Showing posts with label Name. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Name. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Cowboys" Cole Beasley Releases Rap Single, Name Drops Dak, Jerry Jones

Dallas Cowboys WR Cole Beasley … can rap.  The 28-year-old slot receiver just dropped the first single from his new album. It’s called “80 Stings” and Cole hits on everything from Dak Prescott’s throwing ability to his professional…


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Trump Requests Name Change Due to "Shameful Embarrassment"

Donald Trump is poison to an actor who’s trying to make it in Hollywood — an actor who’s last name is also Trump — and the guy is pleading with a judge for a name change. Daniel Thomas Trump is a 32-year-old L.A. actor/filmmaker, and has no…


Amber Portwood Reveals Baby Name on Twitter!

Back in November, we learned that Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

Amber revealed that she’s expecting a boy, but other than that, she’s been mostly tight-lipped about the pregnancy.

Given some of the negative reactions to Amber’s recent social media posts, we suppose we can’t blame her.

After all, it was just earlier this week that Amber was slammed for posting an “inappropriate” photo of her daughter.

There was nothing provocative about the pic, but the girl was apparently positioned too close to Amber’s boyfriend for some fans’ liking.

It’s a jungle out there, and Portwood’s plight isn’t made any easier by the fact that her new dude, Andrew Glennon, has a seriously sketchy past.

The point is, we can see why Amber isn’t big on sharing the details of her personal life these days.

Unfortunately for her, the life of a reality star doesn’t allow for much in the way of privacy.

Amber’s every social media interaction is scrutinized by millions of fans, and it looks as though Teen Mom: OG obsessives have unearthed some information that Amber may have preferred to keep private.

The intel comes courtesy of a Twitter conversation between Amber and her brother Shawn.

Shawn posted an obscured photo of Amber’s homemade Christmas present without revealing what it was.

Along with the image, he posted this message:

“I finally completed your gift. However, I’m not going to show it to you so you’ll see it tomorrow. I will send you this though.”

“Awe Bubby I can’t wait!! I’m sure little James will love it!” Portwood replied.

Yes, it seems Amber and Andrew will be naming their baby James.

The moniker was reportedly selected due to the fact that it’s also Glennon’s middle name.

Amber has yet to delete the tweet, but we can’t imagine she intended to make the reveal in such a low-key fashion.

Whatever the case, the name is out there now, and fans have been vocal in their praise for Amber’s classic selection.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive the many, many times that Ms. Portwood did not make the right decision.


Logan Paul Hijacked Brand Name and Cost Maverick Apparel $4 Million, Claims Clothing Co.

Logan Paul hijacked the name of a wholesome, reputable clothing company, and now his repulsive antics are costing the original brand millions … at least according to the company. Maverick Apparel fired off a scathing letter to the YouTube star…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Mel B Cuts Out Tattoo Of Ex-Husband"s Name

Tattoos aren’t forever … just ask Mel B, who literally cut a chunk out of her torso just to get rid of ex-husband Stephen Belafonte’s name. While the more commonly used method is laser removal, Mel took a more extreme approach to make sure…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Mindy Kaling Gives Birth! (And We Know the Baby Name!)

Based on the Ocean’s 8 trailer, Mindy Kaling will be starring in a major blockbuster next summer.

But the hilarious actress has officially signed on to star in something even more important right this very minute:


Indeed, the former The Office and The Mindy Project star ha given birth to her first child.

According to E! News, the baby was born on December 15… is a girl… and is named Katherine Kaling!

How cute, exciting and alliterative!

Back in July, Kaling surprised nearly everyone when she announced she was pregnant.

Admitting it was an “an unexpected surprise,” the star remained mum on the identity of the father and is yet to reveal his name.

She did sit down with NBC News a couple weeks later, however, and open up a bit more about the pregnancy and her future.

“It’s so unknown to me. I have a lot of control over a lot of aspects of my life, and this is one where I’m like, ‘OK, it’s out of my hands,’ which is kind of a fun feeling.”

She added at the time, in jest:

“It’s so easy to criticize parenting until you’re a parent, so one of the nice things about becoming a parent is that I’ll be able to openly criticize other parenting because I will have a child.”

