know.

Transphobic jabs at Caitlyn Jenner further a culture of transphobia, and that can put real lives at further risk.

Caitlyn jenner and her memoir

They cover other topics, including Caitlyn"s faith and lingering questions, as you"ll see.

And you know, say what you will about her politics, but at least Caitlyn Jenner agrees that O.J. Simpson did it.

That"s more than we can say for a shocking number of people.

Still, in 2017.

Anyway, watch Caitlyn get a long-overdue apology:

Caitlyn jenner calls out jimmy kimmel for jokes about her watch

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Peyton Manning Blows Fan"s Mind Outside "Kimmel"

Peyton Manning turned a grown ass woman into a full Mary Katherine Gallagher.  It all went down outside “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” in L.A. — when Peyton and his brother, Cooper Manning, were leaving the studio after the show and stopped to sign…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Predicts The Bachelorette Final Three: Is He Right?!

The Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay has found her soulmate, and having watched just one episode, Jimmy Kimmel thinks he knows who!

Having obviously not read The Bachelorette spoilers whatsoever, the ABC host made his predictions for this season last night …

… with Rachel in the hot seat!

The 31-year-old Dallas attorney"s JOURNEY for love had just begun when she sat down with Kimmel to discuss the popular show Monday.

She gushed about her fiance, and spoke about how rare it is for the show to reveal that she got engaged before the season even began.

“It’s a season of firsts,” she joked.

The first African-American lead in the franchise"s storied history said ABC actually encouraged her to spill the big news, as well.

She said that the shot-callers at the network told her “You know, you’re so excited. You’re glowing. Just do it.” And so she did!

But who is the lucky guy!?

Well, those who follow Jimmy Kimmel know he"s a huge Bachelor and Bachelorette fan who always handicaps the season early on.

He makes his predictions with help from his wife Molly McNearny and again, zero Bachelorette spoilers in any way, shape form!

Just by watching the first episode, he said that personal trainer Eric Bigger, 29, will be one of the last men standing this summer.

Why? “You seem really into him, He seems smart and level-headed. Eric will make it to the final three,” Kimmel told Lindsay.

Jimmy also singled out Dr. Brian Abasolo, who "got the first impression rose and you french kissed him. He’s Colombian, that’s exciting."

"Brian will be in the final two.”

He"s fairly certain of this, all from watching The Bachelorette season premiere. They did have a connection, that much is beyond dispute.

And the third contender?!

“And finally, his name is Peter."

"You both have gaps in the front of your teeth,” Jimmy noted, saying that the two would make beautiful babies together, adding:

"You gave him a look when he got out of the limo that is the same look women get on their face when they see a pair of shoes they really love."

The rest, as they say, is history.

“You are engaged to Peter, true or false?” Jimmy confidently asked Rachel, who just smiled and shrugged her shoulders in response.

Will Peter Kraus, 31, become her fiance as Kimmel somehow guessed, without any sort of help from spoilers on the Internet?

Time will tell, but man, his track record is great in recent years. He always nails it somehow! How does this superfan do it!?

Jimmy kimmel predicts the bachelor final three is he right

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Fires Back at Critics, Stands By Healthcare Critique

Just over a week ago, Jimmy Kimmel shared a heartbreaking and inspiring story with the world.

He fought back tears on stage while he told his audience about the emergency heart surgery his newborn son, Billy, was forced to go through just three days after entering the world.

It was a candid, emotional, memorable and unique moment, one in which a celebrity came across as nothing more than a loving and frightened father…

… and it somehow earned Kimmel some criticism from various Republicans.

This is because Kimmel concluded his monologue with a plea for a national healthcare package that would ensure all babies had the same chance his did.

He said that no one"s income level should determine whether or not their child receives the best medical attention possible.

How is this a controversial stance?

Ask the Congressman who mocked folks for caring about Kimmel"s situation; or the columnist who referred to him as an "elitist creep."

On Monday night, Kimmel gave fans an update on little Billy, while also addressing comments such as these.

“One week ago tonight, I made an emotional speech – that was seen by millions – and as a result of my powerful words, Republicans in Congress had second thoughts about repeal and replace, they realized that what is right is right -– and I saved health insurance in America!” Kimmel.

