Showing posts with label Portwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portwood. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Amber Portwood: I Am NOT Pregnant With Matt Baier"s Baby!

As you may have heard, Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

Amber is dating Andrew Glennon these days, so naturally, when she announced that she’s expecting, fans concluded that she’s carrying Andrew’s child.

But nothing in Amber’s life has been simple or straightforward up to this point, so why should her second pregnancy be any different?

In recent weeks, a rumor that Amber is pregnant with Matt Baier’s baby has been making its way around social media, and Amber is quite understandably not happy about it.

Baier, of course, is Amber’s trash-person former fiance, whom she dumped just days before beginning her relationship with Glennon.

(Amber and Matt were filming Marriage Boot Camp at the time of their split. Glennon was a producer on the show.)

With Amber getting pregnant so soon after being engaged to Matt, there was bound to be some doubt about the kid’s paternity.

But the situation went further than expected, with tinfoil hat-wearing Teen Mom OG obsessives crafting narratives and timelines that they claim “proves” that Amber is pregnant by Baier.

When Amber revealed her due date as May 13, many insisted that she had basically confirmed she was pregnant by Matt.

Obviously, that’s not the case, but it seems the Twitter loonies aren’t the only ones who are convinced another baby Baier is on the way:

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom OG, Amber’s first baby daddy, Garry Shirley, revealed that he’s considered the possibility that Amber is carrying Matt’s child.

“It had to be within a week of them hanging out,” he said to wife Kristina Anderson while discussing Amber’s pregnancy.

“I think there was a break between Matt and Andrew,” Kristina replied. “I think. I don’t know.”

Naturally, the Twitter conspiracy theorists went nuts and began furiously tweeting at Amber for clarification.

Eventually, she responded thusly:

“Me and Matt broke up in May lol”

Okay, so maybe not the in-depth response fans had hoped for, but clearly Amber is hoping that will be enough to put the matter to rest.

A source who claims to be close to Amber went into greater detail in a recent interview with Radar Online:

“That would be physically impossible,” the insider said when asked if there’s any chance that Amber is pregnant by Matt.

“They broke up and he moved to Las Vegas on July 3. The baby had to be conceived in August. She never came to visit him in August.”

The insider adds:

“It’s definitely not his.”

Is it possible that the source is Amber? 

Sure, but it also seems highly unlikely that she’s carrying Matt’s baby.

The woman has made plenty of horrendous decisions, but she’s not a masochist.

The jury’s still out on this Glennon character, but he’s gotta be better than Matt … right?

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on the tumultuous life and times of Ms. Portwood.


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Amber Portwood Accuses Matt Baier of Abuse on Marriage Boot Camp!

In just a few short weeks, we will be receiving such a delightful, exciting gift …

And that gift is the premiere episode of the new season of Marriage Boot Camp!

This season, we"re most excited to see Amber Portwood work through her issues with Matt Baier, because even though their relationship obviously didn"t work out, there"s still a lot we"d like to know about their breakup.

We"re also dying to see if Andrew Glennon, her new boyfriend/baby daddy and a crew member for Marriage Boot Camp, makes any sort of cameo.

Plus, if you know Amber, then you know that she"s completely incapable of not bringing the drama, right?

And thanks to this special little sneak peek of what has to be some of her most explosive scenes, we know that she really, really brought it.

The clip begins with sirens and flashing text that reads "Amber Alert," which is in kind of poor taste, considering what Amber Alerts actually are, but we get it.

Next, we see her hitting a punching bag with a baseball bat, then she yells "F-ck you, bitch!" at someone — it looks like her mother.

"Do I look f-cking high?!" she screams at someone else.

Later, Amber tells Brandi Glanville to "shut the f-ck up before I flip this f-cking table against your goddamn head," and while we don"t know the context, it does seem to be a bit of an overreaction.

In another scene, this one with Matt, she tells him that he"s a "piece of sh-t," to which he responds with an incredulous "really?"

"Why do you think I"m so angry?" she asks. "Because you hit me!"


So there"s basically two things this could mean.