And then, on a more serious note, she said:

“My mom was incredibly fierce and so devoted to us, just loved us and really wanted us to be happy no matter what we did.

“My career choice was not something that she was familiar with and she was just so supportive of that.

“And if I could give that to my child, just that open-mindedness, I’d be so happy.”

The public, meanwhile, remains fascinated by whose sperm fertilized Kaling’s egg.

It’s just fairly unusual for a very successful, mainstream, respected actress such as this to be a single mother. (No judgment at all, Mindy! You do you!)

The two most bantered-about possibilities are:

1. BJ Novak, Kaling’s co-star on The Office and long-time friend who we think dated Kaling in the past and who has remained very close to her.

2. New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, who awesomely flirted with Kaling in March and who may be the next President of the United States.

Either way, or even if it’s some random dude, we’re so very happy for Kaling!

We’ve added her to the following list of celebrities:


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Kylie Jenner Baby Name: What Could It Be?

Despite a lack of confirmation from the mother-to-be herself, this much we know is true:

Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child.

We hear it"s a girl, we know Travis Scott is the father and we"re anxious for the bundle of joy to be born in the coming weeks.

But what will she be named?!? We have a few theories…

1. Yes, She’s Pregnant

Kylie jenner bare face

The shocking news shook the Internet on September 22, 2017, with multiple reliable sources confirming the unexpected development.

2. What Else Do We Know?

Kylie jenner and a watch

Very little, tbh. Kylie has remained mum, presumed father Travis Scott hasn’t said a word and no member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan has blabbed, either.

3. But It Will Be a Girl?

Kylie jenner and red lips

Based on the nail color (pink) Kylie recently went with and the main color of her Christmas tree (pink), along with a few anonymous quotes, yes. This is the assumption.

4. What Will She Name the Girl?

Kylie jenner in ugly sunglasses

Let’s speculate! Based on her family history (hello, Saint and North), we know it will be unusual and not trendy. Sorry, Bella, Elsa and Kate, among others.

5. Has She Left Any Clues?

Kylie jenner hearts you

Kylie named one new color in her cosmetics collection Holly. That has us wondering if she’s gauging fan reaction to it.

6. She Named Another Ginger

Kylie jenner serious selfie

Same possibility: Kylie had to like the name in order to choose it for a color, right? Enough to also choose it for a child?

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Friday, December 8, 2017

Adam Lind: Released From Jail as Chelsea Houska Moves to Change Daughter"s Name

It’s been a rough year for Adam Lind, and sadly his destructive behavior has taken a severe toll on his loved ones.

His downward spiral began back in June when Lind tested positive for methamphetamines just prior to a scheduled visit with his youngest daughter.

Sadly, the incident did not serve as a wake-up call for Lind, and his life appears to have been on a steady decline ever since.

Last month, Lind was arrested on domestic assault charges after allegedly attacking an ex-girlfriend.

Earlier this week, Lind was arrested again for violating an order of protection against a different ex.

While he was behind bars, another restraining order against Lind was granted to former girlfriend Stasia Huber.

Earlier today, Lind was released from prison, but as you might’ve guessed, his legal issues are far from over.

“His bail was dropped because he agreed to show up at court for his next hearing,” a court officer told Radar Online.

Yes, if there’s an upside to having constant court dates, it’s that you can appease the legal system simply by promising to come back when you’re supposed to.

That’s the good news for Lind.

The bad news is that his first baby mama, Chelsea Houska, is reportedly taking steps to change her daughter’s name from Lind to Lind-DeBoer.

Now, it’s possible the move has nothing to do with Lind’s latest legal issues.

But we doubt it.

And hey, we suppose it’s possible that Lind will take the move in stride and handle the blow to his ego in a mature level-headed fashion.

But that also seems like a major long-shot.

And unfortunately, that’s probably just the beginning of Adam’s troubles with Chelsea.

The parents of 8-year-old Aubree are due back in court for a custody hearing on January 8.

At that time, it’s expected that Chelsea will request further restrictions on Lind’s visitation rights.

