Showing posts with label Kourtney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kourtney. Show all posts

Friday, September 28, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian"s Younes Look-Alike Friend Revealed, They"re Not Dating

No, Kourtney Kardashian’s not hooking up with a guy who looks almost exactly like her ex … but now we know the ID of the doppelganger. Sources close to Kourtney tell TMZ … the Younes Bendjima look-alike she was spotted grabbing a beverage with…


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Spotted With Younes Look-Alike Grabbing Juice

Kourtney Kardashian’s juices are flowing … with a dude who looks almost exactly like her ex. Kourtney was spotted grabbing juice Tuesday at Alfred Coffee in WeHo. There’s no mistake about it … the guy looks EXACTLY like Younes Bendjima, Kourt’s…


Friday, September 21, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Throws Affair in Kris Jenner"s Face

A shot has been fired by Kourtney Kardashian.

An explosive, personal, unexpected shot against her mother, that is.

In the clip featured here from Sunday"s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Khloe tries to play mediator between Kris Jenner and her oldest daughter.

It"s not really clear what has brought these three family members into the living room and what has caused them to arrive at the topic at hand…

… but the conversation immediately turned to men, romances and extramarital affairs!

"For some reason, you do not give mom the benefit of the doubt, ever, from your childhood and it"s really unfair," Khloe randomly says, pulling out the name of Kris" long-ago lover and adding:

"You only remember with Todd, or this or that."

(Todd, you may or may not recall, would be Todd Waterman, a man with whom Jenner has admitted sleeping in 1989 while married to Robert Kardashian Sr.)

"I don"t sit there and dwell about Todd," says a shocked Kourtney, priort o Kris telling her that she has "her own Todd right now."

Ouch, Kourtney replies. Also: WTH?!?

"No, I actually don"t. I"m actually not married and I"m not having an affair," Kourtney claps back, presumably talking about then-boyfriend Younes Bendjima based on the timeline of when this episode was likely filmed.

"You can"t compare one to the other, it"s absolutely not true," she adds.

The sneak peek concludes with Khloe telling her sister:

"Sometimes our memories get a little warped by our age, but don"t be so hard on your mom."

Jenner opened up about cheating on Kardashian Sr. in her 2011 memoir, Kris Jenner…And All Things Kardashian.

In 1989, she had an affair Waterman, an elicit act that prompted the divorce.

In an interview with Fox News Channel’s OBJECTified this summer, Kris confessed the affair was “nothing I’m proud of.”

“When I look back on it now, probably one of my biggest regrets in my life is that that marriage fell apart,” she said on this program.

Check out this clip to see her discuss it once again.

Kourtney kardashian throws affair in kris jenners face

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian"s Ex Younes Bendjima Sued for Allegedly Assaulting Security Guard

Kourtney Kardashian’s ex boyfriend Younes Bendjima is being sued after he allegedly attacked a security guard at Coachella who refused to let him enter the restroom with Kourtney.  Mario Herrera says he was working the music festival back in…


Luka Sabbat and Kourtney Kardashian: It"s Getting Serious! And Creepy!

Luka Sabbat stars on the Freeform comedy Grownish.

Which is ironic.

Because Kourtney Kardashian’s sisters allegedly think the actor is not nearly grown up enough to be dating their sibling.

Earlier this week, we wrote about various times over the past few days and weeks that Kourtney has hung out with Sabbat.

They partied together at a nightclub in Chicago on Saturday, for example, one day after dining out in The Windy City.

The little-known actor also attended Kylie Jenner’s 21st birthday party in August, prompting rumors that he and Kourtney are a romantic item.

And this chatter only grew stronger after the aforementioned evening at the aforementioned club, as an onlooker tells People Magazine of the pair:

“They were close to each other, and there was a sense of chemistry as the two were laughing and having fun together all night.”

Here is a photo of Kardashian and Sabbat from this likely drunken adventure:

A few weeks after her contentious split from Younes Bendjima, an insider tells People that Kardashian and Sabbat have been secretly dating for more than a month.

“All of their friends know she’s head over heels for Luka,” the source says, adding:

“None of her friends liked Younes, and they all love Luka even though he’s only 20! They think he’s good for her, and he’s a very down to earth and good guy.”