One, they did one of those therapeutic exercises that they do on the show, he accidentally hit her during it, and thanks to her clear anger issues during this time, it set her off.

Two, he was physically abusive to her during their relationship.

Unfortunately, there is some evidence to that second option — for example, last summer, right around the time she would have been filming this, she admitted in an Instagram rant that she"d been the victim of domestic violence.

"I"ve been through domestic violence," she said then. "I was the one on the other f-cking end with the domestic violence — it went both ways."

"However," she added, "I never opened my motherf-cking mouth about anybody ever f-cking hitting me! Anybody! Because that"s what a real f-cking woman does!"

"That"s what a real woman does. I can f-cking take that!"

Obviously that"s not true, and it"s really truly awful to state that "real women" don"t seek help if they"re being abused.

But Simon Saran, Farrah Abraham"s sometimes boyfriend, claimed that this was true — he even specified that "Matt has punched her on several occasions."

At the very least, we know that Amber is prone to violent relationships, because we saw her beat Gary Shirley more than once in the early seasons of Teen Mom.

There were also rumors that Amber was abusive to Matt, complete with a photo of Matt"s injuries that he claimed were from a separate incident altogether.

It"s all very, very suspicious, isn"t it?

Check out Amber in action in the video below:

Amber portwood accuses matt baier of abuse on marriage boot camp

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Amber Portwood Debuts Baby Bump!

Even though Amber Portwood confirmed her pregnancy a while back, we actually saw her reveal that she’s expecting to her mom and cousin just this week, on the latest episode of Teen Mom OG.

But obviously, that episode was filmed months ago, and we haven’t really had a good real time view of Amber for a while.

Until now, that is, because Amber has debuted her baby bump. Take a look!

Right around Halloween, the world learned that Amber Portwood is pregnant again. Coming from Amber, that’s not exactly a horror story.

(Coming from some of the scarily bad Teen Mom stars, it would be)

Like Gary Shirley, we hope that this can be Amber’s new beginning.

Everyone hopes that she and Andrew Glennon can be great parents to this baby (and to Leah!) and maybe get a little better at managing her money.

But that’s in the future — Amber still has a long ways to go in her pregnancy.

But check out this baby bump!

Yes, we know that their height difference is a lot. It’s distracting.

Even though Amber Portwood is tiny at only 5-foot-4, Andrew Glennon is still legit tall. The dude is 6-foot-7. In another era, he would have been a king’s guard. Or perhaps a king.

In this era, he works in television, but studies have shown that their height difference stacks the odds in their favor when it comes to relationship longevity.

And yes, we know that it’s weird. So is romance. So is human nature.

Anyway, once you get past the height difference, check out that baby bump.

Andrew Glennon seems to be settling in and becoming a part of Amber Portwood’s family.

Not everyone is prepared to become a reality star overnight. Especially when it happens via a Teen Mom OG cast member.

(And especially since it’s rumored that Andrew Glennon, or at least his family, may be well off financially)

But Andrew’s taken to it like a duck to water. Mostly.

Some still say that Andrew Glennon may have acted improperly and seduced Amber when she was emotionally vulnerable, but … we’re not sure if that flies anymore.

They’re still together and this is clearly more than a fling.

As you may recall, this pregnancy wasn’t exactly planned. Amber and Andrew had only been dating for a matter of months when Amber became pregnant.

Even so, they’re making the best of it.

In late 2017, Amber announced that she’s expecting a boy.

She plans to name him James.

We don’t know the day that she’ll give birth — quite frankly, even the best due date is just a highly educated guess — but some speculate that she could give birth as early as May of this year.

Will Amber Portwood get things right this time, as a mother and as a partner?

Will Andrew Glennon stick around in this (still new) relationship long enough for little James Glennon to grow up with two parents?

For that matter, will Leah enjoy being a big sister or will the novelty of having a baby brother wear off quickly?

All that we can do is hope for the best.

The only thing that most fans can say with certainty is that this whole situation seems to be much, much better than anything from the days of that total creep, Matt Baier.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Amber Portwood: Screw Everyone, I"m a GREAT Mother!

