Showing posts with label Kourtney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kourtney. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Kim and I Will NEVER Be Friends Again!

Keeping Up With The Kardashians is back, and Kim and Kourtney are feuding on screen. And even though the footage is from months ago, that fight has spilled over onto Twitter.

Kim and Kourtney’s feud seems to be more than just drama for the cameras.

And an insider explains why these two sisters just can’t get along.

RadarOnline reports on what is fueling Kim and Kourtney’s feud.

“Kourtney thinks that Kim is just starved for attention,” a source close to Kourtney says. “Which she is.”

Like we said, it’s a source close to Kourtney, so don’t necessarily expect fair and balanced reporting.

The insider continues, describing how Kourtney feels: “She also thinks that the way that Kim parents her kids is just repulsive.”

The source says of Kim: “She flaunts them around like they are accessories and that his just not how Kourtney parents.”

The insider goes on to say that Kim and Kourtney are “not on good terms,” even now, almost a year after the recent KUWTK squabbles were filmed.

The source shares that, regrettably, Kim and Kourt “will probably never be close like they were.”

That’s so sad.

Apparently, this all boils down to sisterly issues, as the insider explains: “Kim has always tried to one up Kourtney ever since they were little.”

Middle Child Syndrome strikes again.

Kim apparently can’t resist acting up “because she is her big sister and Kourtney has always resented her for it.”

There’s another factor — because Kourtney herself is just over it.

The source says that Kourt “doesn’t want to do KUWTK anymore and her family knows this.”

To be fair, Kourtney wasn’t totally onboard to do the show when it was first suggested. Kris and Kim were the ones who pushed for it.

“She hasn’t wanted to do this for a couple of years now,” the insider reveals.

Perhaps she has simply outgrown it.

Whatever the reason, Kourtney is weary, “and told Kris that she does not want to sign another contract after this one ends, which is next season.”

“She got what she needed out of the show,” the insider explains. “And it has made her insanely wealthy.”

Kourtney is worth an estimated $ 35 million — a fortune, even if it pales in comparison to Kim’s wealth and is dwarfed by Kylie’s colossal success.

“At the same time,” the sourc says. “It has destroyed her relationship with Kim and it is beyond repair.”

If you argue too often on camera, that can spill over into real life.

This is so sad! You hate to see sisters have a falling out.

But it doesn’t really make sense for these squabbles — and that is exactly what they are — to amount to severing their sisterly bond.

Kourtney and Kim are both adults, even if neither of them act like it.

We would hope that they both have the perspective and common sense to cool off after their argument.

Again, what we’ve seen so far on this season of KUWTK was all filmed in late 2017.

That said … if any of the Kardashians were more sensible or less dramatic, they wouldn’t be nearly so entertaining to watch.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian DESTROYS Kim and Khloe on Twitter After KUWTK Premiere!

Over the years, we’ve seen plenty of fights on Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Like, remember the time that Kendall and Kylie fought over a dress and then Kendall told one of Kylie’s dogs “I’m sorry your mom is such a c–t”?

Or the time that Kourtney and Khloe were bickering and Kourtney dropped the epic line “F-ck you, you f-cking pregnant whore“?

Or, to take it way back, remember when Kim bought her very first Bentley and her siblings made fun of her for being so braggy about it, so she attacked Khloe with her purse?

There’s been quite a few classic feuds in this family, and what happened on last night’s Keeping Up with the Kardashians premiere is definitely going to end up on the list.

In the episode, Kim was seen doing the planning for the family’s Christmas card photo shoot, and at one point she complained that she had to reschedule the shoot “so that we can all accomodate Miss Queen Kourtney.”

But Kylie, who was very pregnant at the time, couldn’t make it, and Kendall was busy, and Rob didn’t want to be seen, as usual.

“It’s just like craziness,” Kim explained. “So I thought, ‘Why not show the craziness of our family?"”

She decided that they’d all do individual pictures to share throughout the month, and that’s what ended up happening — the edited together the final version with most of the family.

And although Kylie and Rob didn’t do photos for the Christmas card at all, Kim went after Kourtney.

