Showing posts with label Markle's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Markle's. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Dad Buys Frappuccino Days After Wedding, Heart Surgery

Meghan Markle’s father might’ve missed his daughter’s wedding with Prince Harry, but he wasn’t missing his Starbucks while on the mend … broken hearts be damned. The Duchess’ dad, Thomas Markle, was in Rosarito, Mexico Monday stopping off at a…


Monday, May 21, 2018

Katy Perry Actually Said WHAT About Meghan Markle"s Wedding Dress?!?

Now that Katy Perry is done feuding with Taylor Swift, the singer has apparently chosen a new target for her wrath.

And that target is…

… Meghan Markle?!?

Apparently, yes.

Following Saturday’s royal wedding, the rare event met with universal approval across the Internet, Perry was asked for her reaction to Markle’s wedding down.

It was a pretty basic ensemble, designed by Givenchy and worn perfectly by the glowing bride.

Or at least that’s what we thought.

“I would have done one more fitting,” the American Idol judge told Entertainment Tonight about the gown, adding with a smile:

“I’m never not going to tell the truth! One more fitting, but I love you!”

Let’s keep in mind that this fashion assessment is coming from someone who went out in public looking like this recently:

Designed by Great Britain’s own Clare Waight Keller, Markle’s dress featured a sleek silhouette featured and an open bateau neckline, along with slim three-quarter sleeves.

Moreover, it expertly emphasized the bride’s slender sculpted waist, according to Kensington Palace’s official release.

Has the gown received the sort of praise bestowed upon Kate Middleton’s wedding dress in 2011? Which actually led H&M to come out with a much cheaper version that it now sells in storeS?

No. Not yet at least.

But why be so harsh, Katy Perry?!?

“Kate won! Kate won!” Perry added even more obnoxiously, making clear in this same interview that she preferred Middleton’s Alexander McQueen-designed frock.

(Do you agree? Vote below!)

Fashion Face-Off!

You must pick one: Who wore her Royal Wedding Dress best, Meghan Markle or Kate Middleton? View Poll »

Markle and Harry got married on Saturday, May 19, of course.

The ceremony was attended by several hundred guests, while thousands of people lined the London streets to cheer on the couple and millions more watched at home on television.

We’ve since learned that Harry gave a speech at the evening reception in which he said he cannot wait for him and Markle to be an official “team.’

He also praised his bride’s “grace and dignity,” both of which truly have been on display while she gets dragged left and right by her terrible family members.

In her speech, meanwhile, Markle reportedly thanked her mom (“You have always been there for me through everything…”) and the Royal Family for accepting her into their lives with open arms.

Markle and Harry remain in Great Britain right now, putting off their honeymoon for an undetermined period of time.

It’s unclear just when they’ll depart and it’s equally unclear just where they are actually going for this big trip.

What is VERY clear, however, is that these two deserve a very long vacation.

They’ve been in the public eye for a long time now and they don’t need to just sit back and take this sort of criticism from someone like Katy Perry.

We hope they get the chance to get far away from it all soon, to kick back, relax and makes all sort of sweet and passionate love.

Don’t you agree?


Meghan Markle"s Dumb Dad Wishes He"d Gone to the Royal Wedding

If you’ve been anywhere near an internet-enabled device in the past 72 hours, then you’re no doubt aware that Prince Harry married Meghan Markle in a unique ceremony at Windsor Castle in London.

Harry and Meghan’s nuptials were different from previous royal weddings in a number of important ways.

Most were cool and interesting, others … well, not so much.

For example, the ceremony incorporated elements of African-American culture in order to honor Meghan’s ethnicity and nationality.

That was inarguably awesome.

In the other column, you’ll find the almost unbelievably messy drama surrounding Meghan’s family.

While it certainly helped set this wedding apart from its predecessors, we’re guessing Harry and Meghan would have been happy to skip over the soap opera BS delivered by her father and her half-siblings.

