Showing posts with label Long. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Long. Show all posts

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Philip Rivers Can Play Just As Long As Tom Brady, Says Melvin Gordon

Forget the Tom Brady-playing-until-45 debate … Melvin Gordon says there’s a GRIP of NFL QBs who can play to that age — including his teammate, Philip Rivers!! The Chargers superstar told us it’s really not that hard for dudes like Brady,…


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Chris Long Says He Celebrated His Super Bowl Win In Africa

Chris Long’s quest to be the wokest man in the NFL continues — he tells TMZ Sports he didn’t celebrate his Super Bowl win in Vegas, L.A. or Miami … instead going to Africa to build wells with his charity. Long was out in NYC when we asked…


Chris Long Says He Celebrated His Super Bowl Win In Africa

Chris Long’s quest to be the wokest man in the NFL continues — he tells TMZ Sports he didn’t celebrate his Super Bowl win in Vegas, L.A. or Miami … instead going to Africa to build wells with his charity. Long was out in NYC when we asked…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Megan Fox Mom-Shamed Over Her Sons" Long Hair

In the past, Megan Fox has come under fire for letting her young sons be themselves.

Now, the mom-shamers are back and attacking her over a precious photo of her boys at the beach.

What the trolls can’t handle is that her sons have long hair.

Megan Fox is getting shamed for the photo that you’re about to see.

All because her sons have long hair.

Plenty of men have long hair. But there are people in this world who insist that the toxic cultural forces of the 1950s were right, and that all men must have short hair.

More to the point, there are some people whose ideas of hair length and gender are so inextricably linked that, in their twisted minds, a person with long hair is a girl.

Here is the great yet “controversial” photo of 5-year-old Noah and 4-year-old Bodhi.

It’s a precious photo and they both look happy, and yet some people just couldn’t keep themselves from mom-shaming the star.

“Megan why your boys look like they r girls?”

They literally just have hair.

“Lol … poor things look like little girls …”

Fun fact! Boys and girls both come in all sorts of sizes and shapes, and being mistaken for one or the other is not a source of shame.

“Poor boys they look like girls.”

We should mention that the spelling on a number of these comments was especially bad.

“Why don’t u cut boy’s heir?? U r crazy about baby girl.”

The fake sympathy continued.

“Poor darlings they look like they’re wearing wigs!”

But that wasn’t the worst of it.

Some of the comments became even nastier.

“‘My boys are girls, I’m progressive.’  Yeah progressively assisting suicide and mass delusion!”

First of all, that’s … not the statement that Megan Fox was making. Boys with long hair are, in fact, boys.

Second of all, since this person decided to bring up trans children, suicide risk plummets for trans kids who are accepted and loved for who they are by their families.

But that’s … not really relevant to this photo.

Before you lose all faith in humanity, there were plenty of positive comments.

In fact, we would say that most of the comments were affirming or simply direct praise.

“i love that you’re letting your kids choose how they wanna look.”

In addition to posts that ignored the criticisms posted by trolls, some took things a step further and ridiculed the haters.

“WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! It’s hair! Men/boys have sported long hair since the beginning of time.”

Nice to see some anger on the right side of the comments for a change.

“You sit here and wave your fingers at men for body shaming women and here you are shaming kids.”

That’s a very good comparison.

“STFU and back the hell up. These are not your kids, their hair has ZERO impact on you, but your words… have impact on them.”

Photos of Megan Fox’s kids are rare, and we have to wonder if mom-shaming plays a role in that.

If every time that she shows a picture of her children, she gets accused of being part of the “trans illuminati agenda,” she’s going to give fans fewer glimpses into her life.

Some mom-shaming comes from a place of genuine concern. Questions like “is that baby old enough for solid food” usually come from a place of love or curiosity.

But these particular trolls seem to be trying to induce Megan to cut her boys’ hair short to meet their arbitrary definition of masculinity.

It’s absurd. And cutting your child’s hair shorter than they’d like it because of some internet comments is not something that a good parent should do.

The world has always known that Megan is hot. Only in recent years have fans discovered that she’s also an amazing mom.


