Showing posts with label Suing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suing. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2 Chainz Still Considering Suing Walmart Over Dabbin" Santa Sweaters

2 Chainz says he’s still on the fence over taking Walmart to court for allegedly ripping off his Dabbin’ Santa sweaters … but sounds like he’s leaning toward a phone call to his lawyers. We got the rapper at LAX and asked if he was following…


Friday, December 29, 2017

Jeff Ross and Dave Chappelle Say Guy Suing Iliza Shlesinger "F***ing Crazy," "P***y"

Jeff Ross thinks the guy who is suing “Last Comic Standing” winner Iliza Schlesinger is a real “p***y” who needs to get a life. We got the famous roastmaster Thursday night at Craig’s in WeHo, and he scoffed at the lawsuit filed by George St.…


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

2 Chainz Claims Guy Suing Him Posed as Lawyers, Wants Rolls-Royce Suit Tossed

2 Chainz believes the guy suing him for an alleged unpaid Rolls-Royce tab tried to trick him into settling the case … by fraudulently posing as 2 different lawyers. The rapper claims Joshua Waddell of Highline Holdings Group sent him texts in…


Monday, December 18, 2017

Ex-"Bridalplasty" Contestant"s Widower Suing Late Wife"s Estate

The husband of a former contestant on the reality show “Bridalplasty” who was murdered by her lover is suing her estate to get money he says he paid to pay her debts. Derek Michael Harryman claims he’s out $ 235,622.63 after making repairs to the…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Terry Crews Suing Agent Adam Venit for Sexual Assault

Terry Crews is suing the agent he claims groped him at a Hollywood party … TMZ has learned. Crews is suing agent Adam Venit for allegedly grabbing his junk at an event last year. The actor has already filed a police report claiming sexual assault…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Farrah Abraham: I Didn"t Get Paid for My Porn! I"m Suing!

Ever since Farrah Abraham ranted about being fired from Teen Mom OG, the world has been wondering why it happened, how it happened, and if it happened. This is Farrah we’re talking about, folks.

Only we’re now learning that Farrah isn’t just having issues with MTV. She’s apparently having issues with the porn company that employed her.

So much so that Farrah is suing them for thousands of dollars that she says that they owe her. This is gonna be fun.

You know in sitcoms or romantic comedies or whatever when there’s a male character who’s hooking up with two women and he knows that he has to choose … but waits too long and ends up losing them both?

Well, that appears to be what happened with Farrah Abraham.

But instead of losing two lovers, she maybe lost two different sources of income. Two jobs.

Whatever happened with MTV — because there’s still a lot that’s unclear, especially after Farrah Abraham said that she wasn’t fired — Farrah appears to be in hot water.

Allegedly, this is over her sex work.

On the one hand, obviously, sex work is a valid form of employment and sex workers don’t deserve the kind of stigma that they receive.

(Though it’s possible that sex workers don’t really want Farrah Abraham working as their champion, because of her … personality issues)

On the other hand, if Farrah’s sex work is a clear violation of her contract with MTV, then that’s another matter.

Plenty of jobs have exclusivity clauses — though reality stars tend to get money from multiple sources, capitalizing on their fame.

Plenty of jobs have “morality” clauses, which tend to have less to do with actual right and wrong and more to do with things that they worry will make them look bad. Something like that could be at play, here.

But questioning the grounds on which Farrah Abraham — the how of it all — might be less important than the why.

Does MTV really get its garters in a twist over sex work? Farrah’s brand of sex work is completely legal.

When Farrah Abraham strips down and masturbates on camera, the only “bad” thing about the livestream is that Farrah’s involved. Oh, and that the livestream might crash due to high demand.

(Yes, really)

The thing is that it sounds like the sex work, if it was even a real factor, might just be an excuse.

A lot of people don’t like Farrah Abraham, and Farrah’s various Teen Mom costars may have banded together to get her booted off of the show.

That sounds awfully believable, though we wish that the impetus were one of Farrah’s racist rants, which are actual bad things.

If Farrah really is losing her Teen Mom job because of sex work, that’s extra bad, because things between her and CamSoda right now are … not good.

RadarOnline reports that Farrah Abraham is suing CamSoda, the company for which she previously livestreamed.

She is suing the company for $ 5,000, which Farrah says that they have wrongly withheld.