“No one wants you in the f-cking shoot,” she told her. “I’m planning it. I’m planning the shoot, so we don’t want you in the shoot.”

Kourtney replied that she’d already said she’d do the shoot, but Kim still wasn’t having it.

“Maybe if you had a f-cking business that you were passionate about then you would know what it takes to run a f-cking business but you don’t, so don’t even act like you know what I’m talking about,” Kim said.

Kourtney didn’t stick around to hear Kim’s mouth any longer, so instead, Kim continued the chat with Khloe and Kris, telling them that Kourtney is “the least exciting to look at,” so she didn’t have to be on the Christmas card.

“She doesn’t do sh-t,” she complained. “She doesn’t know what it’s like to actually have f-cking work to do.”

And then, because that wasn’t enough drama already, Kourtney called Khloe while she was still with Kim, and Khloe put her on speakerphone.

“I’m not here to f-cking be mistreated by my f-cking bitch family,” Kourtney said through tears. “Kim saying that I’m the least interesting to look at … who even speaks like that?”

Kim didn’t answer that question, but she did tell her big sister “You do whatever the f-ck you want to do and you don’t do sh-t. So be accommodating to the people that actually do sh-t.”

And Kourtney delivered a line that will surely go down as one of the best in KUWTK history:

“You’re a very distraught, evil human being … I don’t agree with who you are as a human being.”

Later, Kim tried to make things right between them by inviting her to her baby shower for precious little Chicago, but Kourtney turned down her invitation.

After that, Kim said that she’d “really hoped Kourtney was gonna get over herself and just show up, but she didn’t. So I don’t think she’s big on family ‘cause if she was, she would be at my shower.”

So it’s clear that the feud is not over yet.

We’re sure to see more sister fighting this season, but as a special treat, we saw quite a bit of it last night on Twitter as the episode aired!

Kourtney, Kim, and Khloe all tweeted during the show, and when her big fight with Kim started, Kourtney wrote “Watching this fight actually gives me chills.”

“It’s not normal to have to relive this stuff,” she added.

Then she tweeted “We all have our own priorities. Mine is being a mother.”

And Kim did not appreciate that one bit.

“And mine is not?” she asked. “The shoot was with our kids!!!!! My #1 priority is being a mother as well and I can work too, so can you!”

Kourtney told her that she does work, “But i wasn’t wanting MORE work, i already felt spread thin. Being a good mother also has different meaning to each of us.”

“You’re an amazing mother,” she added, “I’m not taking that away from you.”

But then Khloe jumped into her own argument with Kourtney … or Kourtney dragged her in, rather.

Someone asked Khloe whose side she was on in the Christmas card feud, and she claimed that she “just wanted peace,” to which Kourtney tweeted “Khloe let’s be honest here.”

“What the f-ck does that mean??” Khloe asked. “I didn’t want peace??”

After stewing for a moment, she asked Kourtney if she was “for real,” and she also asked “Do we want to get into why all of us were frustrated with you? You want to do this on twitter?”

“Please explain when I ever jumped in on that situation. I’m the one who f-cking called you to make sure you were good.”

A little later, when Kourtney hadn’t responded, Khloe tweeted her again and asked “Are you watching the same episode I am??? Do you think I was picking on you?”

“I was genuinely concerned about your happiness. Stop looping me into your drama with Kim! Don’t ever tweet me that sh-t again!”

At one point during that absolute mess of an episode, Kourtney tweeted that she and her sisters are “ride or die,” but “I don’t accept the way we criticize and judge each other anymore. My personal growth doesn’t allow it.”

Kim agreed, writing “Don’t ever get it twisted, me, Kourtney and Khloe are GOOD! ALWAYS!!!! Never question that!”

But then Khloe said that “I was going to ask kourt to workout with me tomorrow but she may throw a dumbbell at my head lol,” so while they obviously still love each other, the fighting may still be happening.

Or, since pretty much all of these tweets ended with a “KUWTK” hashtag, there’s also a very good chance that they’re not fighting at all, they never really were, and Kris Jenner is just going hard for those ratings.