Meghan’s half-brother and half-sister talked a bunch of trash, but that came as no surprise, as those two revealed themselves to be bestselling items at the jerk store several months ago.

Much more unexpected was the last-minute turmoil involving Meghan’s father.

Thomas Markle skipped the royal wedding, bowing out just days before the ceremony for reasons that still aren’t totally clear.

At first, there were reports that Meghan’s dad had suffered a heart attack.

Now, however, it doesn’t that that was the case.

The more likely explanation seems to be that Thomas was humiliated by the revelation that he’d agreed to be photographed by paparazzi in exchange for a fee.

That’s not to say Thomas is without health issues, but it seems that his reasons for skipping the wedding were more varied and complex than initially reported.

Weirdly, Thomas was in regular communication with TMZ throughout the build-up to the wedding, and he spoke to the site on Saturday after Meghan and Harry exchanged vows.

“My baby looks beautiful and she looks very happy,” he said.

“I wish I were there and I wish them all my love and all happiness.”

Thomas added that watching the wedding on television was both “emotional and joyful.”

We may never know exactly what prompted Thomas to stay home instead of participating in this once-in-a-lifetime event, but remarkably, it seems he and Meghan have remained on good terms.

But perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised by that – something tells us Meghan has lots of experience forgiving her father.


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Yogurt Shop Offers 50% Off Royal Wedding Special

Meghan Markle’s humble beginnings haven’t been forgotten by those she left behind, because we found out the yogurt shop where she worked back in the day is offering a special royal offering …at a discount! Turns out Meghan worked at Humphrey…


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle"s Royal Wedding (LIVE STREAM)

The big day has finally come for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and we’re here for it … so check out the live stream and watch with us as the couple exchanges “I dos” across the pond. The highly anticipated Royal Wedding ceremony kicks off…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Half Sister Hosting Royal Wedding Viewing Party

Meghan Markle’s going to have her half sister with her as she marries Prince Harry — at least in spirit … ‘cause she’ll be watching from home, with security standing guard. Samantha Markle tells TMZ she’s hosting a viewing party to watch the…


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Sister: Hospitalized After Car Wreck

As the Royal Wedding looms closer, it has appeared that Meghan Markle’s awful sister will never stop saying hateful things about Meghan and, well, everything else.

But something has given Samantha Grant pause.

She has been hospitalized with multiple injuries following a car accident.

TMZ reports that Samantha Grant was hospitalized with what they say appears to be a broken ankle and a fractured knee.

What’s more, this comes after an alleged confrontation with the paparazzi — or at least one paparazzo.

According to Samantha’s boyfriend, Mark, the two were driving in Florida near a toll booth when this happened.

it is Mark who describes this as a “paparazzi confrontation.”

Allegedly, a paparazzo veered in front of them in the hopes of getting a clear shot with his camera.

Mark says that he then swerved to the left to avoid a collision.

He was successful in avoiding the photographer … but ended up running into a concrete barrier.

Mark says that Samantha hit the windshield on impact — and then fell to the floor mat.

(We would hope that she and everyone else on the planet always wears a seatbelt, so we’d love an explanation for how that happened)

Samantha has MS, and was unable to lift herself up from the floorboard.

She says that her foot was twisted backwards. We can’t even imagine how that would look, but it sure sounds painful.

Mark says that the paparazzo fled the scene.

We have to keep in mind that, so far, we only know Mark (and, we suppose, Samantha’s) version of events.

We don’t yet know the full story of what happened.

Obviously, conspiracy theorists always like to run wild — but no, Queen Elizabeth II did not arrange this.

Outside of fictional settings like Grimm, the British royal family only wields as much power as your average millionaire dynasty who plays an anachronistic ceremonial role in government.

Though we’re sure that the Queen would do anything to make her grandson’s wedding perfect, this was not a hit.

Sometimes, accidents happen.

Especially when an alleged overeager photographer is pursuing a vehicle.

