Showing posts with label Olympios. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olympios. Show all posts

Saturday, June 17, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Star Corinne Olympios, I Was So Drunk I Did a Face-plant in the Jacuzzi

Corinne Olympios was so drunk when she got sexual with fellow “Bachelor in Paradise” castmate, DeMario Jackson, she did a face-plant in the Jacuzzi and after she was dragged and laying on the ground the sexual contact continued, but sources who…


Friday, June 16, 2017

Bachelor in Paradise Star Calls Complete BS on Corinne Olympios

Simply put, Jasmine Goode thinks Corinne Olympios is a liar.

The former Bachelor suitor was in Mexico for Season 4 of Bachelor in Paradise last week, meaning she has a unique perspective on what allegedly took place between Corinne and DeMario Jackson.

As nearly everyone knows by now, production on the ABC spinoff has been shut down as a result of what Warner Bros. has described in a statement as a report of “sexual misconduct.”

With new details continuing to come in and with the rumor mill endlessly churning, all we really know at the moment is that Olympios and Jackson were both very drunk when they started to hook-up in a pool.

A producer later told executives that it was unclear whether Olympios was sober enough to give consent, which has initiated an investigation and resulted in all cast members being sent home.

The allegation has likely resulted in the cancelation of Bachelor in Paradise as well.

Earlier this week, both Corinne and DeMario issued their first lengthy statements in response to the scandal, with Olympios making it VERY clear that she was taken advantage of.

“I am a victim and have spent the last week trying to make sense of what happened on June 4,” Corinne said, adding that she’s hired a lawyer and saying:

“Although I have little memory of that night, something bad obviously took place… As a woman, this is my worst nightmare and it has now become my reality.

“[I am looking to] obtain justice and [will be] seeking therapy to begin dealing with the physical and emotional trauma stemming from that evening.”

Goode, however, is not having it.

In two separate interviews that went public on Friday, she called complete and utter BS on Corinne’s story.

“I don’t believe she was a victim or traumatized,” the reality star tells The Daily Mail, citing Corinne’s behavior on the day in question and adding:

“Not once did she complain or say she was upset with what happened in the pool with DeMario. She was laughing, having a good time.

“Even the day after, she was hanging out with DeMario and some other people in the hot tub. I honestly thought they were going to become a couple.

“She never, ever said one thing negative about DeMario. And she was never in danger, at least I never witnessed anything bad happening to her.”

Goode goes on to say she even walked by during Corinne and DeMario’s hook-up and the former casually said “hi” to her.

She also describes Jackson, who believes his character is being assassinated and who has also hired an attorney, as a “good” and “sweet” guy.

Elsewhere, Goode also spoke to E! News.

In this interview, she reiterates that Corinne was not victimized in any way… and even says she victimized a handful of men on the Bachelor in Paradise set.

“The day of the incident under investigation, Corinne did not display any change in behavior from what was observed by the cast on her season of The Bachelor,” Goode tells E!.

She continues, adding new details and fuel to this controversial fire:

“Corinne forced herself on three male cast members, when they were unable to consent, in addition to engaging with DeMario.

“After the incident everything seemed fine. There was no mention about being hurt.

“However, when producers tried to cut her off from drinking, she got upset and said, ‘Watch, watch what I’m gonna do."”

Goode also defended the show’s producers, saying no one is forced to drink or engage in any behavior against their will.

She says these employees are often checking on the stars to make sure they are “comfortable” with everything.

Could Goode be lying? Yes.

Could Olympios be lying? Yes.

We have no reason to take either side. We’re just reporting what’s been said.

Olympios’ attorney, Marty Singer, meanwhile, replied to this latest twist by saying the following to E! News:

“Several cast members and producers have come forward confirming the facts disclosed by my client.

“If nothing improper occurred on the set of Bachelor in Paradise, why was the production shut down within two days of production?

“Shutting down production of a television series is almost unheard of.

“The investigation and subsequent shutting down of the series was initiated based on complaints made by producers on the set of Bachelor in Paradise.”

DJ and CO

At the end of the day, all we can do is wait.

It’s difficult not to wonder and speculate, but the investigation will be complete at some point and we’ll know a lot more at that time.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Corinne Olympios: Bachelor in Paradise Investigation Uncovers New Footage?!

Since the first report about the Bachelor in Paradise sex scandal that got production shut down, everyone’s been wondering exactly what’s happened.

Warner Bros is apparently conducting their own investigation into what is indisputably an extremely complicated situation that involves accusations of sexual assault.

And, according to a report, they’re uncovering more videos that might be related to the case.

