Showing posts with label Posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Posts. Show all posts

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Kylie Jenner Posts Underboob Photo from the Car on Instagram (PHOTO)

Now we know how Kylie Jenner likes to ride on the weekends … free and easy. Kylie posted an eye-popping underboob pic from her car on Saturday, showing her wardrobe choice for the day is a loose hoodie, tube top … and definitely no bra.…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Kylie Jenner Posts Underwear Selfie, Declares Hatred of Mankind

Kylie Jenner has amassed an Instagram following of more than 92 million due in large part to her willingness and ability to give the people what they want.

In her case, that mostly means racy Kylie Jenner selfies, but she also delivers a healthy dose of swag and a heaping helping of aspirational lifestyle porn that have helped her rise above the pack of celebrity Snapchatters.

It’s Kylie’s attitude that fans respond to as much as her bikini pics, and the 19-year-old seems well aware that her brand depends on the right mixture of both.

Kylie’s balancing of these two sides of her public persona can be seen in two of her most popular social media posts from the past week.

First, there’s the above Snapchat selfie.

It’s not hard to see why it was a hit among fans.

Kylie is in her underwear and snapping the pic herself, a formula that’s brought her great success in the past.

What seems casual was probably carefully planned, but since there’s nothing cool about wanting to be cool, Kylie occasionally reminds her followers that if given the chance, she would happy to say goodbye to her fans and haters alike.

Kylie Jenner Meme

Kylie posted the above meme (without credit, but it appears to have originated on the page of Instagram comic @TankSinatra), and it drew a number of confused reactions from fans.

Obviously, Kylie would last about ten minutes in a remote lighthouse (presumably with no wi-fi), but there’s a good chance that’s not the point.

Kylie may not be shoving her younger fans away, but instead embracing them – sending the message that she too often feels awkward or overwhelmed.

It’s a calculated risk, as such a post could obviously make Kylie come off as ungrateful, but her more thoughtful fans (read: the only ones who are likely to contemplate the meaning of this meme) it might serve as a welcome sign of relatability.

Maybe it’s just an expression of teen angst.

Or maybe it’s a shrewd way to move some more lip kits.

Of course, the third possibility is that we’re just reading way too much into Kylie’s random Instagram posts.


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Halle Berry Posts Topless Pic, But Only for Snacks (PHOTO)

Halle Berry’s happy to give you a glimpse of herself topless … if ya got a bag o’ chips. Halle just posted this shot on her Instagram with the caption, “Me when someone says I’m coming over and I’ve got snacks.” Two things: Thank you, Halle.…


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Ariel Winter Posts Butt, Bikini Selfies For Valentine"s Day

If you follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, you know that the girl basically lives in a bikini. 

The northern half of the country may still be looking at another month or so of winter weather, but it’s endless summer in Winter’s world, as the actress continues to take advantage of wall-free access to Mexico.

Much to the chagrin of her many, many creepily obsessed followers, Ariel is still dating Levi Meaden, and the couple celebrated Valentine’s Day with a swimwear-clad trip to Cabo.

As you can see, it was a fully hands-on experience, as Ari and Levi started getting into it as though there wasn’t a third person in the room snapping photos.

Like every pic she posts, this latest probably won’t hurt Ariel’s online popularity (butts and bikinis are reliably two of the Internet’s favorite things), but it might not do a whole lot to help Meaden build his own following.

You see, for some reason, Meaden is not especially well-liked by some folks on social media.

And by “for some reason” we mean that he has regular access to Ariel Winter’s boobs, and approximately 2.8 of her 2.9 million Instagram followers are basement-dwelling pervs.

He seems to treat her well, and she appears to be happy in the relationship, but for some strange reason (see boobs comment above) some folks are rooting for a breakup.

Of course, it’s possible there’s something more here, but we doubt it.

The ten-year age difference is verging on creepy, considering Ariel is only 19, but she and Levi started dating sometime in the past year, so this isn’t a Tyga-Kylie situation where age of consent laws come into play.