Guess we’ll just have to wait until next week to figure it all out!


Friday, August 3, 2018

Kim Kardashian Downplays Kourtney Feud: ALL Sisters Call Each Other Evil!

Fans were shocked and appalled when they saw Kourtney and Kim’s feud blow up on a Keeping Up With The Kardashians sneak peek in which Kourtney called Kim an “evil being.”

Well, now Kim is trying to totally downplay their exchange as if that were normal sibling squabbling. 

The way that Kim sees it, it’s normal for siblings who supposedly love each other to be vicious and antagonistic towards each other. Yikes.

When Kim saw a fan’s response to her exchange with Kourtney, she couldn’t help but respond.

“What Kim doesn’t seem to understand,” the fan tweeted. “Is that Kourtney is done living this Kardashian life.”

The fan continued to speak for Kourtney, writing: “She’s sick and tired of being forced to stay relevant.”

The tweet continued, saying that Kourtneyw as worn out “by working herself off just to remain relevant.”

“Kourtney just wants to be present in her children’s lives,” the tweet concluded.

Kim Kardashian

“Oh word,” Kim replied, quoting the fan’s tweet. “Did Kourt tell you this?”

“She sure wanna live that Kardashian life though,” Kim wrote, referring to the opulence, lucrative product endorsement opportunities, and fame.

“And BTW,” Kim added. “This photo shoot was our Christmas card.” She is reminding fans that the footage we’re seeing from KUWTK was filmed late in 2017.

Kim refers to the heated exchange as “family memories we were creating.”

“Just tune in,” Kim concluded. “Before you start acting like you know things.”

Another fan struck a very different tone and tweeted: “@kourtneykardash crying over @KimKardashian saying she’s not even interesting to look at is brilliant.”

“Siblings say dumb s–t to get a reaction,” this second fan continued.

Their narrative continues with: “the receiving sibling cries.”

“It’s over in a few days,” the fan concluded, adding the tag: “#RealLifeS–t”

Astoundingly, Kim Kardashian quoted that tweet and replied: “Exactly!!!”

Compared to Kim’s vicious words towards Kourtney and Kourtney’s reply, Khloe asking Kourtney what’s up her ass sounds almost healthy.

But, in reality, none of this sounds healthy for siblings. Or anyone else, for that matter.

The dynamic described in that second tweet, in a sentiment clearly shared by Kim, sounds almost appropriate between siblings who are elementary school aged.

We are talking about two grown women who are each mothers of three. In fact, Kim and Kourtney are both old enough to run for President.

To hear them speaking to each other that way is … disturbing.

Viewers and fans who see these shocking previews should keep a couple of things in mind.

First, as Kim reminds everyone, this bickering is from late 2017. Which means that this feuding is from late 2017, also.

Secondly, and perhaps even more importantly, they are on a reality show.

This isn’t Candid Camera, folks. They know that they’re being filmed. They didn’t build a media empire by not knowing how to act in certain ways on camera.

That doesn’t mean that this argument is staged — but it may mean that it was deliberately exaggerated by Kim and by Kourtney for the benefit of the cameras.

At least, that is what we would prefer to believe. The alternative — that they speak to each other like this off camera — is almost unthinkable.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian to Kim: You Are Pure Evil!

This just in, Keeping Up with the Kardashians fans:

Season 15 of this oddly beloved reality series is going to be lit.

And Kourtney Kardashian might actually explode at one point during it.

In a previously-published sneak peek at this Sunday"s premiere, we witnessed Kourtney Kardashian absolutely blast her sisters, referring to Khloe and Kim as "born bitches."

What, exactly, was the cause of the tension between supposed loved ones?

You can watch for yourself HERE to find out.

Now, in a new clip from this upcoming episode, we pick up right where the aforementioned fight left off, right after Kourtney stormed away from her siblings.

In the video featured on this page, Kourtney calls up Khloe and is instantly triggered.

“I’m not here to be mistreated by my f-cing bitch family,” she says, on speakerphone of course.