She’s already arranged it so that his vists with Aubree are supervised and he’s no longer permitted to frive with his daughter in the car.

It’s almost like smoking meth and assaulting women will make people question your parenting abiities.

Go figure.

If you need to be reminded of just what a horrendous dad Adam really is, follow the link to watch Teen Mom 2 online at TV Fanatic.

He’s almost certainly worse than you remember.


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Weird Al, Hey Fox News, Stop Calling Franken by My Name!!!

Weird Al is pissed off that people are associating his name with a pervert. We got Al Friday leaving Bristol Farms in WeHo and he seems miffed Fox News Channel has been referring to Franken as Weird Al.  He says he does not want to be confused…


Weird Al, Hey Fox News, Stop Calling Franken by My Name!!!

Weird Al is pissed off that people are associating his name with a pervert. We got Al Friday leaving Bristol Farms in WeHo and he seems miffed Fox News Channel has been referring to Franken as Weird Al.  He says he does not want to be confused…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: I"m Changing Lux"s Name to Spite Chris Lopez!

Right now, Kailyn Lowry is dating Dominique Potter and she’s well on her way to living her best life. She has three beautiful children, and she’s doing a more than decent job of coparenting with her exes.

Well … except for Chris Lopez. Things with him have been bad for a while, and now they’re getting worse.

In fact, things with Kailyn’s latest baby daddy are so toxic that Kailyn’s taking a drastic step: changing Lux’s name.

We all remember the saga of “Baby Lo.”

Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry got pregnant by Chris Lopez, but then complained that he basically jumped ship right away.

And one of the many contentious issues between Kailyn and Chris was that, well, they just couldn’t settle on a name for the baby.

Kailyn supplied the nickname “Baby Lo.” And for two entire months after Kailyn Lowry gave birth to her third son, the adorable little boy didn’t seem to have an official name.

The origin of “Baby Lo” was pretty obvious — he was a baby and his father’s last name was Lopez. And his mother’s last name was Lowry.

Kailyn ended up having to name him unilaterally, picking Lux for his first name and Russell for his last name. Not a bad name, actually.

The reason that she had to make the decision herself is because Chris Lopez apparently couldn’t agree with her on any of the names, which is why the naming process dragged on for months.

But honestly? That’s not even the worst thing about Chris Lopez. Not by a longshot.

As we mentioned, Kailyn Lowry rules at coparenting with the respective fathers of Isaac and Lincoln.

But with Chris Lopez, it’s another story.

We’ve already heard Kailyn describe how Chris cheated on her nonstop during her pregnancy, and about how he’s been a total deadbeat dad since Lux was born.

But what Kailyn’s been reluctant to speak about publicly is the real, scary reason she keeps Lux away from Chris Lopez.

Reportedly, Chris Lopez doesn’t limit his violence to burning books. He’s apparently damaged her home multiple times in efforts to break in following their breakup.

Worse, he’s allegedly hit Kailyn herself, including while she was holding their baby.

(Nothing’s worse than domestic violence, but if there were something worse, it would be domestic violence coupled with endangering a child)

After reading about these allegations, we honestly breathe a sigh of relief over Chris Lopez’s deadbeat dad status. With a guy like that, absence is the best gift that he could give.

Despite Kailyn’s multiple and arguably misguided efforts to make things work … Chris Lopez is still Chris Lopez.

And it sounds like Kailyn has had enough with Chris Lopez refusing to so much as acknowledge paternity (while nonetheless whining about Kailyn keeping Lux from him).

RadarOnline reports that Kailyn Lowry is changing Lux Russell’s last name, legally, to “Lowry” from “Lopez.”

(Conveniently, that won’t mean an initial change)

It sounds like fair game to erase Chris Lopez from Lux’s name since Chris refuses to signify paternity anyway.

Interestingly, we’d heard Kailyn Lowry say that Lux has her last name back in October, about a week after we learned Lux’s name.

But … it sounds like she was bluffing at the time, or perhaps threatening.

Which would mean that she’s now following through with it.

Honestly, we’ve always thought that it’s silly for single moms — Kailyn isn’t single right now, but she was after her breakup from Chris Lopez — to give their kids the baby daddy’s last name.