Nevertheless, fans are looking for signs of friction between these two, and we don’t mean the kind of friction that obviously took place south of the border yesterday.

And we mean south of the actual border between the U.S. and Mexico. Entendre overload!

As several fans pointed out, if Ariel and Levi decided to call it quits on this trip (doesn’t look like that’s happening), it wouldn’t be the first time Ari ended a relationship in Mexico.

It’s been rumored that Ariel and Laurent Claude Gaudette broke up during a vacay in Cabo.

“Mexico? Uh oh didnt she break up with her last BF after Mexico?” one fan commented on the pic above, leading others to echo the speculation.

We’re gonna go out on a limb here and guess that these two are doing just fine.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Jenelle Evans Posts Topless Selfie 2 Weeks After Giving Birth!

Say what you will about Jenelle Evans, the girl clearly trains hard.

Jenelle is a fitness fanatic, and she’s currently reaping the rewards of her work ethic, just two weeks after welcoming daughter Ensley.

Check out her latest selfie and be amazed:

Yes, it’s hard to believe that Jenelle gave birth to her third child just 13 days ago.

Clearly, the pressures of raising three kids aren’t interfering with her workout routine.

(We’ll pause and allow you to angrily comment that Jenellle only has custody of two of her three children.)

The achievement must feel even better given the flak over Jenelle’s weight that ensued after she appeared on last season’s Teen Mom 2 reunion show.

Nathan Griffith fat-shamed his ex in brutal fashion on the show, and instead of admonishing him for his idiocy, a surprising number of fans followed suit on social media.

Never one to take abuse lying down, Jenelle clapped back on Instagram, writing:

“Yes, I’ve gained weight. Happy weight. This is what happens when you are truly happy in life.”

Now, she’s clearly having the last laugh at both Nathan and the online haters.

Amazingly, the woman once dubbed the Carolina Hurricane might be following in Amber Portwood’s footsteps and becoming an unlikely Teen Mom success story.

Like Amber, much of the criticism leveled against Jenelle over the years has been justified.

For much of her life, Jenelle has been a negative and destructive force in the lives of her loved ones, but she seems to be on the verge of turning things around.

We don’t want to give her too much credit just yet (This is a girl who allegedly assaulted her ex’s new girlfriend and boasted about being involved in “two custody battles at once” just last year.), but she may be slowly getting there.

Only time will tell what sort of mom and woman Jenelle will develop into, but she seems to want to change for the better, which is an important first step.

If nothing else, Jenelle’s fitness routine is clearly on point.

Now hopefully she’ll start attending to her emotional and psychological health with the same care.


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Jessa Duggar Posts First Photo of New Baby Boy!

Yesterday, we reported that Jessa Duggar has given birth to her second baby boy.

This morning, the reality star is asking fans to help her welcome her bundle of joy by posting the first photo of the tyke thus far known only as Baby Seewald #2.

Jessa posted the photo below to her Instagram page.

She captioned the pic:

“#BabySeewald2 is here and we couldn’t be more in love!”

Jessa went into greater detail on her and Ben Seewald’s official blog, writing:

We are so happy to announce the arrival of our sweet second son. He was born at 4:26 am this morning, weighing 8 lbs and 11 ounces and measuring 21 3/4 inches long.”

“Mom and baby are both doing well.

“We are so thankful to God for this precious new gift of life and are excited to be a family of four! Thanks to everyone for your prayers and well wishes!

In an earlier statement, Jessa and Ben gushed about their new addition and revealed that their 1-year-old son, Spurgeon, is thrilled to be playing the role of big brother:

“2017 is shaping up to be a wonderful year already,” the couple said.

“And we know Spurgeon will do a great job in his new role.”

As is their custom, the Seewalds didn’t reveal that they were having a boy until after Jessa had given birth.

Several Duggars tried to guess the gender of the baby and they overwhelmingly predicted a girl.

So much for old wives tales about the size and position of a pregnant woman’s stomach giving away the gender.

As for the little fella’s name, Jessa and Ben aren’t talking.

That’s another Seewald custom, and they didn’t reveal Spurgeon’s name until several weeks after he was born.

