Showing posts with label Teigen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teigen. Show all posts

Thursday, June 15, 2017

John Legend and Chrissy Teigen Have Felt Right at Home on Tour

John Legend has been treated to family-style digs while touring around the country, which is perfect since he’s brought his wife and kid along for part of the ride. John’s currently on tour and Chrissy Teigen and…


Chrissy Teigen to John Legend: No More Doggy Style for You!

Chrissy Teigen’s an absolute treasure and one of our favorite celebrities.

But this time she’s shared a little too much information. Like, she’s overshared before, but this is really pushing the envelope.

It’s about her sex life with John Legend, and it reveals as much about what they don’t do in the bedroom as it does about what they do.

So the unofficial Queen of Twitter did this Marie Claire interview for the July cover and, somehow, shared an anecdote about her anus. Like you do.

“John and I had a double date, and we were joking around, and I go, ‘John’s never seen my butthole."”

We still don’t really understand how this came up in the interview, but we can guess ways that it came up on a double-date.

Like, maybe they were talking about sex acts, which isn’t uncommon among friends.

Maybe they were talking about anal bleaching.

Maybe they were talking about that infamous “6,000 RIM Jobs on the LIne” headline that’s been circulating the internet for years (yes, that’s a real headline that slipped past somebody’s editor).

That line alone tells you that this darling celebrity couple’s sex life is almost shockingly tame. The statistics are that over a third of straight women will admit to doing butt stuff with their boyfriends (who knows how high the percentage really is, you know?).

But we guess that Chrissy and John keep things simple.

Or maybe wild but in some other way.

Based on this interview, she may one day just tell us, because she shares even more information with her next line:

“And John says, ‘Are you kidding? Every time anyone does anything doggy style, you see a butthole. I see it every time."”

We don’t need to explain how the butt and hips are positioned for that, right?

“I was like, ‘We are never doing it doggy style again."”

Now, Chrissy Teigen is seldom serious.

Unless she’s blasting a certain orange-in-chief on Twitter.

So, at first, we wondered if this is even too much information or if it’s just misinformation told for humorous purposes.

It’s not like John Legend is going to issue a press release denying her claims or anything.

That would be the weirdest press release ever … and also super out of character for this couple.

But Chrissy Teigen acknowledges in that same interview that she overshares, and she comes across as totally relatable.

“I’m the person who had the fake ID in high school and college, and I would show it and be like, ‘I’m sorry; it’s fake,’ and run off.”

That sounds like anxiety, and she gets that.

“I don’t know if it’s way too honest or way too anxious — maybe it’s a combo of both.”

That really resonates with me.

And that sounds like anxiety rather than honesty.

There are some extraordinary liars in the world, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t turn into anxious wrecks under certain situations.

Just like there are history supernerds who could never go on a game show because they freeze up under that kind of pressure.

Impulsive oversharing, especially to get a laugh out of someone, can be a huge (if usually positive) symptom of anxiety.

And Chrissy’s even overshared photos of her body before, so we’re not surprised.

Anyway, that was perhaps the most charming interview that we’ve ever read about anyone’s butthole.

But it was still more than we asked for, or needed, about their sex life.

Like, not that Chrissy Teigen and John Legend aren’t very attractive and all that.

But this is gonna make it weird the next time that we reply to one of Chrissy Teigen’s tweets with “mom.”


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Chrissy Teigen: Of COURSE I"ve Had Plastic Surgery!

Chrissy Teigen is absolutely delightful, just a real and true gem.

One of the things that we love about her — and let’s be real, there’s a long, long list — is her honesty. Girl does not hold back about anything, and it’s always wonderful to see.

And earlier this week at a promotional event, Chrissy really let some home truths fly.

See, she’s doing a new makeup palette in collaboration with Becca Cosmetics, and at a launch party for the product on Thursday night, she told reporters that she’d had plastic surgery.

Extensive plastic surgery, even.

One of the things she claimed to have done, odd as it may seem, is liposuction on her armpits.

“I had an armpit sucked out, which was one of the best things,” she said. “It’s a big secret, but I don’t care.”

“It was nine years ago or so,” she continued. “And it added two inches to my arms. Now it’s back though, so now I gotta pay for [liposuction] again.”

She said that it was “so easy,” and that “It made me feel better in strapless dresses, and I felt more confident.”

“It was the dumbest, stupidest thing I’ve ever done. The dumbest, but I like it, whatever. I have no regrets, honestly.”