Farrah’s legal team’s letter to the porn company contains details.

“Ms. Abraham was to be paid a total of ten thousand dollars; half due within two business days of signing the Agreement, and the remainder due following the completion of the Session.”

First of all, 10 grand is a lot more than most camgirls make, but most camgirls aren’t celebrities.

“Ms. Abraham fulfilled her obligations under the contract, but despite this, CamSoda is willfully withholding the remaining $ 5,000 due under the Agreement, thereby constituting a material breach of contract.”

According to the letter, CamSoda’s issue is that Farrah wasn’t wearing CamSoda merch … and said less than nice things about the company on social media.

“[Abraham] did not disrobe during the session; and allegedly disparaged CamSoda on social media.”

We can see how both of those wouldn’t sit right with CamSoda.

“With respect to not disrobing, there is no requirement under the Agreement for Ms. Abraham to disrobe or be fully nude.”

That’s a surprise. You might want to include that in writing next time, CamSoda.

“To the contrary, the Agreement specifically states that ‘Performer shall interact with and respond to various users during the Session as Company and Performer may agree.’ Ms. Abraham complied with this obligation and it was CamSoda who unilaterally decided to cut the Session short.”

So … Farrah started a livestream but didn’t get a chance to get into it, then the bosses cut things short, and then Farrah said some unkind things about the company — allegedly. That’s the issue, right?

The letter goes on to say that CamSoda needs to cough up that 5 grand, or Farrah will seek damages and compensation for legal fees to the tune of $ 75,000.

It sounds like two things are going on here.

One, Farrah — like with MTV — voiced her criticism of a company employing her and didn’t except any consequences. Don’t do that, folks.

Two, it sounds like CamSoda is having buyer’s remorse when it comes to Farrah.

Our thoughts? Unless Farrah really did violate their agreement, it sounds like CamSoda might owe her a little cash. Maybe they should just pay her … and then not hire her again, now that they know what she’s like to work with.

In the mean time, we’ll keep trying to figure out if she’s actually been fired from Teen Mom OG or if she’s just … being Farrah.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Dana White Says Gym Guy Suing Michael Bisping Is a "F**king P***y"

Dana White absolutely UNLEASHED on the guy suing Michael Bisping for allegedly attacking him at the gym … saying the dude is a “f**king p**sy” who talked trash and couldn’t back it up. The UFC honcho still hasn’t talked to Bisping about the…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Actress Dominique Huett Is Suing Weinstein Co. After Alleged Assault

An actress has sued The Weinstein Company, claiming what other women have alleged … that Harvey Weinstein lured her into the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills, demanded a massage and then forced oral sex on her. Dominique Huett filed the lawsuit,…


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Blac Chyna: Suing the ENTIRE Kardashian Family!

If you followed their relationship and subsequent bitter breakup, then you know that Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna aren’t on the friendliest of terms with one another.

Even thougn Rob and Blac were never married, there messy split has already landed them in front of a judge on more than one occasion, with several future court dates on the horizon.

Disputes over custody of Dream Kardashian have caused much of the wrangling, but the former couple’s legal beefs don’t end there.

For starters, Rob may still wind up in hot water as a result of the public temper tantrum that led him to post nude photos of Blac without her consent.

After that incident, Blac got a restraining order against Rob, and she’ll likely come after him for monetary damages at some point in the future.

But for now, Chyna has bigger fish to fry.

After all, Rob might live the lavish life of a Kardashian, but he’s not the one bringing in all that cash.

It’s Kim and company that have the really deep pockets, a fact that Blac is no doubt well aware of.

So it should come as no surprise that the mother of two has filed suit against the entire Kardashian family, claiming that they masterminded a campaign to get E! network execs to cancel the reality show in which she co-starred with ROb.

When Rob & Chyna was canceled back in March, the news didn’t come as much of a surprise.

The couple had already broken up and ratings for the series had steadily declined throughout its first season.

But Blac says the network didn’t care about all that, and the second season was a go–until the Kardashians began to interfere.

According to documents filed by Blac’s attorneys today, Kris Jenner and her daughters used their “power and influence over the E! network to kill the second season.” 

Chyna is arguing that the Kards believed the show was damaging to their reputation and decided to shut it down.