Finally breaking her silence, Corinne Olympios stated that she is a victim, though she’s said very little else except that she’s retained legal counsel.

Controversial events happening on a show where people signed contracts can put people in complex legal situations where public statements are concerned.

We’ve known from the get-go that Warner Bros is looking into what happened with the alleged drunken sexual hookup in the pool.

Well, RadarOnline reports that the Bachelor in Paradise investigation has now expanded to video recordings not directly related to the incident itself.

Bachelor producers are combing through hours and hours of tape to find everything they ever shot of Corinne,” reports their source.

“They have hours of unaired tape from her audition to being in the Bachelor house and now on the Paradise show.”

That’s not surprising. That’s how reality show works — they just film and film and film, and then edit things down for time and to tell a story.

“They have lost interviews and footage that never aired.”

That makes sense … though we’re not sure why that would be needed, as RadarOnline claims, since the actual events in the pool and beforehand were surely caught on multiple cameras.

But if any any of this spills over into any kind of court, which is seeming more and more likely, everybody involved will need every piece of evidence.

Recovering lost footage makes sense.

Warner Bros and their investigators aren’t the only ones who want to know exactly what happened.

For one thing, Corinne herself doesn’t remember, so we’re sure that she wants the details of what happened during her missing time.

Though, of course, we can’t imagine that she’s eager.

We’ve already heard that their hook-up left no body part untouched — and some licked — and reached the level of softcore pornography.

This situation must be traumatic enough without knowing even more details.

We assume that Warner Bros’ highest priority is determining if any producers or members of the crew caused or encouraged the situation in some misguided attempt to land ratings.

If that was their intention, obviously, then they pushed it way too far and it backfired.

Unfortunately, we just don’t know.

The source also says something a little alarming:

“They want to be prepared in case legal action follows,” referring to finding all recordings of Corinne herself.

We don’t know exactly what Warner Bros is hoping to find in these hours of unseen footage taken earlier.

Like … short of Corinne and DeMario sitting down and planning to, at some point, get inhumanly drunk and hook up in a pool, what could investigators be looking for?

Unless maybe one of the producers who’s under the microscope at the moment alleges that something along those lines took place.

Because … on some level, it sounds like Warner Bros is expecting Corinne to sue them … and like they could be preparing footage of her previous antics to, what? Victim-blame her?

But, even if this report from this source is true, that might not be what they’re doing at all.

The optics alone on that would be terrible for any company.

DeMario Jackson wants his name cleared, so we’re sure that he’s eager for the investigation to bring everything to light.

But as far as we know, Corinne Olympios hasn’t singled him out.

In fact, “guy takes advantage of wasted girl in pool” would be a much simpler (and tragically, all-too-common) story.

But every report that we’ve seen says that they were both absolutely wasted.

It’s understandable that he would be on the defensive, though — considering racism in America today and how some vile people might portray him as some sort of predator.

Hopefully, when everyone is able to speak about this, we’ll know who really did it.

And we’re still not sure how all of this bonus footage that the producers are supposed to be digging up could help.

Sure, people on that show have been pretty wild, but how does that relate to the case?

Maybe we’ll find out.


"Bachelor in Paradise" Contract Says Producers Not Responsible for Corinne Olympios, DeMario Jackson"s Sexual Encounter

Now that Corinne Olympios appears headed for a legal showdown with producers of “Bachelor in Paradise” … the contract she signed becomes extrememly relevant, and problematic. The contract contestants sign, obtained by TMZ, says in part all…


DeMario Jackson Fires Back at Corinne Olympios, Threatens Legal Action

DeMario Jackson has broken his silence.

The former Bachelorette contestant – who was given the boot by Rachel Lindsay just a couple weeks ago and who was flown to Mexico to be a part of the Bachelor in Paradise cast soon afterward – is sick of all the recent headlines.

He’s not about to let others soil his reputation.

On Wednesday night, not long after Corinne Olympios issued a statement in which she claimed to have been victimized while filming Bachelor in Paradise, Jackson came out with a few strong words of his own.

And they certainly appear to be directed at Olympios.

“It’s unfortunate that my character and family name has been assassinated this past week with false claims and malicious allegations,” the 30-year-old said in a statement via his publicist.

Added DeMario:

“I will be taking swift and appropriate legal action until my name is cleared and, per the advice of legal counsel, will be seeking all available remedies entitled to me under the laws.”

This statement is a departure from what Jackson had previously told TMZ and Entertainment Tonight.

Following confirmation from Warner Bros. on June 11 that production on Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 had been shut down due to an incident of “sexual misconduct,” word has leaked out that Jackson and Olympios were the contestants at the center of this controversy.

