Showing posts with label Morgan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morgan. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Sonja Morgan and Tinsley Mortimer: Watch Their HUGE Fight!

Reality television thrives on drama, and The Real Housewives of New York City is absolutely no exception.

On Wednesday night"s episode, Sonja Morgan seemed to be in everyone"s crosshairs. And she gave as good as she got in an explosive fight with Tinsley Mortimer.

See for yourself in the video below.

If you"ve yet to watch Season 10 Episode 4 of The Real Housewives of New York City online, you"re in for a treat.

The first look at this season included the line, "shut your mouth and shut your f–king legs." 

The moment has arrived.

But before that intensely hostile line came — and was, of course, directed at Sonja — Sonja had plenty of other fights.

Even as the episode began, she was in the same fight on which the previous episode had ended.

She was feuding hard with Dorinda Medley.

Dorinda was under the impression that Sonja had equated Sonja"s divorce to Dorinda having to bury her late husband.

Both are negative experiences, but those things are not equal. Not by any measure.

Ramona Singer and Sonja used to be close, but Ramona seemed to be taking Dorinda"s side.

The two left together in a huff from Countess Luann de Lessep"s place.

Which left Sonja feeling betrayed and angry.

And the drama didn"t stop there.

So, you know how Carole Radziwill did the New York City marathon?

That"s the activity that caused her and Bethenny Frankel to grow apart, and now their friendship is effectively over.

Well, Ramona hosted a party for her. It was supposed to be a celebratory dinner, but it ended up being less about Carole and more about Ramona.

Well, when Sonja tries to talk about her relationship with Rocco, Dorinda tries to shut her down, claiming that the relationship is fake.

Dorinda even says "liar liar, ho on fire." You know, like they"re all 12.

This did not go forgotten by Tinsley Mortimer.

When Ramona describes Tinsley as a "kept woman," Tinsley goes off on her, and it"s Tinsley"s turn to accuse her of dishonesty.

"You don"t lie?! You don"t lie?! You lie all the time!"

Tinsley really doesn"t like the implication that she isn"t making her own way in the world, and she grows increasingly loud and distressed.

"Don"t say that my boyfriend is paying for me for everything! I"m not even with him right now!"

Dorinda, acting like some sort of trickster deity at this point, asks Sonja if she believes that Tinsley paid for the $ 5000 gift card that she gave Sonja. Sonja says "no."

Tinsley decides that the appropriate response, in addition to yelling "shut your mouth and shut your f–king legs" at Sonja, is to furiously write out a check to Sonja for $ 8,000.

(Lots of people would love to have their arguments end with their frenemies writing them a check of that amount or any amount, honestly)

It is Bethenny Frankel who acts as the voice of reason, here.

She even guides Sonja into admitting that it doesn"t matter who paid for the gift card or who pays for anything else.

Bethenny says: "Exactly!"

And then, being Bethenny, she burns Tinsley"s check.

Countess Luann says: "This is a laughable moment altogether, and Bethenny, by burning the check, just gave it a punchline."

She"s exactly write.

If you"ve read our RHONY recap, you already know the details of this fight.

But take a look at the actual fight in this video.

Many envy the Real Housewives for their lifestyles and fame.

But we should all probably be thanking our lucky stars that our dinner parties don"t go like this.

Sonja morgan and tinsley mortimer watch their huge fight

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tracy Morgan Gets His "Headsprung" as "Last O.G." Renewed for Season 2

Tracy Morgan sticks to his O.G. status on and off camera, especially when he hears his hit new show just got picked up for a new season … queue LL Cool J slaps. We got Tracy Monday arriving to the ‘Daily Show’ set in NYC, where he was…


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Vanessa Morgan

Vanessa Morgan


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Vanessa Morgan

Vanessa Morgan


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Morgan Spurlock Sued for Breach of Contract as Result of Sexual Misconduct Admission

Morgan Spurlock admitting to past sexual misconduct screwed over the production company he was working with, and there’s a bunch of money missing … according to a new suit. Turner Entertainment Network claims the “Super Size Me” filmmaker…


Morgan Spurlock Sued for Breach of Contract as Result of Sexual Misconduct Admission

Morgan Spurlock admitting to past sexual misconduct screwed over the production company he was working with, and there’s a bunch of money missing … according to a new suit. Turner Entertainment Network claims the “Super Size Me” filmmaker…


Friday, March 9, 2018

"Real Housewives Of New York" Sonja Morgan Has Wardrobe Malfunction Of The Year

‘Real Housewife of New York’ star Sonja Morgan turned a cabaret revue into a full-on burlesque strip tease when her wrap dress unraveled in front of a packed crowd. Sonja was dancing backup Thursday night for fellow ‘Housewife’ Luann de…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Piers Morgan: Omarosa Offered Me Sex to Let Her Win The Apprentice!

