Showing posts with label Reveal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reveal. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2016

Man Responds in Perfect, Precious Fashion to Pregnancy Reveal

During a time when one Presidential candidate has talked openly about grabbing the genitalia of any woman he wants, and another has possibly discussed classified information over email, it’s important to remember:

There’s still good in the world.

There’s still reason to sign online and smile, even if you are afraid of what you’ll see Donald Trump has said or done now.

Because videos such as the one below still do exist:

The footage was posted to Facebook by a woman named Tania Gutierrez.

She wanted to capture her husband Ronald’s reaction when she told him she was pregnant.

Therefore, Gutierrez went ahead and set up a camera, laying out the positive pregnancy test on a table along with a copy of her ultrasound. 

She then called Ronald into the room.

And it took him very little time to understand what was going on.

As you can see in the above video, Ronald can scarcely contain his excitement. He can’t even stand still.

Once he realizes the two will soon be parents, he literally jumps for joy, hugging his wife and smiling like a kid on Christmas.

Or like a man who just learned he’s going to be a father for the first time, we guess.

“His reaction was the cutest,” Tania wrote on Facebook. “I can tell how much he loves me and how much he’s gonna love our little one before he/she is even born!”

The video has been shared over 135,000 times on social media at last check. And it’s easy to understand why.

positive test

“Daddy loves mama and mama loves him,” Tania added on Facebook, while also sharing the photo above.

So very precious!

We send our congratulations to Tania and Ronald… and to all men and women with a baby on the way.


Monday, August 29, 2016

Jinger Duggar & Jeremy Vuolo Reveal Courtship Rules (or Lack Thereof)!

If you thought all Duggar relationships were the same, courting lovebirds Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo are turning that idea on its head.

In a clip from Counting On Season 2 Episode 2, Jinger opens up about the guidelines (or lack thereof) she’s following in her courtship.

We begin with the future Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Vuolo visiting Jessa and Ben Seewald’s home and announcing they’re officially courting.

Joy-Anna Duggar weighs on on what courtship typically means to the Duggars, and how it differs from dating in the traditional sense.

As you know well if you watch Counting On online or follow the Duggars much at all, there are many things not allowed by the family.

Jim Bob Duggar, who is also on hand, asks if Jessa and Ben have any wisdom to pass along to the duo in this exciting new phase.

When Ben asks if the couple has figured out their courtship guidelines, which each courting pair sets, Jeremy shares that they have.

He jokes that when he first heard about the "courting" process, he wondered why he was taking Jinger to court. But seriously folks…

“I have a desire to save really the physical for marriage,” the 28-year-old pastor says as Jinger Duggar, 22, nods approvingly.

“I think we both understand that. There are temptations and if we open a lot of doors physically," then challenges may arise.

"The time spent together basically becomes a time of saying, ‘OK we can’t cross this line’ or ‘We can’t cross this line,"" he adds.

"It becomes difficult.”

While side hugs are typically par for the course with the Duggars, Jinger reveals she’s isn’t sticking to a particular playbook with Jer.

Fans who believe Jinger is breaking courtship rules here and violating them again there will certainly not be astonished to hear this.

“I think it’s different for each person. It’s not a cookie cutter,” she says, adding that most importantly it"s “Just praying about those things."

"Not necessarily, you don’t have to have it all listed as a set of rules, but just a general idea and letting the people around you know.”

The duo will also seek advice from Jinger’s older sister Jill Dillard and her husband Derick, who are married (as are Ben and Jessa).

Mostly likely they will not ask Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson for their input, though hearing about a failed courtship could help.

If you think about it, that might even be more useful.

Anyway, Jinger and Jeremy are engaged, so we know things have gone pretty well between them in the time since this was filmed.

Tuesday"s episode will feature Jeremy sharing his “first meal” with the famous family, as well as a Duggar wilderness survival course.