Amber Portwood has never been one to bite her tongue, that’s for sure.

To be clear, she’s always ready to throw down if she feels she’s been wronged in any way at all.

Remember that legendary Teen Mom OG reunion show, the one where she threw a punch at Farrah because she agreed with Simon Saran that Matt Baier “looked like a pedophile”?

If she’s willing to get violent on national television over some nonsense like that — and she definitely always is — then there’s really no telling what could set her off.

But currently, insults about her parenting skills have really been getting her going.

Maybe it’s because she’s expecting her second child, maybe it’s because she’s off her meds for her mental illnesses, but she’s been particularly sensitive about the subject lately.

In a recent episode of Teen Mom OG, she said that she hadn’t seen her daughter, Leah, “in I don’t know how f-cking long because I’m so afraid of her to see me. I have to be in a good state in order to be around her.”

She said that she was too depressed to see Leah, but in another scene, Kristina (Gary Shirley’s wife and Leah’s amazing stepmother) revealed that Leah had only seen her mom twice during her entire summer vacation.

Amber got bashed so hard for that that she felt the need to address the matter on Twitter, where she wrote that she was “sick and tired” of the criticism.

She blamed her breakup with Matt, explaining that “People go through horrible times when they split and I’m no exception! I was depressed and horribly sad so I did the best thing and made sure my daughter was protected!”

“To shame a mother for keeping a child happy and safe from there own depression is disturbing!” she added.

“And to think I have to explain myself for a horrible point in life is even more degrading!”

The drama died down, as it always does, but it heated up again last week when, after watching the new episode, Amber tweeted that she’s “been through hell” by being on the show.

“MTV has turned my pregnancy and this relationship into a joke in one of the happiest time of my life,” she complained. “Apparently my life is just for people to tell me how horrible I am as a mother because I went through depression!”

It’s weird, because it seems like she’s using “depression” and “single” interchangeably, right?

We have no doubt that she was depressed, but she still managed to find herself a new boyfriend. And as we saw in last night’s episode, she stopped taking her meds (including her birth control) because she was happy with Andrew.

And that’s the story of how she got pregnant with a guy she knew for approximately two seconds.

Look, it’s a whole lot to unpack, but the gist of it all is that Amber isn’t terribly active in Leah’s life, but she’s having another baby with a practical stranger anyway, and a lot of people don’t think it’s a great idea.

That’s where this ridiculous new story comes in.

Amber shared a sneak peek over the weekend that showed her announcing her pregnancy to MTV crew members, and one of her followers responded with this gem:

“So are we going to ignore the fact that she just broke up with Matt and now with Father Time and moved him in and…. now pregnant?”

It’s a solid question, and we’re definitely behind the “Father Time” nickname for Andrew.

But surprisingly, Amber didn’t appreciate it.

“I broke up with Matt May 14 lol,” she replied. “He just didn’t move out until after boot camp.”

“Honestly you guys comment on sh-t and dont even understand how tv works. Everything your watching is almost 6 months behind real life. Keep watching.”

Well, that’s not really the issue here — everyone understands that the show doesn’t air immediately after the footage is filmed.

The issue is that people know how time works, and they see the things she posts on social media, so it’s not hard to figure out the timeline here.

And the fact is that Amber did get pregnant remarkably fast after dumping Matt and getting with Andrew.

Another of her followers advised her to get out of the reality television gig if she didn’t want the criticism, but someone else argued that she couldn’t quit because “then she won’t be able to sleep all day and find men.”

“Leah said mommy is always sleeping or in the bed,” this sassy tweeter continued. “I guess with a new baby she might have to be active.”

That was more than enough to set Amber off.

“You are gross honey,” she wrote. “Don’t talk about me like some amateur sweety I’ve been doing this for 10 years and have saved more lives then any of you sh-t talkers.”


“That’s all that matters,” she added. “My baby was commenting on me being depressed. Go be gross and ugly somewhere else. My life is great.”

Is it though, girl? Is it really?


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Amber Portwood: $100,000 in Debt! Behind on Child Support!