This may be true of Kourtney’s friends…

… but it is NOT true of her siblings, according to Radar Online.

“Kourtney told Kim and Khloe Opens that she will never date anyone older than half her age and Khloe told her that she really needs to grow the f-ck up,” someone in the know told this website.

Bendjima was 25 years old and many critics scoffed at the age difference between him and the 38-year old Kourtney.

But Sabbat cannot even drink alcohol legally, a fact that Kim and Khloe seemingly cannot get over.

“Kim thinks she is just starving for attention and cannot believe that she would go for Luka,” Radar writes.

It’s possible that Kourtney is starving for attention, sure.

But it’s also possible that she’s starving for something else from this attractive 20-year old. (That is, red hot sex with a younger man!)

We had said back when Kourtney started dating Bendjima that it was merely a fling — and then it lasted for over a year.

So who the heck knows how serious things are between her and Sabbat.

But she may keep dating him just to piss off Scott Disick, who is apparently not a fan of the romance.

“Scott is convinced that she is trying to one up him with a 20-year-old,” the Radar source says, referencing how Disick is dating a younger woman in Sofia Richie.

Concludes this article:

“No one approves of this barely legal cling-on.”


Friday, September 14, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Pulls Dumbest Prank Ever on Confused Sister

They say that revenge is a dish best served cold.

For Kourtney Kardashian, however, it"s apparently a dish best served… in a very confusing and harmless manner.

Allow us to explain:

As previously depicted in THIS CLIP from Sunday"s new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim will attend one of her sister"s workout dance classes…

… only to sort of ruin the entire thing by not actually participating.

"I"m like a notorious non-dancer," Kim says in the sneak peek linked to above. "Like, it"s a thing."

Okay, fine. Cool. Fair enough.

But this attitude and this non-action upset Kourtney to the point where she subsequently sets up a prank to get back at her annoying sibling.

Except we"re not sure how the event featured in this video really serves as a prank.

This latest sneak peek gives us a look at Kim taking a stroll with Khloe.

But she"s then taken aback when a group of people start dancing in The Grove to "Buttons" by the Pussycat Dolls. Oh, yes, it was a flash mob!

"What the f-ck is going on?" Kim asks, as the camera pans to Kourtney and Malika Haqq being a part of the dancing mob.

(NOTE: The best part of this clip, by far, is Kim holding an ice cone as a prop throughout. She never takes a bite. Because there"s no way Kim Kardashian eats ice cream.)

From there, the music ends and the flash mob goes away and Kim enters a store to laugh and embrace Haqq.

And that"s it.

Kourtney laughs at her sister in a confessional, acting as if she really got her good with this prank.

But we"re simply left to ask and wonder: How the heck was this any sort of vengement prank?!?

Kim just stood around and watched a bunch of people dance.

You sure nailed her, Kourt!

Kourtney kardashian pulls dumbest prank ever on confused sister

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick Clash After the Kids Meet Sofia Richie!

Last week, we got a little hint of what was to come on Keeping Up With The Kardashians, with Scott Disick calling Kourtney crazy.

In this new clip, teasing Sunday"s episode, we see a lot more about Scott"s clash with Kourt.

Scott introduced their children to his then-teenage girlfriend Sofia Richie, and Kourtney was not having it. 

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 01

In real time, Scott Disick and Sofia Richie are roommates. Back when these episodes of KUWTK were being filmed, however, Scott had just introduced her to his kids.

It was … contentious. But his on-camera conversation with Kourtney about it starts off being just awkward.

"How do you feel like today went?" Scott asks.

"It"s, like, hard to communicate, in that way," Kourtney says, grinning at what an odd sentence she"s constructed even as the words leave her mouth.

"What? Normal?" Scott replies.

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 02

"You were pretty annoying for a little bit," Scott admits.

"Why?" Kourtney asks.

"It was really sweet when you told me that you allow me to be friends with your family," Scott informs Kourtney.

Just for the record, folks, it"s normal and even healthy to set boundaries between your family and your ex. Clearly, Scott does not think so.

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 03

"I"m saying," Kourtney tries to clarify. "Be appreciative of what you have."

"Hey, you don"t think I"m extremely appreciative?" Scott asks.

"Not when you just do whatever you want," Kourtney explains.