In case you decided to move to a cabin in the woods to focus on your beard growing skills sometime around November 9, 2016, then you may not be aware that D.C.’s most diseased rats have been fleeing the sinking ship that is the Trump administration in droves.

The latest casualty of the leakiest vessel on the Potomac is Omarosa Manigault, the former Apprentice contestant who managed to land a gig in Trump’s communications department because America has officially completed its transformation into a Mike Judge fever dream.

Since being uncereomoniously sh-tcanned by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, Omarosa has been appearing on Celebrity Big Brother, where she’s become the show’s resident harbinger of doom, routinely scaring the hell out of her castmates with tales of corruption and hypocrisy inside the Trump administration.

Not surprisingly, this practice has earned her the ire of self-proclaimed journalist and noted angry potato Piers Morgan.

Morgan recently embarked on a second career as a professional Trump bootlicker, which means he took as his sacred duty to burn Manigault’s reputation to the ground.

And since they both appeared on The Apprentice – our current administration’s answer to the Hitler Youth – it was easy for Piers to claim insider knowledge of Omarosa’s shady past.

“I’ve met a lot of vile human beings in my life, from dictators and terrorists to sex abusers and wicked conmen,” Morgan wrote in a piece for the Daily Mail on Tuesday.

“But I’ve never met anyone quite so relentlessly loathsome as Omarosa; a vicious, duplicitous, lying, conniving, backstabbing piece of work.”

Piers went on to tear Omarosa apart as basically the worst person he’s ever met, while at the same time absolving Trump of any blame for giving her a job in the freakin’ White House:

“Which beggars the question: what the hell was she doing inside the world’s most powerful building for 12 months? The answer, as we can now see, was amassing a whole mass of damaging information to now use against President Trump and his administration on Celebrity Big Brother,” he wrote.

Well, that’s just boring, Piers.

We just assume everyone in the White House is compiling information so that they can either write a scathing tell-all or turn state’s evidence.

We thought you were gonna answer the far more intriguing question of how she got hired in the first place.

From there, Piers goes on to describe a ruthlesslty ambitious woman who would do anything to succeed.

Trigger warning: “anything” here includes having sex with Piers Morgan.

“Omarosa sidled up to me at the New York Mercantile Exchange and said, quite seriously: ‘Piers, do you want a showmance?’ ‘A what?’ I replied.

“‘A showmance. You know, a romance on the show — we get it on together. Happens all the time on Apprentice. Everyone has sex together. Then we can make lots of money out of it,’” Morgan wrote.

“I stared at her grasping, ferociously ambitious little eyes, and laughed: ‘You must be joking, you deluded woman.’ She didn’t take it well. ‘What are you? Gay?’” 

gnoring the roast-able bounty that is everything else about him, Omarosa then zeroed in on Morgan’s sexuality in an attempt to … well, we’re not really sure what she was trying to accomplish at this point.

“Because I’d rejected her revolting sex plot, she decided the best line of attack was to repeatedly question my sexuality in the most crude and offensive manner imaginable,” Morgan’s op-ed continued.

“On another occasion, in front of boxing champion Lennox Lewis, she said: ‘Hey Piers, I hear you got caught sucking a gay waiter’s c—k in a hotel pool?’ This was a lie. I’m not gay and she hadn’t heard that about me. She’d just made it up to smear me and to provoke me into a confrontation.”

Morgan concludes his piece:

“Beneath the laughs though lay a less savoury truth: Omarosa is a reprehensible human being, prepared to offer sex to win a reality TV show and use the most vile homophobic slurs against rival contestants.”

Wow. Piers Morgan is calling someone else vile and reprehensible?!

Is this some sort of Fight Club situation where we’re gonna find out he and Omarosa were the same person this whole time?

Obviously, we’re torn by this situation, because Piers is the worst, but Omarosa is also the worst.

There was a time when it was impossible for two things to be worst, but 2018 is bringing us to new depths as a society.