Like so many of her Teen Mom OG co-stars, Amber Portwood supplements her TV income with a number of side hustles.

Amber has a clothing line; she makes paid appearances, and she’s even authored a memoir.

But apparently, all those side gigs aren’t paying the bills, because according to a new report from Radar Online, Amber has racked up some serious debt over the course of the past year.

Fans started to take an interest in Amber’s finances after Gary Shirley revealed on a recent episode of Teen Mom OG that Amber is way behind on her child support payments.

“She owes me $ 9,600,” Shirley told his wife Kristina Anderson.

“Amber is not there. She is a come and go kind of mom. I don’t think her head is in kid mode.”

During the episode, Amber claimed on Twitter that she’d made Gary rich, but it seems she’s having a bit of trouble fattening her own pockets.

According to Radar, Amber owes $ 134,919 in back taxes and seems to have no intention of repaying her debt.

She was first hit with a lien from the government back in February of 2016.

Thus far, it seems she’s made no effort to get out from under that sizable debt.

“There is a tax, but no release,” an official from the Clerk of Court for Madison County Court in Indiana tells Radar.

These days, Amber is pregnant with Andrew Glennon’s baby, and it seems her new baby daddy isn’t a whole lot better off financially.

Radar reports that Glennon was recently hit with a judgment from a collection agency for nearly $ 9,000.

The case was reportedly settled in August, but Glennon has yet to make a payment on the outstanding debt.

The sizable debts are surprising, as both Amber and Andrew have successful television careers (he’s a producer for WeTV’s Marriage Boot Camp), and Amber’s aforementioned side jobs have reportedly been profitable.

Teen Mom franchise salaries are typically in the mid-six figure range, so Amber must be doing some serious spending to land so deeply in the red. 

We guess the situation will serve to bolster Farrah Abraham’s argument that Amber is the “worst mom.”

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more from the always-divisive Ms. Portwood.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Amber Portwood SLAMS Gary Shirley: I Made You Rich, Loser!

If you watched this week’s episode of Teen Mom OG, then you know that Amber Portwood didn’t exactly come off looking great.

But amazingly, her tweets during the show proved even more damaging to her reputation!

The episode sees Amber’s baby daddy, Gary Shirley, and his wife, Kristina, voicing some of the same criticisms that fans have been directing at Amber in recent months.

Like so many of the show’s viewers, Gary and Kristina apparently feel that Amber should’ve spent more time looking into Andrew Glennon’s sketchy past before she started dating him seriously and got pregnant with his baby.

Not only that, they take issue with Amber not seeing her daughter for months and using her depression as a justification–despite the fact that she was apparently mentally healthy enough to begin dating Glennon.

Maybe Amber was depressed, and maybe too much is being made of Glennon’s past, but it’s not hard to see why a father and stepmother might be concerned by the situation.

And Gary voiced those concerns at length in the episode:

“I don’t know what skeletons he has in his closet, but honestly, she should have waited,” he said to Kristina.

“She should have taken more time with Leah and focused on her responsibility as being a mother than jumping into a relationship. Well, she was, like, ‘I was mourning.’ I know that you’re sad after breaking up with someone — I get it.”

“But your daughter can bring you just as much happiness,” Kristina interjected.

Not surprisingly, Gary agreed:

“From day one I’ve been a parent! From day one my issues never came in and stopped me from being a dad, you know?” he continued.

“I don’t have the option to not be a parent, but you can go off and do what you want to do. I mean, that would be f–king awesome! You know? And you’re OK with it because you’re used to it. But you know, there’s one person that’s not OK with it, and that’s Leah.”

From there, Kristina spiked the football by recounting a recent exchange with Leah:

“It’s just like she told me, you know? ‘Matt was in the picture. Mommy broke up with Matt. Mommy don’t come around then because she’s too depressed,"” she recalled.

“But then, all of a sudden, she brings over Andrew and she says: ‘Well Kristina, if she was too depressed to see me, she wasn’t too depressed to find a new man?’ And, you know, what do I say to that?”

Gary then recalled a period of time in which Leah was so depressed by her mother’s absence that she did nothing but sleep.