"What"s whatever I want?" Scott asks. "Live my life the exact same way you"re living it?"

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 04

"It"s called giving someone a heads up," Kourtney explains. "And having a respectful conversation. Giving someone the respect."

In this case, given the context, it seems clear that she means that she would have loved a little notice before he introduced their children to his teenage girlfriend.

"Sometimes," Scott says, mustering a defense. "You want to do certain things, or you map out certain things, but they don"t always go as planned."

"Yeah," Kourtney acknowledges. "But that could also just be an excuse."

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 05

"I make sacrifices all the time," Kourtney says. "And you"re not following through with the things you say you"re gonna do."

"You just go and do what you want," Kourtney accuses. "And I"m not okay with it."

Scott, who had just spent that past several months reportedly binge drinking and banging a series of teen models, then tries to deflect to Kourtney"s own shortcomings.

"Do you think you"re difficult or no? Do you think you"re overly controlling?"

Kourtney says no to both, but then acknowledges that "I did have to be with you, in our relationship."

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 06

This is a complicated situation. Sooner or later, the kids had to meet Sofia. But it"s fair that Kourtney would have liked a heads up, you know?

Scott sort of warms up during the conversation. He"s a handsome guy and he"s also funny, so he is accustomed to charming people in order to win arguments.

That no longer works on Kourtney, and you can almost see the frustration in Scott"s eyes.

Even so, Kourtney has been adopting a villainous role in recent episodes.

It will be interesting to see where Sunday"s arc takes her.

Kourtney kardashian and scott disick clash after their kids meet

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Partying Non-Stop Following Younes Bendjima Breakup?

Depending on which source you believe, it’s been either three months or three weeks since Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima broke up.

Basically, it sounds like the couple was on and off all summer and finally called it quits for good sometime in August.

Whatever the case, these two are now officially dunzo.

We’ve heard the obligatory rumors of Kourtney and Younes getting back together, but the consensus among those who know them best seems to be that the relationship has run its course.

But just because both parties agree that its best if they move on without one another, that doesn’t mean the process has been easy.

In fact, insiders are now telling Radar Online that Kourtney has been relying on a number of unhealthy coping mechanisms to cope with her latest breakup.

And it seems family and friends are concerned that the mother of three may be endangering her life.

“Instead of focusing on her family like she should be, Kourtney is just partying non-stop,” a source tells the outlet.

The insider didn’t go into any detail regarding the nature of Kourt’s partying, but it seems the reality star has had a difficult time getting over the relationship, in large part due to her confused feelings toward Younes.

Sources say she suspects her ex of cheating on her and knows that the relationship was not healthy — but she still feels drawn to the young male model in a way that she finds difficult to define.

“Younes did her dirty on so many occasions and she knows it,” the source says.

“The fact that she still continues to hang out with him infuriates her sisters.”

But while Kourtney continues to seek closure by spending time with Younes, she’s reportedly well aware that getting back together with him would be a disastrous decision.

“She is torn between love and what she knows is right,” the insider claims.

“She is not thinking with a clear head right now.”

Unfortunately, it seems those closest to Kourtney are growing increasingly frustrated with her inability to definitively cut ties with Younes.

“She is just feeling really desperate right now and it does not look good on her,” says the source.

Sounds like Kourt’s carrying on the proud Kardashian tradition of being irresistibly drawn to awful men.

If anyone should understand, it’s her sisters.


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Gets Back With Younes Bendjima, Pisses Off Entire Family

The Kardashian women have never been known for having the greatest taste in men, but it seems Kourtney is now actively trying to outdo her sisters in the bad romance department.

It won’t be easy, but she’s already got a lot of points accumulated from her decade with Scott Disick, and now she’s out to prove that her capacity for bad decisions truly knows no bounds:

As you’ve likely heard, Kourtney broke up with Younes Bendjima last month, a decision that was applauded by just about everyone in her inner circle.

Unfortunately, Kourtney is allergic to smart choices, so now, just a few weeks after she kicked him to the curb, Kourtney is reportedly back with Younes — and her family is less than thrilled about it.

“They are definitely hooking up again,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“She just really can’t be alone,” the source adds.

The reconciliation comes on the heels of reports that Younes cheated on Kourtney with Jordan Ozuna, a model who had ties to the Kard clan.

