Friday, August 5, 2016

Kim Kardashian Mourns Death of Blackberry, Chrissy Teigen Sends Flowers

Tragedy has struck Kim Kardashian"s digital world, and she may not be able to recover.

Kim shared the sad news with fans yesterday that her Blackberry Bold officially died.  It may have been the reality star"s most prized possession, and now she"s faced with a very difficult decision.

"Sooo my blackberry bold died," she tweeted on August 4th. I can"t find anymore on ebay."

Kim herself admitted that it was only a matter of time before the five-year-old phone would go to that electronic farm in the sky, but what does that mean for Kim?

"I knew this day would come & to be honest I"m prepared," she wrote.

"But the question is…. Do I try a different kind of blackberry?  Or ditch it all together? Or a different phone like Samsung?"

Chrissy Teigen sensed her friend"s devastation, and immediately sent her condolences, along with a huge bouquet of flowers.

"I"m so sorry for your loss," Chrissy wrote in an accompanying note.

"I know how much you loved your BB.  You were both very lucky to have each other, and you will always have the memories."

Kim was touched, and shared Chrissy"s condolences with her fan via Snapchat.

"How thoughtful is Chrissy?" Kim said.  "She just gets me."

Kim is still facing a tough decision.  In the past, the Forbes cover girl has shared that she prefers using a Blackberry keyboard as opposed to the iPhone"s because it"s easier to type on.

However, with fewer and fewer models offering that kind of keyboard design, Kim is researching other options.

"I need 2 phones," she tweeted. Because I love having 2 different phone services so I always have a working phone or another option is having 2 iPhones.

"I really want my blackberry bold though. Reality is starting to set in & I"m getting sad."

I actually have an old Blackberry Bold, which is now for sale to the highest bidder.

Kim kardashian mourns death of blackberry chrissy teigen sends f