It sounds weird when you first think about it — liposuction in the armpit, that is — but it sort of makes sense, doesn’t it?

And if it makes her feel more confident, then more power to that armpit fat removal!

But the liposuction wasn’t the only cosmetic procedure Chrissy admitted to — she also said “Everything else is fake, but my cheeks are real.”

“Women are like, ‘those fake-ass cheeks,’ and I’m like, No! This is my real face!”

She even pointed at her nose, her lips and her forehead, saying “Fake, fake, fake.”

Those who heard her firsthand say that she was obviously joking about having plastic surgery on her face, and most reasonable people reading it would figure that out, too.

But goodness knows that the vast majority of internet users are not reasonable people.

After her quotes began circulating, several outlets and readers took her joke as fact, so much so that Chrissy had to hop on Twitter to set the record straight.

“Reminder to never ever joke, ever,” she wrote. 

However, she did clarify that “I did to the armpits, no regrets except it clearly came back.”

She adorably added “You think I’d have this ass if I’d done extensive work? Like who would ask for this ass.”

Oh, Chrissy. Never, ever change.


Sunday, April 30, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Shows Off Cleavage Going Shopping With Baby Luna in NYC (PHOTOS)

Chrissy Teigen is one hot mama … which her baby, Luna, reminds us of very well here. Chrissy went shopping Saturday with her super-duper cute 1-year-old daughter in New York City. Naturally, Chrissy was showing plenty of cleavage in her model mom…


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Pays Tuition For Aspiring Beauty Student

Chrissy Teigen just helped one aspiring skin care expert by taking a huge load off her shoulders … she’s paying for the student’s tuition. The student, a woman named Mercedes — a self proclaimed skin care expert — recently reached out to her…


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Puts Finishing Touches on Luna"s First Birthday Cake (VIDEO)

Chrissy Teigen’s not one to get iced out of the fun … so she took the pastry bag into her own hands to add the finishing touches to her daughter Luna’s birthday cake. We got Chrissy at Duff’s Cakemix in West Hollywood … looking like she’s…


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Chrissy Teigen to Fox News: Leave Me the Eff Alone!

Chrissy Teigen has a message for Fox News.

And the message goes something like this:


We’re not really exaggerating.

The outspoken Teigen was one of several celebrities to speak out on social media this week after United Airlines refused to allow two girls in leggings to board a flight.

(Really. This actually happened.)

In response to the viral flap, Teigen jumped on Twitter and wrote the following on Sunday night:

“I have flown united before with literally no pants on. Just a top as a dress. Next time I will wear only jeans and a scarf.’

Classic Chrissy Teigen, right?

She’s never shied away from commenting on a scandal or from using social media as a platform for snark and political commentary.

In light of this controversy, Fox News teased its story on the United Airlines decision by tagging Teigen in its own Tweet, as you can see below.

And, as you can also see below, Teigen did not take too kindly being referenced in such a manner:

ct tweet

“@FoxNews I respectfully ask you please don’t ever tag me in anything, ever,” she calmly wrote back, adding for a bit more emphasis:

“Words cannot explain how much I detest you.”


We’re sorry if you’re a Fox News viewer or fan, but come on: that’s pretty funny.

While many voiced their support for Teigen, the model was also the butt of quite a few jokes and insults.

Not all Twitter users appreciated her feelings for the popular cable network, with some out there telling Chrissy to “to get a grip” and “keep spreading that #FakeNews.”

teigen response

We somehow doubt Teigen was too bothered by these replies, however.

She already made enemies with a number of Republicans back in December when she taunted Trump about his failure to convince any stars to perform at his inauguration.

“We ALL know you are dying without the approval, dear,” she wrote to the President at the time.

Teigen’s even more famous half, meanwhile, has also beefed with Trump. 

Or at least with a member of the Trump family, calling out Donald Trump Jr. for his dad being an outright racist.

As for how Legend feels about Teigen’s response to Fox News?

Is he ashamed? Embarrassed? Does he wish his wife would keep her thoughts to herself sometimes?

Not exactly…

legends tweet

And we love this couple!


Friday, March 24, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Wants Trump Out ... Pence Would be Better (VIDEO)

Chrissy Teigen would take President Mike Pence over President Trump if push came to shove. We got the model leaving LAX Thursday with her new baby, Luna, and she tells us she could swallow a Pence presidency … but it sounds like she’d still be…


Monday, March 6, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Admits to Postpartum Depression: Read Her Essay

Those who follow Chrissy Teigen on social media likely think of the model as a generally funny and upbeat individual.

