Showing posts with label Thrones'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thrones'. Show all posts

Monday, August 14, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5 Recap: Gendry Has a Hammer!

The creators of Game of Thrones know when not to draw out a cliffhanger and they’re certainly not lacking for dramatic fodder these days, so it should come as no surprise that we were brought up to date on the fates of Jaime and Bronn at the start of this week’s episode.

They’re alive – but as their banter indicates, death is very much on their minds.

“Only I get to kill you,” Bronn tells Jaime, who seems amazed that he survived.

“She has two more,” says Jaime, marveling at the size and strength of Daenerys’ dragon.

From there, a Lannister reunion is foreshadowed, as Tyrion surveys the aftermath, no doubt wondering what he’s gotten himself into

The Khaleesi does what she does best – delivers a stirring speech to the peasants she just conquered, but this time, there’s a twist.

As she has all season, Daenerys a more ominous tone with her rhetoric, and along with all the promises to make Westeros great again, she informs her new subjects that if they refuse to bend the knee, they’ll be killed.

Predictably Randall Tarley refuses to pledge allegiance.

He’s joined by Dickon Tarley, who survived a fierce battle only to sacrifice himself to his father’s stubbornness.

Tyrion begs the Khaleesi to show some mercy, but she’s in righteous, Old Testament God mode these days, and she orders the show’s first executions by dragon.

Absolute power is doing a number on Dany’s psyche.

Back in King’s Landing, Jaime impresses upon Cersei the severity of the situation

In turn, she reminds him that suing for peace isn’t exactly an option.

Jaime finally tells Cersei that Olenna Tyrrell confessed to murdering Joffrey, and of course, her desire for vengeance is then ratcheted up to 14.

In Drgonstone, Jon attempts to make nice with Drogon, and more importantly, the Khaleesi

He also downplays the whole being killed by his own people and coming back to life thing

Continuing the breakneck pacing of this season, Jorah shows up on cue, and is welcomed back into the Khaleesi’s service.

With that, it’s back to the more mystical side of the story as Bran’s ravens survey a massive army of White Walkers before being repelled by the Night’s King

The elderly maesters of the Citadel are less than enthralled by Bran’s visions, but an impassioned plea (there are quite a few of those this episode) delivered by Sam convinces them to at least look into his claims.

One would think that as one of the few people who’s seen and killed a White Walker, Sam would be taken a bit more seriously on the subject. 

But apparently, the maesters have bigger matters on their minds.

The recent deaths of Sam’s father and brother aren’t weighing on them too heavily, as they fail to inform their errand boy that his family members were just roasted like disobedient marshmallows

Speaking of the Tarleys, Varys is clearly more troubled by Dany’s savagery than Tyrion.

Jon, meanwhile, decides that the whole zombie army business requires his immediate attention.

Tyrion proposes a plan to capture a Walker to put his dead ass on display for Cersei.

Davos agrees to smuggle him into King’s Landing, while Jorah decides he’s the best man to capture an undead soldier.

Jon convinces Daenerys to turn him loose, but he may have already lost the loyalty of his men in the North, who apparently wish they’d chosen Sansa as their ruler.

Arya is pissed that Sansa didn’t stand up for Jon, and she implores her sister to take a harder stance.

“Not if they lose their heads first” argues Arya, in her usual badass mode, when Sansa worries about losing Jon’s subjects.

Arya accuses Sansa of desiring greater power, a tense standoff ensues, and we’re reminded that amicable relationships among the Stark children are no more guaranteed than Dany’s status as a wise and benevolent ruler

Elsewhere, Tyrion and Jaime come face-to-face for the first time since the former fled King’s Landing.

The meeting is tense and emotionally fraught, but it seems Tyrion’s gamble may have paid off

Meanhwile, Davos prowls Fleabottom in search of a familiar face

The showrunners didn’t do such a splendid job of keeping his return a secret, but it’s still a delight to see that Gendry’s back.

And this time, he has a badass new weapon – a head-cracking hammer that he quickly puts to good use.

Davos tires to get some Goldcloaks off his ass with a little medieval Viagra, but even that can’t keep them from interfering when they see the famous Lannister dwarf piling into his boat

Fortunately, the encounter offers Gendry an opportunity to reclaim his place as a fan favorite who’s not to be effed with.

It turns out Cersei knew about Jaime’s meeting with Tyrion, but she’s surprisingly unbothered.