In fact, they claim they didn’t choose a name for Lil Spurge until after they had met him.

So it’s possible that they’ve followed suit and that Baby Seewald #2 doesn’t have an appropriate moniker yet.

Naturally, fans have been making predictions online, but we doubt anyone will get it right.

Need we remind you that this is the couple who named their first child Spurgeon?

Watch Counting On online to see Jessa and Ben cope with the pressures of parenthood.

We imagine at some point, Ben will get a real job.

Just kidding, Benny!


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Cole DeBoer Posts the Cutest Photo of Baby Watson EVER

Cole DeBoer is one proud papa, and Chelsea Houska’s husband can’t wait to tell the whole world about it via pics of his baby son Watson.

Honestly, who could blame the man?!

The Teen Mom 2 star has been a father to his newborn child for only a few days now, but clearly he’s taken to the role with flying colors.

And love. Lots and lots of love.

“Honestly the love I have for this little man is outrageous!!! It hurts @ chelseahouska,” DeBoer wrote of his son, who was born last week. 

While all of the previous shots of the little fellow shared by the Teen Mom 2 tandem have been beyond cute, this one may be next level.

Precious Watson Cole wore a white long-sleeved shirt with his name on it, along with a striped black and white beanie, in the pic he shared.

He’s also smiling. OMG OMG.

DeBoer has had some time to practice his dad skills, as his wife famously had her daughter, Aubree, with her ex-boyfriend Adam Lind.

Cole married Houska, 25, in October.  

She announced she was expecting again in July, and rather than put off getting married, they simply postponed their wedding celebration.

The two made it official before Watson’s birth, and are saving the full-on reception for their first anniversary, which is a terrific compromise!

Chelsea unveiled the pregnancy with the help of her 7-year-old daughter holding a sonogram attached to a round wood cutout.

She while she and DeBoer held hands in the background. Houska later revealed that she was having a boy, and wrote on her website:

“Cole is the PROUDEST man I have ever seen, and cannot wait to have his son. He’s already planning his future hunting and fishing trips, haha!”  

“This little dude is constantly kicking and rolling around, and both his daddy and sister always have their hands on my belly to feel him.”

The child made his precious Instagram last Wednesday in a black and white photo of his adorably tiny hand holding his adoring mother’s.

“Welcome to the world, sweet boy,” Houska wrote, before revealing the name she had teased, but kept secret throughout her pregnancy.

Chelsea had promised that while based on a common last name, it was one that she had “never heard before” used as a first name.

No alternative facts here – she was speaking the truth!

We couldn’t be happier for Chelsea, and not just because of Watson Cole, but because of the man who gave her son his middle name.

Whereas her former beau Adam Lind is selfish, irresponsible (he doesn’t even pay child support), verbally abusive, and generally toxic …

Cole is the utter opposite of all of those traits.

Attentive, devoted, compassionate, reliable and steady as they come, it’s not hard to see why Chelsea married the South Dakota outdoorsman.

And why they’re universally popular among those who watch Teen Mom 2 online, where watching their story play out has been magical.

Congratulations again to the new family!


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Mackenzie McKee Posts Video of Son Kissing Dead Dog

There have been numerous Teen Mom parenting scandals over the years, but the latest controversy over TM3 star Mackenzie McKee is different for a couple of reasons:

For starters, McKee isn’t really famous anymore, so unlike some of her predecessors who had the good fortune to get pregnant while the basic cable gettin’ was good, it takes a lot more for her to get a genuine WTF?! reaction from social media.

On top of that, this may be the only time that Teen Mom – or any reality show franchise – has been wrapped up in a scandal involving the improper handling a deceased puppy.

In case you don’t follow McKee on Snapchat (What have you been doing with your life?!), she’s been updating fans about the ongoing drama surrounding her pregnant dog, Mia.

Mia finally gave birth to yesterday, and sadly, it seems one of her puppies didn’t survive.

Mackenzie offered online updates on the bittersweet occasion in the McKee household, even as things got increasingly weird:

“Update everyone,” Mackenzie says in the first clip. “Mia just had a C-section, and one puppy made it.”