She has no problem getting drunk and Tweeting a photo of her stretch marks, for instance.

Or grabbing her boobs for all to see while on board one of the most famous amusement park rides on the planet.

But Teigen opens way up in the new issue of Glamour, admitting that she has suffered from an illness that afflicts millions of women every year… even if you’d never know by looking at her.

“I’ll just say it: I have post partum depression,” Teigen wrote on Instagram as a preview of this cover story, adding:

“So much love to @glamourmag for letting me share something that was eating me up inside for months and months.

“One of the most amazing things about social media is the ability to interact candidly with friends and fans and it felt so weird knowing what I was going through but not really feeling like it was the right place to speak on it.

“I’ve always felt genuinely close to all of you and I’m insanely relieved you now know something that has been such a huge part of me for so long.”

Teigen then linked to the Glamour article itself.

At the outset of the piece, the wife of John Legend explains how she felt an unexpected sadness soon after giving birth to daughter Luna last year.

She initially chalked this feeling up to her living situation; she, Legend and their child were residing in a hotel while their home was under construction.

“But I was different than before,” she wrote.

“Getting out of bed to get to set on time was painful. My lower back throbbed; my shoulders – even my wrists – hurt. I didn’t have an appetite.

“I would go two days without a bite of food, and you know how big of a deal food is for me. One thing that really got me was just how short I was with people.”

Typically a nice person and an outgoing person, “I couldn’t figure out why I was so unhappy,” Teigen shares.

She went on to detail her experience as follows:

I blamed it on being tired and possibly growing out of the role: ‘Maybe I’m just not a goofy person anymore. Maybe I’m just supposed to be a mom.’

John would sleep on the couch with me, sometimes four nights in a row. I started keeping robes and comfy clothes in the pantry so I wouldn’t have to go upstairs when John went to work.

There was a lot of spontaneous crying.

Teigen couldn’t figure out why she was in so much physical pain, either.

“John sat next to me. I looked at my doctor, and my eyes welled up because I was so tired of being in pain. Of sleeping on the couch. Of waking up throughout the night. Of throwing up. Of taking things out on the wrong people. Of not enjoying life. Of not seeing my friends.

“Of not having the energy to take my baby for a stroll.”

Because this subject matter is so personal, we’re just going to keep quoting Teige word for word.

“My doctor pulled out a book and started listing symptoms. And I was like, ‘Yep, yep, yep.’ I got my diagnosis: postpartum depression and anxiety. (The anxiety explains some of my physical symptoms.)”.

Finally diagnosed, Teigen started to take an antidepressant and to be honest with people when asked what was the matter.

“I felt like everyone deserved an explanation, and I didn’t know how else to say it other than the only way I know: just saying it.

“It got easier and easier to say it aloud every time. (I still don’t really like to say, ‘I have postpartum depression,’ because the word depression scares a lot of people. I often just call it ‘postpartum.’ Maybe I should say it, though. Maybe it will lessen the stigma a bit.).”

Concluded the model, hoping to send a positive message to other new mothers:

“I just didn’t think it could happen to me. I have a great life. I have all the help I could need: John, my mother (who lives with us), a nanny. But postpartum does not discriminate. I couldn’t control it.

“And that’s part of the reason it took me so long to speak up: I felt selfish, icky, and weird saying aloud that I’m struggling. Sometimes I still do…

“I know I might sound like a whiny, entitled girl. Plenty of people around the world in my situation have no help, no family, no access to medical care. I can’t imagine not being able to go to the doctors that I need…

“I look around every day and I don’t know how people do it. I’ve never had more respect for mothers, especially mothers with postpartum depression.”

In the end, Teigen says she still goes some days without leaving the house.

She knows she’s lucky. She knows she’s well off and living in somewhat of a Hollywood bubble.

But she’s just like millions of other women when it comes to this deeply personal health issue.

“Physically, I still don’t have energy for a lot of things, but a lot of new moms deal with this,” she writes.

“Just crawling around with Luna can be hard. My back pain has gotten better, but my hands and wrists still hurt. And it can still be tough for me to stomach food some days.

“But I’m dealing.”

We admire Chrissy Teigen for being so open and honest and we wish her the best.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Falls Asleep at Oscars, Is All of Us

Chrissy Teigen did not make it through the entire Oscars telecast on Sunday night.

Which makes her very similar to millions of other viewers, considering the Academy Awards clocked in this year at nearly four hours.