“Dead men, dragons, and dragon queens … whatever stands in our way, we will defeat it,” she tells her brother/lover/

And it’s then that Cersei reveals the source of her newfound determination – she’s pregnant.

As a reminder that she’s still queen, she leaves Jaime with a reminder to “never betray me again.”

In Dragonstone, Gendry reveals himself to Jon against Davos’ wishes.

The two bond over being the bastard sons of great men

Davos tries to talk Gendry out of entering the war effort, but his arguments fall on deaf ears

Jon and Dany have exchange a surprisingly affectionate farewell, and he sets sail for the North.

Meanwhile, inspired by his readings about some dead guy’s bowel movements, Sam decides to peace out from the Citadel in order to put his talents to use saving the world.

In keeping with what we learned about Jon’s past last season, Gilly casually mentions that Rhaegar Targaryen was married a second time.

As usual, Littlefinger is up to some shady business as usual, but this time, he has Arya on his ass

Of course, it’s hard to out-shady Littlefinger, so naturally, he’s one step ahead of her 

A less than cheery reunion takes place at the Wall, as Hound, the Brotherhood, Gendry, Jon, and so forth, all exchange grizzled war stories.

Jon’s empathy for Beric Dondarrion is sure to bolster fan theories that they’re both of the same mystical persuasion (“fire wights,” as George R.R. Martin recently revealed in an interview).

And with that they set out to capture a Walker.

Thus concludes another breakneck-paced episode of TV’s most jam-packed drama.

Watch Game of Thrones online to get caught up on the show’s wildest season to date.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5 Photos: The Aftermath

If you"re like us, you"re still catching your breath from the fire and fury that concluded last week"s episode of Game of Thrones.

It"ll be tough (some might say impossible) to match "The Spoils of War" in terms of white knuckle action or edge-of-your-seat suspense, but with just nine episodes remaining, you can be certain the show won"t be wasting a single scene.

Check out the photos below for a preview of this week"s installment, entitled "Eastwatch."

And as always, you can watch Game of Thrones online in order to get caught up on the War of the Five Kings.

1. Jon and Daenerys Brood

Jon and daenerys brood

You might think these two would be in a celebratory mood after laying waste to a Lannister-led army. But no, brooding is their game … and they’re good at it.

2. Cersei Plots Revenge

Cersei plots revenge

We’re guessing Cersei is less than thrilled by the news that her troops got torched by a dragon. Unfortunately for Daenerys, this is a woman who lives for vengeance.

3. Varys Contemplates

Varys contemplates

Varys considers his next move. He better make it a good one; getting fired by Daenerys would likely mean a fatal separation of his head and neck.

4. Tyrion and Varys and Wine

Tyrion and varys and wine

Tyrion and Varys get down to brass tacks. These two have all the job security of Trump staffers these days.

5. Sam and Gilly and Books

Sam and gilly and books

Looks like we’ll be checking in on Sam at the Citadel again. Here’s hoping we’re not in for any more revolting dermatological procedures or poop montages.

6. Tyrion and Daenerys Look Concerned

Tyrion and daenerys look concerned

Tyrion and Daenerys seem troubled. We’re guessing they’re anticipating some backlash following last week’s surprise attack.

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Monday, August 7, 2017

Game of Thrones Promo: Beware, The Mad Queen!

The action heated up on Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4.


Following an intense 45 minutes or so that featured Dany bonding further with Jon Snow, as well as the Stark children reuniting at Winterfell and Cersei making a deal with the Iron Bank, the Queen of Dragons finally lived up to her name.

And all it took was one word: Dracarys!

With that command, Drogon unleashed holy Hell upon the Lannister army, setting fire to countless soldiers while Bronn and Jamie looked on, dumbfounded and afraid.

Until, that is, Jamie sprinted into action and, perhaps, into a watery grave.

(Although we strongly doubt it.)

Now that Dany has won a key battle in the war for the Iron Throne, what can fans expect from Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5?

As teased in the following HBO trailer, it looks like Dany will be asking the conquered losers from this fight to bend their knee.

She"ll be asking them to serve her in her quest to rule over all of Westeros, which is fine and dandy and everything.

But does anyone else get the feeling that the mad apple hasn"t fallen too far from the crazy tree?

In other words: Might power be getting to Dany"s head and might she end up being far more like her father than she wants to believe?

All hail The Mad Queen? We sincerely hope not.

But we"re not the first website to theorize a potential villainous turn for the Breaker of Chains.