Monday, May 7, 2018

John Lennon Was a Bad Guy, Says NFL"s Chris Long

John Lennon was not a saint. In fact, The Beatles legend is a “bad guy” … so says NFL star Chris Long.  Long was responding to a Twitter challenge where he was supposed to state a “controversial yet unproblematic opinion” … and he wrote,…


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Ball Family Returns From Lithuania, Lots Of Long Faces

LaVar, Lonzo, LaMelo and LiAngelo are officially back in L.A. from Lithuania — but it ain’t exactly the triumphant return they envisioned when they left in the first place.  As we previously reported, LaVar just announced ‘Gelo & ‘Melo…


Ball Family Returns From Lithuania, Lots Of Long Faces

LaVar, Lonzo, LaMelo and LiAngelo are officially back in L.A. from Lithuania — but it ain’t exactly the triumphant return they envisioned when they left in the first place.  As we previously reported, LaVar just announced ‘Gelo & ‘Melo…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Gigi Hadid Parties with Long Line of Model Friends for 23rd Birthday

Gigi Hadid was the clear standout for her 23rd birthday party this week — but her sis and smoking hot model friends came in at a very close 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th … you get it. Gigi led the charge Monday night heading into an undisclosed…


Gigi Hadid Parties with Long Line of Model Friends for 23rd Birthday

Gigi Hadid was the clear standout for her 23rd birthday party this week — but her sis and smoking hot model friends came in at a very close 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th … you get it. Gigi led the charge Monday night heading into an undisclosed…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Theresa Caputo and Larry Caputo: Long Island Medium Trailer Shows Their Split

In late 2017, Long Island Medium stars Theresa Caputo and Larry Caputo called it quits after 28 years of marriage.

It"s a huge change for the couple.

And, as you"ll see below in the trailer for the new season, it"s going to change things on the show. Will viewers like the new dynamic?

Theresa caputo speaks

In the trailer for the new season, one particularly tense scene shows the relationship breakdown between Theresa and Larry.

Larry, speaking through tears, says:

"It"s not good for either one of us. We can"t go on like this."

Theresa then says:

"And I feel like I am at this breaking point."

Larry responds that it might not be a bad thing that she feels that way.

"Sometimes it has to get to that point"

Because it"s a trailer, it"s hard to say how many words were exchanged after that, but we see Theresa get up and walk off, looking upset.

Larry caputo looks sad

That"s going to be a lot to take in.

In a less dire scene, Theresa explains to a friend exactly what things are like with her and Larry.

"Right now, we"re separated."

After 28 years.

And she explains where he has gone.

"He went to LA."

And she says that she knows that this whole situation — the conflict and the separation itself — isn"t just impacting her and Larry.

"Naturally, I speak with my children and I know this is hard for them."

Theresa caputo on hollywood medium

But Theresa does get into how her separation from Larry gets to her.

It even impacts her as she films Long Island Medium.

"The hardest thing that I have to do is to move forward and do it without Larry."

That has to be so difficult.

"That"s my struggle."

There"s more to just mourning the loss of your relationship and the emotional pain from that.

Sometimes, it"s the little things. Habits that you were both in for nearly three decades. You"re not accustomed to doing certain things alone.

Larry caputo image

Last December, Larry Caputo broke his silence on the split.

He will also be featured this season, as you can clearly see in the trailer and as we"ve already mentioned.

So any viewers and fans who have concerns that people are only going to get Theresa"s "side" of the separation can lay those fears to rest.

That said, the show is called Long Island Medium, not Long Island Husband.

It is, first and foremost, about Theresa"s work as a medium.

Theresa caputo

The trailer does spend a lot of time focusing on Theresa"s work, whether she"s speaking to a crowd or doing a one-on-one session.

She even has a number of celebrity guests, including Tituss Burguss from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Robert Patrick, an actor who is perhaps best known for playing bad guys or unfriendly good guys on shows such as The X-Files and Stargate: Atlantis.

Patrick also portrayed the primary antagonist of Terminator 2.

There are a lot of tears and there"s a lot of powerful emotion and relief in this trailer.

For a number of reasons, it looks like this season of Long Island Medium is going to be intense. Take a look!

Theresa caputo and larry caputo long island medium trailer shows

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Lauren Burnham and Arie Luyendyk: How Long Will They Last?

We want to do it quickly!

So Luyendyk told People Magazine this week about his impending wedding to Lauren Burnham.

The disgraced Bachelor explained to the publication that he and his second-and-then-first choice for a wife have been planning their big day for months and that it will definitely happen this year.

But will it, though?

Will it really?!?

Fans around the globe are wondering whether Arie and Lauren will truly make it down the aisle, partly due to the roundabout way in which they got together:

First, Arie dumped Lauren for Becca Kufrin.

Then, he proposed to Becca.

Then, he called Lauren around New Year’s, told her he still had feelings for her and learned she was still interested in him.

Then, he gathered with an ABC camera crew and told Becca that he wanted to have a romantic weekend with her in Los Angeles.

Then, he dumped her.

Then, he proposed to Lauren on last night’s After the Rose special.

And…that brings us to today!

Arie and Lauren are well aware that they are plenty of doubters out there, as well as plenty of haters.

“We don’t really care what anyone else has to say,” Burnham tells People of her critics, but we can’t imagine she really means this.

And whatever, the point right now is not whether Lauren and Arie are concerned about the opinions of others… the point is whether others are correct.

Kelly Ripa, for example, responded to someone on Twitter last night who predicted that Arie and Lauren will last for 100 days as a couple.

