Showing posts with label Presidential. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Presidential. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Marco Rubio Ends Jeb Bush Presidential Bid in 60 Seconds

Presidential hopefuls Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio squared off in last night"s GOP debate, and the list of contenders shrank by one in as many minutes.

Already slipping in the polls, one-time Republican front-runner Bush decided to come at Rubio for missing votes in the U.S. Senate to run for President.

The obviously premeditated hit was inspired by an editorial in South Florida"s Sun-Sentinel that urged Rubio to resign from the Senate for this reason.

Yet the former Florida Governor was clearly grasping at straws, and was thoroughly owned by Rubio"s response, which scored on so many levels:

  • "I’m a constituent and you’re not doing your job for me,” to paraphrase Bush, is the personal complaint of a desperate whiner, not a leader.

  • He sought an angle that voters don"t care about and which Rubio had JUST COUNTERED EFFECTIVELY when the moderators raised the issue.

  • Bush gave Rubio, whose #1 weakness is being pegged as an "establishment" guy, the gift of being attacked by the establishment guy.

  • And getting to verbally whomp a robotic, uptight stiff at that.

Rather than taking a pass, Bush allowed Rubio to make a compelling argument twice, notching resounding wins over both CNBC and a key rival.

Pretty amazing, honestly.

While Donald Trump is winning in most polls, as his field of competitors contracts, support may coalesce around 1-3 Republicans, rather than 10.

At that point, he may have his work cut out for him, and Rubio has slowly but surely staked a claim to one of those spots as the race gets interesting.

Ironically, Bush will probably be urged by his small army of donors to follow his own advice to Rubio and resign … from the 2016 presidential campaign.

And when those phone calls start coming in, they will likely also urge that the disgruntled Sunshine State constituent throw his support behind Rubio.

Marco rubio ends jeb bush presidential campaign with epic rebutt

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lindsay Lohan Threatens Presidential Run in 2020

Throughout his shockingly popular run for President, Donald Trump has insulted women and said most Mexicans are rapists.

He’s slammed the looks of his fellow Republican hopefuls, he’s dissed a war hero and he’s also come up with some really bad ideas for this country.

But of all the terrible things Donald Trump has done and said over the past few months, his worst influence has been on fellow celebrities.

Because they now believe they can also be President of the United States/

Kanye West has already come up and said he’s serious about a 2020 Presidential run.

And now Lindsay Lohan has thrown her often-troubled hat into the political ring on Instagram.

“In #2020 I may run for president,” Lohan a photo of her at the 2012 White House Correspondents Dinner.

She then added many hashtags and a few more actual words:

“Through ups and downs #YESWECAN lets do this @kanyewest #truespirits thank you for inspiring us to be better people @barackobama #kanyewest2020 #lindsaylohanat35 #lindsaylohan2020 with #34yearsofEXPERIENCE #unitingWORLDnations.”

Lohan then added a photo of her and Kanye and made her first campaign statement:

“The first thing I would like to do as president of [the United States] is take care of all the children suffering in the world.

“#queenELIZABETH showed me how by having me in her country.”

Hmmm… Queen Elizabeth has zero political power and doesn’t actually run her country in any way, shape or form. But we do care about children!


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Kanye West Confirms Presidential Run: It"s Time!

Kim Kardashian recently unveiled some serious cleavage photos.

Along similar lines, her husband now says he’s serious about an announcement he made a few weeks ago: Yup, Kanye West really will be running for President.

The rapper first made this claim while accepting a lifetime achievement trophy at the MTV Video Music Awards last month, telling the crowd that he’s entering the 2020 Presidential race.

Hey, if Donald Trump can do it, right?

But did West really mean it?

“Oh, definitely,” he tells Vanity Fair, adding that people seemed supportive when he broke the news and rambling on about how much he has to learn.

“I sit in clubs and I’m like, Wow, I’ve got five years before I go and run for office and I’ve got a lot of research to do, I’ve got a lot of growing up to do.

“My dad has two masters degrees. My mom has a PhD, she used to work at Operation PUSH. Somehow the more and more creative I get, the closer and closer I get to who I was as a child.

“When I was a child, I was holding my mom’s hand at Operation PUSH. I think it’s time.”

Soon after Kanye told the world his future intentions, it was definitely time for the Internet to have some fun with him:

“I hate politics. I’m not a politician at all,” Kanye adds.

“I care about the truth and I just care about human beings. I just want everyone to win, that’s all I can say.”

Sounds like West has found his slogan for 2020:


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Joel McHale Takes On Donald Trump, Tiny Penises, & Presidential Code Names With The Help Of Terry Crews On The Soup! Watch Here!