Watch the following preview to see if you get the same inkling:

Game of thrones season 7 episode 5 promo beware the mad queen

Mets" Noah Syndergaard Slays Dothraki in Epic "Game of Thrones" Cameo

Team Lannister had a ringer in their battle against the Dothraki Sunday night … as flamethrowin’ Mets superstar Noah Syndergaard came outta nowhere with an EPIC spear throw.  Noah, AKA Thor, lived up to his nickname in his few seconds…


Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 Recap: Dragons At War!

With less than ten episodes of Game of Thrones remaining, we suppose it’s no surprise that the show’s been moving at a breakneck pace lately.

Last week’s installment gave us an epic battle scene, the death of a major character, and two fan favorites crossing paths for the first time.

Needless to say, it’s a hard act to follow, but The Spoils of War delivered in a major way, sticking with the same potent formula as other memorable episodes this season – 40-plus minutes of chess pieces moving in intriguing ways, followed by an extended scene of mind-blowing action.

Speaking of fan favorites butting heads, we begin on a satisfying note, with some verbal jousting between Jaime and Bronn.

They may not always get along, but the lifelong warriors tend to have one another’s backs when it counts … but more on that later.

Cersei, meanwhile, settles her debt with the Iron Bank, a plot point that may not have the same appeal as fire-breathing beasts, but one that will likely prove to be of tremendous significance.

Her credit score might’ve taken a hit due to her family’s considerable debt, but it seems she’s made some wealthy new friends who will prove to be important allies in the battles to come.

Elsewhere in the Seven Kingdoms, Littlefinger tries to sweet-talk yet another Stark kid, not realizing that Bran is now the Three-Eyed Raven and can see his entire sketchy past.

The dagger he presents to Bran brings up memories of a season one storyline that many fans had feared forgotten.

Our prediction: It won’t end well for Lord Baelish.

Meera is quickly reminded of the change in the youngest living Stark when she bids her traveling companion adieu and is astonished by his lack of emotion.

Of course, Bran’s not the only member of his family who’s changed over the course of the past six and a half seasons.

Arya is finally back at Winterfell, and as she reminds the guards who tried to turn her away, she’s now one of the supreme badasses of the North.

Once they’re reunited, she and Sansa reflect on life at Ned Stark’s monument and share a laugh over Arya’s kill list. Good times.

We’re beginning to get the sense of an ending, and like the Starks’ gradual return to Winterfell, it’s all very bittersweet

Like Meera, Arya is stunned by the change in Bran, but one gets the impression that she understands what others may not about her wounded brother:

Namely, that he’ll soon prove a more potent weapon than any Valyrian steel blade

Brienne is affected by Arya’s return, as she swore to the late Catelynn Stark that she would protect her daughters.

She seems to feel even more tender toward her young charge once Arya whups her ass in hand-to-hand combat, because that’s the way to Brienne’s heart.

The trips down legacy lane continue with an exploration of the all-important dragonglass mines of Dragonstone.

The caves provide an opportunity for Jon to demonstrate to Daenerys that the White Walkers are real and have been a threat for millennia

It seems he’s making progress, but she still wants to see that knee bend.

With that, Tyrion breaks the news that the war effort isn’t going according to plan.

The Khaleesi begins to lose faith in her Hand and reflect on the fact that she’s got a trio of fire-breathing nukes waiting to do her bidding.

Jon reminds her that she seeks to become a different sort of ruler, not “queen of the ashes,” but it seems the madness of Queen Dany is already in the offing.

From there, Jon and Davos have a conversation about good hearts and seem to simultaneously come to the realization that Missandei is far cooler than the Khaleesi.

In fact, she and Davos seem to understand the heart of the issue better than Jon or Dany:

Loyalty can’t be forced, and a ruler that’s been chosen by the people will always have greater power than one who governs by fear.

It’s an episode of reunions, and Jon and Theon one is not exactly the most warmhearted

We get a bit of comic relief in the form of Dickon (tee-hee), and then things take a turn for the seriously epic.

Yes, it’s the moment so many have been waiting for – Dany leading a dragon into battle against a Lannister-led army

It’s hard to live up to so many years of anticipation, but the show delivered in a big way with one of its most riveting battle scenes to date.

It’s not just the scale that’s impressive but the constant, edge-of-seat fear that a beloved character (Jaime, Bronn, Daenerys, and of course, Dickon) might soon bite the dust.

Did that happen?

Well, it’s tough to say.

Just as he was about to get roasted, someone (Bronn?) came to Jaime’s rescue and tackled him into the sea.

Unfortunately, neither of them moved thereafter.

