Showing posts with label Seriously. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seriously. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Congressman to Drew Brees -- "I"ll Chair Your Political Campaign ... Seriously"

Drew Brees is getting some HUGE support for his possible political career — with one of Louisiana’s most powerful politicians offering to chair Drew’s campaign in the state.  We spoke with U.S. House of Representatives member Dr. Ralph Abraham…


Congressman to Drew Brees -- "I"ll Chair Your Political Campaign ... Seriously"

Drew Brees is getting some HUGE support for his possible political career — with one of Louisiana’s most powerful politicians offering to chair Drew’s campaign in the state.  We spoke with U.S. House of Representatives member Dr. Ralph Abraham…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Savannah Chrisley: Seriously Injured in Car Crash, Thankful to Be Alive

Savannah Chrisley is alive, but not so well.

The frequent beauty pageant contestant, best known for her role on her family’s USA reality series, Chrisley Knows Best, was seriously injured in a car accident on Monday.

She reportedly suffered a broken vertebrae in the crash and is still experiencing pain throughout her body.

The 19-year-old updated Instagram followers late Tuesday about her condition, expressing gratitude that she is even able to do so after what transpired.

Sharing a photo montage that includes a picture of herself in the hospital… a picture of her destroyed vehicle and a quote (The only way God can show us He’s in control is to put us in situation we can’t control.”), Chrisley wrote the following:

“I can truly say that I now FULLY understand the meaning of this quote.

“The past couple of days have been some of the toughest days for me. And I truly think that God has made them so difficult because I began straying away from Him and His word.”

As you can see in the following image, Chrisley’s car appears to be totaled.

There’s essentially no front left side remaining.

According to 2016 Miss Teen Tennesee competitor, the accident took place after her floor mat got stuck behind the pedals of her car.

She looked down quickly to move them, and that’s all it took for near-tragedy to strike.

Savannah Chrisley crash pic

“I realized that I was headed straight towards the guardrails….I tried to over correct but it didn’t help,” Savannah wrote.

“As soon as I hit the guardrail my airbags came out and because of the airbags and seatbelt the injuries weren’t near as bad as they could have been.”

A lot of the aftermath is fuzzy in Chrisley’s head, but she does recall “going in and out of consciousness screaming for help” while cars sped by.

“It felt like I had been laying there for at least twenty minutes begging for help. And then a man stopped and ran over to me and got the police my way…so thank you to the amazing man that stopped and helped me as everyone else was passing.

“I have no idea who you are but thank you…I could never repay you for your act of kindness.”

Chrisley Knows Best chronicles the life of millionaire Todd Chrisley, his wife and his two kids.

It wrapped up Season 4 in November.

Savannah concluded her Instagram post by addressing her critics and by giving thanks again to the Lord.

“Also…to all of you hurtful people that are saying that I deserved it and got what was coming for me…you need Jesus and I’ll help by praying for you,” she wrote, adding:

“And to all of those who are being supportive…I thank you very much. It means the world. The next month or so I will be recovering from a broken vertebrae which has caused numbness in my hands and fingers and pain all throughout my neck, back, and shoulders.

“While recovering physically I’m going to take time to recover spiritually and mentally as well. I want to be the best version of myself possible and that will happen.

“We all make mistakes…all that matters is how we learn and grow from them. I truly believe that God has used this situation to open my eyes to what is truly important in life and to put my focus back on Him in order to live the right life and be unbelievably happy.

“So right now I just want to say thank you again…love you all.”

We send Chrisley our thoughts and prayers and we wish her well in her recovery.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Lindsey Vonn -- Broken Arm Pull Ups ... Seriously. (Video)

Talk about determination … Lindsey Vonn broke her arm just over 2 weeks ago … and she’s already back in the gym working out like the freak athlete she is. Vonn fractured her humerus while training in Copper, Colorado … but it’s hard to tell…


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Derrick Rose -- My Girlfriend Is SUPER HOT ... Like Seriously SMOKIN" (PHOTO GALLERY)

It must be true that opposites attract, because Derrick Rose’s girlfriend is something the NBA star has never been … SUPER FREAKIN’ HEALTHY … as in … damn she’s fine.