“Let’s adopt Leah,” Kristina proposed.

“I’m with you,” Gary replied.

Not surprisingly, Amber had much to say about the situation on social media:

“Make sure to watch Gary and Kristina tonight talking sh!t about me! It must be hard making money off of me! Being such a bad mom and all. Where would they be?” she tweeted.

“ a 1 bedroom shack in the ghetto of Anderson where he was before I got out and the show came back on!! Ignorant!”

And if you thought she’d stop there, you don’t know Amber:

“[Kristina] broke up her family for money and tv!” Amber tweeted, targeting Gary’s wife.

“Her husband got a restraining order on her cheating @ss with multiple people and then cheated with Gary! What about her daughter? Straight out of Gary’s mouth!!”

“Restraining order to keep my child from filming,” Kristina replied.

“I am an active mother to my children so quit hating. I’ve never stepped on your toes as a mother nor will I ever. I care for Leah when she is in our care. Love don’t hate.”

Then things got even more bizarre when Farrah Abraham’s father, Michael, interjected:

“Kristina stay strong. DO NOT LET ANYONE BULLY you. You’re the real proven mother figure here,” Michael tweeted.

“Gary has always been the rock solid father protecting his children with you in full support and I’m thankful to God for both of you – the world knows the truth and that’s pure FACT.”

We’d say this situation can’t get any weirder, but Michael Abraham just got involved, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, watch Teen Mom OG online to get caught up on all of this season’s intense drama.


Farrah Abraham SLAMS Amber Portwood: You"re the Worst Mom!

Farrah Abraham won"t be winning any mother of the year awards anytime soon, and yet when it comes time to fire a shot at one of her Teen Mom OG rivals, insulting their parenting is always her favorite tactic.

For the past year, the Farrah vs. Amber Portwood feud has been raging like a wild fire, and it doesn"t look like we"ll be seeing a truce at any point in the near future.

This means, of course, that Farrah has been attacking Amber"s parenting at every opportunity.

And this week, she launched one of her most brutal tirades yet…


1. Happier Times

Farrah abraham amber portwood kids

Believe it or not, there was a time when Farrah and Amber got along. Obviously, those days are long gone…

2. The Fight

Farrah abraham and amber portwood fight

Amber and Farrah squared off at the Teen Mom OG reunion show in 2016, and while they weren’t exactly besties in the months leading up to the altercation, afterwards they were full-blown enemies.

3. Shots Fired!

Farrah on instagram

In recent months, Farrah has talked every kind of trash imaginable to Farrah. She’s insulted her appearance, and congratulaed her ex, Matt Baier, after he and Amber broke up.

4. Amber Fires Back

Amber portwood farrah abraham

Amber has talked some smack of her own, accusing Farrah of being an alcoholic and a cokehead.

5. The Queen of Mean

Farrah abraham in greece

But Amber is simply no match for Farrah when it comes to issuing crushing takedowns. Say what you will about Ms. Abraham, the woman knows how to talk trash.

6. Hitting Where It Hurts

Farrah abraham siriusxm 2013

In her latest tirade, Farrah hit Amber where she’s most vulnerable, echoing recent viewer criticisms in brutal fashion…

View Slideshow

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Amber Portwood SLAMS Gary Shirley and MTV in Epic Rant!

Amber Portwood is going through a lot right now.

A whole, whole lot.

She"s pregnant, and those hormones are never easy on anyone, but on top of that situation, she"s also unable to take her usual medications for her mental illnesses.

Throw in the fact that she"s on a reality show, and also the fact that she was still dealing with her breakup with Matt Baier when she met, began dating, and got impregnated by Andrew Glennon …

It"s a lot, OK?

So it makes sense that all those different emotions would bubble up and explode sometime … and that time was yesterday.

The place of the explosion? Twitter.

The results? Well, you"ll just have to see.

1. Bad Times

Amber portwood in good light

On this season of Teen Mom OG, we’re learning what a toll Amber’s breakup with Matt really took on her. It has not been pretty.