Wait, he joked, adding:

“Oh, I didn’t? They voted against it anyway? I really need to pay more attention to the news.”

The father of four then thanked his fans, especially those who donations made to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in the last week.

“What a humbling outpouring of support," he said.

So many people made donations to CHLA and my wife and I are very grateful for them. Our plan is to send a card to everyone who made a donation and there were a lot, so you might be getting those at Christmas time.”

As for critics such as Newt Gingrich, who claimed Kimmel is simply mistaken in his views because all hospitals would perform emergency surgery on a baby?

"Yes, it is true that if you have an emergency they will do an operation, and that’s terrific if your baby’s health problems are all solved during that one visit," the comedian shot back, adding:

"The only problem is that never, ever happens… We’ve had a dozen doctor’s appointments since our son had surgery. You have a cardiologist, a pediatrician, the surgeons, some kids need an ambulance to transport them – and that doesn’t even count parents who have to miss work for all this stuff."

Kimmel, who did not grow up rich, also said the following about those who referred to him as "elitist" and "out of touch."

I can"t even count the number of times I"ve been called an "out of touch Hollywood elitist creep" this week. Which, I have to say, I kind of appreciate.

Because when I was a kid, we had to drink powdered milk because we couldn’t afford the liquid. Our orange juice came frozen out of a can, it would squeeze out.

My father – on the rare occasion we took a family trip – would hide our dog in the back of the car and then smuggle it into our motel room to avoid paying the two-dollar pet fee.

So I have to say, my dream was to become an "out of touch Hollywood elitist." And I guess it came true.

Watch Kimmel"s full monologue in response to his critics below:

Jimmy kimmel fires back at critics defends monologue

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel: Mocked by Congressman Over Speech About Son"s Heart Surgery!

On Monday night, Jimmy Kimmel inspired a river of tears that still has yet to stop when he revealed that his precious new baby boy had to have heart surgery shortly after his birth.

JImmy said that doctors discovered the baby had a congenital heart disease, and that he required surgery then and he’ll have to have another one in a few months.

He talked about the ordeal for a few minutes, even crying through some parts — and understandably so — and during his speech he also mentioned some facts about health insurance.

“You know, before 2014, if you were born with a congenital heart disease like my son was, there’s a good chance you’d never be able to get health insurance because you had a pre-existing condition,” he said.

“If your parents didn’t have medical insurance, you might not even live long enough to get denied because of your pre-existing condition.”

“If your baby is going to die and it doesn’t have to,” Jimmy added, “it shouldn’t matter how much money you make.”

“No parent should ever have to decide if they can afford to save their child’s life. It just shouldn’t happen. Not here.”

And he’s right — it absolutely shouldn’t. That’s just common sense and basic human decency, right?

According to former Congressman Joe Walsh, not so much.

Yesterday, after Jimmy’s story started getting a lot of attention, Joe tweeted “Sorry Jimmy Kimmel: your sad story doesn’t obligate me or anybody else to pay for somebody else’s health care.”

For real, he actually tweeted that. How heartless can you be?

He also tweeted that “Health care is complicated. Health care is bankrupting America. But instead of thinking thru all of that, we’d rather cry with @jimmykimmel.”

Or hey, why can’t we cry with Jimmy Kimmel and try to reach out to all those dozens and dozens of countries who manage to have universal healthcare. Why not both?

Good ol’ Joe wasn’t done though.

“11,000 Americans retire every day. We’re living into our 90’s. Instead of debating how to pay for all that heath care we watch @jimmykimmel,” he wrote.

“I’ll say it: For a people no longer capable of logic & reason, it’s perfect that a late night comedian just decided our health care policy.”

What a bunch of nonsense, right?

But don’t worry: Twitter put Joe in his place.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” one person told him. “And hope to god nothing happens to YOUR kids, you ignorant f-ck.”

“Thank you for having the courage to fight against those conniving evil takers, sick children,” another wrote.

And many, many people pointed out that in 2011, Joe’s ex-wife sued him for unpaid child support, claiming that he owed a total of $ 117,437 in past due payments for three kids.

The great Patton Oswalt tweeted “Joe, you won’t even pay child support for your OWN kids. We already knew you felt this way, you worm. No need to tell us — we’re good.”

