Showing posts with label Senator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Senator. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Senator Ted Cruz Says Hollywood Conservatives Fear Career Suicide

Sen. Ted Cruz says Hollywood folks literally duck and cover when it comes to expressing conservative beliefs … because it would be an instant death sentence for their careers. We got the Texas senator Monday at Reagan National Airport, and…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Senator Orrin Hatch Says Ronald Reagan Richly Deserves an Oscar

Utah Senator Orrin Hatch is down with Ronald Reagan receiving a posthumous Oscar, but he concedes it would be an uphill battle. We got the Republican Senator Tuesday on Capitol Hill and he thinks Reagan’s CV is Oscar-worthy — movie star, SAG…


Friday, January 19, 2018

Brooke Hogan Says Hulk Would Be Unifying Senator

Brooke Hogan’s not exactly jumping for joy at the prospect of her dad running for Senator — but only because she thinks his heart’s really in the squared circle … of wrestling, not politics. We got Hulk Hogan’s daughter Thursday outside the…


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar Is Hardcore Vikings Fan, "I Was at the Game!"

You might be looking at the BIGGEST VIKINGS FAN ALIVE … Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar — who might have gone to work in purple face paint if she was allowed.  Seriously, Klobuchar lives and breathes Vikings — her dad even wrote a book…


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Senator Marco Rubio Says Trump Would Beat Oprah in 2020

Senator Marco Rubio says despite the fact Oprah is rich and famous … Trump’s more famous and he’d beat her in a head-to-head 2020 election. We got the Republican Senator Monday at Reagan National Airport and he conceded Oprah is loved by…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Senator Elizabeth Warren Sidesteps Questions About Oprah for President

Senator Elizabeth Warren loves Oprah Winfrey for sure, but it’s apparent she’s not ready to throw her support behind O for a 2020 Presidential run. We got the Massachusetts Senator Monday at Reagan National Airport in D.C. and gave her several…


Friday, December 22, 2017

Senator Orrin Hatch Says Trump Could Be Abraham Lincoln Great

Senator Orrin Hatch is sticking to the story he told earlier this week — that Donald Trump could be the greatest Prez ever — and now he’s even doubling down on that. We got the Utah senator on Capitol Hill Thursday, the day after Trump…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Senator Joe Manchin Wants to Give Al Franken a Chance to Stay

Senator Joe Manchin is breaking with his own party over Al Franken, saying they jumped the gun in forcing him to resign … and suggesting he be given a chance to stay. We got the West Virginia Democratic Senator in D.C. Tuesday where we asked if…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Senator Gillibrand Says Trump is Trying to Silence Her with "Sexist Smear" Tweet

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is firing back at President Trump and vowing to keep fighting him … on the heels of him saying she’d “do anything” for campaign cash. We got the U.S. Senator from New York Tuesday morning on Capitol Hill, just a…


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Senator Al Franken Expected to Resign In Wake of Sexual Misconduct Allegations (LIVE STREAM)

Senator Al Franken is about to announce his future in the Senate, and all signs point to a resignation. A new accuser came forward Wednesday — taking the count to at least 7 — claiming Franken tried forcibly kissing her in 2006, adding he…


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Senator Marco Rubio Offers Lesson and Al Franken Should Listen

Marco Rubio’s dishing advice on how politicians should properly pose for pictures … that’s how bad it’s also gotten in D.C. We got the Senator at Reagan National Airport where we bring up allegations from 3 different women claiming Senator Al…


Friday, November 24, 2017

Senator Al Franken Tells His Victims He"s Just a Big Hugger

Senator Al Franken is clearly trying to save his job, but his answer to the various women who have accused him of sexual assault/harassment is sketchy … he says he just likes to hug a lot.  Franken issued a statement on Thanksgiving Day,…


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Senator Rand Paul Assaulted by Man at His Kentucky Home