The reality stars allegedly got drunk and hooked up in a pool, but serious questions remain over whether or not Corinne gave her consent at the time.

A producer told executives that she seemed far too wasted to know what was going on.

Initial reports made it appear as if Corinne’s beef was with the ABC employees on hand who did not step in and put an end to the “touching” and “fingering” (as one insider described it), with sources claiming she and Jackson were on good terms.

Asked about the scandal by the aforementioned outlets this week, DeMario said Corinne was awesome.

So, why does it now sound as if she’s the target of his wrath?

Why does it now sound as if Jackson has an issue with the “false claims and malicious allegations” leveled at him by Olympios?

Because Olympios released the following statement a couple hours prior to Jackson speaking out yesterday:

“I am a victim and have spent the last week trying to make sense of what happened the night of June 4.

“Although I have little memory of that night, something bad obviously took place, which I understand is why production on the show has now been suspended and a producer on the show has filed a complaint against the production.

“As a woman, this is my worst nightmare and it has now become my reality.

“As I pursue the details and facts surrounding that night and the immediate days after, I have retained a group of professionals to ensure that what happened on June 4 comes to light and I can continue my life, including hiring an attorney to obtain justice and seeking therapy to begin dealing with the physical and emotional trauma stemming from that evening.”

Corinne does not mention DeMario by name here.

Her statement does not shed any light on what actually transpired between her and Jackson.

Is she claiming to have been victimized by her fellow contestant? Or by the producers who sat idly by while both parties got blackout drunk and then nearly had sex?

Jackson has said that Bachelor in Paradise footage will exonerate him of any kind of assault or misconduct allegations.

But it’s unclear whether cameras were actually rolling during his hook-up or whether the public will ever have a chance to view the tape; the latter scenario is very unlikely.

“Warner Bros. is handling the investigation,” Chris Harrison said on Good Morning America on Tuesday, adding:

“They’re moving quickly to gather all the facts, and once that’s done a clear concise decision can be made about where we go from here.”

Bachelor in Paradise had been scheduled to premiere Season 4 on August 8. No official word has been given, but there’s simply no way this will happen.

It seems highly doubtful the show will air a new episode ever again.

But you can stay tuned to The Hollywood Gossip for more details and further news as it breaks.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Corinne Olympios Breaks Silence on Bachelor in Paradise Scandal: I Am a Victim!

There’s still so much that we don’t know, with statements and rumors that seem to be in conflict, and dumb guys saying dumber things instead of telling us what happened.

And now, Corinne Olympios, the woman at the center of the controversial and mysterious scandal that got production suspended on Bachelor in Paradise, has finally broken her silence.

Speaking to TMZ, the one-time “Bachelor Villain” struck a much more serious tone than usual as she discussed the controversy.

“I am a victim and have spent the last week trying to make sense of what happened on June 4.”

“Although I have little memory of that night, something bad obviously took place, which I understand is why production on the show has now been suspended and a producer on the show has filed a complaint against the production.”

That’s all very … carefully worded and nuanced and exactly what she should be saying, considering the circumstances and the many, many potential legal complications.

But then she gets about as real as she can about what happened.

“As a woman, this is my worst nightmare and it has now become my reality.” 

That’s the grim truth.

There’s a lot that makes this case complex, from questions of who’s culpable for what to questions about exactly what happened.

Unfortunately, it sounds like Corinne is nearly as in the dark as the rest of us.

“As I pursue the details and facts surrounding that night and the immediate days after, I have retained a group of professionals to ensure that what happened on June 4 comes to light and I can continue my life, including hiring an attorney to obtain justice and seeking therapy to begin dealing with the physical and emotional trauma stemming from that evening.”

That is … horrifying.

Any situation that looks like a sexual assault is going to be dreadful beyond words, but there’s a unique horror to having to piece together events after the fact along with the rest of the world.

Corinne is not the first member of the Bachelor in Paradise cast to speak out, but, as she herself said, she’s the victim.

We care a lot more about what she has to say about things than we do about a bystander.

To be clear, it looks like DeMario Jackson was nearly as much of a victim in this. 

He’s already stated that the tapes will vindicate him, and Corinne hasn’t been pointing the finger at him, either.

Quite frankly, if they were both drinking all day, and if he was really too drunk to even get an erection, then it looks like the story’s pointing the finger at producers and crew.

Not all of them, obviously, but probably at anyone who let it happen and definitely at anyone who might have deliberately caused the situation.

Maybe we’ll find out.

Ugh, we can already see this becoming a ripped-from-the-headlines episode of Law & Order: SVU, but with a twist, because they love their twists, even when it makes the story completely different from the real headlines.