Another person wrote “How peculiar that a deadbeat dad would take this particular stance, even as a form of desperate attention seeking.”

But still, Joe wasn’t moved.

Just this morning, he tweeted “It’s not compassion to forcibly take the money I make & give it to someone else. It is compassion for me to voluntarily help someone else.”

OK, Joe. Whatever you say, pal.


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Breaks Down Over Son"s Heart Surgery

Jimmy Kimmel better be careful.

He"ll soon be known more for making us cry than making us laugh.

A couple weeks ago, the talk show host paid emotional tribute to one of his heroes, Don Rickles, shortly after the comedian passed away.

Then, on Monday night, Kimmel once again let the tears openly flow upon discussing something even more difficult and personal: open heart surgery his newborn son had to undergo just hours after entering the world.

“He appeared a normal healthy baby,” Kimmel told his audience at first about little Billy, who was born on April 21.

About three hours later, however, after Billy had met his two-year old sister Jane…

“My wife was in bed relaxing, a very attentive nurse at Cedars-Sinai heard a murmur in his heart and noticed he was a bit purple, which is not common.

"[Nurses] determined he wasn’t getting enough oxygen in his blood, either in his heart or lungs … It’s a terrifying thing, you know my wife is back in the recovery room, she has no idea what’s going on.”

From there, a heart surgeon explained to Kimmel and his wife, Molly, that their second child was born with a congenital heart disease and that there was a “hole in the wall of the left and right side of his heart.”

Kimmel holds little back in detailing how frightening this was to learn.

Fortunately, however, the story had a happy ending.

Billy underwent a successful procedure and, although he"ll require another one in just a few months, the prognosis is positive.

Kimmel then showed his fans a photo of Billy with many tubes in him, followed by one of the brave little guy smiling and doing just fine, post-surgery:

“Poor kid, not only did he get a bad heart, he got my face,” the host quipped.

Six days after he was born, Billy was able to leave the hospital and go home with his parents.

Watch the video below to see Kimmel thank the doctors, his friends (and even Matt Damon!) and, especially, his wife.

“Most of all, I want to thank my wife Molly. First of all, for allowing me to have sex with her in the first place.

"But also for being so strong and level-headed and positive and loving during the worst nightmare a new mother could experience. I couldn’t ask for a better partner and I’m so happy we had this baby together.

"I’m definitely getting a vasectomy after this."

Okay. Now we"re laughing AND crying…

Jimmy kimmel breaks down over sons heart surgery

Friday, April 7, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Breaks Down and Cries While Remembering Don Rickles (VIDEO)

Jimmy Kimmel smiled, laughed and broke down crying Thursday night while remembering his close friend and beloved comedian Don Rickles. Jimmy opened “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” by reflecting on his time with Rickles over the years and telling some…


Jimmy Kimmel Pays Emotional Tribute to Don Rickles

Jimmy Kimmel could not contain his emotions on Thursday night.

Taking to his talk show stage just hours after Don Rickles died at the age of 90, the host warned viewers right away that tears would most likely be shed during his monologue.

"This is not going to be our usual show tonight – and I"ll tell you right up front that I"m going to cry, probably a lot, which is embarrassing," Kimmel said as he struggled to maintain his composure at the outset of the show.

He continued:

"I"m not good with this sort of thing, and I"m sorry, especially to those of you who came here to see the show in person, because that"s probably not what you came for… but we lost someone that we and I love very much today."

Kimmel, who worked closely with Rickles not long before the latter died, again apologized to viewers and added:

"Don Rickles passed away this morning. He was 90 years old. I know it sounds crazy to say he was too young, but he was, because he was youthful and so funny and sharp and generous."

The star explained how he grew up in Las Vegas and followed Rickles from an early age.

Upon detailing how Rickles first appeared on his talk show in 2006, Kimmel once again broke down.

"We"d been trying to book him since the beginning. We asked him to do the show over and over again. He didn"t know what this was. He knew The Tonight Show and Letterman and that"s it.

"But finally, after we bothered him like 20 times, he gave up and he did the show for my birthday in 2006."

Added Kimmel:

"It was exciting, like I was in some kind of talk show host fantasy camp, sitting behind a desk while Don Rickles made fun of me. It was like being a real talk show host for a minute.