Rand Paul was “blindsided” by a 59-year-old man at his home and cops have arrested the guy … according to various reports. The Kentucky Senator was reportedly assaulted at his home Friday afternoon by Rene Boucher and suffered a minor…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Senator Bob Corker: It"s Hard to Respond to Trump"s Silly Jabs

Senator Bob Corker continues getting dogged by President Trump … and he’s taking it like a champ. We got the U.S. senator from Tennessee on Capitol Hill Tuesday and we asked him for his response after the Prez went after him…


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Senator John Thune, Hollywood, D.C., It"s All the Same

Senator John Thune knows … the folks in Washington D.C. are not above the abuses we’re now seeing in Hollywood. Our fearless photog Colin got the South Dakota Republican strolling near the Capitol Wednesday — a beautiful day we might add — and…


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Donald Trump Told Veterans" Widow "He Knew What He Signed Up For," Senator Claims

On Monday, President Donald Trump hosted a press conference in the White House Rose Garden that was bizarre even by the currnent administration’s incredibly lofty standards of absurdity.

For one thing, Trump responded to sexual assault allegations against him by barking his “fake news” mantra at the assembled media.

Of course, that’s the president’s standard response to accusations and criticism.

What followed, however, no one could have predicted, and no, we’re not talking about the fact that Trump and Senator Mitch McConnell chose to hold hands as they left the dais.

In one of the more bizarre and outlandish lies of his presidency, Trump alleged that other previous presidents did not contact the widows of fallen servicemen, as he himself had.

“If you look at President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls,” Trump told the press.

“A lot of them didn’t make calls. I like to call when it’s appropriate.”

Of course, hundreds of military widows have since come forward to refute that claim, affirming that they did indeed receive phone calls from President Obama after their husbands were killed.

In the wake of an ambush from ISIS-affiliated forces in Niger that left four dead, it seems Trump did indeed contact the widow of at least one of the fallen, but far from offering comfort, it seems his remarks only deepened her suffering.

Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-FL) says she was present when Trump contacted the widow of La David Johnson, a Green Beret who was killed in the attack.

Her account of Trump’s conversation with Myeshia Johnson is genuinely appalling:

“Basically he said, ‘Well, I guess he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt,"” Wilson told Don Lemon on CNN last night.

Naturally, Trump was quick to tweet his incendiary response to the allegation:

“Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad!”

“I have proof, too: this man is a sick man,” Wilson responded on CNN this morning. 

She added that Johnson’s widow “broke down” after her call with Trump.

“When she actually hung up the phone she looked and said, ‘He didn’t even know his name,"” Wilson says of her time in the Johnson home.

Myeshia Johnson has yet to speak publicly about the incident, and the president has yet to offer the “proof” he promised in his tweet.


Friday, October 6, 2017

TMZ Live: Lindsay Lohan: Senator Takes Drunk Dig

ON TODAY’S SHOW Nene Leakes At War With Kim Zolciak! Music Festivals: Future Threats Of Violence Donald Trump Mocks Puerto Rico  Sheryl Crow: Gun Laws Need To Change 


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Senator Elizabeth Warren Makes Emotional "Medicare for All" Plea

Senator Elizabeth Warren nearly broke into tears while explaining why there SHOULD be bipartisan support for the revised healthcare bill. Whether there will be … is a whole other Oprah. We got the Massachusetts Senator on Capitol Hill…


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Kevin Durant Isn"t Hated in Oklahoma, Says Senator

Dear Kevin Durant,  Not everyone in Oklahoma hates your guts. In fact, one of the most powerful people in the state is welcoming you back with open arms … Senator Jim Inhofe.  “Kevin Durant would be welcome back in Oklahoma any time…


Kevin Durant Isn"t Hated in Oklahoma, Says Senator

Dear Kevin Durant,  Not everyone in Oklahoma hates your guts. In fact, one of the most powerful people in the state is welcoming you back with open arms … Senator Jim Inhofe.  “Kevin Durant would be welcome back in Oklahoma any time…