Her lawyers will likely point out that Kylie Jenner’s spinoff Life of Kylie actually had lower ratings than Rob & Blac for most of its run, but it’s rumored to have been picked up for a second season.

Unfortunately for Blac, the Kardashians will likely have no difficulty fending off this lawsuit.

According to TMZ, Blac made production impossible by refusing to be in the same room with Rob.

Execs say the hassle wasn’t worth the lackluster ratings and they made the decision to cancel the show with no input from the Kardashians.

Can’t blame a girl for trying, though!


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Kim Zolciak: SUING NeNe Leakes for Calling Her a Racist!

You always assume that at least a decent chunk of the drama on the Real Housewives franchise is because everyone knows that the camera is there. People want screentime, they want fans, they want gifs, and they know that stirring drama and acting out can get that for them.

But sometimes, those conflicts spill off of the show and even off of social media. And now the feud between two stars of The Real Housewives of Atlanta could be on its way to court.

Kim Zolciak is fuming at NeNe Leakes’ recent comments, and it’s enough that she’s hired a lawyer. Oh, boy.

The long-standing (thought occasionally on-again, off-again) feud between NeNe Leakes and Kim Zolciak has been a real asset to The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

People don’t tune in to reality television to watch people getting along and talking about having their pool installed. They want conflict.

We don’t know that this says anything great about human nature, but peaceful coexistence is not entertainment.

Anyway, unfortunately, when it comes to reality shows, the line between what’s just for show and what’s personal can so often become blurred.

The most recent spat between these two Housewives revolves around what NeNe Leakes said about Brielle Biermann.

Quite frankly, you don’t have to be Brielle’s mother to feel that NeNe crossed the line.

Basically what happened was that Brielle has been a tangential part of her mom’s feud with NeNe for a while.

We suppose that it’s not uncommon for adult daughters — Brielle is 20 years old and old enough to, you know, have opinions about her mom’s frenemies.

In a video that Brielle recorded at NeNe’s home, Brielle mentions what appears to be a roach infestation and shows footage of multiple dark beetles that appear to be roaches.


Let’s be clear — sometimes a few roaches can end up in someone’s house, especially if there’s a party where doors spend any amount of time being open. That’s just how life works. It doesn’t mean that the house is filthy or whatever.

And also, even extremely nice, clean homes can have infestations of multiple varieties. Sometimes it’s just a matter of where your house is located and what creatures live there.

NeNe did not appreciate Brielle’s video. At all.

She blasted Brielle Biermann in a public manner, telling her what to do with her appearance and calling her racist (a claim that NeNe has also made many times against Kim Zolciak).

Part of NeNe’s message was especially creepy and gross:

“We don’t have roaches! If you found 1, u brought it with u or it fell outta ur funky pussy!”


So Kim Zolciak apparently decided that enough was enough.

TMZ reports that the Don’t Be Tardy star hired an attorney at a high-powered law firm and is threatening to sue NeNe Leakes for millions if she doesn’t apologize to Kim and to her daughter.

Specifically, NeNe needs to apologize for calling them racist.

NeNe has made numerous comments on social media along these lines.

“Kim & her child did something very wrong & disgusting! Black people and roaches in the same sentence don’t work for me boo.”

(People of all races get bugs in their homes, NeNe)

NeNe has also said: “Kim & her daughter oops whole family are racists!”

In her rant against Brielle, NeNe included the tags “#racisttrash” and “#KKK.”

A lot of people in this world are racist and might not even realize it, though NeNe doesn’t seem eager to provide examples of racism (and also seems fine with Kim when they’re getting along).

But the “KKK” line is either the worst use of hyperbole that we’ve seen in a while or a serious accusation that deserves either evidence for why she thinks that the Zolciak-Biermann women are in a racist terrorist organization or a very solemn apology.

Again, there are countless instances of real-world racism. It gets people killed and it makes them feel like outsiders in their own communities.

For NeNe to throw around the word at Kim because they don’t get along, which is what appears to be happening, is unconscionable.

And if NeNe truly believes that they’re racists, she should present to the world whatever it is that makes her think that.

This is all right on the heels of NeNe Leakes wishing her heckler would get raped and then later issuing a less-than-perfect apology for it.

Yes she was sorry, but she should not have said that in the first place.