"Don came to visit 17 more times after that. Whenever he was on, we would go out to dinner."

Prior to sharing a video tribute to Rickles, Kimmel concluded:

"He was a funny guy; I know that"s not a news flash. I was lucky to know him. My love and condolences to Don"s wife, Barbara; his daughter; Mindy, his stepdaughters; Bob and John; his main man, Tony O; Paul Shefrin.

"There will never be another Don Rickles."

Watch the beautiful, emotional tribute below:

Jimmy kimmel pays emotional tribute to don rickles

Don Rickles Reality Show, First Footage with Silverman, Poehler and Kimmel (VIDEO)

Don Rickles had already shot a full season of his reality show, “Dinner with Don,” when he died … and TMZ got a first look at some of the footage. The show features Don chatting with various celebs — including Jimmy Kimmel, Amy Poehler, Sarah…


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Jimmel Kimmel Talks Oscars Gaffe: Who Does He Blame?

On Sunday night, Jimmel Kimmel was at the center of the greatest mistake in Academy Awards history.

As most of the free world knows by now, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway were on stage toward the very end of this ceremony, prepared to announce the winner of Best Picture.

Only Beatty hesitated, confused by the contents of the envelope, which he then showed to Dunaway.

The veteran actress went ahead and told the crowd that La La Land had earned this honor, prompting that film’s cast and crew to take to the stage.

By just as one of the producers started to give an acceptance speech, someone with a headset started whispering in the ears of those around him on stage.

It turns out… a mistake was made! Moonlight actually won Best Picture!

Beatty and Dunaway were somehow given a duplicate envelope that contained the winner of Best Actress (Emma Stone from La La Land), NOT Best Picture.

A bit of chaos ensured before one of the La La Land producers very calmly and gracefully confirmed to the audience what had transpired.

As host, Kimmel tried to lighten the mood, cracking that he blames Steve Harvey for the miscue.

It was pretty incredible to witness. You really should relive the moment below:

Fast forward about 24 hours and Kimmel opened his late-night talk show on Monday by, of course, addressing this unexpected Oscars development.

“As I’m sure you’ve at least heard, La La Land was simultaneously somehow the biggest winner and loser last night,” he cracked, going on to joke that “It was the weirdest TV finale since Lost.”

Kimmel also gave hilarious credit to Beatty for basically passing the confusing buck (that is, envelope) to his fellow presenter.

“See what Warren did there?” said Kimmel of the moment when Beatty hesitated prior to handing the envelope to Dunaway.

“He was confused, so he let her read the winner. In other words, Clyde threw Bonnie under the bus. I have to be honest … it’s one of the slickest moves I’ve ever seen.”

Where was Kimmel when this was taking place?

Sitting next to close friend/fake enemy Matt Damon, prepared to deliver his final scripted joke.

“So the La La Land producers get up on stage, and a few of them – Jordan Horowitz, Marc Platt and Fred Burger – gave speeches,” Kimmel explained.

“So now I am sitting in the audience watching the speeches. The plan is for me to end the show from the audience, next to Matt Damon, who – make no mistake – whatever confusion there was about who won? Matt Damon lost. He was a loser. He is a loser.

“But we’re sitting there, and we notice some commotion going on, and Matt says, ‘I think I heard the stage manager say they got the winner wrong,’ which is unusual, but you figure, well, the host will go onstage and clear this up.

“And then I remember, ‘oh I’m the host."”

Some viewers actually this entire thing was one of Kimmel’s his infamous pranks.

But he assured his folks that the mix-up was not any kind of hoax.

“As I walked off stage, people started to speculate that maybe I was pulling a prank,” he said last ight.

“Which, trust me, if I had pulled a prank in that situation, I wouldn’t have just had the wrong winner’s name in the envelope when they opened it. There would have been a Bed Bath & Beyond coupon inside. It was not a prank.

“And by the way, the producers of La La Land were very gracious, on stage and off. They handled it very well. It was a very amicable custody arrangement. They didn’t even ask for visitation or anything.”

Accounting firm PricewaterhouseCooper has taken responsibly for the wild gaffe and issued an apology.