She continues:

“Kim saying that I’m the least interesting to look at – who even speaks like that? You don’t say things like that.

"You guys just have really different values than me. I choose to be a mother to my three kids. I’m not here looking for another job. I already work enough – more than I would like to.”

As you might expect, Kourtney implying (heck, stating) that she is the only sister who cares more about her children than her occupation sets Kim off.

"YOU DON"T DO SHIT!" Kim screams, adding:

“You would honestly think that we have more jobs, so [you should] work around our schedule.

You do whatever the f-ck you want to do and you don’t do shit, so be accommodating to the people that actually do shit.”

“You’re a very distraught, evil human being,” Kourtney replies. “I don’t want to see you, okay? I don’t agree with who you are as a human being.”

Amazing, right?

The producers have really outdone themselves with the writing for this premiere.

Kim then tells Kourtney to eff herself, yelling and ranting and raving:

“Clearly you’re going through something else, because you’re acting like a f-cking lunatic.

So maybe deal with that. What I said to you was rude and I wasn’t even being serious, so I said I’m sorry for that. But you’re the most f-cking entitled person on the planet when you work the least.”

Again: Amazing!

If you need to catch up, you can go watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online now.

If you wanna see how this spat ends, you can tune in to E! at 9/8c on Sunday, August 5.

Kourtney kardashian lashes out as evil sister

Kim Kardashian to Kourtney: My Husband Bangs Better Than Your Boy-Toy!

We’ve seen Khloe confront Kourtney over her rude-ass behavior, but apparently that’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Kardashian sibling squabbles.

So you know how Younes likes bragging about hot cougar sex with Kourtney? Apparently Kourtney likes bragging about their mind-blowing sex to anyone who’ll listen.

All of these brags about banging are getting on Kim’s last nerve. And now Kim and Kourtney are kompeting over who has the best sex life!

HollywoodLife has the scoop on Kim and Kourtney trying to one-up each other in their respective bedrooms.

“The girls can turn anything into a competition,” the insider reminds fans. “Even their sex lives.”

Oh no.

“Ever since Kourtney started dating Younes,” the source continues. “She hasn’t been able to stop bragging that she’s having the best sex of her life.”

It may very well be that she is, but it sounds like it’s getting under Kim’s skin.

In fact, it sounds like Kim feels like she has something to prove in this arena.

“Her constant bragging about how much great sex she’s having really annoyed Kim,” the insider shares. “And made her feel this pressure to keep up.”

That’s silly. If someone brags about a good restaurant, you can go there to try it for yourself, but this is a different situation. You don’t have to brag about how good your lunch is.

The source explains: “So now she’s on a mission to outdo Kourtney.”

Well, that’s one way to respond to your sibling’s declarations of happiness, we suppose.

“It’s not going to be easy though,” the source cautions.

The insider elaborates, saying: “I mean Kourtney’s dating a guy in his 20s.”

“Apparently,” the source reveals. “His stamina is out of this world.”

As we mentioned, Younes has been bragging about how good his sex with Kourtney is. It sounds like these two are really enjoying their relationship.

“But Kim swears Kanye has the energy of a guy half his age,” the insider says.

Well, that could be true, but it also sounds like something that a man’s wife would say if she’s feeling defensive.

The source says: “She’s convinced that her sex life is better than Kourtney’s.”

That’s a weird dispute for two sisters to have, right?

“Of course,” the insider continues. “They’ve tried to drag all their sisters into this.”

Oh, good, they made it worse.

“But Kylie thinks the whole thing is ridiculous,” the source says. “And she does not like to share about what she and Travis Scott are up to.”

Thank goodness that Kylie Jenner is so sensible, and other things you don’t normally expect to say.

“Kendall is all about it though,” the source spills. “She likes listening and learning from Kim.”

As for Khloe, she’s not competing … but she’s still involved, apparently.

“Khloe said she’s going to be the judge and rule which sister is having the best sex ever,” the insider says. “The contest between them is silly, but very real.”

This does sound very silly, yes.