We know that NeNe has become famous for being such a reality television firebrand and saying whatever pops into her head, but even she needs to learn to filter or she’ll be doing a lot more apologizing in the future.

Or, if not apologizing, she just might end up paying for it — literally.


Monday, October 2, 2017

Danielle Mullins: Suing Mohamed Jbali! He Didn"t Give Her Sex, So She Wants His Cash!

Of all of the innumerable 90 Day Fiance couples, the bitterest have to be Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali.

There are a number of toxic relationships on that series, just like there are everywhere in life. But not everyone seeks to ruin their ex’s life.

Danielle, who still hasn’t been successful in getting Mohamed deported, seems to have switched tactics: she’s attempting to sue him.

Danielle and Mohamed split ages ago and filed for divorce, so you’d think that they’d be eager to move on with their lives.

Apparently not, though.

Danielle Mullins seems less interested in moving on and more interested in making sure that Mohamed cannot.

During their brief marriage, Danielle accused Mohamed of cheating on her. She also demanded that he have sex with her, because he was her husband.

For his part, Mohamed accused Danielle of some financial wrongdoings, of hiding her criminal background, and of having a foul body odor.

There’s clearly no love lost between the two, but Danielle isn’t just bitter — she seems to want revenge.

First, she’s been trying to get Mohamed deported.

They went through the K-1 visa process, so she’s not having an easy time just undoing that legal process.

She tried seeking an annulment, but was advised by her attorney that, since she and Mohamed had consummated their marriage, they’d need to just do a divorce.

The difference, of course, is that an annulment would have had different implications for Mohamed’s green card status.

Now, though, Danielle has switched tactics — because she’s suing Mohamed Jbali.

Starcasm obtained court documents that show that Danielle Mullins has filed suit against Mohamed Jbali to the tune of $ 12,500.

Danielle has lamented having spent money to fly Mohamed to the States.

Unlike a few 90 Day Fiance stars, she’s by no means a wealthy woman.

Of course, in order to actually try to sue Mohamed, she won’t just need to prove that he owes her money (a tricky thing, since he’s accused her of misusing his identity and finances).

She’ll also need for him to actually receive the summons.

Despite being active again on social media, Mohamed Jbali has reportedly still not actually received the summons in the weeks since Danielle filed suit.

In the past, he’s proven that he’s skilled at avoiding court documents and the people who deliver them. So … this should be interesting.

Mohamed isn’t exactly a wealthy man either.

However, we should note that he recently passed on a job opportunity that could have earned him $ 10,000 in one day.

It wasn’t a television appearance.

Mohamed Jbali expressed his frustration and disappointment that a porn company offered him the gig.

“Oh. My. God. So, you guys watched me on TV before, right? And you always see my posts here on my Instagram. Is there anything saying that I would be in an adult movie?”

It was an offer. His response was supposed to give them their answer.

“How stupid people are these days! How! A professional company — a professional, I mean, a production company, they send me a professional email offering me to fly to LA. Everything is paid, and they are willing to pay me a ten thousand dollars for one day of filming for an adult movie.”

That’s a good deal. A lot of top-notch professional porn stars can make a couple of thousand dollars in a day. And, again, they’re professionals.

Mohamed Jbali is a reality star, though. That counts for something.

“Like, how stupid is the person who thought about that? Before you offer something, you need to make sure that you’re offering to the right person. Crazy people! That’s all I can say.”

That’s not usually how offers work.

You offer someone something because they’d be a good fit, and then it’s up to them to respond.

Disappointingly, it looks like Mohamed might be one of those people who views sex work as shameful.

If it were just a personal preference, he could have just said “no.” Instead, he comes across as disgusted.

Like we said, it’s disappointing.

And we wonder if he’ll be singing a different tune if Danielle wins her lawsuit against him.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Bobbi Kristina"s Estate Joins Bobby Brown in Suing Over Biopic

Bobbi Kristina’s estate has now joined forces with Bobby Brown to stop TV One from doing a biopic on Bobbi Kristina’s life … TMZ has learned. Bobby has already filed suit, claiming the portrayal as a bad dad is defamatory. Bobbi Kristina’s estate…


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Usher Tells Judge The People Suing Me in Herpes Lawsuit are Liars

Usher just fired back at the 2 women and a man who claimed he exposed them to genital herpes … and he says it’s all BS. Usher’s legal team just filed a response to the California herpes lawsuit.  He denies everything … specifically, their…


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Kanye West is Suing His Insurers for $10 MILLION! Here"s Why!