Generally, it doesn’t get much more macabre than a dead puppy post, but believe it or not, things got darker from there, you’ve been warned:

“OK. So, one of the dogs didn’t make it,” Mackenzie says, “and I don’t know how to tell my son.” 

The camera pans over to young Gannon cradling the puppy, clearly oblivious to the fact that it’s gone the way of Old Yeller and like 40 pooches in that sh-tty A Dog’s Purpose movie.

Asked what he plans to do with the puppy, Gannon replies, “Keep it.”

His mother’s appeals seem to fall on deaf ears.

“Gannon, you know that dog is dead, right?” Mackenzie asks.

“Yeah,” the boy replies.

“Gannon, I think that that doggie went to doggie heaven and we need to bury it,” says Mackenzie. “You’re just going to keep a dead dog?”

Gannon eventually hands over the departed pooch, but not before planting a goodbye kiss on its snout, in a moment that some viewers found heartbreaking, others horrifying.

Perhaps anticipating some social media backlash, Mackenzie posted a message explaining the weirdness we had just witnessed:

“Before I start getting all getting all these crazy messages, we did leave the momma alone with the puppy for hours, and she just wanted nothing to do with him,” Mackenzie claims.

“We called the vet and asked everything that we should do, and he said we needed to feed him. So yes, we have done everything that the vet told us to do, and Gannon is having a hard time saying goodbye to the puppy that didn’t make it.”

Hey, kids do weird stuff, and it looks like Mackenzie handled the situation as best she could, especially given all the drama she’s been dealing with in her own life.

In August, McKee welcomed her third child, a boy named Broncs.

Less than five months later, Mackenzie confirmed her separation from her husband amid cheating allegations.

All of this, and a little morbid farm-life weirdness?

It might be time for MTV to look into giving this girl a spinoff.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Selena Gomez Posts, Deletes Video With The Weeknd

When we first learned that Selena Gomez is dating The Weeknd, the relationship was widely dismissed as a fling.

Selena was fresh out of rehab; The Weeknd (real name Abel Tesfaye) was fresh out of a relationship with Bella Hadid; and Justin Bieber was overdue to re-enter Selena’s life and mess everything up for her.

Now, however, it seems that these two are the real deal, and for a while there, they weren’t shying away from sharing their love on social media.

Selena posted the clip above to her Instagram page over the weekend (no pun intended), but it’s since been deleted.

The new couple is currently on a romantic getaway in Florence, Italy, and Selena took time to share a highlight of the trip with her millions of Instagram followers.

It wasn’t the first time that she and Tesfaye appeared on one another’s social media pages.

Just last week, Selena and Abel enjoyed an outing at Dave and Buster’s alongside Jaden Smith and French Montana.

Tesfaye posted several pictures from the event, which makes sense, because when you get that random of a crew together, you have to share it with the world.

When Selena posted video from the Italian vacay, however, it didn’t last very long.

The footage above appeared on her IG page last night, and this morning it as gone.

It’s anyone’s guess as to what that may mean, but not surprisingly, fans are already speculating.

Naturally, there are those who think it’s an indication that the couple has already broken up.

That’s reading quite a bit into things, but it would explain a lot.

After all, something happened in the past 12 hours that prompted Selena to delete a video that she shot and posted herself.

Of course, everything Ms. Gomez does is the subject of intense online scrutiny, so not surprisingly, there’s more than one theory regarding what prompted her to remove the clip.

Shortly after the video was deleted, Selena posted a quote from Ashton Kutcher addressing Donald Trump’s controversial ban on immigration from seven Muslim countries.

“Everyone in airports that belong in my America: You are the part of the fabric of who we are, and we love you and we welcome you,”  Kutcher said at last night’s SAG Awards.

Some believe Selena was simply trying to shift the focus from her relationship to this country’s ongoing human rights crises.

But we’re not sure why that would necessitate deleting an innocuous clip of her boyfriend.