But considering that Kim and Kourtney had a “vagina smell-off” way back in 2013, this is arguably not the worst competition that they’ve had.

Poor Khloe had to be the judge then, too.

It may very well be that Kim and Kanye have an amazing sex life.

After all, surely Kim had to marry him and stay married to him despite everything for some reason, right? 

It could also be the case that Kourtney is bragging because she’s insecure about her sister’s married bliss or about other aspects of her relationship with Younes or even about Scott Disick.

But we’re inclined to believe that 

Besides, there’s no way to test it. Hell, even if the sisters swap husbands and boy-toys and baby daddies, that still won’t show them how good other people’s relationships are.

It takes two to tango, and what’s good for one may not be for another.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Konfronts Kourtney: What Is Up Your Ass?!!

Last month, word of Kourtney Kardashian"s clashes with her family had fans fearing that Kourtney will leave reality television.

Well, Keeping Up With The Kardashians premieres in just a few days, and Kourtney is still on it, at least for now.

In the new sneak peek, Kourtney clashes with her sisters and declares that she"s a "born b–ch."

Khloe and kim on kuwtk

In the preview video, Kim and Khloe (who is, of course, pregnant) are huddled up on the couch, bracing themselves for this conversation as if they"re about to report failure to Darth Vader.

"I don"t understand the f–king attitude," Khloe whispers to Kim.

"I"m so afraid of her," Kim says.

Khloe echoes: "I"m, like, so afraid of her."

Kourtney comes in, wearing red and black, her face a mask of disinterest.

Khloe waves on kuwtk

Kourtney immediately starts looking at her phone, which would be fine, except that she"s there to talk to Kim and Khloe and, oh by the way, they"re being filmed.

Like children trying to get their mom"s attention while she"s on the phone, Khloe waves at Kourtney while Kim flashes her. Neither of them elicit a response.

"Heh," Kim says. "She"s, like, not paying attention."

Kourtney"s cool reply is: "What do you want me to do? Sit here and stare?"

That"s … not an invalid point, honestly.

Kim kardashian flashes kourtney on kuwtk

"Well, guys," Kim says. "I really wasn"t going to plan a baby shower."

We know that it was forever ago, but we all remember Kim Kardashian"s third, very pink baby shower.

"But I think it"s important for North, so she starts feeling that, like, it"s coming," Kim explains. "Things are happening."

Even if those "things" aren"t visible, because Kim hired a gestational carrier.

"So," Kim continues. "A vision came to me about cherry blossoms."

Khloe chimes in: "They"re so beautiful."

Kim says: "And that"s my favorite thing at the moment."

The results, as we"ve all seen, were absolutely gorgeous.

Kim kardashian and north west kims baby shower


At this point, Kim starts going into detail about feeling busy and overwhelmed between the baby shower and the photoshoot.

Khloe volunteers to help her — with the baby shower, not with the photoshoot. That"s fair.

Kourtney ignores Kim"s pleas for help and seems to tune out her sisters.

"Thank you for the help," Kim says. Then, she adds a little rub. "Thanks for being so present."

This comment was clearly aimed at Kourtney, who was seated just feet away from them but did not seem present at all.

Kourt on her phone

Kourtney does speak, but she has nothing pleasant to say.

"Who let you choose black covers for your furniture?" Kourtney asks Khlow.

Kourt then declares that it"s "disgusting."

"Usually people get a color that"s neutral to your floor," Kourtney claims. "Who chooses black?"

For the record, folks, this is America, and you can get whatever color for your furniture covers that you like. It doesn"t even have to be a boring option.

But Kourtney is clearly looking to pick a fight.

Khloe is aghast on kuwtk

"Well, thanks for coming over," Khloe says. "Thanks for being so lovely."

"When I come into your house," Khloe continues. "I"ll be sure to say … just a critical comment."

Kourtney then insists that Khloe already does this "every time."

Kourt may be feeling needlessly confontational, but she"s not the only one spouting hostile words.

Khloe asks: "What is up your a–? Seriously, what the f–k is wrong with you?"

Kourtney replies that she is a "born b–ch."