“Younes told her that nothing happened with Jordan and that they are just friends, and she believed him,” says the insider.

Apparently, the most vocal critic of Kourtney’s latest decision has been her sister Khloe, which is more than a smidge ironic, as Khloe took Tristan Thompson back after he was caught repeatedly cheating on her while she was carrying his baby.

“Kourtney told Khloe that she has no room to say anything, because she was humiliated by Tristan and took him back anyways,” the source explains. 

“And she told Kim to just mind her own business.”

And then there’s Kris Jenner, who could care less what sort of awful decisions her daughters make, so long as they result in compelling television.

“Kris just wants ratings for the new season, which they are filming right now,” the source says.

“She told Kourtney to stay unpredictable so she remains relevant.”

That may sound harsh, but in a way, it’s Kris’ way of expressing her love for her daughters.

She’s probably aware that there’s a very good chance that they’ll all wind up single, as they habitually pick horrendous dudes.

But they don’t have to wind up single and broke.

Now that’s looking out for your kids.


Kourtney Kardashian Parking Lot Rendezvous with Younes Bendjima

Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima’s split is not a done, DONE deal just yet … based on the fact they’re getting closer again in public. Kourt chopped it up with Younes Monday night outside a Malibu sushi joint. Unclear if they actually dined…


Sunday, September 2, 2018

Malibu Chili Cook-Off Attracts Kourtney Kardashion, Simon Cowell, Orlando Bloom

Malibu was teaming with celebs Saturday at the 37th Annual Malibu Chili Cook-Off. Tons of people showed up … Kourtney Kardashian, Orlando Bloom, Anthony Kiedis, Robin Thicke, Sofia Richie, Larsa Pippen, Caitlyn Jenner, Adam Sandler, Simon Cowell…


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Scott Disick to Kourtney Kardashian: You"re Totally Nuts!

Kourtney Kardashian is about to get a break.

But it will be a short-lived one.

Due to Labor Day, there will not be a new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians on E! this Sunday night, which means Kpurtney won"t need to play the role of human pinata for one evening.

As any veteran viewer of this series knows well, Kourtney has been picked up throughout Season 15 by sisters Kim and Khloe.

The trio has been at odds over Kourtney seemingly NOT making them a priority, while allegedly not understanding how hard they work at their jobs.

At one point last episode, Khloe and Kim worried that Kourtney was turning into Rob, pretty much the biggest insult possible.

At another point in another episode, Khloe said she wanted to punch Kourtney in the path.

Things have gotten so ugly that a new rumor claims Kourtney will peace out ot California after her E! contract is up next year, move to New York and leave her siblings behind.

We don"t exactly believe this chatter.

We"re not sure if we believe anything about this feud is real; and, even if it were, Season 15 was filmed way back in December.

It"s all water way down deep under the bridge at this juncture.

In the sneak peek at the September 9 installment featured here, however, Kourtney does not get into an argument with Kim or Khloe, but with another old foe instead:

Scott Disick.

It looks as if the exes, who share three adorable kids together and try to remain calm in public for the sake of their health and happiness, will have it out over Kourtney being "controlling."

Disick will even question her sanity at one point.

What is this fight about? One never knows when it comes to Scott and Kourtney.

But you can click PLAY to see parts of it play out and then tune into E! at 9/8c on September 9 to see A LOT more.

Scott disick to kourtney kardashian youre totally nuts

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: I Should Be Engaged to Justin Bieber, Not Hailey Baldwin!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are engaged.

Fans have come to reluctantly accept the reality of the situation, but that doesn’t mean everyone is ready to congratulate the happy couple.

Justin, Hailey, Kourtney

Among those who are reportedly not thrilled with the idea of the Biebs being off the market is none other than his former flame Kourtney Kardashian.

Kourtney and Justin dated on and throughout late 2016 and early 2017.

Actually, “hooked up” might be a more accurate term, as it’s not clear if they were ever actually exclusive with one another.

Whatever the case, it seems Kourt has some serious regrets about allowing Justin to get away.

Earlier this week, we learned that Justin and Kourtney are still in contact, and quite understandably, Hailey is less than thrilled about it.

In fact, there have been claims that Hailey has “warned” Kourtney to stay away from Justin.