Or official theory remains that these two have already hit a rough patch, but we’re not pronouncing the relationship dead just yet.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Kendall Jenner Posts Bikini Pics, Addresses Plastic Surgery Rumors

Kendall Jenner is often credited with being the most “natural-looking” member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan.

Basically, it’s a polite way of saying she hasn’t undergone hundreds of thousands of dollars in cosmetic work in order to transform into Kim Kardashian.

But just because she’s less plumped and tucked than some of her sisters, that doesn’t mean Kendall isn’t subjected to her own plastic surgery rumors.

Of course, whereas with Kylie and company, the proof is literally all over their faces, Kendall’s accusers have to get a bit more creative when spreading rumors that she went under the knife.

Back in November, Kendall deleted her Instagram with the understandable desire of taking a few weeks off from social media.

Within hours of her page going dark, the blogoshphere was buzzing with rumors that Kendall had ghosted from the Internet in order to get lip injections.

Despite the fact that this explanation makes zero sense (Why would she need to delete her IG to get lip injections?), reports snowballed, until eventually she was disappearing from the public eye in order to undergo a complete top-to-bottom overhaul.

Now, Kendall is addressing the rumors the best way she knows how …

… with bikini pics, of course!

Yes, Kendall has graced us with her first scantily clad selfies of 2017.

It’s a triumphant (albeit somewhat belated) way of announcing her return to social media, and Kendall wants their to be no mistake about the reason for her absence.

In a blog post on her website, she made it clear that she’s had no work done, and has no desire to surgically alter her appearance:

“When I deleted my Instagram back in November, people were saying, ‘Kendall deleted her account to have full facial reconstruction!"” she wrote.

The rumors, she explained, began when her sister Kylie (the queen of ginormous lips) did her makeup in such a way that her pout appeared much more pronounced than usual.

“All of a sudden, photos of us came out with headlines like, ‘OMG Kendall got her lips done and got full facial reconstruction — look at her cheekbones, look at her nose!” she wrote.

“Kylie saw it all unfold and felt bad, so she went on Snapchat and took the blame. It’s all so exhausting.”

She added:

“As a model, why would I have my face reconstructed? It doesn’t even make sense. It’s crazy because sometimes I feel like people just want me to lose.”

While we sympathize and fully believe Kendall, it’s important to note two things:

1. Models get work done all. The. Freaking. Time.

2. It’s tough to feel too bad for a fabulously wealthy 21-year-old who travels the world wearing expensive clothes and being told how hot she is for a living.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Lindsay Lohan Deletes All Instagram Pics, Posts Arabic Message

Over the years, we’ve grown quite accustomed to erratic behavior from Lindsay Lohan.

But even having spent the past decade or so marveling at the new and interesting places that LiLo’s been able to take her career as a former actress and professional trainwreck, we still never saw her latest reinvention coming.

You see, Lindsay recently decided she wants to stop being young Courtney Love and start being young Angelina Jolie … with a little bit of James Bond villain mixed in.

It all started with the reports that Lohan might be a Turkish spy.

That sounds like a joke, but there’s actually legitimate reason to believe that Lohan is in league with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

We’ve already spent much of the day contemplating our president-elect receiving golden showers from Russian hookers, and we’re feeling pretty drained, so just click the link above if you’re curious as to why so many believe Linds is also in the pocket of a foreign government.

Anyway, it may seem impossible, but things only got weirder from there.

First, Lohan adopted an accent that can only be described as “Carmen San Diego meets freshman year drama student.”

Shortly thereafter, she composed a poem about ISIS and posted it on her Instagram page, because apparently her years of hard drug use haven’t done enough to shorten her life expectancy.

Now, in what may are taking as a sign that Lindsay is putting the washed-up celebrity life behind her in favor of a more spiritual existence, the actress has deleted every photo from her IG page and left only a message:

“Alaikum salam,” it reads.

The words mean “peace be unto you” in Arabic, and while Lindsay has been slammed for only showing the most superficial interest in Middle Eastern culture, we say, if she’s serious about bettering herself through involvement in a religious community, then that’s just what she should do.