But there was one major difference: Chrissy Teigen was actually AT the Academy Awards! She fell asleep while in attendance!

Thankfully, cameras captured Teigen catching some ZZZZs, prompting the Internet to have a bit of fun at the model"s expense. To wit…

1. Freaking Awesome

Freaking awesome

As if we could love Chrissy any more.

2. It Wasn’t Just Chrissy

It wasnt just chrissy

Meryl doesn’t look too excited here, either.

3. We Saw It, Alright!

We saw it alright

We’re guessing she was just conserving energy for that WILD ending.

4. Wait… Was This a Protest?!?

Wait was this a protest

Many women were displeased with Affleck’s win due to past allegations of sexual misconduct.

5. If You Were Married to John Legend…

If you were married to john legend

… wouldn’t you want to sleep with him as often as possible?

6. LMAO!


And may we add: LOL and Teigen FTW!

View Slideshow

Monday, February 6, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Slips a Nip: See It Here!

Thanks to an astute and/or overly curious Super Bowl viewer on Sunday night, Chrissy Teigen suffered a wardrobe malfunction.

Kind of. Sort of.

But only if you were to look really hard for it.

The model was relaxing in a suite at NRG Stadium in Houston when cameras zoomed in on her and husband John Legend.

Teigen was not wearing a bra under a fishnet keyhole top and brown duster jacket for the big game, meaning her nipple was showing through just a little bit.

A very, VERY little bit.

But that was all it took for one Twitter user to zoom in on Teigen"s semi-exposed chest and to then share the small nip slip online.

Naturally, because men loves boobs, the video quickly went viral, racking up over a million views in just a few hours.

When word of the video reached Teigen, she reacted in typically awesome and relaxed Chrissy Teigen manner, simply Tweeting:

"boom goes the dynamite."

Yup. That was it.

Imagine if Janet Jackson had responded in similar fashion back in 2004. Perhaps NippleGate could have been avoided.

Okay, probably not.

Check out the the second most viral moment from a stadium suite (second only to Gisele going bonkers, of course) from last night"s Super Bowl below:

Chrissy teigen slips a nip reacts just like chrissy teigen

Friday, February 3, 2017

Chrissy Teigen & John Legend Buried in Sugar (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend got sweet and sticky on camera, and as a result … they’ve scored a mountain of her fave candy. Chrissy posted a video of herself enjoying Fun Dip and convincing John to suck it — the Dip stick –…


Chrissy Teigen & John Legend Buried in Sugar (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend got sweet and sticky on camera, and as a result … they’ve scored a mountain of her fave candy. Chrissy posted a video of herself enjoying Fun Dip and convincing John to suck it — the Dip stick –…


Friday, December 16, 2016

Chrissy Teigen Denies Rampant Rumors She"s Sexy (VIDEO)

Chrissy Teigen doesn’t think she’s all that, but we’ll have to respectfully disagree. We got Chrissy leaving LAX Friday, where we gave her props on her HOT workout video … and asked if she sides with folks who say she looks better now than before…


Chrissy Teigen LOVES Working Out with Wine and Fries (VIDEO)

Chrissy Teigen has the best holiday diet plan we’ve ever seen, and thankfully she’s introducing it in a tiny leotard … and NO bra. Chrissy did her take on ’80s aerobics videos — shout-out to Olivia Newton-John — for LOVE magazine’s advent, and…


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Chrissy Teigen to Kim Kardashian: I"ll Be Your Surrogate, Girl!

Hold on tight, because things are about to get adorable in here.

Hey, it’s Chrissy Teigen — it’s not like there could be any other possible outcome.

See, Chrissy is tight with the Kardashians, specifically with Kim Kardashian.

And so of course she’s familiar with the situation with Kim’s reproductive system. You know, the thing where, if tries to carry a third child, she could “bleed to death.”

On the latest episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim explained her predicament.

“I’ve been thinking I would love to maybe have another baby,” she said.

And honestly, with as cute as North and Saint are, we would love for her to have another baby, too.

“But I had two really difficult pregnancies and really difficult deliveries, so getting pregnant again, it’s something that does concern me,” she added.

“I’ve come to the conclusion that I just want to explore surrogacy.”

And that’s where Chrissy Teigen comes in.

In this adorable new interview, Chrissy reveals “I would be her surrogate in a second.”

“I really enjoyed the pregnancy process,” she continues. “I loved it. Yes. In a heartbeat.”