Friday, July 29, 2016

Hayes Grier: Seriously Injured in Dirt Bike Accident

Hayes Grier has been hospitalized.

The Internet sensation, who is one of the most popular stars in Vine, got into a serious accident yesterday while riding his dirt bike.

News of the crash and of Grier’s tenuous condition was first made public in a Tweet by his brother, Nash Grier.

“Just got a call on set that said Hayes was in a crash. He’s now in the hospital,” Nash tweeted to his 5.63 million followers, adding the hashtag “#PrayForHayes” to his message.

It didn’t take long for this hashtag to go viral.

In follow-up a series of follow-up Tweets, Nash kept fans as informed as he could be, writing of his sibling:

“He can move & talk (thank god) but he’s coughed up a lot of blood. That’s all I know. Praying he has a quick recovery.

“Damn I hate hearing s–t like that on the phone, scared me to death.”

About an hour later, Nash actually shared a screenshot of a text exchange (which he captioned with “Phew”) with more specific news regarding Hayes’ health.

It’s unclear who was on the other side of the exchange, but it appears to be someone at the hospital and it reads as follows:

“Your brother is pretty busted up right now. Luckily no major stuff. All scans came back negative for any internal bleeding.

“He does have a concussion, fractured top two ribs and bruised lung on one side. He is in a lot of pain.”

Hayes Grier is only 16 years old.

But he sky-rocketed to Internet fame due to his Vine and YouTube videos.

At he moment, Grier has 3.53 million Twitter followers… 5.3 million Instagram followers… 4.4 million Vine followers … and 848,000 YouTube subscribers.

He competed on Season 21 of Dancing with the Stars.

He was the second-youngest contestant to ever appear on the show and he teamed with Emma Slater to reach Week 7.

A few hours after news of Grier’s crash went public, a rep for the famous teenager released the following statement to Us Weekly:

Earlier today, Hayes Grier was involved in a dirt bike accident and immediately transported to a local hospital.

Hayes suffered a concussion, broken rib, bruised lung, and multiple skin lacerations.

Thankfully, he is OK and currently resting and recovering in the hospital surrounded by his family, where he will remain for the next few days.

We can’t thank you all enough for the outpouring of prayers and support for Hayes!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Todd Palin: Husband of Sarah Palin Seriously Injured in Snowmobile Accident

Todd Palin – the husband of former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin – has been hospitalized following a snowmobile accident in Alaska.

The extent of Palin’s injuries is unknown, but NBC News has described his condition as “very serious.”

Palin was scheduled to speak at a Donald Trump rally in Florida this afternoon, but she has canceled her appearance in order to return home and be by her husband’s side.

The Palin’s eldest son, Track Palin, was arrested on domestic violence charges in January and was scheduled to be in court today.

It is not yet known if his father’s injuries will cause the start of Track’s trial to be delayed.

Sarah Palin’s social media followers became concerned when she abruptly canceled her appearance just minutes before she was scheduled to take the stage today.

The Trump campaign issued the following statement moments ago:

“Todd Palin was in a bad snow machine accident last night and is currently hospitalized. Governor Palin is returning to Alaska to be with her husband and looks forward to being back on the campaign trail soon. Mr. Trump’s thoughts and prayers are with the Palin family at this time.”

We will have updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Kylie Jenner & Tyga: Back Together, Seriously Confusing Fans

Earlier today, we reported that Tyga had moved than an hour away from Kylie Jenner, and many fans were taking the relocation as a sure sign that the couple had finally called it quits.

Buying a crib in a cheaper neighborhood may not sound like such a big deal. After all, Tyga doe not have that Kardashian kash.

But the move came on the heels of a number of indications that the Kyga isn"t long for this world.

Earlier this month, Tyga was reportedly caught cheating on Kylie with a Brazilian model, and though she didn"t immediately kick her man to the curb, Kylie reportedly told friends that his latest infidelity was the last straw.

So when Tyga moved to the Sunset Strip instead of moving in with Kylie, as he had originally planned, it was widely assumed that the couple had finally called it quits.

Last night, however, they proved once again that you can"t assume anything when these two are involved.