Of course, this is still Lindsay Lohan were talking about, so most signs point to her not being remotely serious and just indulging in the sort of “phase” behavior most people outgrow in high school.

A statement from her publicist (and what serious spiritual acetic doesn’t have a publicist?) explains that Lindsay deleted her photos because she’s in a “period of renewal.”

We might be more willing to give that more credence, were it not for the fact that Lindsay is once again making red carpet appearances.

To her credit, the party she worked last night was to benefit the Andrea Bocelli Foundation, but it still feels strange to start making public appearances again after an eight-month absence, the same week that you delete your social media accounts.

We believe Lindsay is newly interested in renewal these days, but we think it’s her career that she wants to hit the reset button on.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Kylie Jenner Posts New Swimsuit Pics, Makes Winter Tolerable

With a slew of new swimsuit photos, Kylie Jenner appears determined to make this winter go by just a little bit faster and more tolerably.

She is nothing if not a humanitarian, really.

Having closed out 2016 and kicked off 2017 in style, the reality star is off to a flying start when it comes to doing what she does best:

Posting sexy pics in revealing clothing, natch.

Hey, you gotta hand it to her for finding a market deficiency, carving out her own niche and hustling her badonkadonk off to succeed.

It’s what build a businesswoman’s brand.

In this case, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians cutie is rocking a fishnet one-piece with bestie Jordyn Woods along for the adventure.

That’s one … interesting pose by Kylie:

“Lil babies,” she captioned the shot with Woods that showed off her curvaceous backside, which has become the subject of speculation.

The size and shape of that thing has inspired plenty of comparisons to Kim Kardashian, not to mention talk of Kylie’s plastic surgery.

Alleged plastic surgery, that is.

In all likelihood, she’s just taking a page from her sibling’s book and posing like a seasoned veteran who wants attention and Insta-love.

She also posted a less controversial, equally-sizzling photo sitting by the sea with palm trees in the background along with her BFF.

The caption? “New year who dis.”  

Woods also shared some pics from their day, including a gorgeous shot of her in a neon green bikini and KJ in a bright orange two-piece.

Jenner is clothed sometimes, BTW.

Longtime Kanye West associate Ian Connor posted a pic of her on a private jet earlier this week … wearing a white sheer body suit.

Underneath it? A white lacy bra.

“Kylie’s Revenge,” Connor captioned the shot, in which the social media mogul wears track pants, posing like the true goddess she is.

Check it out and drool away now:

Despite her picturesque vacation pics, the youngest member of the Jenner-Kardashian crew has been putting out fires left and right.

Jenner took to her Twitter to tell her fans that she would no longer be posting on her personal app for a surprising, scandalous reason.

After a blog about Kylie’s sex life with Tyga went live without her approval – and she appeared to promote sex toys – she was mortified.

Granted, this is a young woman who is clearly okay with making people think there’s a Kylie Jenner sex tape out there on the Internet.

Still, there’s a difference between that and the post on her app (it’s unclear who the author was if it wasn’t her) which was truly ridiculous.

Anyway, all in a week’s worth for KJ.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Rosie O"Donnell Posts Anti-Donald Trump Threat: LESS THAN 3 WEEKS TO STOP HIM AMERICA!

Wishing harm on President-Elect of the United States Donald J. Trump on Twitter is one of the hottest new trends here in 2016-17.

The latest to get in on the inappropriate action?

His favorite old nemesis, Rosie O’Donnell!

Less than a week after Charlie Sheen pleaded with God to kill Trump, O’Donnell threw out a (slightly) less overt request on her account.


No, the cable news network didn’t report on people trying to off Trump; CNN’s story was about Trump booting a biographer off a golf course.

Why Rosie chose that of all Trump stories, we cannot say, but trying to apply any logic to Rosie O’Donnell is like trying to explain Trump.

In general. These two deserve each other.

Obviously, some vocal members of the 46 percent of America who elected Trump in a self-proclaimed landslide weren’t happy about this:

Rosie’s call for America to “STOP HIM” can be perceived as a veiled threat, and one that is sadly no shock given the entertainers’ history.