In a statement released on their Twitter page, the company said:

“PwC takes full responsibility for the series of mistakes and breaches of established protocols during last night’s Oscars. PwC Partner Brian Cullinan mistakenly handed the back-up envelope for Actress in a Leading Role instead of the envelope for Best Picture to presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway.”

Why is there a back-up envelope? Who the heck knows?!?

“We wish to extend our deepest gratitude to each of them for the graciousness they displayed during such a difficult moment,” PricewaterhouseCooper concluded.

“For the past 83 years, the Academy has entrusted PwC with the integrity of the awards process during the ceremony, and last night we failed the Academy.”

It remains unclear whether the Academy will bring PricewaterhouseCooper back in this capacity next year.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Uses "Over-Rated" Meryl Streep to Jab Trump (VIDEO)

Jimmy Kimmel took a huge sarcastic swipe at President Trump … all in support of some up and coming actress named Meryl Streep. In the middle of Jimmy’s opening monologue for the 89th Oscars he put the spotlight on Meryl by…


Jimmy Kimmel: Down with Trump, Matt Damon AND Meryl Streep!

Jimmy Kimmel had a challenging job as host of the 2017 Academy Awards.

As host, the comedian had to take to the stage just moments after Justin Timberlake – possibly the most popular and talented celebrity in Hollywood – opened the show with his beloved song from "Trolls."

But Kimmel was up for the task, delivering a brisk and hilarious monologue that didn"t shy away from the current political climate… which kept his feud with Matt Damon alive… and which surprisingly took aim at Tinseltown icon Meryl Streep.

Sort of.

In one heartfelt moment, Kimmel turned serious when addressing the divided state of our nation, telling the audience:

“If every person watching this show … if every one of you took a minute to reach out to someone you disagree with, someone you like, and have a positive, considerate conversation – not as liberals and conservatives, but as Americans – we could make America great again.”

Of course, Kimmel also made some actual quips about a certain Commander-in-Chief as well.

“I want to say thank you to President Trump," he said at one point. "Remember last year when it seemed like the Oscars were racist? … It’s gone thanks to him.”

And in a quality double diss:

“In Hollywood, we don’t discriminate against people based on what countries they come from. We discriminate on them based on their age and weight.”

Kimmel also noted that actors will give speeches that “the President will tweet about in all caps during his 5 a.m. bowel movement tomorrow.”

Elsewhere, Kimmel taunted Damon"s latest movie, The Great Wall; made an outstanding Mel Gibson joke; and referred to Streep as "mediocre."

Really! He did! In total jest!


Jimmy kimmel monlogue down with donald trump matt damon and mery

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Jimmy Kimmel and Molly McNearney: Expecting Baby #2!

Jimmy Kimmel was announced as the host of 2017 Academy Awards on Monday afternoon.

And yet, somehow, this reveal was only the second most exciting announcement surrounding Jimmy Kimmel on Monday afternoon.

That’s because the comedian used his talk show monologue yesterday to also announce that wife Molly McNearney is pregnant with the couple’s second child.

They are already parents to an adorable two-year old named Jane.

“Congratulations to me. I’m hosting the Oscars and I had sex,” Kimmel joked in front of his studio audience, hilariously adding these were “two things as a teenage boy I never thought would be possible.”

The host, who also has two children, Kevin and Katherine, from a previous marriage, continued in jest:

“My wife is hosting a baby inside her body, so that’s what’s coming.

“We got the ultrasound, which is weird because it’s like you’re already spying on the baby – but we asked the technician not to tell us whether we’re having a boy or a girl.”

He went on to say he’ll let the impending child “decide for itself” what gender it will be.

Oh, that silly Jimmy Kimmel.

“We want it to be a surprise, but I have been trying to think of names that would work for either a boy or a girl,” Kimmel said.

“So far I’ve come up with two. Number one, Dyson, after the vacuum. Or ‘Jelatin,’ with a J. No? That’s exactly what my wife said.”

We’re happy for this baby because Kimmel and McNearney seem very nice and funny. And they’re rich, which does make a child’s life easier, let’s be honest.

But we also feel a little bad for this baby because, in a few years, he or she will be told by his or her father that he ate all of her Halloween candy.

We’ll laugh. But will the kid?

Join us in sending your very best wishes to Jimmy Kimmel and Molly McNearney and then also in sending these same wishes to celebrities who welcomed babies in 2016.