The clip ends with Khloe telling the camera: "If I wasn"t pregnant, I"d probably have f–king drowned you in the pool."

When did kim fall for kanye

Khloe kardashian konfronts kourtney what is up your ass

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Younes Bendjima Doesn"t Want Anyone Else to See Kourtney Kardashian"s Butt!

In a bizarre display of apparent jealousy, Younes Bendjima slammed Kourtney Kardashian over a simple thong photo that she shared to Instagram.

He quickly deleted the comment, but not in time to prevent the whole world from seeing him bite the hand that feeds him.

Now, we’re learning that he wasn’t joking — as well as the reason for which he lashed out.

Kourtney looks great in this pic, right?

Too great, if you ask Younes Bendjima.

In a now-deleted Instagram comment, Younes wrote: “That’s what you need to show to get likes?”

At first, most people — including us — assumed that he was probably joking. An insider even suggested as much.

It turns out that his comment was fueled by genuine feelings of jealousy. This sounds so unhealthy.

Sources tell E! that Kourtney is frustrated with Younes’ comment.

(Keep in mind that E! is the very same network that airs Keeping Up With The Kardashians, so we’re inclined to give these words their due weight)

“Kourtney doesn’t appreciate Younes posting his feelings in a public forum and being impulsive,” the insider shares.

We would imagine not. He may be her boy toy, but he should act like a grown-up.

“She’s frustrated,” the source continues. “That he continues to get upset about it.”

And by it, the source means Kourtney having a but and showing it off.

“She isn’t going to stop doing what she’s doing,” the insider reassures the world. “And feels like he needs to understand and deal with it.”

“Younes gets jealous and can be possessive of Kourtney,” the insider explains.

Apparently, that was his motivation for commenting. Ridiculous.

“When she posts half naked pictures,” the source continues. “He gets very upset.”

Not only is modeling a huge part of her brand, but Younes also has a modeling career. He should know better.

This is such an absurd reaction to a fairly tame pic.

The insider says: “He wants her for himself and doesn’t want to share her with the world.”

Good thing for him that Kourtney is just a rich model taking photos in her bikini, and not the sex worker equivalent of Santa Claus, visiting every home on the planet in a single night.

But the source does reveal what may have been really going on with Younes to make him lash out.

“It was sad when they had to say goodbye,” the source explains. “And she returned to the States.”

So he’s not with her at the moment.

“He’s been missing her like crazy,” the insider says. “And got emotional.”

That’s not an excuse, but it might explain it.

It sounds like Younes needs some emotional hand-holding.

“Kourtney has explained its part of her job and it’s not going to change,” the source says firmly.

Good. No woman, and especially no Kardashian, should give up her career in favor of her boyfriend’s ego.

The insider admits: “but it still makes him uncomfortable and upset.”

The source does acknowledge: “He overreacted and put up a comment without thinking it through.”

“Then,” the insider says. “He realized [that] what he did made it even worse.”

Feeling bad is one thing. Embarrassing your girlfriend in front of the whole dang planet is worse.

“He was just not thinking in the moment,” the source explains. “And got emotional.”

It’s unfortunately not uncommon for men to experience possessiveness or other irrational feelings towards their partners.

This is part of why some say that men are in general too emotional to be President, but that’s beside the point.

Though some Instagram commenters engaged in gleeful slut-shaming of Kourtney for daring to have a butt, others were firmly on her side.

“Aye tbh he sayin she thirsty and other people are too,” one commenter wrote. “But I promise she ain’t thirsty bc the girl can get any guy she wants.”

The wise commenter continues, saying: “So her bf need to chill out bc she ain’t thirsty bro she with u bc she wants you so calm down for you catch these hands.”

That was all good except for the part about catching hands. Please do not threaten violence, even in jest.

“It still isn’t appropriate to post,” another wrote of Younes’ comment. “He isn’t her boss. She is her own boss.”

She sure is.

We hope that Younes can put on his big-boy pants and accept his wildly successful girlfriend for who she is.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Younes Bendjima SLAMS Her Over Thong Photo!

Is there trouble in paradise?