But according to sources close to the mother of three, Kourt has no intention of making as move on Justin.

But that doesn’t mean she’s not a tad envious of Hailey’s situation.

“Kourtney isn’t trying to make any moves on Justin, she totally respects what he has with Hailey,” one insider tells Hollywood Life.

“That doesn’t mean she’s not a little envious, and she can’t help but wish that she was the one engaged and madly in love.”

The cause of Kourt’s concern, it seems, is her growing anxiety over whether or not she’ll ever find the right man.

Kourtney broke up with Younes Bendjima recently, and now, she’s apparently concerned that she’ll be a single mom for the rest of her life.

“She’s starting to fear she may never get married,” says the source.

“Kourtney worries that maybe she’ll never find the one, or have her own big wedding and happy ending. So in that respect, she is jealous of Hailey and Justin,” the insider adds.

“But, there’s no need for Hailey to worry — Kourtney would never do anything shady to get between her and Justin.”

We’re sure that’s a load off Hailey’s mind.

Now she just has to worry about the other 40 million women who want to bang Justin.


Monday, August 27, 2018

Sofia Richie to Kourtney Kardashian: Stay Away From Scott Disick!

It’s been over a year since we first learned that Sofia Richie is dating Scott Disick.

It’s one of those relationships that’s tough to wrap your head around, and not just because of the massive age gap.

Sure, Scott is 15 years Sofia’s senior, but that wouldn’t be so strange if they were 40 and 55.

At 20 and 35, however, it’s a little odd.

Here, we have a woman who can’t even legally purchase a cocktail in a serious relationship with a man who has three kids by his baby mama — who’s been famous since Sofia was in grade school.

It’s an unusual situation, to put it mildly.

And now that Kourtney Kardashian has dumped Younes Bendjima, the whole scenario might get even weirder.

You see, rumor has it that Sofia feels threatened by Kourtney.

Sources say she’s constantly worried about Scott leaving her to try and make his family whole again.

And now that Kourtney is back on the market, her concerns might be justified.

“Sofia is furious that Scott and Kourtney are hanging out again,” one insider tells In Touch Weekly.

“She understands that they have to remain civil for the kids but has become convinced that Kourtney is trying to steal back her man.”

Sofia is reportedly so worried about the situation that she’s taken steps to try and ensure that

“She recently reached out to her and told her to back off,” says the source.

As for the Lord himself, it seems Scott feels that he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place.

“Scott’s caught in the middle,” the insider claims.

“He loves Sofia but will always have a soft spot for Kourtney.”

Those who know Scott best say that as much as he’s enamored with Sofia, those feelings will eventually go stale, and he’ll come running back to Kourtney.

In fact, Scott recently revealed that he’s considered reconciling with Kourtney.

“We always said we’d try to get back together when we’re 40,” he said on an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Considering Kourtney is currently 39, Sofia may have real cause for concern.

Hopefully, if the relationship fizzles, she’ll quickly realize she dodged a bullet by not ending up with Scott.


Sunday, August 26, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Looks Hot in Bikini on Vacation in Mexico

Kourtney Kardashian struted her stuff in Mexico … and need we say the obvious … super hot. Kourtney was on vacay in Cabo with a butt floss bathing suit that is hanging on for deal life.  As for who she’s with … her trainer, makeup artist,…


Saturday, August 25, 2018

Jeezy Says Kourtney is Hottest Kardashian and Shoots His Shot With Her

Jeezy’s officially weighed in on the debate over who’s the most bangable Kardashian … and he used it as an opportunity to shoot his shot with her too. We got the rapper leaving Avra in Beverly Hills Friday, and showed him the recent pics of…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Khloe and Kim Fear the Worst: Is Kourtney Becoming Rob?!?

Keeping Up with the Kardashians may have taken a break from depicting the ugly (FAKE?) feud between sisters Kim, Khloe and Kourtney on last Sunday"s Kris-themed episode

… but make no mistake:

The rivalry will be revisted on the next all-new episode of Season 15.

In sneak peek at this Sunday"s Keeping Up with the Kardashians," Kim and Khloe sit down to talk about their ongoing beef with their older sibling.

For starters, Khloe recalls a vicious phone call she had with Kourtney, where Khloe claims the mom of three was "talking shit."