Given the way in which Prince Harry and Prince William tragically lost their mother at a heartbreakingly young age, this is something that the Royals know better than most.

Mark of course drove Samantha to the E.R. for treatment, but a broken ankle can take months of recovery.

Based upon the description of her injuries, it seems likely that she’ll have metal surgically implanted to keep her ankle break from repeating.

Ankle injuries are nasty, and once they are severely injured, conventional wisdom says that they are never the same again.

We don’t know if MS will complicate Samantha’s injuries or her recovery.

We also don’t know if she has any other, less obvious injuries from what sounds like a frightening collision.

We know that there is clearly no love lost between Samantha and Meghan.

But that doesn’t mean that Meghan is looking out a palace window somewhere like a dramatic villain, gleefully celebrating her detractor’s injury.

Obviously, Meghan is getting married in two days.

Additionally, Meghan Markle’s father’s heart attack has her concerned for his health, and has left the family scrambling to make new arrangements since he can no longer attend.

She has a lot on her plate, and honestly, this news is probably just another distraction.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Dad Thomas Markle is Alert and Out of Surgery

3:05 PM PT – Thomas says, “I’m ok. It will take a long time to heal. Staying in the hospital a few more days. Not allowed to get excited.” Meghan Markle’s dad, Thomas, appears to have successfully undergone heart surgery … TMZ has…


Meghan Markle"s Dad Thomas Markle is Alert and Out of Surgery

3:05 PM PT – Thomas says, “I’m ok. It will take a long time to heal. Staying in the hospital a few more days. Not allowed to get excited.” Meghan Markle’s dad, Thomas, appears to have successfully undergone heart surgery … TMZ has…


Meghan Markle"s Half Sister Samantha Hospitalized with Possible Broken Ankle

Meghan Markle’s half sister, Samantha, is in the hospital after suffering what appears to be a broken ankle and a fractured knee after a confrontation with the paparazzi … TMZ has learned. Samantha’s boyfriend, Mark, tells TMZ, they were…


Meghan Markle"s Awful Sister: I Will Never Shut Up!

Forget those earlier rumors about Meghan Markle being a bridezilla.

Based on a few anonymous quotes, it just sounds like the former actress is a perfectionist who wants her wedding to go as smoothly as possible.

But sister-of-the-bride-zilla? This made-up term doesn’t adequately begin to describe bitter, disrespectful and all-around awful Samantha Grant.

Grant (who is sometimes referred to as Samantha Markle) has been making the media rounds for months now, exploiting the fame of her half-sibling by using every platform she can find to disparage Prince Harry’s fiancee.

She’s actually writing a book about her sister (which labels Meghan as a “Pushy Princess”), despite the fact that Samantha is 17 years her senior and the two barely know each other.

Of late, Samantha has been in the news more than ever because the father she shares with Meghan has made headlines for two reasons:

  1. He will not be attending the Royal Wedding due to a recent heart attack and upcoming heart procedure.

  2. He was recently busted for a pay-for-pose scheme in which he would pay paparazzo to snap flattering photos of him.

Samantha has been defending her father in numerous interview, even getting into a heated debate with Piers Morgan after she blamed the media for how he’s been treated.

Watch it unfold here:

Elsewhere, Samantha has not shut up about how she and a few other family members are NOT invited to the wedding.

And she made it clear while talking to TMZ yesterday that she doesn’t plan on shutting up, either.

“If it’s about my life or my fathers’s, there’s something in this country known as freedom of speech,” Samantha told this celebrity gossip outlet, adding in defiance:

“She doesn’t have a copyright on that and she’s not going to tell me that I can’t speak about my own life or my father’s where it’s a matter of public self-defense.”

It’s worth noting, of course, that Markle has not come out and told Samantha to be quiet.

We’re sure she’s thought it because Samantha is dragging her all over the place.