Kourtney Kardashian took to Instagram to share a jaw-dropping photo of her plentiful peach in a thong bikini.

But boy-toy turned boyfriend Younes Bendjima took to the comments and slammed her over the pic. Yikes!

As with all of her sisters, Kourtney’s body is closely tied to her brand.

Though she may be the eldest of Kris Jenner’s brood, she has a flawless figure that makes her one of the world’s most irresistible MILFs.

(Even if Maxim thinks that Sofia Richie is hotter)

But when she shared this tantalizing pic on Instagram, Younes left a shocking comment.

“Thats what you need to show to get likes?” Younes wrote. Wow.

Now, that comment has since been deleted, but if it’s an indicator of romantic problems … those are harder to delete than a few words.

Fortunately, there may be some good news.

A source tells Us Weekly that Younes Bendjima’s comment was made in jest.

That leads us to believe that he was making an inside joke — perhaps a reference to rude, trolling comments that she frequently receives.

Which probably also means that he deleted it when he realized that other people would think that it was a genuine criticism.

That makes a lot more sense than Younes putting his hot cougar sex with Kourtney at risk just to say a few nasty words on Instagram.

Besides, the odds are pretty good that Younes is the one who snapped that photo.

Also, he’s a model himself. That’s his whole thing.

If anyone can understand the modeling world, it’s a guy whose job is to look attractive.

Instagram makes it clear that Younes doesn’t have any qualms about showing his skin — or appearing alongside Kourtney while she’s flaunting her assets.

It would be very hypocritical of Younes to suddenly demand that Kourtney cover up or to try to genuinely shame her on social media.

It really does seem far more likely that he would be joking, as the insider says.

That said … if there really is trouble between Kourtney and Younes, we imagine that those closest to them would be eager to dismiss any hints of their squabbles that might get out.

We have recently heard that Younes is tired of being Kourtney’s boy toy and wants to focus on his modeling career, which has been an alleged source of tension.

But that is not confirmed. And we can’t see how an Instagram outburst would help him with any of his goals.

Younes’ now-deleted comment is a great reminder to folks on the internet: your tone rarely translates to text.

If you’re chatting with someone and end your statement with a period, it looks like you hate them.

And if you tweet or post an inside joke to social media — especially one that seems hostile or seems to refer to something terrible — other people will see it. 

Random strangers are not in on inside jokes, which is why they’re not just called jokes.

If you don’t want people making assumptions, keep your inside jokes, well, inside your social circle.


Monday, July 16, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian"s Boyfriend Younes Bendjima Shades Her Hot Booty Pic

So, this is a first — someone’s complaining about Kourtney Kardashian sharing a hot thong pic … and that someone is her boyfriend, Younes Bendjima. Younes took the jealous boyfriend route Monday, posting a comment on Kourt’s photo…


Kourtney Kardashian"s Boyfriend Younes Bendjima Shades Her Hot Booty Pic

So, this is a first — someone’s complaining about Kourtney Kardashian sharing a hot thong pic … and that someone is her boyfriend, Younes Bendjima. Younes took the jealous boyfriend route Monday, posting a comment on Kourt’s photo…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

daily-celebrities: Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kim...


Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kim Kardashian West


Younes Bendjima: Tired of Playing Boy-Toy for Kourtney Kardashian!

Younes Bendjima may enjoy hot cougar sex with Kourtney Kardashian, but the boy-toy turned boyfriend is apparently growing a little restless under the famous MILF.

Under her shadow, we mean.

A report says that Younes is trying to make a name for himself on his own terms — without Kourtney.

A source tells RadarOnline that Younes Bendjima is eager to prove himself as a model without just riding her coattails.

“Younes was modeling before he met Kourtney,” the insider mentions.

That is absolutely true. Like her ex, Scott Disick, Kourtney seems to have a thing for young, hot models. In her case, just one in particular.

The source absolutely acknowledges: “and being her boyfriend has definitely given him a bigger star status.”

Younes is well aware of that.

But it sounds like it’s not quite enough for him.