They’ve been at each other’s throats for nearly a decade, back when Trump was hosting The Apprentice and Rosie was … still Rosie. 

Looks like he got the last laugh in this beef.

No explanation was given about the remark, but O’Donnell also tweeted a quote from Maria Robinson in her call to anti-Trump action. 

The quasi-ominous quote reads, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

For good measure, O’Donnell then retweeted a GIF of Russian President Vladimir Putin pulling on strings to control his “puppet,” Trump.

And, she shared a re-tweeted of Trump depicted as a clown, reading, “You cannot put a crown on a clown & expect him to behave like a king.”

Oooh, burn. Bet that one really stings and makes a difference. Straight out of the uber-successful Hillary Clinton 2016 playbook there.

Trump and O’Donnell’s feud was rekindled in August 2015, when Trump brought her up in vile context during a GOP presidential debate.

Amazingly, it wasn’t even close to one of the most absurd things he said or did during the campaign, but at the time, it was rather nuts.

Asked by Fox News’ Megyn Kelly about his alleged history of calling women “fat pigs,” “dogs,” “slobs” and “disgusting animals,” Trump said:

“Only Rosie O’Donnell.”

They remained vocal enemies throughout the 2016 presidential election cycle, and we don’t expect anything to change January 20.

Except for a possible visit to Rosie’s house by the Secret Service and/or “Second Amendment People” if she keeps up these tweets.

You know how Donnie rolls. While calling for the assassination of politicians is never cool, we know he’ll likely respond in kind on Twitter.


Friday, December 30, 2016

Azealia Banks Sacrifices Chickens, Posts the Bloody Aftermath on Snapchat

Azealia Banks" music career hasn"t taken off quite like it was supposed to, but when it comes to celebrity feuds, no one can top the perpetually thirsty Ms. Banks.

Banks has feuded with Iggy Azalea, Nicki Minaj, Kanye West, Jay Z, Hillary Clinton supporters, and just about everyone else who"s ever crossed paths with on her social media.

Most recently, Banks beefed with Russell Crowe in what we thought would be 2016"s most epic battle of the douches.

But this time, the rapper may have run afoul of some folks who are arguably more psychotic than she is.

We"re talking, of course, about the folks at PETA.

You see, last night, Banks shared a disturbing revelation on Snapchat:

It seems that for the past three years, she"s been sacrificing chickens in the closet of her New York City apartment.

“The amount of crap that is about to come off my floor right now guys, oh my god," Banks told the camera.

"Three years worth of brujeria. Yes, you know I got to scrape all this sh-t up. I got my sand-blaster and my googles. It’s about to go down."

Yes, Banks claims to be a witch, who sacrifices chickens in order to … well, we"re sure she has her reasons.

Obviously, lots of folks are crying foul (no pun intended) and claiming that the video is fraudulent, but we fully believe she"s this crazy.

But for the good chicken population, we"d like to point out to Ms. Banks the obvious flaw in her methods:

Azealia, you"re famous, but you"re not rich enough to pay someone to power wash the chicken blood off your floor.

Clearly, your magic isn"t having much of a positive effect on her life.

Azealia banks sacrifices chickens posts the bloody aftermath on

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Jessa Duggar Posts Baby Bump Comparison: Which is Which?

She has just six weeks to go until she’s a mother of two, and Jessa Duggar Seewald is showing off her (adorable) baby bump to prove it.

Pregnancy doesn’t look so good on everyone … but it sure does on Jessa, who looks positively gorgeous and glowing while with child:

Can you tell that one of these pics is from 2015?

To mark 34 weeks of pregnancy, Jessa shared the above comparison of her growing belly now compared to her pregnancy with son Spurgeon.

Little Spurge turned one on November 5.

The 24-year-old Counting On star donned a blue patterned sweater and long maxi-dress, in keeping with the Duggar fashion standards.

Jessa wrote, “first-second #34 weeks.”

In the photo showing her pregnant with her first child, Jessa wore a white t-shirt. A few weeks ago, the star posted a similar comparison:

In this case, the one on the left is 2015.