Oh, if the dad died in a fire or if she hopes that the kid will one day be accepted, that’s one thing. But why should a guy who contributed almost nothing get to have his name passed down?

Plus, it can lead to awkward questions about mismatched names.

We think that Kailyn’s making the right choice by letting Lux’s name be a reflection of her.

Maybe she and Dom, if things stay strong between them, can create all of the household stability that Lux needs.


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Kobe Bryant"s Name "Keeps Coming Up" for "Dancing with the Stars," Says Derek Fisher

Kobe Bryant … in the ballroom?? Maybe.  With “Dancing with the Stars” doing a full sports-themed competition with athletes next season, Derek Fisher told “Kobe’s name keeps coming up.” “He loves the show. He and the family watch…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Wonder: What Should We Name Our Kids?

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez appear to be all in.

The singers – who got together years ago… and then broke up… and then got together again… and then broke up again… but who are apparently back together now – aren’t just casually dating, sources say.

They’ve apparently decided that this is it.

If they’re gonna try again, they are REALLY gonna try again.

After being spotted kissing on Wednesday night in Los Angeles (during a break from Bieber’s weekly hockey game), Bieber and Gomez allegedly went back home and did a lot more than kiss.

An insider tells Life & Style that Selena “could be pregnant,” which implies that the two are having a lot of sex these days.

(Granted, it need not be a lot, per se. A woman can get pregnant after just one instance of intercourse, which is important for everyone to remember.)

It seems that Bieber and Gomez realize there’s just too much history between them.

It would be silly to pretend as if they could start over and go slow; therefore, they might as well go as quickly as possible.

The artists are allegedly discussing marriage and kids and even getting into what to name their potential offspring.

That’s how serious this rekindled romance has become already.

If the couple ends up having a boy, for example, an insider claims Selena “loves the name Jacob.”

Because she was a big fan of Taylor Lautner in The Twilight Saga?

No, because of alliteration.

“She knows she wants a ‘J’ name that will fit perfectly with Justin,” Life & Style writes, adding:

“She has always wanted children with Justin.”

This does seem to be the case.

Even though Gomez is coming off a fairly long-term relationship with The Weeknd, and even though Justin has seemingly slept with half the female population under 27, the stars have always seem drawn to each other.

They’ve never really bad-mouthed each other to the press.

If anything, they’ve gone out of their way to refer to the other in glowing terms, implying he or she will always hold a special place in his or her heart.

Still, it was unclear whether they’ve ever hop back into bed with each other.

Even the most ardent Jelena supporter probably doubted the stars would book a return trip to Pound Town.

But then Selena underwent a kidney transplant and suffered a severe health scare and Bieber was awoken to what he came very close to losing.

Gomez, meanwhile, realized that she shouldn’t be wasting her time on anyone who isn’t Justin Bieber.

“Selena’s health scare has given her more reason to live than ever,” the Life & Style mole says of the 25-year-old.

“She doesn’t want to waste another precious second.”


Congresswoman Katherine Clark Wants to Name D.C. Sexual Harassers

Congresswoman Katherine Clark wants to go a step further than some other members of Congress … she wants the names of her colleagues who are sexually harassing people exposed. We got the Massachusetts Democrat on Capitol Hill Wednesday … and…


Friday, November 10, 2017

Diddy Explains "Brother Love" Name Change Was Just the Booze Talking

Sean Combs gets a little drunk, talks a little smack and next thing ya know he’s got a full-blown name change — and that’s the real deal … according to the former Brother Love himself.  We got Sean — aka Diddy, Puffy, P. Diddy,…


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Forget Chris Lopez, Our Baby Has MY Last Name!

If you’ve been keeping up with Kailyn Lowry and all of her baby drama, you know that the naming of precious little Baby Lo has been a little bit of an ordeal.

Like, it took her nearly two entire months to name the kid.

But then, in a trendy Instagram post, she revealed that she’d finally completed the task, and the world was introduced to Lux Russell.

Lux is … well, it’s an interesting name, we’ll say that.