Check out the extended sneak peek below:

Jinger duggar and jeremy vuolo reveal courtship rules or lack th

Monday, July 18, 2016

Jenelle Evans Takes Shot at Chelsea Houska, Deletes Twitter Account In Wake of Pregnancy Reveal

Yesterday, the world learned that Jenelle Evans is pregnant with her third child in the classiest way possible – from a police report.

The news came as somewhat of a surprise, as for several months now, Jenelle has been denying that she’s pregnant whenever the topic came up. 

Considering every other event in Jenelle’s life plays out on Teen Mom 2 or social media, we’re not sure why she chose to keep things on the down-low, but we do know she’s very pissed that the world found out she’s knocked up.

In case you missed it, Jenelle’s pregnancy was revealed from a post car-accident police report that described her as “pregnant and complaining of abdominal pains.”

(The “complaining” part certainly sounds like Jenelle! Zing!)

Jenelle being Jenelle, instead of simply coming forward and confirming the information, she decided to make the whole situation unnecessarily weird and dramatic.

The fan reaction to the news that Jenelle is expecting was, well, mixed at best (After all, Jenelle is currently fighting two custody battles at once), and needless to say, the Carolina Hurricane didn’t take the criticism lightly:

“Funny someone else comes out with news they are pregnant and the world is overjoyed,” she tweeted over the weekend.

Given the recent announcement that Chelsea Houska is pregnant with her second child, many assumed Jenelle was referring to her much-more-beloved castmate.

Evans clarified that she was not talking about Chelsea, but about her “5 friends who recently announced they were pregnant.”

She then deleted her Twitter account entirely/

Jeez, you’d think someone who lies so much would be better at it.

Anyway, congrats, Jenelle!

This pregnancy feels like it’s gonna be tumultuous even by your lofty standards.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Kailyn Lowry & Joe Marroquin Reveal Reason For Divorce

We’ve known for quite some time now that Kailyn Lowry and Joe Marroquin’s marriage is on the rocks.

The first sign that these two may be calling quits came when Kailyn and Javi unfollowed one another after publicly fighting about a sexually explicit photo he sent to another woman.

Shortly thereafter, Kailyn confirmed she and Javi are getting divorced in a recent interview with the Daily Mail, and based on her emotional response to the end of her marriage, it doesn’t seem like Marroquin has much of a chance of winning her back.

According to her statements in interviews and on social media, Kailyn feels “nothing” about her split from Marroquin.

She’s tweeted that her focus remains on her education and her children and that she and Javi will work out a custody arramgement when he returns from his tour of duty with the U.S. Air Force.

But it wasn’t always that way:

In the above preview for the upcoming season finale of Teen Mom 2, it’s Javi who’s cutting off all attempts at reconciliation, and Kailyn who seems distraught by the prospect of breaking up.

The reason for the split?

Well, Javi might argue that it’s more complex than this, but it seems pretty clear he’s dropping Kailyn because she doesn’t want to have any more children:

“You don’t want to be with me because I don’t want to have any more kids?” Kailen asks him point-blank.

“Well, that’s a big reason why,” Javi says. “I didn’t say I don’t want to be with you, I said we’re not going to work.”

Kailyn sees through the BS, responding:

“Right. So, we’re not going to work out because I don’t want to have any more children?”

“Right. And your excuse is bullsh-t,” Javi shoots back.

It’s then that Kail says exactly what every viewer at home is thinking:

“It’s about the fact that it’s so f–king hard to have two kids by myself and go to school. And then imagine if I had a third kid! I want to be working full time when I graduate. I want to be working!”

Looks like Javi’s not the sensitive, empathetic soul we initially thought.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to get caught up in time for this week’s finale.

Kailyn Lowry & Joe Marroquin Reveal Reason For Divorce

We’ve known for quite some time now that Kailyn Lowry and Joe Marroquin’s marriage is on the rocks.

The first sign that these two may be calling quits came when Kailyn and Javi unfollowed one another after publicly fighting about a sexually explicit photo he sent to another woman.

Shortly thereafter, Kailyn confirmed she and Javi are getting divorced in a recent interview with the Daily Mail, and based on her emotional response to the end of her marriage, it doesn’t seem like Marroquin has much of a chance of winning her back.