And yes, right now, it’s Warner Bros that’s carrying out the investigation, which is a little odd. They’re probably looking for liability issues and at who needs to get fired.

But it sounds like a police investigation is almost inevitable. We’d fully expect Warner Bros to hand over names and evidence to police, even if just to prove that they’re cooperating fully.

Maybe, once their investigation makes more headway, we’ll all know more.

Corinne Olympios, at least, deserves to know the full story of what happened to her.


Corinne Olympios Lawyers Up In "Bachelor In Paradise Investigation," "I"m A Victim"

Corinne Olympios has hired a team to “seek justice” for the “Bachelor in Paradise” swimming pool incident … TMZ has learned. Corinne tells TMZ … “I am a victim and have spent the last week trying to make sense of what happened on June 4.…


DeMario Jackson on Corinne Olympios: She"s Awesome!

DeMario Jackson has broken his silence on Bachelor in Paradise and the disturbing allegations surrounding his role in the recent scandal that caused production to be shut down.

Has he spoken to Corinne Olympios since both were sent home from Mexico?

Is he afraid of charges being brought against him?

The former Bachelorette contestant, who was eliminated by Rachel Lindsay this month because she learned he had a girlfriend during shooting, was stopped outside a Starbucks in Los Angeles on Tuesday and asked about the ongoing scandal.

“No comment,” Jackson initially told reporters on the scene.

He was asked by TMZ whether he’s concerned that some now think of him as a “sexual predator,” to which DeMario replied “No sir.”

In a video exclusive to Entertainment Tonight, however, the reality star did finally elaborate a bit when asked about Corinne specifically.

“I have nothing to say. You know, Corinne’s an awesome girl and that’s all I have to say,” Jackson said, concluding with a message for his fans:

“Love you all, thank you for the support.”

Early in the filming of Bachelor in Paradise Season 4, Jackson and Olympios started to hook up in a pool.

According to witnesses, both parties were very drunk at the time and things turned very hot and very heavy almost immediately.

An insider close to DeMario describes the “rubbing, touching and fingering” that took place, stating that Olympios was the aggressor.

But a producer quickly took issue with what transpired between DeMario and Corinne, alerting executives to a situation she described as possible sexual misconduct.

Production was then shut down, an investigation was launched and all cast members sent home.

In the days since, sources have confirmed that the issue at stake is whether or not Olympios gave Jackson consent for his actions.

Corinne has reportedly hired an attorney, but insiders say her beef is with producers, who failed to step in despite her heavily intoxicated state, and NOT with Jackson.

Host Chris Harrison has warned the public from overreacting to the “misinformation” floating around the Internet, but Bachelor in Paradise is likely to get canceled.

There may be lawsuits filed.

This incident raises many questions about the prominence of alcohol and sex on reality television.

It’s only natural for folks to wonder what happened.

“Nobody truly enjoys having their character questioned, but he is certainly classier than how he is being portrayed,” a source tells Us Weekly of Jackson, adding:

“There are three sides to every story: his, hers and the truth. 

“He is in high spirits and positive because he knows without a doubt he didn’t do what he’s being accused of.”

Jackson has told multiple people that he’ll be exonerated of any wrongdoing once footage of his interaction with Corinne is made public.

Entertainment Tonight has even obtained the following text message from Jackson in which he emphasizes this point:

It’s hard to image footage will actually be released to the public.

But cameras were rolling during Corinne and DeMario’s hook-up.

At some point, whatever was captured on film should shed some light on what happened and where things go from there.

Until then, all we can do is try not to overly speculate.

“Warner Bros. is handling the details of that investigation,” Harrison said in his statement, concluding:

“They’re moving quickly to gather all the facts, and once that’s done a clear concise decision can be made about where we go from here.

“It is my sincere hope that we can come to a quick resolution on this and get back to work very soon.”


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Star Corinne Olympios "Falling Over" Drunk Hours After Pool Sex

Corinne Olympios was so wasted several hours after she and DeMario Jackson hooked up, she could hardly stand. Witnesses at the Mexican resort tell us 2 hours after her sexual encounter with DeMario … she was stumbling drunk, eyes closed,…


Monday, June 12, 2017

Corinne Olympios: I Did Not Consent to Sex with DeMario Jackson!

Corinne Olympios reportedly says she did not consent to any pool sex with DeMario Jackson on Bachelor in Paradise … and has lawyered up.

What does she say happened on that night in question?

CO and DJ

She has no idea. Which is the issue here, of course.

The infamous Bachelor and Bachelorette alumni hooked up on the set of the ABC show, and production has been shut down in the aftermath. 