“You’re being generous,” the talk show host joked in response.


Yet we somehow don’t think she was joking.

No matter how in love Bachelor-based couples look on television, the following fact remains:

Only one of 22 Bachelors has actually married the woman to whom he proposed on the show.

Granted, Arie did not technically propose to Lauren on the show itself.

He proposed on the after-show — but does this really give anyone comfort? Does it really make anyone think there’s a very long-term future for the couple?

Both Arie and Lauren are saying all the right things, too.

“Love is not always perfect,” Arie tells People, getting all profound and adding:

“Everyone finds each other in a different way. It’s not always a fairy tale, but as long as Lauren and I have each other, we’re happy.”

Burnham, meanwhile, claims the way Arie selected Becca and then her is actually a positive sign:

“It gives me confidence in our relationship knowing that he truly wants to be with me and he took this huge risk to make it happen.”

Yes, sure. This absolutely may prove to be prescient.

Or Arie and Lauren may have broken up by the time you read this.

What do you think? Cast your vote below and let us know:



Monday, February 26, 2018

Eagles" Chris Long Rocks Dog Mask on Peak of Mount Kilimanjaro

What’s the first thing Super Bowl champ Chris Long did after crushing one of the gnarliest volcanic mountains on the planet? Break out a dog mask and Philly flag — to declare Mount Kilimanjaro EAGLES COUNTRY!! FYI, Chris has been…


Friday, February 16, 2018

Jennifer Aniston MIA From Justin Theroux"s New York Life for a Long Time

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux said Thursday they decided to separate at the end of last year, but New York sources who live around Justin say Jennifer’s been absent from his NYC life since August. Justin has an apartment in the West Village…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Beyonce Rocks Super Long Hair, Short Skirt in Miami

Beyonce’s going long — really long — when it comes to her hair, but super short when it comes to her fashion. Any complaints? Didn’t think so. Bey and Jay-Z were in Miami Thursday night for some business and some pleasure — and she showed off an…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Kyle Long On Gronk: Bet On NFL Return, Not Hollywood (Yet)

Dry your tears, Patriots fans … if Chicago Bears star Kyle Long is right, Rob Gronkowski isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, ‘cause Long tells TMZ Sports all the retirement talk is just that … talk. After the Super Bowl, Gronk said he was…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Eagles" Chris Long: I"ll Boycott Trump"s White House if We Win Super Bowl

Chris Long says he’s ready to stick it to Donald Trump AGAIN — stating he will NOT attend the White House visit if the Eagles win the Super Bowl.  Backstory — Long boycotted the trip in 2017 when he was invited to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. as a…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Dennis Rodman Leaves Rehab, Begins "Long Term Treatment"

After completing a week at an inpatient rehab center in Jersey, Dennis Rodman is out … but swears to continue working on his sobriety.  Rodman had checked in to the Turning Point treatment center following his DUI arrest earlier this month.…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Kylie Jenner: How Long She"ll Hide Herself & Her Baby!

Okay, so not only is Kylie Jenner pregnant, but we finally know how the big Kylie pregnancy reveal is happening on Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

Once that two-part special airs, she’ll finally be able to go out in public and let people see that she’s pregnant. … Right?

Maybe not. As it turns out, Kylie is reportedly still determined to remain in seclusion until the baby’s born.

Though the entire planet has known about Kylie’s pregnancy since September, Kylie — who used to dominate social media with selfies and updates on her life — hasn’t confirmed it.

Or even allowed herself to be seen — really seen — in ages.

At first, we wondered if it was just because she wanted to do a big reveal. We even wondered if it was some sort of revenge, if staying mum about her pregnancy was a way of getting back at her nosy fans.

One heartbreaking reports claims that Kylie Jenner cannot stop eating.

That’s normal for a pregnancy, but, if it’s true, it must be a nightmare for a reality star. Especially one based in Southern California who built a lot of her brand on having a desirable look.

Whatever the true cause — and we’re sure that a number of factors are involved — reports have been claiming for a while now that Kylie Jenner plans to hide until she gives birth.

HollywoodLife reports that Kylie Jenner plans to remain in hiding … and they describe how she reportedly plans to share her baby with the world.

Kylie wants to keep the worst kept secret still very vague until she actually has the baby.”

That much seems clear.

“She doesn’t want anyone to know when she will be at the hospital and in labor, she doesn’t want anyone to get the shot of the baby.”

We’ve heard absolute nightmare situations about famous people being stalked at hospitals and even followed by helicopters.

Kylie’s reason for wanting zero photos of her baby after the birth is for a much more practical reason.

“Because she would like to sell that photo and she doesn’t want it to be a part of the show until the baby is actually born.”

Kylie has a very specific role model in mind for how she rolls out information and media about her soon-to-be child.