It’s a cliffhanger, folks!

As though there was any doubt we’d be tuning in next week.

Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to get caught up on one hell of an action-packed season.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Game of Thrones Picture Preview: This Means War!

Dany and Tyrion lost the battle on Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3.

But will they lose the war?

As depicted in the first promo for this Sunday"s "The Spoils of War," Cersei will be intent on finishing the job when this HBO epic returns, while Dany admits her side is losing and Jon Snow continues to plead his case about the White Walkers.

Based on the following photos, Podrick will also return, as will a disgraced Theon, while Sansa will have a lot to ponder and Jaime will reunite with Bronn.

Check out a bunch of official network photos now!

1. Surveying the Kingdoms

Surveying the kingdoms

Cersei surveys the map and plots her next move in this scene from Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4.

2. Hey, It’s Theon!

Hey its theon

Is he actually taking action and not running away from a battle? Amazing!

3. Jaime and Bronn

Jaime and bronn

Jaime and Bronn are reunited… and it feels so good? Probably not for the foes of these two expert swordsmen.

4. What to Do Now?

What to do now

Dany and Tyrion need to reverse their recent fortunes. The former has admitted they are losing the war.

5. Heroes Collide

Heroes collide

Jon Snow and Dany have finally met. But will they be able to work out an alliance?

6. A Man Ashamed

A man ashamed

Theon abandoned his sister when she needed him most. Will he be able to come to her rescue?

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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Game of Thrones Promo: No More Clever Plans!

On Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3

… Jon Snow and Dany met for the first time.

… Bran returned to Winterfell and told Sansa about life as the Three-Eyed Raven.

… Cersei captured Ellaria and arranged for her to spend all of her eternity watching her daughter die and then rot.

… Jaime and his army took Highgarden, followed by Jaime killing Lady Olenna via poisoned wine, but not before she revealed her role in Joffrey"s death.

… Sam cured Jorah.

In other words: A LOT went down!

How will this possibly be topped on Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4?

We"ll need to wait a few days to find out for certain, but the installment will be titled "The Spoils of War" and it will feature Cersei plotting her next attack.

We know that much based on the preview below.

We also know that Dany will admit she"s "losing," turning to her quasi new ally for advice and assistance.

Elsewhere, Jaime and Bron will be in charge of getting Highgarden"s gold to safe quarters, while Theon appears to actually be taking charge for a change.

There"s more talk about the Iron Bank and Dany saying she"s sick of "clever plans" (sorry, Tyrion) and Sansa reading a book of some kind, looking determined.

There"s also this pretty shot:

Where will it all lead?

We"ll be tuning in to find out.

In the meantime, check out the following Game of Thrones trailer now!

Game of thrones season 7 episode 4 promo the next battle

Monday, July 31, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3: Poisons Picked

To conclude Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2, this HBO epic delivered a lengthy battle scene on the sea that resulted in countless deaths and multiple key kidnappings.

But things slowed down considerably on Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3.

At least in terms of action.

There were two major battles during the fascinating hour, but one took place over Tyrion’s narration, while the other was covered in a couple very quick glimpses and a conversation between Jaime and Olenna.

In place of endless sword play, “The Queen’s Revenge” moved the plot along via three significant meetings, one of which had been anticipated by viewers perhaps more than any other storyline over the past six-plus seasons.

So we have to start there, don’t we?

We have to start with Fire at least meeting Ice

Jon meeting Daenerys was revelatory, interesting and, yes, even funny.

The introduction opened with Missandei running down all of Dany’s nicknames, only for Davos to respond with the very short, simple and straightforward, “This is Jon Snow.”

It ended with our two heroes on a similar page, but only after a few tense back-and-forths.

Dany wants Jon to bend the knee and pledge her his loyalty.

But why would he do such a thing?

Her father murdered members of his family; he doesn’t know her at all; and there’s a far bigger battle everyone needs to worry about than the relatively meaningless happenings in Westeros.

His argument made sense.

Conversely, Dany has been focused on the Iron Throne for years, through torture and rape and captivity and many, many stops before arriving at Dragonstone.

She doesn’t have the time or patience to consider The Night’s King.

She doesn’t really have any reason to believe Jon Snow and abandon the journey she’s been on this entire time, either.

Her argument also made sense.

In the end (for now), Dany allowed Jon to mine the Dragonglass for his supposed war, as a temporary truce of sorts was reached.

Over at King’s Landing, meanwhile, Euron delivered Ellaria and the surviving Sand Snake to Cersi.