It’s a good time to kiss your loved ones and make peace with your higher power, folks, because it’s on February.


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Donald Trump Tells Piers Morgan, "I Wouldn"t Say I"m a Feminist"

We pretty much already knew it, but now he’s come out and said it himself — Donald Trump is not a feminist. British news host Piers Morgan tweeted a quote from his recent interview with the Prez, in which Trump apparently says, “‘No, I…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Donald Trump to Piers Morgan: Why Should I Apologize For Racist Tweets?

The campaign and presidency of Donald Trump have brought all manner of D-list boot-lickers out of the woodwork, many of whom have attempted to forge second careers out of their willingness to publicly fellate the Donald.

Scott Baio, Omarosa, Ted Nugent, and Stacey Dash are just some of the lackeys to emerge from the “where are they now?” file in hopes of winning Trump’s favor.

But of all the has-beens who have put their remnants of their reputations on the line for a man who clearly has no loyalty to his minions (ask Steve Bannon about that one) perhaps none is more perplexing than Piers Morgan.

In the States, Morgan might be best known as the guy who once co-hosted a cut-rate talent show with Sharon Osbourne, but in his native UK, he still has a career.

As the host of Good Morning Britain is basically the British equivalent of Matt Lauer … and we say that with full awareness that Lauer is a creep who was despised by his co-workers and received praise only when he announced his decision to finally go away.

On this morning’s show, Piers was as giddy as a schoolgirl, having finally secured an interview with his longtime Twitter crush, DJT.

For the most part, Morgan lobbed a bunch of softball nonsense at the president, but remarkably, he did actually broach a difficult subject by bringing up Trump’s retweets of Britain First, a bigoted hate group whose views have been universally condemned by British politicians.

Trump didn’t deny that he retweeted the group three times (“Well, three times. Boom, boom, boom. Quickly. Yeah,” he hilariously described the action), but he also refused to apologize for one of the dumbest moves of a presidency characterized solely by dumb moves.

“Here’s what’s fair: If you’re telling me they’re horrible, racist people I would certainly apologize, if you’d like me to do that. I know nothing about them,” Trump said.

When Morgan basically replied, “That’s some Palin-caliber word salad there, boss, but folks hane more finely-tuned BS detectors on this side of the pond,” Trump elaborated thusly:

“I don’t want to be involved with people like that. But you’re telling me about these people because I know nothing about these people.”

That was apparently good enough for Piers who took to Twitter after the interview to declare that Trump had “publicly apologised.”

Now, obviously, dumb Trump tweets are nothing new, but the Britain First links took things to a dangerous new level, as for the first time, the president was presenting an immediate physical threat to civilians of an allied nation.

Britain First followers have been known to engage in racially-charged hate crimes, and when their views are legitimized by none other than the president of the United States, it makes life measurably more dangerous for civilians in the UK and throughout the world.

As this week’s CNN threats reminded us, the president’s words have real-world consequences, and what’s nothing more than a petty social media feud to Trump is a literal call to arms for some of his followers.

But hey, if his apology is good enough for Piers Morgan, were sure it’s good enough to quell the homicidal rage of a heavily-armed far-right militia group.


Monday, January 22, 2018

Morgan Freeman Says He Stopped SAG Speech "Cause of Lily Tomlin

Morgan Freeman has revealed the person that caused him to stop his acceptance of the SAG Life Achievement Award mid-speech. Morgan says the person he appeared to school was Lily Tomlin, who was nominated for “Grace and Frankie.”   Now…


Morgan Freeman Calls Out Talker During SAG Awards Lifetime Achievement Speech

Morgan Freeman awkwardly called someone out during his Lifetime Achievement award speech at the SAG Awards Sunday … but the person’s identity remains a mystery.  Freeman was just about to launch into his acceptance speech when he stopped and…


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tonya Harding Gets Pissed at Piers Morgan Over "Real Victim," Her or Nancy Kerrigan

Tonya Harding kneecapped Piers Morgan, or at least her interview with him … abruptly cutting it short when he called her out for acting like she was the victim, and not Nancy Kerrigan. Tonya was on “Good Morning Britain,” and clearly expecting a…


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner Shuts Down Piers Morgan: Don"t Ask About My Body, You Creep!

Piers Morgan isn"t exactly known for his tasteful questions, and he"s once again demonstrating that.