“But she is going to move forward pretty much the same way how Kim has dealt with it with her children.”

Meaning, specifically:

“Revealing things very limitedly or not at all.”

Honestly, it makes sense that Kylie would follow Kim’s example, here. Is Kourtney the more experienced mother? Of course.

But Kim’s been having children over the past few years, at the height of Kardashian fame. Kourtney is world-famous, but she’s never taken center-stage like Kim or Kylie.

HollywoodLife‘s source goes on to talk about how Kylie is enjoying keeping this private.

“She doesn’t have many things for herself and with this being her first baby, she wants to make it as special and real as it possibly can be.”

That seems to contradict her plans to sell a photo of her baby … but whatever.

“And then make everything about her private life take the turn to public life.”

So she’ll, what, gradually let people know more?

“She wants to give something to herself before she gives it up to the world.”

That is very sweet. But … is it the whole truth?

We’re leery of latching onto an individual report and swallowing it hook. line, and sinker. But we’ve heard a lot about Kylie’s alleged weight gain during her pregnancy and about her apparent body image issues.

Considering her history (she wasn’t always considered “hot,” folks … and Kylie went through her own transformation, not unlike Kourtney’s, during her teen years and many believe that it wasn’t just puberty), it’s easy to believe that Kylie’s freaking out about pregnancy weight, from hormones and from eating.

We hope that she’s able to calm down and get some perspective by the time that the baby arrives.

And Kylie’s baby is due in less than a month.


Monday, December 18, 2017

Long Island Medium: Did Theresa Caputo Predict Her Split in 2013?!

When the world learned that Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo had separated from her husband, the “she should have seen it coming” jokes were almost too easy.

But … some fans have pointed out that maybe she did see it coming.

Specifically, in a 2013 episode of Long Island Medium, when Theresa admits to having had a dream … that her husband was cheating on her.

Before we get to Theresa’s prediction, a quick refresher:

Theresa Caputo and her husband, Larry Caputo, have announced their separation.

They knew that fans watching Long Island Medium knew that things weren’t great between them, and wanted to go ahead and answer their questions with a statement:

“After 28 years of marriage, we have decided to legally separate.”

Marital problems can happen after a few months or a few decades, folks.

But they’re keeping things positive.

“We will always love each other and our two wonderful children.”

Glad that they’re thinking of each other and of Larry Jr. and Victoria.

“Please respect our privacy during this time.”

Of course — you don’t show up when somebody’s buying groceries to ask them prying questions about their failed marriage.

However, we did learn more when Larry Caputo spoke about the separation.

“We’re having a difficult time,” he told a friend of his on Hollywood Medium.

“I think a lot of the frustration has to do with us not spending time together anymore.”

That can sabotage just about any relationship.

“Along with that comes the lack of communication so it’s like losing your best friend. It’s hard.”

Of course.

“As much as I try to busy myself so I’m not thinking about it, it’s still there.”

And even as he was speaking to his friend, Larry was thinking of the toll that their vaguely defined marital problems were taking on his wife.

“I know it’s very trying for both of us. I don’t want to make it just about me. I know it’s the same for Theresa also.”

Aside from spending time apart — which can be a real relationship-killer all on its own, we don’t know 

But, on a 2013 episode of Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo had a dream that her husband was cheating on her.

“I [dreamed] that Larry was having an affair. And I’m like, ‘Are you freaking kidding me? Seriously?"”

Now, we’re not going to tell anyone what to believe about psychics in general or about Theresa Caputo specifically.

There are people who believe in psychics, there are people who absolutely do not.

There are plenty of people who generally believe in psychics but believe that Theresa is a very charismatic, entertaining woman who in no way receives messages from the dead.

But it’s sort of entertaining that Theresa made this prediction about her husband, more than 20 years into their marriage, and shared it on the show.

On a sadder note, though, Theresa did at the time suggest that the two of them do couples counseling to work out any issues that they may have had.

Larry … opted for the two of them to go dancing instead. It sounded like he wasn’t taking Theresa’s dream very seriously.

In retrospect, maybe some counseling would have done their marriage some good.

And, especially if you don’t believe that Theresa Caputo has any special connection to the dead, maybe Theresa’s dream about his cheating had less to do with predicting the future or the truth and more to do with underlying marital issues that her unconscious was processing as she slept.

(Again, we’re not telling anyone what to believe)

Maybe counseling could help them now. Or maybe it’s just too late.

We don’t know what lies in store for the couple. And maybe not even Theresa knows.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Matt Lauer Goes on Food Run at Long Island Deli

Matt Lauer hit up a Long Island deli late Wednesday morning … the same deli his wife hit up hours earlier. Matt walked out of the Jimmy Jim Deli with another customer — the 2 clearly had some sort of conversation inside and said goodbye to each…