TMZ has obtained the footage below that shows Kylie and Tyga entering and leaving a club together in Hollywood.

Obviously, they"d continue to run in the same social circles even if they had broken up, but the fact that they seemed to go home together at the end of the night seems to be a pretty good indication that there"s still something going on here:

Kylie jenner and tyga back together seriously confusing fans

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Rob Kardashian: Not Taking Diabetes Seriously, Family Worried Sick

It’s been less than a month since Rob Kardashian was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with diabetes, but now his unhealthy ways has his family worried to death.

While they hoped the health scare would set him on the right track in addressing his issues with compulsive eating and addiction, it seems he’s not taking the diagnosis to heart and they now fear for his life.

According to a report by TMZ, Rob still insists on eating junk even though his mom Kris Jenner and his sisters have hired a nutritionist, a trainer and a full-time chef who specializes in diabetes diets to help him get healthy. 

The report also notes that he has to administer insulin shots once a day, but even that hasn’t stopped his return to gluttony.

It’s unfortunate, because we felt a glimmer of hope for Rob earlier this week when his sister Khloe Kardashian told GMA’s Lara Spencer that he was doing well and finally taking his health seriously.

Of course, prior reports claimed that Rob was holed up in his room on a food bender and the other day he posted a pic of brother-in-law Kanye West bathing in a pool of doughnuts, so we’re not sure what to believe.

But when he refused rehab despite Kris offering him a cool $ 1 million to go, we were like, okay, this guy really doesn’t GAF.

I’d gladly trade Mickey D’s and ice cream for quinoa and kale with that kind of money on the table.

Then again, $ 1 million to a Kardashian is probably like $ 20 to you and me, so who knows. 

Unfortunately, money can only buy health if the patient is willing to participate.

We’re hoping Rob finds the strength to get well. Godspeed, brother.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Rob is FINALLY Taking His Health Seriously!

Khloe Kardashian made an appearance on Good Morning America today, and while she cleverly dodged questions about whether or not she would ever get back together with Lamar Odom, she did open up about Rob Kardashian"s recent health struggles.

As you may have heard, Rob was diagnosed with diabetes after being rushed to the hospital last month. Khloe

“He’s doing good!” Khloe told GMA‘s Lara Spencer.

“Yeah, he had a health scare. He got out [of the hospital] before the New Year. I was like, ‘OK. Let’s leave all that stuff then. Listen, you found out what the problem is. Let’s tackle it head-on."

“Everything happens for a reason, so that health scare? If that’s gonna shake him up a little bit, and jump start his health journey, then great. I’m right here for him.”

Asked about rumors that Rob is continuing to engage in the sort of risky behavior that nearly landed him in a coma, Khloe replied:

“He’s taking [his recovery] seriously. Yeah, we’re only 13 days into the New Year, but that’s good enough for me.”

Khloe lives with her her younger brother, and in the past, she"s been accused of enabling Rob, so it means a lot to hear her say that he"s on the mend.

In fact, there"s probably no greater authority on Rob"s physical and mental other than Rob himself.

As he seems to have no interest in returning to the spotlight any time soon, Khloe may have to serve as the world"s Rob liaison for the foreseeable future.

Khloe kardashian rob is finally taking his health seriously

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion Recap: What a Lovefest (Seriously)!

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 20 marked the first installment of this fall’s reunion special, and oh, it was special indeed.

If you like drama, tension and occasional awkwardness – and clearly you do, if you sat through this past season on Bravo – Monday night delivered.

That being said, it looks like the real bloodbath is yet to come, and The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 20 was just a teaser.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know what’s about to come to a head after 9-10 weeks of this Brooks Ayers fiasco.

At least by their standards, the ladies were generally reserved, polite, calm and even accepting of one another, despite the conflicts of the past.

In fact, the topic of Brooks Ayers’ cancer never even came up.

Vicki Gunvalson reflected on her mother’s death, her reaction to which was captured by Bravo cameras, and from which she has not yet recovered.

“It’s actually worse,” she said. “Our void has gotten worse.”

“It’s so stupid, but I never really thought she’d die.”

At the others’ urging, Gunvalson told a great story about her 80-year-old mother’s road rage, but she also took heat from her co-stars later on.