They include…


Friday, November 25, 2016

Turbo from "Breakin" -- Hey Jimmy Kimmel, My Pop and Lock STILL Cleans Up (VIDEOS)

Jimmy Kimmel called out the  guy who played Turbo in the ‘Breakin” ’80s flicks … and now he’s responding to prove he still has the break dance moves that made him famous. Michael “Boogaloo Shrimp” Chambers saw the skit Kimmel did…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Jimmy Kimmel to Daughter: I Ate ALL Your Candy!

Jimmy Kimmel continued one of the best traditions on television last night.

For the sixth year in a row, he asked parents to film themselves playing a pretty harmless prank on their kids.

Mothers and fathers around the country told their little girls and little boys that they ate all of their Halloween candy, recording the children’s reactions and sending the footage in to Jimmy Kimmel Live.

This time around, as Kimmel explained to his audience, the host himself actually has a daughter who is of Trick or Treating age.

Jane Kimmel turned two years old in July and went out with her parents as a monkey on Monday night.

“She was very excited about the candy, even though she doesn’t know the difference between lollipops and popsicles,” Kimmel said of his child.

So, having faced criticism in the past for encouraging parents to lie to their kin, Kimmel at least joined in this year.

He warned his viewers that Jane didn’t wake up in the best mood and then he shared with them a video he filmed of himself informing Jane of Daddy’s nefarious actions.

“Remember all the candy we got?” Jimmy asks Jane in the first video shared above. “Well, Daddy ate all of it.”

Jane doesn’t seem to care very much, however.

She says “no” a few times, but then seems more focused on the dirt in her empty candy bucket than the lack of candy in said bucket.

And then she asks for pancakes.

Fortunately, other parents out there had more luck than Kimmel did with Jane.

They recorded plenty of hilarious reactions from their kids after telling their sons and daughters that Mommy and Daddy devoured all their Halloween candy.

You can watch these responses in the second video shared above.

And then you can respond to the mini controversy that has actually sprung up around Kimmel’s annual prank.

Is it really wrong? Should parents never lie to their kids, as some critics have said in response to this tradition?

Or is there a difference between a lie and a joke and it’s the responsibility of a parent to simply explain this difference to their children?

Clearly, if someone takes the stand that a parent should never ever lie to a daughter or son, we can’t formulate a strong response. You are absolutely allowed to take this point of view.

But do these same parents tell their kids about the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus? It’s not a perfect comparison, of course.

It does, however, get to the point that it’s impossible to be 100% truthful at all times as a parent. So why not have a little fun along the way?


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Britney Spears Pranks Jimmy Kimmel with Ultimate Wake-Up Call

Britney Spears has gone from shading Taylor Swift to pranking Jimmy Kimmel.

The beloved pop star appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Wednesday night, but not as a guest.

At least… not as a guest in studio.

Britney and a few shirtless backup dancers were surprise guests in Kimmel"s bedroom, however.

Nearly 18 months after Rihanna woke up Kimmel via a sexy dance and song routine, Spears went ahead and did the same this week.

And it was awesome!

Along with a camera crew and several dancers (one of whom was covered in lights), Spears snuck into Kimmel’s home in the middle of the night and treated him to a rendition of her new single “Make Me.”

A very personal and sweaty rendition, we ought to add.

As Spears and her crew started to perform the track, a very dazed and extremely confused Kimmel arose from his slumber and stared at the spectacle in front of him, unsure what to make of it at first.

Did he really have no idea this was scheduled to happen?

It"s hard to say.

But it"s a lot more to believe he was truly taken off guard by the gyrating, thrusting and singing of Spears and company.

So that"s what we"re gonna do.

Earlier on Wednesday, Spears announced her new album, Glory, will be available on August 26.

“Make Me” is the first single off the record and, to date, the track has reached number-17 on the Billboard Hot 100.

This is certainly one creative way to promote the album, wouldn"t you say?!?

Check out Spears performing the ultimate wake-up call below and then join us in wondering:

How can we book this same wake-up call the next time we stay in a hotel?!?

We can"t imagine a better way to awaken, even if it is in the middle of the night.

Britney spears pranks jimmy kimmel with ultimate wake up call