According to her statements in interviews and on social media, Kailyn feels “nothing” about her split from Marroquin.

She’s tweeted that her focus remains on her education and her children and that she and Javi will work out a custody arramgement when he returns from his tour of duty with the U.S. Air Force.

But it wasn’t always that way:

In the above preview for the upcoming season finale of Teen Mom 2, it’s Javi who’s cutting off all attempts at reconciliation, and Kailyn who seems distraught by the prospect of breaking up.

The reason for the split?

Well, Javi might argue that it’s more complex than this, but it seems pretty clear he’s dropping Kailyn because she doesn’t want to have any more children:

“You don’t want to be with me because I don’t want to have any more kids?” Kailen asks him point-blank.

“Well, that’s a big reason why,” Javi says. “I didn’t say I don’t want to be with you, I said we’re not going to work.”

Kailyn sees through the BS, responding:

“Right. So, we’re not going to work out because I don’t want to have any more children?”

“Right. And your excuse is bullsh-t,” Javi shoots back.

It’s then that Kail says exactly what every viewer at home is thinking:

“It’s about the fact that it’s so f–king hard to have two kids by myself and go to school. And then imagine if I had a third kid! I want to be working full time when I graduate. I want to be working!”

Looks like Javi’s not the sensitive, empathetic soul we initially thought.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to get caught up in time for this week’s finale.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Game of Thrones Fans Call Attention to BIG Problem With Melisandre Reveal

If you watched the Game of Thrones Season 6 premiere last night, there’s a good chance you’re still pondering that shocking final scene and what it means for the future of one of the show’s most enigmatic characters.

After a breakneck episode that often felt more like a hasty recap of the events of Season 5, we found ourselves alone with the Red Priestess Melisandre as she readied herself for bed.

She removed her clothes, which surprised exactly no one, as Carice Van Houten is naked for about a third of her screentime.

Then she removed her choker and [SPOILER ALERT, OBVI!], we received quite a shock indeed.

It seems the sexy redhead who’s been yammering about the Lord of Light for four seasons now is just an illusion created by the amulet Melisandre wears around her neck.

Her true self is a decrepit old woman whom Van Houten estimates to be between 100 and 400 years old.

Quite a range in that estimate, but once you pass 100 does it really matter?

Anyway, it’s one of those twists that’s meant to make you reconsider everything you thought you knew about this character.

Unfortunately, for the show’s producers GoT fans are a particularly obsessive lot, so they did go back and re-examine Melisandre’s history – and some of them didn’t like what they saw.

Yes, as you can see, Melisandre doesn’t always wear the choker, which kind of ruins the whole “she’s actually a withered old crone who’s been deceiving everyone for years” thing.

Though as many fans have pointed out, the Season 4 scene above appears to be the one and only time she doesn’t rock her magic amulet, and it’s possible that it was by design.

The only other person in the scene is Stannis’ wife Selyse, and many fans have theorized that Melly intended to show Selly her true form, either to show her the extent of her power, or to prove that she’s not a threat to the Baratheon’s marriage.

The theory holds that the audience didn’t see the scene from Selyse’s point of view and instead continued to see Melisandre as she presents herself to the world.

Selyse’s uncomfortable reaction to Melisandre’s nudity seems to support that hypothesis.

Of course. her awkwardness may have just been a result of the fact that Selyse was kind of a prude.

The dialogue from the scene is may be more laded with meaning than we initially realized, as the Red Priestess dismisses her body as “just flesh” and explains to Selyse that she uses her body as a persuasive tool.

Again, hardly iron-clad proof, but certainly enough to give the show the benefit of the doubt.

It’s unlike creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss to overlook important details, but at the same time, the show has never toyed with perspective like that or given us the notion that the characters are seeing something different than what we’re seeing.

(Which is a bit odd, as the books frequently offer different viewpoints on the same events.)

So it’s possible that D & D simply messed up, but it actually seems more likely that they knew what they were doing all along.