“He’s had a lot of offers rolling in because of that,” the insider states.

That’s no surprise. He’s practically a household name — at least, in homes where people are familiar with the intricate workings of the Kardashian clan.

Younes sees these offers, the source says, “and wants to use this time to turn his dream of becoming a male supermodel into reality.”

This time, we take it, refers to his youth. Modeling is not one of those careers that gets easier over time.

He’s not going to be a hot young thing forever, unfortunately. He wants to have his romance while also getting serious about his career.

Sadly, it sounds like Kourtney is less than enthusiastic about this.

“Kourtney would rather he focused on being with her,” the insider reports.

On the one hand, that sounds selfish. No one should be asked to choose between love and their career.

On the other hand, you can imagine how Kourtney might feel. She gave years to Scott, only for him to move on to younger pastures. She can’t want history to repeat itself.

Besides, Kourtney is said to feel like Younes already has enough of a boost.

The source says: “She thinks he should be grateful to her for all the attention and Instagram followers he’s getting.”

But it sounds like the boy-toy game, even though their romance is real, has gotten old.

“Younes has made it clear that he’s tired of being Kourtney’s glorified escort,” the insider reveals.

He must feel like a prized show dog at times, with Kourtney flaunting him and his hot body on social media.

Younes is ready for change, the source says, “and he wants to focus on turning himself into a huge star.”

She’s a Kardashian. She — and especially a few of her sisters and definitely her mom — could make Younes’ career dreams happen.

Younes doesn’t sound like he’ll be easily deterred in his pursuit of his supermodeling dreams.

The insider says that he’s going to try to launch his career to the next level — and he’ll do it “no matter what she thinks.”

But hopefully he’ll do it with her blessing — and the full support of her, her brand, and her very influential family.

As for Kourtney’s worries … well, she has no need to be insecure.

Maxim may think that Sofia Richie is hotter than Kourtney, but Younes has to know her value — and hotness — better than just about anyone.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Eats Foccacia, Klaps Back at Mommy-Shamer

Based on a couple of clips we’ve seen to far from Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 15, Kourtney Kardashian will be fighting mad when this reality series returns in August.

Here. See what we mean below:

But while Kourtney may get angry at her sisters on air later this summer, the long-time E! personality looks pretty darn relaxed at the moment, having shared a handful of photos from her ongoing vacation in Italy.

On Sunday, Kourtney shared a photo of herself on a yacht in Portofino with the caption, “just finished my daily basket of focaccia…hbu?”

To the average Internet user, this picture is both hilarious and beautiful.

It’s hilarious for two reasons: First, Kardashian apparently eats one basket of focaccia per day; second, she’s asking whether her followers have also done so themselves yet, as if this is a regular hobby.

It’s beautiful because…. ummm… just take a look at Kardashian’s ridiculous body in this image:

To the average Internet troll,however, this picture was a cause to lash out at Kourtney and question her qualifications for motherhood.

In a response to the snapshot, one idiot went ahead and actually commented,:

“Where are your kids?”

To which Kourtney replied:

“My son was taking the photo, and the other two were sitting a table across from me. Thank you so much for your concern.”

We’re gonna go out on a limb and assume that last sentence was written with sarcasm. Extreme sarcasm.

Kourtney Kardashian clapback

Kourtney, of course, shares children Mason Disick, Penelope Disick and Reign Disick with ex-boyfriend Scott Disick.

She arrived in Italy with boyfriend Younes Bendjima in late June and has been sharing many pictures from the trip on social media ever since.

It’s pretty clear everyone is having a grand time abroad, as evidenced by this totally adorable image of Kourtney and daughter Penelope.

How precious, right?!?

Kourtney and Bendjima seemed like a random fling back when the two first got together.

But they are reportedly still having hot cougar sex every chance they get and appear to be going stronger than ever before.

For some very strange reason, Maxim recently left Kourtney off its Hot Women list, which should perhaps be prosecuted as an actual crime.

We present the pictures above as evidence.

And for those who want to look like Kardashian, apparently the secret is now out:

Eat a basket of foccacia every day. There you have it!