“Whatever she does is gonna work out for the best, and it’s gonna be beautiful either way.”

What a gem, right?

Chrissy sounds sincere about this, and if she is, then Kim really might take her up on her offer.

As Kim said on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the idea of having a baby through surrogacy concerns her because she wouldn’t have any control over how the surrogate would care for herself while pregnant.

A woman could get a Kimye embryo put inside her uterus and then go crazy in any number of ways — it really must be scary to consider.

But if Kim had a close friend who was willing to carry her baby for her, a friend who she trusted to make good, healthy choices for her baby — a friend like Chrissy — well, then this whole crazy thing might work.

And just think how adorable Chrissy was when she was pregnant with her own daughter, Luna.

OK, and now think about how beautiful Kim’s babies are.

Combine those two precious facts, and really there’s just no way Chrissy carrying Kim’s baby wouldn’t be the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to us all.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Chrissy Teigen SLAMMED for Mishandling Her Baby

The internet trolls are out in full force, y’all. 

Chrissy Teigen was at the center of a baby scandal last night, when one of her Twitter followers shared a pic and captioned it, “@ChrissyTeigen, this is not how a baby is held!!!!” 

Chrissy clapped back pretty hard, though, and said, “Really, because that’s the way I’m f–king holding her.” 

After she left the fan stunned, the user didn’t take Teigen’s comment lying down. 

She said, “I don’t give a crap where that baby popped out from!” 

“Do not hold a baby like a handbag!” 

First off, there’s nothing wrong with the way Teigen’s holding baby Luna. 

That’s absurdity. 


Teigen’s comeback to that quip is better than anything we can dream up. 

“Well you hold your handbag like a f–king idiot, then,” she wrote. 


She continued on her tirade and said, “Let me know how you hold your baby when she’s about [to get] into a stroller and there are 20 camera flashes at night.” 

“Photos are literally split-second moments in time that evolve.” 

“I despise mommy-shamers,” she spat. 

“I am a proud shamer of mommy-shamers.” 

You get it, girl! 

She wrote the follower off with “Please, do shut up.” 

This isn’t the first time Chrissy’s been slammed for her parenting methods, which, by all accounts, are perfectly acceptable and natural. 

A week after giving birth, Teigen the Terrible had the audacity to go out for dinner – in public, with her husband – and Chrissy was slammed over her newborn daughter again.

The internet, predictably, went nuts

Her critics accused her of being a bad mother, in addition to being addicted to the spotlight, among other insults. 

The next morning, Teigen responded, “I went to dinner. People are pissed. Good morning!” 

“I never wanted to leave my daughter,” she continued. 

“I love her, but that’s just me,” she quipped. “The passive-aggressiveness is real!” 

Hubby John Legend took the bad parenting fall on that one though.

On Twitter, he wrote, “Funny there’s no dad-shaming.” 

“When both of us go out to dinner, shame both of us so Chrissy doesn’t have to take it all.” 

“We’ll split it,” he added. 

The other funny thing is that people feel the need to comment on parenting methods that don’t involve accused drug dealer Jon Gosselin

Get off their d–ks, y’all. 


Monday, October 17, 2016

Chrissy Teigen: Nude on Instagram, Stretch Marks and All!

Chrissy Teigen is beautiful both inside and out – but often more times than not, it’s the outside that we’re checking into. 

Teigen shared a nude snap featuring her husband, John Legend, and her body was absolutely inspired. 

In the photo, you can see the stretch marks that she’s so proud of – girl, we’re proud of them too; have you seen your child lately? – as well as normal, natural skin texture variances. 

She simply shared the pic to wish a friend a happy birthday, which seems a little excessive just for a birthday …

But don’t get us wrong: there’s zero complaining happening this morning. 

Chrissy is simply flawless in her human flaws. 

We adore this girl more than we can say, except for the part, perhaps, where she so vehemently supports Kim Kardashian’s every move. 

In a recent interview, Teigen spoke out about Kim’s robbery – a contentious topic to be sure, but not even Kim deserves what she went through. 

Teigen, in a sit-down with Us magazine, said that her “heart sank” after she heard about friend Kim’s ordeal. 

“I was really scared,” she admitted. 

“I knew something was really wrong when that video of [Kanye West] running of stage [at the Meadows Music & Arts Festival] came about.”  

“He’s not the type to do that,” she continued. 

“I remember my heart sank, and to hear the full story, it was really scary.”

“It could have happened to anybody,” she reflected.