Either way, we’ll never look at those many Melisandre nude scenes the same way again. (But make no mistake we will look at them again.)

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Prince: Police Reveal New Details Into His Death

As fans mourn the death of music icon and superstar Prince, they can all agree on one thing.

He went too soon.

Prince was found unresponsive in an elevator at his Minnesota home yesterday morning at age 57, and the world has been pondering the reason for the star’s death since the news broke.

The Carver County Sheriff’s Office held a press conference today and divulged new details surrounding the singer’s untimely demise. 

“The information we have for now is he was last seen at 8 p.m. on Wednesday night,” Sheriff Olson told reporters.

“Staff members at Paisley Park were unable to locate Prince yesterday, and went to check on him.”

He added that police responded to the 911 emergency call at 9:43 a.m.

Prince was pronounced dead 24 minutes later, at 10:07 a.m.

While the sheriff said the case was only 29 hours old and continuing to evolve, he said there was “no reason to believe this was a suicide.”

He also revealed that there were “no obvious signs of trauma” on the body, and that Prince was wearing pants and a shirt when he was found.

Earlier today, the Midwest Medical Examiner’s Office completed an autopsy on Prince’s body, which was later released to his family.

They indicated that results of the toxicology scan could take weeks, and they will continue to investigate.

This morning, TMZ reported that six days before his death, Prince was treated for an overdose of the prescription pain killer Percoset, which he was said to be taking for hip pain.

The sheriff would not confirm whether he drugs were involved in the death.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Once Upon a Time Makes Major Reveal: Who"s Pregnant?

Real life blended with the fairy tale world on Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 14.

For the most part, this installment of the ABC drama centered on Robert Carlyle’s Rumple and his past with ex-wife Milah.

We watched the former couple in their desperate bid to save their young son Baelfire, only for it it to later be revealed that Belle is actually pregnant with Rumple’s child in the current timeline.

This is not a major shock to anyone that follows the celebrity gossip world because Emilie de Ravin gave birth last week and was therefore pregnant during filming…

… but what will it mean in the wake of Rumple becoming the Dark One once again?

“It’s going to affect both of them,” executive producer Edward Kitsis tells Entertainment Weekly, further teasing:

“When he finds out that she’s pregnant, it’s going to affect him, it’s going to affect her, it’s definitely going to affect his motivation.

“Rumple is a new person. We know why he grabbed that dagger, but we’re really going to understand more of where he’s coming from.”

Of course,  Rumple has quite a few issues to deal with along with this pregnancy, most notably the fact that he promised his second born to a healer in exchange for a cure for Baelfire.

That deal has transferred to Hades, basically forcing Rumple to work for him.

This may be the biggest obstacle yet for a couple that has faced hurdle after hurdle over the course of five seasons.

“At the core of their relationship is a really deep love, despite all the terrible things that have gone on between them,” fellow producer Adam Horowitz says. “This will be another test to that love.”

That is for certain.

Will Rumple regret becoming The Dark One that he’s also about to become a father?

Sound off on the latest development below and watch Once Upon a Time online to see it unfold.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Harry Styles iCloud Hack Reveal Leaked Photos with Kendall Jenner

Hackers suck.

Celebrities know this all too well, as they’ve had their privacy invaded and property stolen by hackers on numerous occasions. And now, it seems even celebs’ parents are at risk.

The latest victim of a hacking scandal is Harry Styles’ mother Anne, whose iCloud account was compromised this week. 

The thief posted numerous stolen photos to Twitter, many of which depict the boy bander with rumored girlfriend Kendall Jenner.

The pics show Kendall hanging out with Harry and his family, out to dinner and getting cuddly on a couch.

Earlier this week, Selena Gomez may have accidentally spilled the beans that Kendall had a boyfriend, although she didn’t specify who. 

“Taylor is not single, Gigi is not single, neither is Kendall. I am the only single one!” quipped the “Hands to Myself” singer.

Now, I think we know who Kendall is dating.

Harry and Kendall were spotted vacationing together last December in St. Barts when paparazzi snapped pics of them engaged in very public displays of affection on a yacht.