Remember when Kanye West had a mental breakdown, checked himself into a hospital, and had to cancel his tour? Normally, some very pricey insurance policies cover that kind of situation.

But apparently things for Kanye aren’t working out and he’s suing his insurers for $ 10 million … and basically accusing them of being scammers.

And here we were thinking that the Smelly Vagina Lawsuit getting settled was interesting legal news!

Kanye has always been impulsive and outlandish.

It’s part of his brand.

A lot of people believed that maybe it was mostly an act.

People have had similar theories about plenty of stars who are known for being controversial or badly behaved.

Basically, people have trouble believing that a grown adult could act like some celebrities do, and so they imagine that it’s all a show.

In some cases, they’re absolutely right.

But things with Kanye were clearly more serious than a childlike lack of impulse-control.

In recent years, he’s done everything from tweet that Bill Cosby is innocent to beg Jay-Z to not have him murdered to making the irrational statement that, had he voted, he would have voted for Trump.

We’re not saying that every Trump supporter needs their head examined (just a packet of information and perhaps a compassionate lecture), but for Kanye, that was super unexpected and Kanye is, um, not quite Trump’s demographic.

Things got worse last December and, as we later learned, Kanye was suffering from severe psychosis from exhaustion.

The tour was canceled, tickets were refunded, and the costs of shutting down were supposed to be covered by Kanye’s company’s insurance policy.

Well, apparently his insurers — various syndicates of Lloyd’s of London, which sounds shadier than it’s supposed to but that might be appropriate in this case — responded to his team filing an insurance claim by basically taking every measure possible to prove that they weren’t liable.

Many people have had tough dealings with insurance adjusters, but this sounds like it’s on a whole other level.

The Hollywood Reporter obtained details of Kanye’s lawsuit, including the precise wording of the complaint that Kanye’s legal team has filed.

Strap in, folks, because this is possibly the most entertaining legal document that you’re going to read for a good long while.

“[The insurers haven’t] provided anything approaching a coherent explanation about why they have not paid, or any indication if they will ever pay or even make a coverage decision.”

Does anybody else notice a hint of sass in that?

“Implying that Kanye’s use of marijuana may provide them with a basis to deny the claim and retain the hundreds of thousands of dollars in insurance premiums paid by Very Good.”

By Very Good, they mean Very Good Touring, Inc, which sounds like a lazy parody but it’s just the name of Kanye’s touring company.

Kanye’s legal team accuses these insurers of more than just screwing over Kanye’s company, though:

“The stalling is emblematic of a broader modus operandi of the insurers of never-ending post-claim underwriting where the insurers hunt for some contrived excuse not to pay.”

Did you get that?

Basically, Kanye’s accusing these syndicates of accepting massive sums of money (insurance premiums) and then searching for any loophole that keeps them from having to pay anything back when a claim is filed.

That’s not how insurance companies are supposed to operate.

“Almost immediately after the claim was submitted, Defendants selected legal counsel to oversee the adjustment of the claim, instead of the more normal approach of retaining a non-lawyer insurance adjuster.”

That sounds shady, right?

Kanye’s team thinks so.

“Immediately turning to legal counsel made it clear that Defendants’ goal was to hunt for any ostensible excuse, no matter how fanciful, to deny coverage or to maneuver themselves into a position of trying to negotiate a discount on the loss payment.”

It’s an insurance adjuster’s job to make sure that nobody’s filing a false claim, but companies are supposed to pay out when an honest claim is filed.

Kanye’s lawyer, Howard King, has an incredibly well-written statement on the case.

“Performing artists who pay handsomely to insurance companies within the Lloyd’s of London marketplace to obtain show tour ‘non-appearance or cancelation’ insurance should take note of the lesson to be learned from this lawsuit:”

Clearly, he’s going right for their reputation.

“Lloyd’s companies enjoy collecting bounteous premiums; they don’t enjoy paying claims, no matter how legitimate. Their business model thrives on conducting unending ‘investigations,’ of bona fide coverage requests, stalling interminably, running up their insured’s costs, and avoiding coverage decisions based on flimsy excuses.”