This time, he asks Caitlyn Jenner about how her "physique" has changed since her youth.

As you can see in the video below, Caitlyn shut him down right away, explaining that his question isn"t just inappropriate — for many trans women, it"s dangerous.

Caitlyn jenner in shades

Caitlyn Jenner has been dragged by many in the trans community for not, they believe, doing a good job of representing the community.

(Remember the trans woman who called Caitlyn Jenner a fraud? That woman is now running for office)

But … it looks like things might be getting a little better.

See, Piers Morgan — through innuendo — asks prying questions about Caitlyn"s body, now versus in her past.

And Cait shuts him down pretty epically, even talking about how ignorant questions like Piers" can make life itself dangerous for trans women.

Caitlyn jenner dog

So, Piers Morgan holds up an old plastic action figure of Caitlyn Jenner from her Olympian days, long before her transition.

(Total side note, but have you ever seen the episode of Murder, She Wrote that Cait was on? Seeing her deadname on the credits a couple of years ago, back when the series was on Netflix, was such a surprise for me)

Piers made the unfortunate choice to gesture to the action figure, and talk about her "physique," asking how it differs now versus then, saying:

"Obviously, certain areas we know."

Yikes. Cait doesn"t let that go by unchallenged, saying:

"See you made a comment there and that"s why you would get in trouble."

Caitlyn jenner in july 2017

"You just said, "Oh certain areas." That, to a trans person, is disrespectful."

For the record, asking anybody about their private parts in an interview is usually disrespectful unless that person has already indicated that they"re fine talking about it.

Cait explains: "Because you don"t make a joke about that."

"Because it"s not funny, it"s life."

She goes on to say:

"And it’s a part of my life and it"s a very serious part of my life."

Caitlyn jenner and her book

Piers inquires why life can"t be a joke, or whatever. We guess that maybe he thought that he"d get away with his creepy questions?

Caitlyn is not amused, saying: "I don"t take it and I take that very seriously."

She even ties the issue to other trans folks.

"And so, out of respect to myself and the community, it"s not something that you joke about."

Cait talks more about how this impacts trans women, and not just herself:

"It"s something, as I said before, this is serious stuff. People die over this issue. It"s not a joke."

Caitlyn jenner in golf cart

It"s worth noting that Piers Morgan is hardly the first person to ask wildly inappropriate questions of a trans woman he"s interviewing.

But it"s 2018. This should not still be happening.

Back in 2014, Katie Couric interviewed Laverne Cox and Carmen Carrera, And during that interview, Couric asked some very inappropriate genital questions without realizing that she was doing anything wrong.

Janet Mock did a famous takedown of that behavior — if you"re not going to ask a cis celebrity about their genitals, then don"t ask a trans celebrity about theirs.

Katie Couric, for the record, apologized and later did a series about trans folks, and stated explicitly that part of what inspired her to do the series was her past mistakes.

Caitlyn jenner strikes a pose

Caitlyn Jenner is right — transphobic questions can be life-for-death for trans folks who aren"t millionaire celebrities.

For the record, though, what Piers was saying would be rude and creepy to anyone.

Would he, while interviewing Martha Stewart, ask questions about her breasts or genitals? Would he ask any 68-year-old woman about her "physique" in contrast to when she was a young athlete? We hope not.

Anyway, while nobody"s private areas are any business of ours, this is additionally true for trans people. It might become appropriate to ask if you"re dating a trans woman, but that"s about it.

Caitlyn jenner shuts down piers morgan dont ask about my body yo

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Morgan Spurlock Stepping Down From Production Company

The fallout from Morgan Spurlock’s admission to past sexual misconduct has started — he’s stepping down effective immediately from the company he co-founded … TMZ has learned. Jeremy Chilnick – co-founder of the Warrior Poets…


Morgan Spurlock Posts Confession to Sexual Misconduct

All of the #MeToo stories that we’ve heard so far have come from women — and men — sharing their experiences of sexual harassment and assault. Some men like Matt Lauer have been fired, others have been named, while others still hide and wonder when it’ll be there turn to be named and shamed.

Controversial documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock has his own story of harassment and assault, but his isn’t a #MeToo story.

Because he’s confessing that he, too, is part of the problem. And he’s speaking up because he figures that someone will name him, sooner or later.

Most of us know Morgan Spurlock as the man whose deeply dishonest “documentary” nearly ruined fast food for the rest of us.