According to TMZ, citing sources close to Corinne, she was in a blackout state of drunkenness when she got sexual with DeMario Jackson.

She blames producers for not pulling the kibosh on the Bachelor in Paradise sex scandal before it started and protecting her that night.

However, other sources quoted by the celebrity news insist there is footage of Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson floating around.

Those sources say Corinne looks lucid and fully “engaged” in … well, the intense sexual acts she and DJ were performing on each other.

Regardless, there seems to be consensus that Corinne was drinking the entire day of filming before she ended up naked in the pool.

While DeMario remembers everything, including “rubbing, touching and fingering” to “licking her genitals,” Olympios reportedly doesn’t.

At all.

The day after the graphic pool sex incident, she claims that fellow cast members began regaling her with stories about herself and Jackson.

She says several cast members told her they had voiced concern to producers that she was in no position to consent to sexual activity.

The crew did not heed their warnings, apparently – at least at first. Bachelor in Paradise has since been suspended, as we reported.

Olympios and Jackson were sent home after this, while the entire cast of The Bachelor and Bachelorette spinoff was dismissed soon after.

Production sources refute this, claiming that no cast members complained about Corinne being too drunk, so it’s a little confusing here.

Still, clearly Corinne is feeling bad about this.

She’s reportedly told her friends she has a boyfriend and wouldn’t have done what she did – with cameras rolling no less – to risk that.

All that being said, Corrine doesn’t fully blame DeMario for his behavior that night because he too was drunk, according to TMZ.

Rather, she blames producers for not intervening and has retained counsel. The show has been shut down until further notice.

DJ and CO

DeMario’s side of the story is reportedly that the two were both drinking at the bar and started to make out before taking it to the pool.

Some “intense rubbing” followed, TMZ writes.

Cameras rolling and inhibitions long gone, they began “rubbing, touching and fingering” one another with reckless abandon.

At that point, Corinne allegedly thrust her genitals into DeMario’s face and her co-star started to tongue her sacred area.

This is where accounts begin to differ.

Jackson reportedly said he was not able to engage in intercourse with her because of all the alcohol he consumed beforehand.

In any case, Tuesday, despite Jackson and Olympios getting along perfectly well on set, producers got wind of this and booted them.

bip cast pic

They were told that another producer was “uncomfortable” with the how they had acted – even if they were reportedly fine with it afterward.

The producer filed a formal complaint with Warner Bros., prompting the company to immediately shut things down and launch an investigation.

An Instagram photo shared last weekend (above) features the Bachelor in Paradise cast, sans Jackson and Olympios, in the Houston airport.

If they weren’t sure what was going on then, they obviously are now, as we have to imagine this marks the end of the show as we know it.

It’s hard to see a scenario in which this s–tshow ends – even if Jackson and Olympios are fully exonerated – with the status quo resuming.

Stay tuned for more as the situation unfolds.


"Bachelor in Paradise" Star Corinne Olympios Says She Didn"t Consent to Sexual Contact with DeMario Jackson

Corinne Olympios claims she was in a blackout state when she got sexual with fellow “Bachelor in Paradise” star DeMario Jackson … and she blames producers for not pulling the plug and protecting her, although our sources say people who…


Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson: Bachelor in Paradise Pool Sex Prompts Sexual Assault Probe

Earlier today, we learned that Bachelor in Paradise production was shut down after a producer filed a complaint over on-set sex. 

Specifically, Corinne Olympios’ pool sex with DeMario Jackson … which seems like exactly what producers would WANT to see.

It is Bachelor in Paradise, after all. But here’s why their antics sparked so much concern that the whole cast was sent home …

DJ and CO

DeMario, from this season of The Bachelorette, and Corinne, from last season of The Bachelor, both came to Paradise with notorious reputations.

It didn’t take them long to hook up, though the exact events that led to the show being shut down remain unclear and in dispute.

According to the producer who filed the complaint, Corinne Olympios was so drunk on day one of filming that she had no ability to consent.

Corinne and DeMario Jackson’s sexual moves in a swimming pool nonetheless were allowed to play out on film by the people in charge.

Was that a mistake? The producer in question clearly believes so, raising concerns that Corinne may have been sexually assaulted.

Not so fast, says the other party involved …

DeMario Jackson claims the naked pool encounter with Olympios was not only consensual, but that Corinne was the instigator. 

Jackson says that he and Corinne were drinking heavily and making out at the bar when she suggested they take things to the pool.

There, they took their clothes off and began “rubbing, touching and fingering” one another … all while cameras were potentially rolling.

He also claims Corinne put her genitals in his face and he began licking … but was unable consummate things because he was wasted.