Then comes the best line:

“The artists think they they’re buying peace of mind. The insurers know they’re just selling a ticket to the courthouse.”

If that’s any indication, it sounds like Kanye’s getting his money’s worth out of his attorney.

If only he’d had that kind of luck with his tour’s insurers, huh?

That said … so far, we’ve only heard one side of the story.

We’d be very eager to hear what Lloyd’s of London’s insurers have to say in response.


Friday, July 28, 2017

"Game of Thrones" Star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Suing Ex-Manager Over "Sham" Deal

“Game of Thrones” star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau claims he got duped into signing a deal that sucked money out of his pockets, but his former manager says he’s forgetting some facts. Nikolaj — who plays Ser Jaime Lannister on ‘GoT’ — filed docs…


"Game of Thrones" Star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Suing Ex-Manager Over "Sham" Deal

“Game of Thrones” star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau claims he got duped into signing a deal that sucked money out of his pockets, but his former manager says he’s forgetting some facts. Nikolaj — who plays Ser Jaime Lannister on ‘GoT’ — filed docs…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Josh Duggar: Suing Cops For Releasing Molestation Documents!

Back in May of 2015, the world was shocked to learn that beloved Duggar family of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting had spent the better part of a decade concealing a terrible secret:

On more than one occasion, eldest son Josh Duggar molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters.

Astonishingly, the bulk of the family’s outrage in the weeks after the revelation was directed not at Josh, but at the law enforcement officials and news media that unearthed his crimes.

Last month, we reported that victims Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy-Anna Duggar are suing police releasing reports detailing Josh’s now-admitted molestation of his four siblings.

The siblings also plan to go after In Touch magazine, which was the first media outlet to publish those reports.

Experts have long predicted that the Duggars would make such a move in an effort to protect their family secrets from further encroachment, and the four women made it official when they filed suit in Springdale, Arkansas on May 18.

What was far less anticipated, however, was perpetrator Josh’s decision to follow his sisters’ lead and file a lawsuit of his own.

Yes, TMZ is reporting today that Josh is suing police and city officials for releasing documents pertaining to his child molestation case.

In a move that would almost be humorous if it weren’t so revolting, Josh is playing the victim and claiming that police traumatized him by allowing news of his sex crimes to go public.

Documents filed by his lawyers argue that Josh has been “victimized and forced to relieve the painful and difficult circumstances of a traumatic experience as a juvenile.”

Like his sisters, Josh is seeking damages from Springdale, Arkansas police, city and county prosecutors and the publishers of In Touch.

Unfortunately for Josh, he might end up dredging the whole hideous case back into the spotlight, only to have the plaintiffs get off on a technicality.

Josh’s lawyers are clinging to the argument that it was unlawful for police to release the documents because Josh was (just barely) a minor when the crimes were committed.

As city officials have pointed out in the past, however, he was not a minor when Springdale police complied with In Touch’s Freedom of Information Act request.

One would think that Josh would prefer be attempting to move on from all this ugliness rather than taking such a tremendous chance on a cash grab.

But then again, of all the things Josh Duggar has been accused of, being especially bright is not one of them.

Watch Counting On online to marvel at how a family with so much darkness manages to maintain a facade of sweetness and light.


Thursday, May 25, 2017

UFC"s Angela Magana Says She"s Suing Cris "Cyborg" Justino Over Punch Incident (VIDEO)

UFC fighter Angela Magana says Cris ‘Cyborg’ Justino is gonna pay for punching her in the face this past weekend … telling TMZ Sports she’s lawyer’d up and is ready to sue. We spoke to Magana who says she’s “most definitely” suing Cyborg for…


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Barry White"s Son Suing Late Singer"s Estate and Widow

Barry White’s son is almost broke and nearly homeless … and he claims it’s all because he’s getting the raw end of the deal from his father’s trust. Darryl White is suing the legendary singer’s estate and Barry’s widow, Glodean White, saying…


Barry White"s Son Suing Late Singer"s Estate and Widow

Barry White’s son is almost broke and nearly homeless … and he claims it’s all because he’s getting the raw end of the deal from his father’s trust. Darryl White is suing the legendary singer’s estate and Barry’s widow, Glodean White, saying…