2. Oh, Amber …

Matt baier and amber pic

Amber has said that after the breakup, she fell into a deep depression, and that things were so bad that she was only able to see her daughter, Leah, twice during her entire summer vacation.

3. Um

Andrew glennon selfie

She managed to find plenty of time to get into a relationship with Andrew and to become pregnant, but sure, the depression kept her away from Leah. All right.

4. More Drama

Gary shirley at 2017 vmas

On the most recent episode of the show, Gary Shirley and his wife, Kristina, discussed the situation. It wasn’t a disrespectful conversation — they just talked about Andrew’s sketchy past, and Kristina revealed that they’d told Leah that her mother hadn’t been around because of her depression.

5. Real Talk with Leah

Amber portwood with leah shirley

But at one point in the episode, Leah asked Kristina “If she was too depressed to see me, she wasn’t too depressed to find a new man?” From the mouths of babes, right?

6. Rewind

Amber portwood takes a selfie

OK, so all of that, plus Amber’s pregnancy reveal, happened on the episode. But you know how the cast members get to preview the episodes just before they air? It seems like Amber got to see everything just a few hours before we did — and she was not pleased with what she saw.

View Slideshow

Monday, January 15, 2018

Amber Portwood: See Her Pregnancy Test Freakout on Teen Mom OG!

As you surely know by now, Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

It is not necessarily good news.

We"d love to be happy and excited and to think good thoughts for Amber with all this, but it"s just so hard, for many reasons.

Like, just so many reasons.

One, she barely sees the one kid she already has. On the current season of Teen Mom OG, we"ve learned that she didn"t see Leah once during her summer vacation.

We also learned that she"s behind on her child support payments, even though she admitted she did have the money.

Two, she"s just coming out of a really, really bad relationship, and she should have probably taken some time to heal from the grossness that was Matt Baier.

Three, she"s only known this baby"s father, Andrew Glennon, for a few months.

Usually when you start dating someone new, you want to take that time in the beginning to get to know them and to see if you"re compatible with each other. Welcoming a life into the world makes that a little more complicated.

The whole thing is honestly just so messy and weird.

And as we can see in this clip from tonight"s new episode of Teen Mom OG, it"s been that way since the moment they found out she was pregnant.

The clip begins with Amber and Andrew in bed on their Hawaiian vacation, and she tells him that she"s been feeling tired.

"Is this how you felt when you were pregnant with Leah?" he asks as the camera zooms in on a box of pregnancy tests.

"Totally," she confirms.

They read the instructions on the box, and then they hold hands for a minute and refuse to meet each other"s eyes until she gets up to go pee on that stick.

From the bathroom, we hear Amber go "Um … babe."

He asks her what"s happening, and she lets out a bunch of cusses as she brings him the test, so he can see the results for himself.

Neither of them look excited at what we know now is a positive result.

So, OK, let"s look at the math real quick, all right?

Amber and Matt wrapped up filming on Marriage Boot Camp at the very end of June — that"s where she met Andrew.

He creeped on her after the show was over, and around August 11th, we saw the first photos of them cuddled up together.

On September 23rd, she posted the first photos of their trip to Hawaii.

Considering all that, it"s likely that she got pregnant pretty much as soon as she began dating Andrew — either that, or Matt"s going to have another addition to his big, sad family tree.

Watch the strange beginning to this tragic saga in the video below:

Amber portwood see her pregnancy test freakout on teen mom og

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Amber Portwood: Does This New Evidence Prove She"s Back on Drugs?!

If you’ve been a fan of Teen Mom OG for a while — or even if you just loosely follow reality TV gossip — you’re probably very familiar with Amber Portwood’s history with addiction.

But if you’ve somehow missed that tragic saga, know this: it was bad.

Real bad.

Going all the way back to her episode of 16 and Pregnant, things weren’t looking great for her. Even then, she didn’t exactly get along with her baby daddy, Gary Shirley.

She also admitted then that she never wanted to be a mother, so, you know … that wasn’t the best revelation.

Then, when Teen Mom began, we saw Amber struggle so hard in pretty much every aspect of her life. She couldn’t seem to get through a day without a breakdown.