What does Donald Trump have in common with a tiny penis? They were both discussed on Friday’s The Soup!

Joel McHale discussed the hottest topics of the week, which included the second Republican Presidential Debate and Trump’s unsurprising comment that he was “going to be looking at” removing Muslims from our country!

Video: Joel McHale Recaps The Sit Down Between Caitlyn Jenner & Kris Jenner

The bizarre clip didn’t require any commentary to justify it’s hilarity, but Terry Crews still made a funny cameo as a secret service officer! Watch (below)!

Also, if you’ve been searching for the perfect ode to microscopic male genitalia, look no further! McHale has the perfect bedroom slow jam for you (below):

LOLz! Watch The Soup Fridays on E!

[Image via YouTube.]

Thursday, September 17, 2015

12 Pieces of Presidential Swag You Really Can Purchase

Do not ever doubt the lengths politicians will go to in order to raise funds.

Case in point: Hillary Clinton posed for a selfie with Kim Kardashian at an expensive dinner in Los Angeles.

Other cases in point: the following pieces of swag, all of which are real and actually on sale on the official websites of various candidates…


Happy birthday

For $ 35, fans of Rand Paul can wish other fans of Rand Paul a happy birthday… with this three-foot tall birthday card. It comes with an equally gigantic envelope.

2. Grillary Clinton

Grillary clinton

Look, we love puns as much as the next guy. Ok, fine: we love puns even more than the next guy. But Grillary Clinton?!? This is something a serious President candidate is selling.

3. A Marco Polo

A marco polo

This totally wins. Marco Rubio is selling a polo shirt with his name on it. Get it? A Marco Polo!

4. A Bobby Jindal T-Shirt

A bobby jindal t shirt

There’s nothing too funny about this shirt, really, although the slogan could use some work. We mostly wanted to see if people knew Jindal was running for President.

5. Mugging for the Camera

Mugging for the camera

Okay, so Rick Perry dropped out early. And a PAC of the former nominee was selling this shirt, not the man himself. But still. It’s a shirt that uses Rick Perry’s mug shot! And it’s PRO Rick Perry!

6. Hillary, I’ll See Your Pun and Raise You…

Hillary ill see your pun and raise you

Jeb Bush is selling a guacamole bowl on his website for $ 75. It is called the Guaca Bowle.

View Slideshow

EXCLUSIVE! Brandi Glanville Dishes On Supporting Presidential Hopeful Donald Trump"s "Balls To The Wall" Attitude & Celebrity Apprentice"s New Host!

Brandi Glanville has A LOT to say!

Nothing was off the table, including Donald Trump‘s presidential bid.

And considering the former Celebrity Apprentice contestant was on his last season of the show, we’re not too surprised she was spilling all!

Related: Brandi Is Flirty In Florals At The Launch Of Her Own Wine

We EXCLUSIVELY chat with the blonde beauty at the All Star Mixology Competition in WeHO on Wednesday night, where she confessed her thoughts on him running for Prez.

Brandi shared:

“I’m normally a Democrat. But I say go for it. I kinda love that he’s balls to the wall and says whatever the heck he wants. Some of the things that come out of his mouth are like, ‘Oh my god, did you say that?’ But it’s refreshing that he’s not afraid. He’s not afraid to say, ‘This person is not a 10’ [referencing his comments about Heidi Klum]. I feel that people are so overly sensitive right now, it’s nice to have someone who is so unapologetic.”

Ooh, does this mean Donald can count her vote??

Related: Trump Goes After Rand Paul’s Looks During The GOP Debate

If anything, she’s at least a fan of his approach!

As for Celebrity Apprentice‘s next season, Brandi doesn’t seem to have any issues with Donald’s replacement, Arnold Schwarzenegger. She revealed:

“I’m so excited. Arnold is so different than Donald. I’m so excited that the show is going on, because I was told it wasn’t. I’m just glad the show is continuing.”

Though if they ever need a new CEO, the former Real Housewives starlet is all for it, saying:

“I told Mark Burnett, if you need someone, I’m available!”

Loves it! She’d definitely shake things up!

Though when asked if she would return to the show for Arnold’s season, she divulged:

“No! It was amazing. But it was stressful, and a long time away from my children. They did come and visit a few times but it was so time consuming. I have too many other things going on, too many businesses to run and need to focus on that right now.”

Well, we can’t see what’s in store for Brandi next!!

In the meantime, you can pick up her line of Unfiltered Blonde chardonnay in select stores and restaurants. For a full list click HERE.

[Image via WENN.]