And according to some quotes from an interview Kailyn just did with The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, the reasoning behind the name is just as interesting.

As she explains, “It took me so long to name the baby because I was trying to work with Chris to agree on the name. But we just couldn’t agree.”

“Until we ended things for good and I decided I would just pick something I loved and he agreed to the first name prior to me deciding it would be the name for sure.”

So they had a hard time settling on a name they both liked, but they both thought Lux was OK, so now that they’re completely done with each other, she just went with it.

“I finally decided on a name because it felt like I was going nowhere with Chris trying to decide,” she says.

Fair enough.

But when they were still trying to reach a decision together, they liked the name Lux because it’s “different but not completely off-the-wall.”

They were also strongly considering naming the baby Christian.

As for Lux’s middle name, Russell, Kailyn chose it because of Russell Vitale, a hip hop artist she likes who goes by the stage name of Russ.

It may seem like an odd choice, but Russell is a classic name on its own, and besides, her other two kids were similarly named.

Isaac, bless his heart, was named after Isaac Hanson of the beloved boy band Hanson, and Lincoln’s middle name is Marshall, after Marshall Mathers.

Lastly, Kailyn reveals the answer to another question we’ve been wondering for a while now: whose last name does the baby have?!

She says that her third son’s full name is Lux Russell Lowry — she gave him her last name, and she simply says that she “doesn’t know” how Chris feels about it.

Which is a little concerning, because it sounds like she and Chris have really had no contact for a while now, if he doesn’t know something so basic about his own son.

But all in all, it’s a solid enough name for a truly precious little baby.

Congrats again, Kailyn!


Saturday, October 7, 2017

Fetty Wap Wants His Name on Lockdown

Fetty Wap’s taking steps to make sure his name doesn’t get jacked … and sell some merch in the process. The rapper filed legal docs to get his stage name protected. If the trademark’s granted, Fetty will be the only guy who can use the name for…


Fetty Wap Wants His Name on Lockdown

Fetty Wap’s taking steps to make sure his name doesn’t get jacked … and sell some merch in the process. The rapper filed legal docs to get his stage name protected. If the trademark’s granted, Fetty will be the only guy who can use the name for…


Monday, October 2, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Reveals VERY Unusual Baby Name!

It"s been nearly two months since Kailyn Lowry gave birth to her third son.

While Kailyn has revealed photos of "Baby Lo" and opened up to fans about the challenges that come with being a single mother of three, she refused to reveal the boy"s name.

Until now.

Check out the gallery below for fan reactions to the most unusual baby name in the entire Teen Mom franchise.

1. Kailyn and Baby Lo

Kailyn and baby lo

Kailyn welcomed her third son on August 5. She recently told fans the boy was born “at 3 am on the dot.”

2. The Low-Down on Baby Lo

Kailyn lowrys unnamed son baby lo

Kailyn was initially hesitant to reveal details about her third pregnancy. It was months before she so much as revealed the name of the baby’s father.

3. Kailyn and Chris Lopez

Chris lopez and kailyn lowry

Kailyn got pregnant by Chris Lopez, a classmate at Delaware Sate University. They broke up shortly after he learned Kail was expecting.

4. Baby Lo and Father

Chris lopez son

Fortunately, despite initial rumors that Lopez had no interest in being a dad, he’s reportedly been a loving father and supportive co-parent.

5. Kailyn’s Support System

Becky hayter kailyn lowry photo

But Chris wasn’t in the picture for much of the pregnancy, and Kailyn received support mainly from her close network of friends. She’s said that they were the ones who helped her narrow down the list of potential names.

6. And It Was Quite a Process…

Kailyn lowry baby lo

Kail says, “It only took us 7 weeks to decide a name and 8 weeks to make it official.” And now the moment we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived…

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Kevin Hart and Wife Eniko Announce Boy"s Name at Baby Shower Amid Sex Tape Scandal

Kevin Hart and his wife, Eniko, carried on with their baby shower like nothing was amiss — despite his sex tape/extortion scandal — and announced their new baby boy’s name. Kevin and Eniko hosted their shindig Sunday at the Calamigos Beach Club…