We also saw her beat Gary more than once, and then there were all the very questionable parenting choices she made, like the time she let some guy she’d met at Walmart who had just gotten out of prison change baby Leah’s diaper.

As the seasons went on, her situation kept getting worse and worse, until finally she went to rehab.

Then, she said that she was going “for anger control issues and depression,” but later she revealed that pretty much every time she was on TV, she was high.

Eventually she went to prison, even opting to stay there after being given the chance to go to rehab.

She’s been out a few years now, and even though she’s definitely made some bad choices along the way — for example, Matt Baier — it really seems like she’s managed to stay clean.

 … Or has she?!

Over on Reddit, Teen Mom fans are speculating over Amber’s appearance in a recent episode. To be more specific, they’re speculating on the size of her pupils.

One user shared this screenshot of Amber alongside a screenshot of her cousin, and honestly, her pupils are pretty huge here.

If you’re new to the world, pupil size can be an indicator that someone is partaking in a wide variety of drugs — enlarged pupils like hers here are common with some substances, tiny pupils are common with others.

Considering Amber’s history, it’s easy to see an image like this and jump to the worst conclusion.

But if you just consider everything else, you may be able to come to a different conclusion.

As many Reddit users pointed out, Amber was on a few medications at this point to treat her mental health issues. Those kinds of medications will often cause changes in pupil size.

On top of that, she’s got those beautiful pale blue eyes, so with the contrast in color between her iris and her pupil, any change in size is going to be extra noticeable.

And on top of that, the kinds of drugs she liked back in the day are the kinds that make your pupils smaller, not larger like this.

There are many things that could affect her pupils, and obviously her psych meds are the most likely culprit.

Look, Amber has made plenty of mistakes over the years, and she continues to mess up time and time again. But ever since getting out of prison, it really does seem like she’s been able to stay clean.

Can’t we just let her have that?


Monday, January 8, 2018

Amber Portwood: Andrew Glennon FINALLY Moved In With Me!

When it was first revealed that Amber Portwood and Andrew Glennon were dating, many Teen Mom: OG fans hoped that the relationship would prove to be a short-lived rebound fling.

Clearly, that hasn’t proven to be the case.

Though their relationship began under inauspicious circumstances (Glennon is a producer on Marriage Boot Camp. He met Portwood when she appeared on the show with her ex-fiance, Matt Baier.) it seems to have flourished in recent months.

Currently, Portwood is pregnant with Glennon’s baby.

It’s the first child for Amber and the second for Andrew.

Fans were initially perplexed about how the relationship would proceed from here, as Amber resides in Indiana, and Glennon has built a successful career in Los Angeles.

But it seems Andrew has chosen true love (and, of course, a career in front of the camera) by re-locating to Indiana in order to be closer to Amber and his future son.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Amber revealed the news in response to some trash talk from an Instagram follower:

“Did he really go for a visit and never went back home just like Matt?” the fan commented on a photo of Amber and Andrew hanging out at her home.

“No? He had a whole life and career in LA,” Amber replied.

“He couldn’t just up and leave his family. It was a big decision on his part to move to Indiana and it’s been a great decision.”

Yes, Ms. Portwood made the big reveal in rather non-chalant fashion, which seems to be her M.O. lately.

Just last week, Amber revealed her baby’s name during a casual Twitter conversation with her brother.

Speaking of Shawn Portwood (or “Bubby,” as he’s known to TM:OG fans), Amber and Andrew recently made a trip to Florida so that her beloved brother could meet her baby daddy for the first time.

It’s a move that has many wondering if Glennon is gearing up to pop the question.

As viewers know, Amber is extremely (some would say creepily) close with her brother, and she’s stated in the past that she would never marry a man without getting Shawn’s approval first.

Obviously, it would be a very fast proposal, as Amber and Andrew have only known each other a few months, but then again, they’re already living together with a kid on the way.

At this point, marriage wouldn’t even be their biggest commitment to one another.

So don’t be surprised to hear an engagement announcement in the very near future.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online for more on Amber’s tumultuous love life.