Vicki’s statements about how people should behave rub people the wrong way, it turns out. Not the least of which? Meghan King Edmonds.

Host Andy Cohen asked if her beef with Edmonds didn’t stem from Vicki calling RHOC “her show” and a desire to have her “kiss the ring.”

“I am the OG of the OC and I do expect respect,” Vicki said.

That was about it for feuding on this night, though. Edmonds revealed that she and her stepdaughter Hayley are in a good place these days.

Tamra Barney, meanwhile, is on the outs with her daughter Sidney, who lives with her father (Tamra’s ex-husband) Simon and doesn’t talk to her.

Her son Spencer, on the other hand, lives with Tamra and doesn’t talk to Simon. That’s not normal. But it’s also what brought Tamra to God.

Tamra remembered telling a woman who had invited her to church:

“I feel like I’m going to die right now. I just don’t have any help.”

Hence the Tamra Barney baptism storyline, a major focal point of this season, and the subject of the reunion show’s final twist Monday:

Alexis Bellino, the series’ former cast member, weighed in.

“I cannot sit back and watch a mockery be made of my savior,” Alexis wrote via email, taking Tamra to task for what she felt was hypocrisy.

While she was baptized as a Christian, Bellino argued that her rival did not display any new, better, behaviors in the wake of the ceremony.

Tamra’s response to the zing by Jesus Jugs?

“She’s the type of Christian that gives Christians a bad name. Sometimes you have to go through things in your life to get to a better place.”


Friday, September 25, 2015

Robert De Niro Might Be Playing The Intern On The Big Screen, But These Celebs Had Some Seriously Strange Jobs In REAL Life!

Between the coffee runs and the numerous trips to the copier, everyone knows the life of an intern is NOT a glamorous one!

Well Robert De Niro is about to find that out for himself as he works alongside Anne Hathaway in the appropriately titled comedy The Intern which hits theaters today!

But while internships can have their ups and downs, there are TONS of celebs out there who had some pretty rough jobs before they became household names!

From brewing coffee at Starbucks to folding clothes at The Gap, these stars know what it’s like to work hard for their money!

CLICK HERE to view “Before They Were Famous: Celebs Who Once Had Nightmarish Jobs!”

CLICK HERE to view “Before They Were Famous: Celebs Who Once Had Nightmarish Jobs!”

CLICK HERE to view “Before They Were Famous: Celebs Who Once Had Nightmarish Jobs!”

CLICK HERE to view “Before They Were Famous: Celebs Who Once Had Nightmarish Jobs!”

CLICK HERE to view “Before They Were Famous: Celebs Who Once Had Nightmarish Jobs!”

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lamar Odom: Back on Instagram! Plugging New Healthy Lifestyle (Seriously)!

Khloe Kardashian’s former husband Lamar Odom is back … on Instagram, at least, after several months away from the social media site.

The former NBA star has been all over Insta, sharing pics of himself playing for the L.A. Lakers and the University of Rhode Island Rams.

Khloe’s ex, 35, also shared a picture of a healthy meal!

“Mmmmm,” Odom captioned the pic of grilled chicken with rice and avocado next to three hard boiled eggs and a purple smoothie.

Delish. Goes well with a side of crack rocks. #toosoon?

In addition to food porn, Odom shared a photo of an old newspaper clipping from his days as a prized player at Christ the King H.S.

Back in 1997, Lamar was one of the nation’s top recruits; Odom went on to play one year at URI before making the jump to the NBA.

Since then, his rise and fall have been well documented.

It’s been a particular rough year for the athlete, who tragically lost two close friends, Jamie Sangouthai and Bobby Heyward, to drug overdoses.

He also finalized his divorce from Khloe Kardashian, 31, in July, nearly two years after the famous pair first split up and he spiraled out of control.

In the premiere of Keeping Up With the Kardashians Season 11 last weekend, Lamar’s ex revealed that she still regularly checks up on Odom.

“I don’t believe in just acting like that relationship never existed,” Kardashian said at one point, and this valid statement also begs the question:

Will we see Lamar accost Khloe at SoulCycle on the E! show? Guess we’ll have to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online and find out.