TMZ says the producer in question was assigned to shadow Corinne, and began hearing stories from people on set that were alarming.

The producer may or may not have viewed the incident, according to the celebrity news site, but she has NOT watched the footage.

What actually happened? Will we ever know?

People familiar with the footage say Olympios was “fully engaged,” but regardless, there will be no filming until this matter is resolved. 

After the complaint was filed, Warner Bros. immediately kicked out DeMario and Corinne and launched an investigation into “misconduct.”

Production was then suspended until the investigation is completed, though it appears unlikely any criminal conduct will be uncovered.

At least not if earlier reports that Corinne and DeMario are on good terms with one another after the infamous encounter are accurate.

Still, both infamous contestants pushed the envelope too far, and “the truth came to light,” according to one of DeMario’s former co-stars.

CO and DJ

Eric Bigger, one of the favorites on The Bachelorette (see The Bachelorette spoilers for more on that), chimed in Sunday about this. 

He believes Corrine and DeMario probably were just having fun in Paradise that night, until things got out of hand for everyone.

Now it’s become a thing bigger (pun not intended) than either of them imagined, and it remains to be seen how it will play out.

Obviously, if there was even a possibility of assault or non-consensual activity involved, a serious investigation should proceed.

We’re just not sure that Jackson should be accused of taking advantage of Olympios without evidence to support that claim.

If there’s anything we know about Paradise, it’s that booze and hot people looking for and consensual sex are abundant. 

Stay tuned for more on this developing story.


Friday, June 2, 2017

Corinne Olympios: Coming to Bachelor in Paradise!

Anybody else grow up with a fascination for villains? Disney villains or supervillains or whatever, they were just so much more interesting than their primary-color-wearing white bread opponents.

And while that might not prepare anyone for real life — like, dictators and serial killers tend to be pretty gross — it definitely holds true for reality television. 

Which is why you kind of can’t help but be excited by news of Bachelor Villain Corinne Olympios showing up on Bachelor In Paradise.

Everything about Corinne is just so over-the-top.

-One time on The Bachelor she just took off her top to get Nick Viall’s attention … while on a group date

-Her “Make America Corinne Again” line; finally a slogan that we can all get behind

-She allegedly hooked up with Nick in secret, like you do

-She gave herself a whipped cream bikini because that’s what living your best life is all about

Okay, so, Corinne didn’t win her season of The Bachelor. She came in fourth.

But reality television is a big believer in reincarnation, which is why Bachelor In Paradise exists.

And Corinne Olympios is coming to Bachelor In Paradise, because sometimes this world makes sense and rewards us.

Everyone’s excited. 

Corinne’s presence guarantees interesting television.

And more than a bit of chaos.

So, Bachelor In Paradise is a big second chance for contestants from The Bachelor and The Bachelorette

Following in the footsteps of Bachelor Pad after that show’s cancelation, Bachelor In Paradise brings in men and women who get to choose each other.

But they’re never brought in even numbers, and new people are added in each episode, meaning that a couple of people are going home in disappointment at the end of every episode.

And this season, all of the contestants are going to have Corinne and her … let’s call it “unique temperament” … to contend with. 

It’s hard to say exactly what’s going to happen on this season. Corinne makes for great television, but the producers don’t quite control everything.

Any contestants who know where their bread is buttered, however, are going to want to keep her around. Even if they don’t genuinely like her, they should know that her must-watch antics will be good for all of them.

It’s entirely possible that some of her fellow contestants will want her off regardless. She’s kind of, um, hard to ignore.

We can’t wait to see how it all works out.

Sometimes reality television lives up to its promises.


Friday, March 10, 2017

Corinne Olympios: Secretly Engaged While on The Bachelor, Keith Berman Claims!

Was The Bachelor’s infamous seductress Corinne Olympios secretly engaged the entire time she starred on the ABC reality show?

That’s the (crazy) rumor of the day, coming to you courtesy of Keith Berman, a man claiming to be Corinne’s former boyfriend.

Corinne’s former fling has been outspoken since she was ousted after her hometown date, as The Bachelor spoilers accurately predicted.

While there has been recurring talk that Corinne Olympios is engaged to Keith Berman, he says that’s not true … but that she is engaged.

To someone else. Right here, and right now.

According to Berman, he hooked up two years ago with Olympios after meeting her through mutual friends, and they’ve kept in touch.

As recently as last month, he saw the 24-year-old Miami-based business owner in L.A., where she allegedly admitted her secret love life.

“She literally pressed upon the fact to me that they were still together,” he tells Us about Olympios and her longtime on-off boyfriend.