(Super Size Me was wildly misleading, as anyone with common sense can tell you. It turns out that measuring how a single abruptly-no-longer-exercising alcoholic’s body responds to eating fast mood for every meal every day is not a responsible sample size)

Because of Spurlock, a lot of children’s Happy Meals came with apple slices (garbage) and milk (why?!) instead of french fries and soda as people freaked out after the “documentary” aired and gained national attention in 2004.

Well, Morgan Spurlock is somehow still a thing in 2017, and he posted to TwitLonger, which is also somehow still a thing in 2017. His post begins:

“As I sit around watching hero after hero, man after man, fall at the realization of their past indiscretions, I don’t sit by and wonder ‘who will be next?’ I wonder, ‘when will they come for me?"”

Off of the top of my head, I can’t think of a man named in a #MeToo story whom I’d have characterized as a “hero” even before hearing that he was a sex monster.

But Morgan Spurlock sounds like he’s coming forward to reveal that he himself is a sex monster.

Morgan Spurlock’s lengthy confession, titled “I Am Part Of the Problem,” continues:

“You see, I’ve come to understand after months of these revelations, that I am not some innocent bystander, I am also a part of the problem.”

And he explains why:

“When I was in college, a girl who I hooked up with on a one night stand accused me of rape.”


“Not outright. There were no charges or investigations, but she wrote about the instance in a short story writing class and called me by name. A female friend who was in the class told be about it afterwards.”

A lot of trauma survivors write about their experiences, directly or indirectly. Others might process the horrors of their lives through music or visual art.

“I was floored.”

We should note that not every rapist is the kind of over-the-top malevolent predator that you see on police procedurals or in the accusations against men like Weinstein. A lot of rapists don’t realize that they’re rapists.

“‘That’s not what happened!’ I told her. This wasn’t how I remembered it at all. In my mind, we’d been drinking all night and went back to my room.”

He continues to describe his version of events.

“We began fooling around, she pushed me off, then we laid in the bed and talked and laughed some more, and then began fooling around again. We took off our clothes. She said she didn’t want to have sex, so we laid together, and talked, and kissed, and laughed, and then we started having sex.”

Spurlock says that he stopped after she started to cry.

“We stopped having sex and I rolled beside her. I tried to comfort her. To make her feel better. I thought I was doing ok, I believed she was feeling better. She believed she was raped.”

Some people might cry during consensual intercourse, but the dead giveaway should have been the lack of consent. He admits that he remembers her saying that she didn’t want to have sex.

What he’s describing, even to his recollection, sounds like rape.

And that was not the end of Morgan Spurlock’s admissions.

“Then there was the time I settled a sexual harassment allegation at my office. This was around 8 years ago, and it wasn’t a gropy feely harassment. It was verbal, and it was just as bad.”

Women have been enduring this kind of harassment for generations. That doesn’t make it any better.

“I would call my female assistant ‘hot pants’ or ‘sex pants’ when I was yelling to her from the other side of the office. Something I thought was funny at the time, but then realized I had completely demeaned and belittled her to a place of non-existence.”

It sounds like he made her workplace experience a living hell.

“So, when she decided to quit, she came to me and said if I didn’t pay her a settlement, she would tell everyone.”

Honestly, good for her. Sometimes, in an unjust world, money is the only way to get justice.

“Being who I was, it was the last thing I wanted, so of course, I paid. I paid for peace of mind. I paid for her silence and cooperation. Most of all, I paid so I could remain who I was.”

Morgan Spurlock then admits that he also cheated on every wife and girlfriend he ever had. Every single one.

He shares his own background of sexual abuse as a child and a young teenager (which is very sad) and reveals that he has been drinking regularly since the age of 13.

You get the impression that Spurlock feels that revealing all of this makes him somehow brave or more righteous than the other sex monsters we’ve heard about in recent months.

We don’t see how.

What he describes is a story of raping a woman in college, regularly sexually harassing a woman at work, and betraying the trust of every woman who’s ever loved him.

While his story of childhood trauma (he doesn’t mention who inflicted this upon him) is absolutely tragic, the evil done to him as a child does not excuse his actions as an adult.

In fact, that he mentions this in the same post where he describes his own misdeeds reminds us of Kevin Spacey coming out as gay in an attempt to deflect attention from the accusation that, as had been rumored for many years, he’s a sexual predator.