We don"t see this phone call, but we"re totally sure it happened and not that producers just told the cast members to make it up.

"She was like, "Me and Kendall were talking about you,"" Khloe says of this alleged call, explaining in more detail:

"She goes, "You"re really scared about how your life is gonna turn out." She thinks I"m scared, that"s why I"m "acting out," because I don"t want to let my old life go. What?"

(For contest, Khloe was pregnant when this episode was filmed back in December.)

"She"s so off," Kim says in response, adding that Kourtney is being a "freak."

After screaming at Kourtney earlier about how she"s been shirking her responsibilities to the family, Kim and Khloe decide to call Kendall in order to talk about how "absurd" this whole thing is.

"The fact that you even hang out with Kourtney, you"re such a f-cking freak," Kim jokes to Kendall. "I question your morals. I question your humanity."

But Kendall isn"t really in on the joke. She doesn"t get it.

"What? Why? Kourt is my best friend right now," Jenner says defensively, while also making the mistake of saying that Kourtney might not actually spend Christmas with her sisters.

What? HUH?!?!?

Could this be a "cry for help" from Kourtney, Kim wonders.

Maybe a "cry for attention," sort of like how black sheep brother Rob Kardashian does stupid stuff just to get noticed by his relatives or the public at large?

"Okay, that is crossing the line," Kendall replies hilariously, taking a major swipe at Rob in the process.

"Every time we talk about her I get more upset," Khloe tells Kim of Kourtney.

"She drives me so crazy, I just don"t even know what to do," Kim responds.

It"s pretty easy and obvious, really: Just read the script and do whatever it says to do next. D"uh!

Check out this intense clip now!

Khloe kardashian and kim fear the worst is kourtney becoming rob

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Suffering Breakdown After Dumping Younes Bendjima?!

As far as relationships go, Kourtney Kardashian has always been the boring one in her family.

A lot of people would call her the boring one in general, but that’s not exactly fair.

She may have only been with two guys the entire time she’s been famous — Scott Disick and Younes Bendjima, and remember, she was with Scott for over a decade.

(She also had that fling with Justin Bieber, so we guess she’s been with two and a half guys since her family began their reign of terror on the world.)

But with all the drama that came from her relationship with Scott alone, it just wouldn’t be appropriate to call her boring, you know?

There’s been all those terrifying benders during the Scott years, all the fights, and the pregnancy rumors … nobody has the time to get started on how many pregnancy rumors there were.

And believe it or not, now that she’s broken up with Younes Bendjima, it seems like that’s going to provide a solid amount of drama, too.

They really do spoil us, those Kardashians, don’t they?

We heard about their breakup just a couple of weeks ago, and while we haven’t heard a concrete reason for the split yet, there have been a few theories.

One is that Kourtney dumped Younes because she was suspicious that he was cheating on her — remember, we saw those photos of him looking pretty cozy with Jordan Ozuna, former love interest of Justin Bieber.

Gross, right?

Reports claimed that she never caught him in the act, but that she had sufficient evidence that he’d stepped out on her, so she cut him loose, even though he denied doing anything wrong.

Another theory is that he isn’t a fan of the kind of scandalous pictures she shares of herself on social media, and that he always wished she was more modest.

This makes sense, because last month, when she shared a bikini picture, he commented with “That’s what you need to show to get likes?

Again, gross, right?

Finally, other sources say that their age difference was just too much to overcome — Kourtney is 39, and Younes is 25.

Maybe it was all of those issues combined, or maybe it was something else altogether, we don’t know, but one thing everyone seems to agree on is that she’s the one who did the dumping.

And now, according to a new report from Radar Online, she’s having a very, very hard time with it all.

“She’s hurting and humiliated after her split from Younes,” a source tells the website.

“She always thought she knew what she was doing, even with the huge age difference between them.”

But now that she’s seen him getting all cuddly with Jordan, “She’s gone completely into her shell, won’t talk to any of her sisters, and refuses any kind of therapy.”

“Kourtney scoffs that she’s fine,” the insider continues, “but she’s never turned her back on her family like she is now.”

It seems that the only reason she spends time with them is “when they do have to hang out contractually to film their TV show.”

Poor Kourtney allegedly “feels like an idiot” for spending nearly two years with what everyone thought was a rebound, and how pitiful is that?