However, Kensington Place simply released the following statement in light of Thomas Markle backing out of the festivities:

This is a deeply personal moment for Ms. Markle in the days before her wedding. She and Prince Harry ask again for understanding and respect to be extended to Mr. Markle in this difficult situation.

But whatever, people!

Samantha Grant won’t be silenced, okay?!?

“The media is disparaging us. I’m not going to take it,” she added to TMZ, going on about her relative:

“She’s not qualified to suggest that I don’t under any law in this country. This is not Great Britain. I am a United States citizen. That’s all there is to it.”

Samantha sounds totally sane and reasonable, huh?

According to this terrible person, Markle is “way out of her league to tell me that I can’t speak. I’m not saying anything about her but if I’m talking about my life or my father’s, she has to respect it.”

Except that Samantha has said A LOT about Meghan.

She has said her sister isn’t actually a humanitarian and that she’s a phony and that she has no class.

She has said these sort of things many, many times in public.

But whatever.

Markle continues to take the high road and she’ll at least have the last laugh, that’s for certain/

In what way?

In the way she gets to have sex with Prince Harry for the rest of her life. Woo-hoo!

Game, set, match… Meghan Markle.


Meghan Markle"s Sister Samantha Says Meghan Has No Right to Muzzle Her

Meghan Markle’s half-sister says England’s new princess-to-be has no right to tell her when to talk, or what to say — ‘cause this is ‘Merica, damnit!!! Yes … seriously. We spoke with Samantha Markle a few days ahead of Meghan’s wedding with…


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Mom Leaves for Royal Wedding, Gets VIP Treatment

Walking Meghan Markle down the aisle to marry Prince Harry has its privileges, and her mother is enjoying one of ‘em right now as she jets off to England for the royal wedding. Doria Ragland got picked up Tuesday at her L.A. home, where she…


Meghan Markle"s Mom Leaves for Royal Wedding, Gets VIP Treatment

Walking Meghan Markle down the aisle to marry Prince Harry has its privileges, and her mother is enjoying one of ‘em right now as she jets off to England for the royal wedding. Doria Ragland got picked up Tuesday at her L.A. home, where she…


Meghan Markle"s Dad Thomas to Undergo Heart Surgery and Can"t Attend Wedding

Thomas Markle is not going to walk his daughter, Meghan, down the aisle Saturday, nor will he travel to England, because we’ve learned he’s dealing with something far more serious … major surgery. Thomas tells TMZ, he will go into surgery at 7:30…


Meghan Markle"s Dad Thomas Now Wants to Walk Daughter Down the Aisle

Meghan Markle’s dad has had a change of heart — this after his daughter contacted him — and he now wants to go to England and walk her down the aisle … but there’s a serious snag. Thomas Markle just told us he’s back in the hospital after…


Prince Harry"s Family Blindsided by Meghan Markle"s Dad Deciding to Bail on Wedding

Kensington Palace was caught flatfooted by TMZ’s story that Meghan Markle’s dad will not walk his daughter down the aisle … because we found out the palace had made elaborate plans for him. Our palace sources say the plans included a security…


Meghan Markle"s Dad Suffering New Chest Pains and Will Head to Hospital

Meghan Markle’s dad is hurting from the fallout over his deal with a paparazzi agency — hurting both physically and emotionally, and it looks like he’s going back to the hospital as early as Monday night. Thomas Markle tells TMZ, he’s experiencing…


Monday, May 14, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Yoga Mom is Now Frontrunner to Walk Daughter Down the Aisle

Meghan Markle’s mom may have to make a quick transformation — both in apparel and location — because she’s now the leading candidate to walk her daughter down the aisle. Doria Ragland was going about her business in L.A. Monday, just 5 days before…


Meghan Markle"s Yoga Mom is Now Frontrunner to Walk Daughter Down the Aisle

Meghan Markle’s mom may have to make a quick transformation — both in apparel and location — because she’s now the leading candidate to walk her daughter down the aisle. Doria Ragland was going about her business in L.A. Monday, just 5 days before…