“Hearing the details and knowing she has babies at home, and that she’s so sweet, open, and honest, you don’t think this kind of thing could happen.” 

“[Kim and I] both live our lives like an open book,” she said about her friend.

“That’s why fans love her.”

“They love seeing the ins and outs of her life, their home, their relationship,” she continued.

“We share all of that and don’t think that someone dangerous could see that and do something violent with that information.”

“I share the inside of my home everyday,” she revealed.

“So many parts of our life we share.”

“But [Kim is] okay. Kim is okay, and it could have been so much more horrific, so we’re happy that she’s okay.”

We are too, if we’re completely honest.

Come on, now. 


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Chrissy Teigen: Look at My Stretch Marks!

Chrissy Teigen is good friends with Kim Kardashian.

The model recently sent the reality star flowers after Kim’s phone died.

Why do we bring this up? What point are we trying to make?

Only that Teigen may be pals with Kardashian, but she has a very different philosophy on weight loss than Kardashian.

For several months now, Kardashian has talked about nearly nothing except how she needs to drop 70 pounds.

She is desperate to return to her pre-baby weight, which is totally fine as a personal goal. But which sets a pretty terrible example for other new mothers out there.

Fortunately, Teigen is here to balance things out.

Chrissy and husband John Legend welcomed a baby girl named Luna into the world in April.

Since then, Teigen has been as open as one can be about every aspect of motherhood, including what it does to one’s body.

Back in the spring, for example, she shared a photo of her bruised thighs with visible stretch marks.

What was she thinking while doing so?

“I was actually just taking a picture of the bruises and then I saw the stretch marks in there,” she told Meredith Vieira at the time.

“I have those apps, the Facetune and Photoshopping ones, and I just didn’t feel like doing it anymore – and I’m never doing it again, because I think we forgot what normal people look like now.”

Yes, normal people. Normal people get stretch marks from giving birth.

Now, in a fresh attempt to keep it real, the 30-year-old model has taken to Snapchat to post an up-close and VERY personal look at her stretch marks, four months after becoming a first-time mother.

Chrissy Teigen marks

“lol my thighs have tributaries,” Teigen joked of the marks, including with this image a crying emoji.

This isn’t the first time Teigen has been brutally honest about life as a mother.

She once said that she feels like a cow for breastfeeding.

Is she in the same sort of mad rush to lose weight as her friend Kim Kardashian? Nope. Not at all

“You just realize you have to give yourself time and understand that you push out a baby, and it took this long to put on the weight, and it’s not going to peel right off, and that’s OK,” she told E! News in July.

“Enjoy your baby. Don’t go crazy.”

That’s terrific advice.

We’d like to see her offer it to Kim.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Kim Kardashian Mourns Death of Blackberry, Chrissy Teigen Sends Flowers

Tragedy has struck Kim Kardashian"s digital world, and she may not be able to recover.

Kim shared the sad news with fans yesterday that her Blackberry Bold officially died.  It may have been the reality star"s most prized possession, and now she"s faced with a very difficult decision.

"Sooo my blackberry bold died," she tweeted on August 4th. I can"t find anymore on ebay."

Kim herself admitted that it was only a matter of time before the five-year-old phone would go to that electronic farm in the sky, but what does that mean for Kim?

"I knew this day would come & to be honest I"m prepared," she wrote.

"But the question is…. Do I try a different kind of blackberry?  Or ditch it all together? Or a different phone like Samsung?"

Chrissy Teigen sensed her friend"s devastation, and immediately sent her condolences, along with a huge bouquet of flowers.

"I"m so sorry for your loss," Chrissy wrote in an accompanying note.

"I know how much you loved your BB.  You were both very lucky to have each other, and you will always have the memories."

Kim was touched, and shared Chrissy"s condolences with her fan via Snapchat.

"How thoughtful is Chrissy?" Kim said.  "She just gets me."

Kim is still facing a tough decision.  In the past, the Forbes cover girl has shared that she prefers using a Blackberry keyboard as opposed to the iPhone"s because it"s easier to type on.

However, with fewer and fewer models offering that kind of keyboard design, Kim is researching other options.

"I need 2 phones," she tweeted. Because I love having 2 different phone services so I always have a working phone or another option is having 2 iPhones.

"I really want my blackberry bold though. Reality is starting to set in & I"m getting sad."

I actually have an old Blackberry Bold, which is now for sale to the highest bidder.

Kim kardashian mourns death of blackberry chrissy teigen sends f