He was awarded not with any sex with Cersei just yet, but with a prominent spot in her army.

And Ellaria was punished in the most evil way Cersei could think of, which boiled down to the following:

Cersei poisoned Ellaria’s daughter in the same way that Ellaria had poisoned Cersei’s daughter, only both Ellaria and her child were chained in the same room together.

The captured Dorne resident would be forced to watch her daughter wither away and die, and would then remain Cersei’s captor forever, sitting across from her child’s corpse for all of eternity.

Classic Cersei, right?

Finally, after taking Dorne with his men, Jaime encountered Olenna.

She was resigned to her fate. She knew she was about to die.

And after Jaime assured her that the poison in her wine glass would lead to a peaceful death, she took the opportunity to get the final, cruel say.

She admitted that she killed Joffrey and she told Jaime to pass this tidbit on to Cersei.

With that, Jaime left the room; shocked, angry, upset, shown up.

Also this week, Brann returned to Winterfell and told a confused Sansa that he’s the Three-Eyed Raven… and Sam cured Jorah, who was told to leave The Citadel.

In other words: a whole lot went down, even if most of it was conveyed via various conversations across the Seven Kingdoms.

What did you think of Dany and Jon coming face-to-face after all this time?

Did the meeting surpass expectations or fall beneath them?


Friday, July 28, 2017

"Game of Thrones" Star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Suing Ex-Manager Over "Sham" Deal

“Game of Thrones” star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau claims he got duped into signing a deal that sucked money out of his pockets, but his former manager says he’s forgetting some facts. Nikolaj — who plays Ser Jaime Lannister on ‘GoT’ — filed docs…


"Game of Thrones" Star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Suing Ex-Manager Over "Sham" Deal

“Game of Thrones” star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau claims he got duped into signing a deal that sucked money out of his pockets, but his former manager says he’s forgetting some facts. Nikolaj — who plays Ser Jaime Lannister on ‘GoT’ — filed docs…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2 Recap: Battle of the Greyjoys!

Many dismissed last week’s Game of Thrones Season 7 premiere as a “place-setting” episode, a means of bringing fans up to speed and arranging the pieces for what’s to come.

Necessary, maybe, but not a whole lot of fun.

Plus, there was that Ed Sheeran cameo which still feels like the stuff of a “too much cheese before bed” nightmare.

Fortunately, for those who complained about a lack of fireworks in week one, “Stormborn” packed plenty of explosions of both the literal and emotional kind.

Appropriately, we open with a storm raging on Dragonstone.

Daenerys is plotting her takeover of Westeros, and she’s under no delusion that she’s being greeted as a lberator.

She’s got dragons at her beck and call, but she has no desire to be “quen of the ashes.”

It’s the most overtly political scene we’ve seen in quite some time, as the Khaleesi squares off with Varys, who she’s reminded has served other monarchs and pretenders to the throne in the oast.

“Robert was neither mad nor cruel, just had no interest in being king,” the Steve Bannon of Westeros says on the many ways kings can be fatally flawed.

At first, the Khaleesi is having none of Varys’ smooth talk, and we briefly feared he might be the season’s first major casualty.

Fortunately, Varys makes a compelling argument on his own behalf:

He’s loyal to the realm, not the king (or queen) who presides over it.

He saves his own hide, then finds himself face-to-face with another questionable counselor.

Varys’ argument against Melisandre seems weak at first, but his beef with the Red Priestess isn’t that she served other wannabe kings, but that the aspirants she works with tend to die.

Though in fairness, sometimes they’re brought back to life.

And like that, the stage is set for the long-awaited Jon Snow-Khaleesi partnership.

Suddenly, this season is moving at breakneck speed, and better yet, it’s all a lot of fun.

The loose plot strands continue to be woven together in King’s Landing, where Cersei has begun an impassioned mud-slinging campaign against Daenerys

Qyburn promises a “solution” to the dragons, which turns out to be disappointingly low-tech.

Jaime chooses a new general in the form of Sam’s father.

And weirdly, the one-handed Lannister has apparently joined the ranks of the alt-right.

“The Dothraki in Westeros for the first time in history!” Jaime argues, engaging in a bit of old-fashoned immigration panic.

Elsewhere, Jorah’s greyscale makes an ugly return, but there’s hope.

Sam has been reading up on dragonglass … and many GoT fans believe its healing properties are the reason Shireen Baratheon was able to beat the disease.

Unfortunately, that medical breakthrough is still a ways off.