However, neither confirmed the dating rumors and the pair hasn’t been spotted together since their tropical romp.

Since they were obtained illegally, we are not posting the leaked photos here.

The alleged thief shared photos under the Twitter name @haarrystyles, but the account was just suspended moments ago.

Harry Styles iCloud Hack Reveal Leaked Photos with Kendall Jenner

Hackers suck.

Celebrities know this all too well, as they’ve had their privacy invaded and property stolen by hackers on numerous occasions. And now, it seems even celebs’ parents are at risk.

The latest victim of a hacking scandal is Harry Styles’ mother Anne, whose iCloud account was compromised this week. 

The thief posted numerous stolen photos to Twitter, many of which depict the boy bander with rumored girlfriend Kendall Jenner.

The pics show Kendall hanging out with Harry and his family, out to dinner and getting cuddly on a couch.

Earlier this week, Selena Gomez may have accidentally spilled the beans that Kendall had a boyfriend, although she didn’t specify who. 

“Taylor is not single, Gigi is not single, neither is Kendall. I am the only single one!” quipped the “Hands to Myself” singer.

Now, I think we know who Kendall is dating.

Harry and Kendall were spotted vacationing together last December in St. Barts when paparazzi snapped pics of them engaged in very public displays of affection on a yacht.

However, neither confirmed the dating rumors and the pair hasn’t been spotted together since their tropical romp.

Since they were obtained illegally, we are not posting the leaked photos here.

The alleged thief shared photos under the Twitter name @haarrystyles, but the account was just suspended moments ago.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Tyga to Reveal Kylie Jenner"s Plastic Surgery Secrets in Tell-All Book?!

As we reported yesterday, Kylie Jenner and Tyga have broken up after more than a year of dating.

There are conflicting reports about why Kylie and Tyga called it quits, but a few things seem certain: Tyga is newly single, short on cash, and armed with secrets about Kylie and her family that some folks would pay a lot of money for.

According to Radar Online, the rapper is planning to take revenge on Kylie and earn some major bucks by penning a tell-all book about the Instagram queen and her A-list sisters.

“Tyga did NOT sign a confidentiality agreement of any sorts because he has been a close friend of Kylie’s for a very long time and everyone just assumed that he was on their team,” says one insider.

“But Tyga knows more about that family that almost anyone alive.”

Yes, it’s not just Kylie whose reputation is at risk, as Tyga became close with the entire Kard clan over the course of his relationship with the family’s youngest sibling.

“Tyga knows more about Kim and Kanye from working with Kanye on music,” the source claims. “He has enough on them to write two books!

“Kris’s concern about all of this is that he is going to expose them for the frauds they are.”

But while the entire family is likely to be called out in Tyga’s tell-all, it’s Kylie who has the most to lose. 

The source says the family’s biggest worry is that Tyga’s book will include details about Kylie’s many plastic surgeries.

Kylie has repeatedly claimed that she’s had no cosmetic work done outside of temporary lip fillers.

Many fans believe that she’s lying, and if her ex proves them right, it might prove seriously damaging to her reputation, particularly since Kylie has attempted to re-brand herself as an advocate of body positivity and self-acceptance in recent months.

Unfortunately for her, sources say Tyga is broke and willing to do whatever it takes to line his pockets.

Friday, September 11, 2015

How to Get Away With Murder Promo: A Killer Reveal

According to the first official trailer for How to Get Away With Murder Season 2, Rebecca"s killer will be revealed on the September 24 premiere of this crazy awesome ABC drama.

But that won"t even be the biggest "OMG moment" of the night.

The 30-second teaser hypes Viola Davis as an Emmy nominee and offers us a look at all the homicidal suspects, while also featuring Annalise screaming at someone for being a "monster."

Nothing else of note is revealed about How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 1, however, meaning we"ll need to tune in to find out what the heck producer Shonda Rhimes has up her sleeve next.

Oh well. Twist our arm. We"ll be there.

How to get away with murder season 2 promo a killer reveal