It’s also not so great for the people around her, as the source says that “She’s silent and snaps at everyone.”

“No one knows what she gets up to when she’s alone and Scott has the kids, but all signs are pointing to it not being good.”

What does that mean, what could Kourtney possibly be getting into in her alone time that is that bad?

Maybe she’s eating gluten? Processed foods, even? Could she be searching around for another young pop star to have hotel meet-ups with?

But even if she’s not doing horrible things now that she’s single, it does sound like she’s having a hard time dealing with everything.

And if she is, then here’s hoping she pulls through soon!


Friday, August 17, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Secretly Seeing Scott Disick Again ... And PREGNANT?!

Last week, Kourtney was partying with Scott Disick just a short while after her epic breakup with Younes Bendjima.

Now, a report says that this is just the tip of the iceberg — that Kourtney has been seeing Scott in secret, and may even be pregnant with baby #4.

It sounds too wild to believe, but … could it be true?

An OK! Australia article has an exciting claim about Kourtney Kardashian — and the news is twofold!

“Kourt’s Pregnant,” the tabloid claims, followed by a quote: “‘Scott’s The Dad!"”

That would be very exciting! Even though, admittedly, this has happened three times in the past already.

Even more, the magazine says: “Kourt Dumps Younes For Scott: ‘We’re Getting Married!"”

So they’re reporting that not only is Kourtney “ready to accept” Scott back into her life, but she left Younes for him? Wow!

Kourtney and Scott, the tabloid claims, are reclaiming what they once had.

The report says that Kourtney wants her ex and baby daddy “back into her life romantically.”

You would think that Kourtney would be doing this cautiously and tentatively, right?

But the article says :”and she’s not doing it half-heartedly.”

Eyes closed, head first, can’t lose, huh?

OK! Australia points out that Scott had suggested that he and Kourtney might get back together when they’re “like 40.”

They also point out that Kourtney is 39, and will be 40 next April.

“The time is nigh for that long-awaited wedding,” the tabloid says, adding: “We can’t wait to see these guys finally say ‘I do!"”

That wedding day, should it come to pass, will have been a long time coming.

According to the magazine’s source, it is “just a matter of time” before Scott “dumps” his current super-hot 19-year-old girlfriend, Sofia Richie.

Weird to read that he wouldn’t break up with Sofia before impregnating his ex, right?

But the tabloid reports that Kourtney has a “bub on the way — and the baby daddy is none other than her ex.”

Well, that’s not totally unbelievable, since they have three children already.

“They’ve been meeting up on the down low for a while now,” the magazine claims. “Everyone’s buzzing that she’s carrying Scott’s baby.”

The tabloid reports that Kourt has been spotted with a baby bump lately, noting that “It was strange to see because she’s usually so perfectly svelte.”

The first of multiple issues with this report is that, um, this photo right here of Kourtney?

She shared it just a few days ago. While it’s totally possible that she took it ages ago, and though there’s even precedent for keeping a secret like that, we kind of doubt it.

Those are not the abs of a pregnant Kourtney.

We also think that, considering that Kylie’s 21st birthday blow-out was full of guests and cameras and one woman even passed out and had to leave on a stretcher, someone would have commented if Kourt looked pregnant.

But there’s another problem that has, basically, nothing to do with Kourtney.

Sofia Richie, folks, is a real person with real feelings. Arguably more feelings than most of us, because she’s 19 and teenage hormones can really blow a lot of emotions out of proportion.

Sofia is about to turn 20. Like, next week. It would be incredibly s–ty of Scott to dump her for his ex right before her birthday. Or at all, if it’s just to go running back to his ex.

(We’ve already envisioned how their breakup should go down, and it should involve Sofia dumping him)

A lot of people want to see Scott and Kourtney reunite, because they liked them so much as a couple. But wanting something to be true does not make it true.

And this story has zero evidence to back it up. We’re going to have to side with GossipCop on this one.


Kourtney Kardashian"s Ex, Younes Bendjima, Hops in a Non-Luxury Ride

Younes Bendjima’s flying solo now, and because of that … it appears his mode of transportation’s a lot more basic than what it used to be. Kourtney Kardashian’s ex-bf was spotted out by himself in WeHo Thursday in very casual attire, before…