At 31 weeks, Jessa’s fans were quick to speculate on the sex of her child, with many believing that her body shape might hold a clue.

Does it look like she’s carrying the second baby any differently – and does that actually portend anything as far as the gender is concerned?

Debatable at best, but this is Duggar Nation, where the opinions and speculation are off the hook. Wrote one fan/pregnancy soothsayer:

“Carrying low!!! I’m guessing it’s a girl.”

Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t … but we can tell you all the months of talk of Jessa Duggar expecting twins looks like it was just that. Talk. 

She put that to rest with an ultrasound photo a few weeks back that clearly showed a single future sibling of Spurge inside her:

Jessa, who has been married to 21-year-old Ben Seewald for a little over two years, has expressed a desire to adopt children as well.

Arkansas strongly encourages couples to be married for two years before doing so, however, so they got a move on in the meantime.

As we said, pregnancy looks good on her – and she never ceases to be enamored, posting pics and videos of her burgeoning belly.

“Just as much awe and wonder on my part as I had with #1! It’s amazing to see #BabySeewald2 kicking and moving around,” she wrote.

“So thankful for this precious new life!”

Indeed, it is a truly beautiful thing.

The duo announced the happy news about their second child back in August after months of speculation that she was pregnant again. 

The appropriately hashtagged #BabySeewald2 is due in February and they have not revealed whether it will be a boy or a girl this time.

We were equally in the dark about Spurge.

Just as Jessa and her older sister Jill both welcomed their first children in 2015, both will be bringing a second into the world come 2017.

Jessa will beat Jill to it this time, though.

While there’s been talk that Jill Duggar is pregnant with twins, we would imagine she’s not going from 1-3 either … though their mom did.

It remains to be seen if Jinger will get in on the #DuggarNextGen baby boom, or if maligned Anna Duggar is pregnant with her fifth child.

Now that would be a story …


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Leah Messer Posts "Makeup-Free" Photo, Gets Slammed By Fans

Leah Messer has a complicated relationship with Teen Mom 2 fans.

She seems to be the primary reason that many viewers tune in … but only so that they can criticize Leah’s parenting.

She has over 1 million Instagram … but many of them seem less interested in receiving updates on Leah’s life, and more focused on tearing her down.

Yesterday, Leah posted the above selfie, along with the following caption:

“We are beautiful inside and out, with or without makeup! We are beautiful no matter what! I challenge you all to post a pic without makeup! #BeYou #WhoCares #Natural is #Beautiful!”

Yes, Ms. Messer is the latest to jump on the makeup-free bandwagon, and usually, stars who dare to go bare are praised for their beauty, their bravery, and the positive example they’ve set for for their younger fans.

We probably don’t need to tell you that wasn’t the case with Leah.

“That eyeliner though. Dark photo. Possible filter. Don’t fool yourself,” wrote one fan, like she was breaking down the freakin’ Zapruder Film.

“You forgot to take your eyeliner off!” commented another.

Another went full class-warrior, writing:

“Of course it’s easier to feel beautiful without makeup when in reality you can afford high dollar facial products and things to keep your skin looking nice! Don’t let this fool you ladies.”

Like we said, Leah’s “fans” can be an ornery lot.

That said, if she knowingly posted a “makeup-free” selfie while wearing makeup, well … that’s corny.

It’s a bit strange that so many get such a kick out of tearing Leah down, as unlike Jenelle Evans or Farrah Abraham, she’s not one to respond to the negativity.

In fact Leah’s only response (if it can be called that) so far are these words of encouragement, posted just moments ago:

“The goal of each day should be to become a better version of you,” Leah writes.

“If you’re spending time with those who bring out the stress in you, there’s no way to sync up with the best in you. Line up with the people and energy that bring out the greater part of you.

“Energies are contagious! Become a match to what you want. Align with those who raise your vibration of positivity. The better you attract, the better you become. Live Your Standard!”

We can hear keyboards of angry haters all over the country pounding away.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to decide for yourself if Leah deserves so much criticism.