“She said to me, ‘We’re still together. I don’t want anyone to know … you have to keep this secret for me.’ And I said, ‘OK, I’ll do whatever you want."”

“That was what she had told me in person.”

Berman says Olympios wanted to keep her relationship secret because “she didn’t want people to think she was on the show for the wrong reasons.”

“I thought she was on the show for the right reasons,” he says, hilariously employing the show’s go-to cliche, “but I guess I was wrong.”

(Personally, we thought she was there for the fame and the Fantasy Suite sex with Nick, which she amazingly didn’t get, but no matter.)

Moreover, Berman claims that not only his Corinne in a relationship, but that her alleged boyfriend called to yell at him for running his month!

Berman writes of the online altercation that ensued:

“He figured out [that we hung out] two years ago and [more recently than that]; and they’ve apparently been dating/together for 3 years.”

“So you do the math, he thought she cheated on him. Or at least that’s what I thought he was mad about when he was yelling at me on the phone!”

“(Mind you they weren’t supposed to be in contact!)”

Keith then addressed Corinne personally, saying:

“Your Bachelor stint was a complete sham and now the whole town knows it! You HAD A FIANCÉ THE ENTIRE SHOW!


“I’ll spare the internet the details,” he says, despite the fact that he is doing the opposite and proving the Internet many, many details.

“Because there’s no need for another kid to get dragged through the mud and bothered by the press as well.”

“But trust me,” Berman assures us, “I know exactly who her mystery man / real ex boyfriend / fiance is!”

Olympios’ response to all this is simple.

“I’m not engaged,” she says.

“I don’t know [why these rumors are out there]. I’m hearing so many different things. It’s just that people love to talk, I guess.”

“Are you kidding me? This is getting so ridiculous. I’m getting fed up with all these rumors. Especially the rumors about Keith Berman.”

Corinne says that she is not currently dating and could be open to appearing on Bachelor in Paradise, which obviously needs to happen.

In the meantime, Nick Viall will choose a Bachelor winner among Vanessa Grimaldi and Raven Gates on Monday night’s season finale.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Corinne Olympios Also Can"t Believe She Missed Out on The Bachelor Fantasy Suite Sex

As The Bachelor spoilers predicted months ago, the two biggest stars of this season didn’t even make it to next week’s season finale.

There’s Rachel Lindsay, the upcoming star of The Bachelorette. And Corinne Olympios, the most notorious competitor in show history.

Despite not even making it to the Fantasy Suite portion of Nick Viall’s journey for love, Corinne was the breakout star of the ’17 season.

She was all people talked about before, during and after her stint on the show, which came to an end three episodes ago at this point.

Her performance all winter, and her appearance on the Women Tell All where she was forced to defend it, proved this and then some.

The Florida native received plenty of backlash for allegedly being too, um, sex-focused, but she has a dual response to that criticism:

1. There’s a lot you didn’t see, and the show edited her in a way that makes her look like the biggest sex-crazed villain in reality TV history.

 2. Who cares?! Is sex not part of relationships?!

“It was Nick’s birthday, actually, which no one really knew,” she says of one such incident, in which Nick licked whipped cream off of her chest.

“It looked a little more provocative than I meant it.” 

Maybe so, but there was no dancing around certain things she said, such as proclaiming that her heart is gold, but her “vagine is platinum.”

What the hell is a platinum vagine anyway?!

“It’s just a really good one,” she tells ET.

“It’s very good looking. I’m lasered. It’s like, small and cute. There’s no weird things going on down there. I’ve seen some scary vaginas.”

“If you have a sterling silver vagine, that’s the worst!” Olympios told the network, fortunately not elaborating on the topic any further.

Olympios, 24, can always be counted on to speak her mind, and as such, says it’s “surprising” that their hometown date was her last.

“With all of our sexual attraction towards each other,” she says, being axed was shocking and “bad…what was he thinking?! He missed out!”

She says inside the Fantasy Suite, “anything could have happened,” though she’s not sure if she would’ve been The Bachelor winner.

Her reason for that? Surprisingly humble.

“There’s no telling because there were other relationships too, and the other girls are really great,” she said of the three who outlasted her.

“I did love Nick and cared a lot about him,” Olympios says, insisting that she appeared “more promiscuous” than she would have liked.

At the same time, Corinne says exploring sex with a partner is “healthy” and has no qualms about it being part of a relationship progression.

“If you were doing this off-camera and getting into a relationship, you would have sex,” she says, so why would this be all that different.

As for whether she thinks Rachel, Raven Gates and Vanessa Grimaldi made sweet love in the Fantasy Suite with the man of the hour?