Speaking of the those who served the Targaryen Dynasty, there’s lots of talk of Aegon the Conqueror and his rise to power … and how he might’ve been brought down.

The Khaleesi’s rapid rise to power in the West gives us a great great hangout/reunion scene with Grejoys, Martells, and Tyrells in one room.

Apparently, Westerosi army is the key to Tyrion’s plan – a plan that understandably frustrates the leaders who will be providing the troops.

We get one of the show’s most satisfying exchanges to date as two of its biggest badasses finally come face-to-face in the form of the Khaleesi and Olenna Tyrell.

That’s followed by an unexpectedly tender consummation scene between Missandei and Grey Worm, but this being Game of Thrones, we go from the sensuous right into the super fucking gross

(What’s up with the food/gross sh-t match cuts this season, BTW?)

On the topic of food: it’s the long-awaited return of Hot Pie!

And he brings exciting news from the North:

Arya somehow doesn’t break down in tears after learning Jon has recaptured Winterfell, and with that, the stage is set for yet another reunion.

Back in the Stark’s homeland, Sam’s Hermione routine is paying off, as he gets a raven to Jon informing him that Dragonstone sits on a mountain of dragonglass.

Jon announces that to his bannermen – along with his controversial decision to travel south and meet with Daenerys.

Littlefinger does his best to get in Jon’s head before he takes off for Dragonstone, but things get heated in a hurry

(Pro tip: When you’re trying to win someone over to your side, don’t talk about banging their sister.)

Meanwhile, we get another unexpected reconciliation for Arya (the season’s theme is starting to feel a bit heavy-handed) … if that massive wolf who doesn’t tear her apart really is Nymeria.

Speaking of surprise returns, Euron Greyjoy unexpectedly emerged as a gonzo Bam Margera pirate in the season premiere.

This week, he made one of the most memorable entrances in the show’s history

Then things got weird.

We knew a Battle of the Greyjoys was in the offing for quite some time, but we didn’t expect quite so much carnage … or such an odd resolution.

After laying waste to the Sand Snakes (who, let’s be honest, never took off with fans the way they were espected to), Euron bests Yara in hand-to-hand combat and challenges Theon, who … jumps in the ocean?

It’s an off-kilter ending to an episode that arguably tried to accomplish too much.

But like everything else so far this season, it set the stage for some big things to come.

Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to stay up to speed.


Sunday, July 23, 2017

"Game of Thrones" Actor Liam Cunningham Possibly Spoils Davos" Destiny

“Game of Thrones” actor Liam Cunningham has some potentially spoiler-filled advice about betting on his character to last on the show … but you know you want to hear it. We got Liam — aka Ser Davos Seaworth — on L Street in San Diego heading to…


Friday, July 21, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2 Photos: Jon Snow v Littlefinger!

Sure, the Game of Thrones Season 7 finale threw a lot of information at us, but some fans have complained that it failed to really scratch the itch they"ve been nursing for 13 months.

For many, there was too little of certain things (many complained that often felt like a "place-setting" episode and lacked emotion) and too much of others (producers probably should"ve cut the Ed Sheeran quotient by at least half).

We say it was a solid installment, but we can certainly see how it may have left some viewers wanting more.

The first official photos from the season"s second episode don"t tell us a whole lot about what to expect, but according to the GoT formula, episodes that set the stage are usually followed by ones that tear it all down.

Check out the pics below, and watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to get caught up:



1. Jon Snow and Littlefinger Converse

Jon snow and littlefinger converse

Probably not a friendly chat. We’d say they could be talking about the weather, but that’s gonna be the same for like the next 40 years.

2. Arya on the Move

Arya on the move

Okay, she’s been on the move since the end of GoT Season 1. But now, she’s finally on the verge of the revenge and the reunion she’s been waiting for.

3. Sansa in the Snow

Sansa in the snow

Sansa is looking contemplative. She’s probably trying to figure out how to get Jon to stop being such a d-bag with his new power.

4. Jon and Littlefinger At It Again

Jon and littlefinger at it again

Apparently, these two spend a lot of the episode talking in darkened hallways. We’d complain prematurely, but it promises to be a hell of a contentious convo.

5. The Khaleesi and the Hand

The khaleesi and the hand

The Khalessi and her council have set up shop in Dragonstone. We sense a clash of queens in the near future.

6. Sam at the Citadel

Sam at the citadel

Get ready, Hermione Granger fans! This season promises lots of Sam figuring out all kinds of fancy magic things with his book learnin’!

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