Showing posts with label Muslim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslim. Show all posts

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Kim Kardashian Goes After Trump"s Muslim Ban with Statistics

Kim Kardashian is going head-to-head with Donald Trump … with statistics. Kim is trying to show the threat of Islamic terrorists to Americans pales in comparison to American-on-American gun violence. She posted a screen grab of a chart with…


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Donald Trump: Celebrities React to Muslim Ban

Donald Trump is officially a terrible person.

Well, we"ve known he was terrible for a good long while now, but his latest move really just takes the whole terrible cake.

In case you missed it, Trump just signed an executive order that many are referring to the "Muslim Ban." The order prevents anyone from Syria, Libya, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen, and Somalia from entering the country.

Refugees from these countries, people with visas, people with green cards who have families and careers in the U.S.? If they"re abroad for any reason, they can"t come back.

Also worth noting: though the banning of refugees is temporary, in the future they will be given a "religious test" before entering the country. Christians will receive preference.

Oh, and one more thing: Trump is fine with people from predominantly Muslim countries to which he has business ties.

It"s alarming, it"s horrifying, and it obviously discriminatory.

See how celebrities are reacting to Trump"s order, which is now in effect.

1. Judd Apatow

Judd apatow photo

“He doesn’t understand that this will lead to people in America becoming radicalized as a result of his ignorance and cruelty.”

2. Sophia Bush

Sophia bush pic

“THESE are the HUMAN BEINGS Trump banned today. REFUGEES fleeing ISIS. Children. Their families. Shame on him. May God help us.”

3. Michael Moore

Michael moore image

“That the President of the United States would order on Holocaust Memorial Day the banning of a people due to their religion is reprehensible. To our Muslim neighbors in the world: I & tens of millions of others are so very sorry. The majority of Americans did not vote 4 this man.”

4. Jessica Chastain

Jessica chastain in red

“WW2- USA Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies. TODAY- Trump signs order banning Syrian refugees.”

5. George Takei

George takei apprentice pic

“The 9/11 attackers were from Saudi Arabia, Egypt & UAE–not the 7 nations in the immigration ban. These all do have Trump properties though.”

6. Andy Richter

Andy richter

“What’s happening is repugnant. We’re supposed to be unique, a haven. We’re betraying our heroes.”

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Donald Trump "Muslim Ban" Oscar-Winning Director From Attending Academy Awards

President Donald Trump’s “Muslim ban” signed Friday is preventing Oscar-winning Iranian director Asghar Farhadi from attending this year’s Academy Awards … according to multiple reports.  Farhadi’s “The Salesman” is nominated for Best…


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Donald Trump to Enact "Muslim Ban," Limit Travel From Select Countries

Following any presidential election (particularly one as divisive as the 2016 race), those who voted for an opposing candidate are always counseled to hope that the victor is successful, because when the president succeeds, the nation succeeds!

Of course, Donald Trump has already proven to be the exception to just about every other nugget of conventional wisdom, and he seems intent of proving that he does not have the best interests of the nation at heart, and that those who oppose him should continue to hope that he’s stonewalled at every turn.

Many of those who cast their vote for Hillary Clinton (or Evan McMullin, or Gary Johnson, or Jill Stein, or who simply decided to stay home on Election Day) did so because they objected to the core tenets of Trump’s ever-shifting platform:

Now, following a terrifying transition and disastrous Inauguration Day, the opposition remains steadfast in its hope that trump will not be successful in his efforts to deport millions of American families, dismantle life-saving healthcare legislation, waste a fortune on a monument to racism, and allow corporations to destroy our irreplaceable natural resources.

Before today, Trump’s cabinet appointees offered perhaps the greatest cause for concern (his secretary of state choice, Rex Tillerson, has a close and long-standing friendship with Vladimir Putin), but this morning, Trump began taking action that could result in his most frightening campaign promises becoming realities.

According to several media outlets, the Department of Homeland Security plans to announce today that Trump will sign multiple executive orders intended to severely restrict access to the US for travelers from predominantly Muslim nations.

The countries whose citizens will likely soon be denied the ability to travel to America (even if they hold a visa, or have family within our borders) include Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

The so-called “Muslim ban” is likely the first in a series of actions that are bound to antagonize both tens of millions of Americans, as well as the world at large.

In a series of tweets (of course) posted this morning, Trump also promised to take his first steps to build a wall along the border between the US and Mexico.

(No, it will not be paid for by Mexico, but with US tax dollars.)

He also announced that he’ll ask American security agencies to launch an massive investigation into voter fraud in the 2016 presidential election, even though there’s no evidence that such fraud took place … and Trump won the election.

But if you were worried that with so much on his plate, the president had stopped obsessing over the size of his inauguration crowd, fear not.

Trump tweeted this photo yesterday:

“A photo delivered yesterday that will be displayed in the upper/lower press hall. Thank you Abbas!” his caption read.

Yes, Trump plans to display a photo of his own Inauguration Day – even though it’s inscribed with the wrong date.

(Trump’s inauguration took place on January 20, not January 21.)

As we’ve said many times already and will say many more times in the years to come: your president, ladies and gentlemen!