“I’m pretty sure that they did. I think they need to! I don’t think you can really get engaged to somebody without having sex with them.”

Olympios says she isn’t just a sex fiend; Corinne had real, “emotional” conversations with Viall about “how we would do life together.”

Now, she does miss him as a friend as well. 

“If he ever wants to talk or hang out, I’m always down for that,” she shares, adding that she’s not focused on dating anyone now.

Nor is Corinne Olympios engaged to Keith Berman.

“Right now I’m more focused on doing me,” she said, which doesn’t mean there hasn’t been interest expressed … A LOT of interest.

“No men for right now. Almost every email I get [after leaving the show] is, ‘So, can I take you out since Nick is done with you?"”


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Corinne Olympios: Engaged to Keith Berman?!

Corinne Olympios is still the star of The Bachelor, despite having been eliminated by Nick Viall after her hometown date two episodes ago.

Case in point: Her rumored, upcoming marriage to ex Keith Berman. Yes, already. Or so the Internet would have you believe … 

As The Bachelor spoilers predicted, the 24-year-old took over the entire season, becoming one of the franchise’s most famous contestants.

Naturally, fans are dying to know what she’s been up to since getting dumped by Nick, and with Corinne, nearly anything seems possible.

She’s cultivated that kind of reputation so far in 2017.

One rumor suggested that she and Nick were still banging on the side, while another suggested she was engaged to ex Keith Berman.

Yes, it’s a busy life in the spotlight post-Bachelor.

Corinne’s response to either could be summed up in three letters: LOL. “No. I’m not engaged. Are you kidding me?” Olympios said.

“This is getting so ridiculous,” Corinne said.

“I’m getting fed up with all these rumors.”

We don’t believe for a second that she’s sick of the attention, but we also don’t believe Corinne actually got engaged to someone already.

Keith, who claims to be one of Corinne’s ex-lovers and even wrote a blog post about their past hookups, said of her a few weeks prior:

“Soooo all you girls are wondering is Corinne actually batshit crazy in real life? Well, I had a little fling with Corinne two years ago.”

And? Do tell, Keith!

“Let me be the first to say she’s got you all eating out of the palms of her hands… You think Corinne doesn’t know exactly what she’s doing?!”

“HA! She’s been playing this game her whole life,” he said, and that part we 100 percent believe. “Now she’s just doing it on national TV.

According to Berman, he met the 24-year-old seductress / business owner a few years ago in her hometown through a mutual friend.

He says they hooked up “a couple times” and have since “stayed in touch,” and claims they spoke as recently as a few weeks ago.

Berman has high praise for Olympios, calling her a “f–king superstar right now” and saying that The Bachelor is “right up her alley.”

“She’s got a great personality for it. I was pumped that she was on it. I knew she would kill it, honestly,” he says of Corinne.

Keith acknowledged the “exaggerated representation” of her shown on ABC, calling her mostly “very normal” but “playing it up for TV.”

“They’re trying to portray her as some stupid girl, but she’s really not that dumb. She knows exactly what she’s doing.”

“She’s a very good-looking girl, and she’s just aggressive. She’s very aggressive, and when you’re that good-looking of a girl?”

“Most guys aren’t going to turn a girl that looks like that down? She knows how to play up her sexiness. Nick is into it, and she knows.”

Corinne responded to this to E! News, telling them:

“Keith Berman and I literally, literally are zero.”

“Never were anything, never anything.”

“He is the last person on the planet that I ever thought would have a media scandal,” Olympios adds, implying that he’s out for attention.

“These rumors with him have got to stop,” she says, and only in the life of Corinne would this not be the consensus crazy rumor of the week.

In addition to the engagement talk, she also takes issue with “the rumor about me seeing Nick post-show and having sex with Nick post-show.”

“That is just stupid… Who comes up with this bulls–t?”

“The last time I saw [Nick] was the day he put me in the limo,” Olympios insists, referring to the unceremonious aftermath of her hometown date.

Again, it’s not that crazy, given that Corinne admits she had sex with Nick while on the show, but we’re guessing this is faux incredulity.

All we can say is that the Internet comes up with a lot of things, and there’s no way she’s actually upset about being kept this relevant.

After all, she’s working on a new clothing line that will include T-shirts and bathing suits, and any publicity has to help with her sales.

Right? Corinne (and Corinne’s nanny) needs to get paid at the end of the day, and Keith was clearly right about one thing if nothing else:

She’s known exactly what she’s doing.

Corinne explained to E!: “I’m totally focused on my clothing line. I’m super focused on getting it. I have July deadlines and I am just hustling.”

Get it, girl. Get it.