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Orlando Muslim Donates Blood, Urges Communities to Unite Against Hate

It’s so important to try and turn away from the political mess that certain people have turned the Pulse nightclub shootings into, and focus on the good many are doing in the wake of tragedy.

Orlando resident Mahmoud ElAwadi posted a hugely powerful message along with a photo of himself donating blood that is needed for those injured in the June 12th shooting, which took the lives of 49 innocent people.

ElAwadi shared his post on Facebook, which ultimately went viral.

“Yes my name is Mahmoud a proud Muslim American,” he wrote.

“Yes I donated blood even though I can’t eat or drink anything cause I’m fasting in our holy month Ramadan just like hundreds of other Muslims who donated today here in Orlando.

“Yes I’m angry for what happened last night and all the innocent lives we lost.  Yes I’m sad, frustrated and mad that a crazy guy claim to be a Muslim did that shameful act.

“Yes I witnessed the greatness of this country watching thousands of people standing in 92 degree sun waiting on their turn to donate blood even after they were told that the wait time is 5-7 hours.

“Yes this is the greatest nation on earth watching people from different a ages including kids volunteering to give water, juice, food, umbrellas, sun block. Also watching our old veterans coming to donate,” ElAwadi continued.

“And next to them Muslim women in hijab carrying food and water to donors standing in line.

“Yes together we will stand against hate, terrorism, extremism and racism.

“Yes our blood all look the same so get out there and donate blood cause our fellow American citizens are injured and need our blood.

“Yes our community in central Florida is heart broken but let’s put our colors, religions, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political views all aside so we can UNITE against those who are trying to hurt us.”

Sunday, September 20, 2015

GOP Candidate Ben Carson "Absolutely Would Not Agree With" America Ever Having A Muslim President

This is disgusting.

Ben Carson, a Republican party candidate for president, went on Meet The Press on Sunday morning and made some awful and flat-out ignorant comments about Islam and the presidency in the United States.

Related: Donald Trump Wants To Remove All Muslims From America

Answering a question during the broadcast, Carson alleged that a president’s faith ought to matter, and that it should reflect the values of Americans:

“I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.”

So much for that whole religious freedom thing, apparently.

Ibrahim Cooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said of Carson’s unbelievable comments:

“To me this really means he is not qualified to be president of the United States. You cannot hold these kinds of views and at the same time say you will represent all Americans, of all faiths and backgrounds.”

The Constitution of the United States, of course, specifically prohibits religious tests for public office, so what Carson is talking about is ridiculous, wrong, bigoted, and, oh yeah, blatantly unconstitutional.

What do U think??

[Image via Ben Carson/Twitter.]

Friday, September 18, 2015

Bristol Palin SLAMS President Obama For Supporting The 14-Year-Old Muslim Student Arrested For Bringing A Clock To School — Wait, What?!

Say it ain’t so!

On Thursday, Bristol Palin criticized President Barack Obama (shocker, we know) for “egging” on racial divides by inviting a 14-year-old Texas student to the White House who was wrongfully arrested after bringing a self-made clock to school.

ICYMI: The internet came to the defense of Ahmed Mohamed earlier this week after he was accused by his teachers for making a hoax bomb. Oh no!

In fact, the ninth-grader’s since received shout-outs and invitations from various industry powerhouses, such as Google and Facebook, after the news broke that the talented youth was singled out for being Muslim.

Related: Muslim Teen Who Was Handcuffed For Bringing A Clock To School Says ‘I Was Profiled As A Terrorist’

However, the coolest praise might’ve come from POTUS himself.

The Commander-In-Chief took to Twitter and shared:


Although, it seems this nice gesture was a bit too much for Sarah Palin‘s daughter.

The Dancing With The Stars alum took to her blog and wrote:

“This is the kind of stuff Obama needs to STAY out of. This encourages more racial strife that is already going on with the ‘Black Lives Matter’ crowd and encourages victimhood. The police made a mistake, clearly. But why put more people against them? Why egg it on? Childish games like this from our president have divided our country… even more today than when he was elected.”

HUH?! We don’t think the President is trying to “egg” anything on — rather he’s trying to make a bright student, who was targeted for his background, feel validated and special after having something so awful happen to him.

We think Bristol’s reaching a bit on this complaint to say the least.

What do U think?! Do U agree with POTUS or Miz Palin??

SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!

[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]

Monday, September 14, 2015

Topless Feminists -- Crash Muslim Conference In France (VIDEO)


Two topless women from the feminist group, FEMEN, stormed the stage of a Muslim conference during a “wife beating” discussion in France Sunday.

The conference about Islam’s teachings took place in Pontoise, France … with one topic discussing whether men are allowed to beat their wives.

During the discussion, two FEMEN activists jumped on stage and pulled the microphone away from the shocked speakers. Security guards quickly pulled the 2 women off stage … appearing to kick one of them as she was dragged away.

FEMEN naked protests, which was originally founded in 2008 in Ukraine, have popped up in many different countries … normally with messages painted across their bodies.

During this protest one message painted across one of the activist’s chest is reported to have read “nobody makes me submit.”

The womens identities are not yet known.