Showing posts with label Topless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Topless. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Paris Jackson Shares Topless Selfie, Love for Her Dog

You have to love Paris Jackson.

We don’t mean that in the “you must love her because of who her father was” or whatever. You can do that if you like, but we think that Paris is admirable for who she is.

Sometimes, Paris Jackson shows her spiritual side while topless. In this photo, she’s topless again, but the context is a little different. …

Paris Jackson, daughter of the late, great Michael Jackson, chooses to honor her father’s memory with tattoos.

Recently, Paris and her godfather, Macaulay Culkin, got matching tattoos on their arms, though the meaning of the enigmatic spoon tattoo could be an inside joke or a reference to chronic illness.

(We just don’t know)

Some people hold a very negative view of tattoos.

For yourself, that’s fine. But please don’t try to impose your personal choices on others, okay?

Paris Jackson’s body and skin are her own, and she can decorate it with whatever ink she chooses.

She can also choose whether or not to display those tattoos. It is, again, her body.

And while we’re on the subject, she doesn’t need to cover up any parts of her skin that she doesn’t want to.

Obviously, Instagram has its rules.

To that particular social media platform, nipples — very specifically, women’s nipples — are bad and naughty and not allowed.

(A lot of laws about indecent exposure are written in the same archaic mindset, because society is and always has been something of a nightmare)

It’s important to note that, for Paris, the focus of this image isn’t on her skin or boobs or whatever, but on her dog.

She captioned the photo: “bby”

(She also turned off comments, which we’ll get to in a moment)

But while Paris Jackson’s latest topless selfie features the helpful censorship of her beloved dog, she’s very nearly suffering a nip slip.

Though it doesn’t really look like she’s suffering anything, does it?

Paris has spoken before about her love of nudity, and we don’t blame her one bit.

Unlike most of us, Paris sometimes takes her fondness for baring it all into the great outdoors.

It wasn’t very long ago that Paris Jackson attended a spiritual retreat, which you can see here.

It looks like a beautiful (if very warm) location, but Paris doesn’t mind baring some skin, and that can be a great way to beat the heat.

Not everyone can do that, of course.

Maybe you live around a lot of people or maybe the weather or laws don’t permit it.

Or maybe you’re just comfortable with your body but not comfortable being seen nude.

(Heck, people with scopophobia aren’t comfortable being seen while dressed, so there’s no shame with having a comfort zone)

That’s not even the only time this summer that Paris has shown her spiritual side while nude, as she recently sat topless (though indoors) while possibly looking at tarot cards.

In each case, Paris Jackson tends to turn off comments on Instagram.

It’s not clear if she leaves comments on at first and only turns them off once people start saying gross things, or if she just doesn’t want to deal with it.

Either way, we wouldn’t blame her.

Half of the negative responses are going to be, well, sexual harassment.

How a woman is dressed doesn’t give you permission to say sexual things to her, and the way that she’s undressed is no exception.

Don’t get us wrong, Paris Jackson looks great. You can say “you look great!” Don’t say things that you wouldn’t say to someone in front of your mother.

The other half of the negative responses are more hateful, comments shaming her for having a body, as if she should hide her flesh because someone who voluntarily follows her Instagram account disapproves.

We’re glad that Paris Jackson is such a free spirit. We can’t imagine blaming her for tuning out the comments, though.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Kendall Jenner Goes Topless to Sell Bottoms

Well … it’s better than Freedom Fries.

Okay, so Kendall Jenner’s latest ad is for something called the Freedom Panty.

And while she’s wearing the panties in question, she’s not wearing anything else. 

Considering how infamously terrible Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi commercial was, this photo that we have below is a huge step up.

In this photo, we see Kendall wearing a pair of red panties and standing to the side, with only her hands to conceal her bare breasts.

The background and makeup and even her hair combine to give it an eery, uncanny valley quality.

You’ll see.

Kendall shared the advertisement on Instagram.

In her caption, she tagged La Perla’s Instagram page.

La Perla’s Instagram page also shared the ad, and included the caption:

“Introducing La Perla’s #FreedomPanty, crafted from the finest French Leavers Lace with interwoven stretch. Shop online and in our boutiques.”

On both pages, this was the photo:

Move over, Madame Tussauds!

We kid — that’s really Kendall Jenner; she only looks like a horrifying knockoff of the original.

It’s part of the style of the photo — matching the way that her skin is made up to catch the light and the unnatural flowers behind her.

(Besides, if Madame Tussauds’ terrible impressions of Beyonce are any indication, they couldn’t make something that looks this much like Kendall)

Usually, Kendall is one of the most likeable of the Kardashian family.

She’s beautiful and she’s less likely to say dumbass things or feud with people.

She also has a real job — modeling — that’s pretty separate from what the rest of her family does.

Lately, however, Kendall Jenner has seemed to be courting controversy at every turn.

Her Pepsi ad was just a PR nightmare, obviously.

Then there were the shirts that she and Kylie tried to market.


And then, most recently, there was Kendall’s ad where she was smoking.

Smoking is bad for your health and, more importantly, incredibly disrespectful to everyone around you.

So many of Kendall’s fans are young and impressionable and really don’t need to be seeing celebrities smoking in any way that might make it seem cool or sexy.

(Smoking rates keep going down — can we please keep it that way?)

In her defense, Kendall absolutely mentioned in the captions that she doesn’t smoke.

So this looks like another case of her being asked to do something and her accepting the instructions without raising a fuss.

(Just like with the Pepsi ad)

Basically, Kendall’s problem isn’t that she sits around coming up with bad ideas.

It’s that she does her job by going along with other people’s bad ideas.

And we do think that it’s unfair that so much ire is directed at Kendall herself rather than at the people who are actually responsible.

Whether you love Kendall Jenner or can’t stand her …

No matter what you think of the artistic choices in this ad …

(Seriously, why choose such a gorgeous celebrity model if you’re going to give her that uncanny valley look?)

… We can all agree on one thing:

It’s way, way better than that Pepsi ad.


Monday, July 24, 2017

Paris Jackson: I"m Spiritual AND Topless!

What did the world ever do to deserve someone as wonderful as Paris Jackson? Seriously, whether she’s talking about politics or her love of dogs or how she wants to make the world a better place, you can’t help but love her.

Without social media, the world would only know her for interviews. Interviews give you answers to questions, but they don’t let you see as much of who someone really is. Plus, social media lets stars share their own photos.

Her most recent photo is raising a few eyebrows, less because of what she’s doing but because it lacks commentary … and she appears to be entirely topless.

Whether Paris Jackson uses Instagram to show off a new tattoo honoring Michael Jackson or Twitter to drag Kylie and Kendall for all they’re worth, the girl is a marvel on social media.

Paris Jackson’s latest Instagram photo makes use of some clever censorship that’s all about camera angles.

(The best censorship isn’t via photoshop or hand placement or a fig leaf — it’s when the camera is angled so that a natural part of the environment or even the person’s activity blocks whatever needs to be hidden)

She’s looking at a set of cards, and with her posture, the table in front of her (and, arguably, her hand that’s holding the cards) prevents any violations of Instagram’s ridiculous pearl-clutching policies.

She looks great — Paris Jackson always looks great.

She’s gorgeous, as always.

We were also immediately captivated by those tapestries behind her.

You see a lot of those in people’s apartments, so it’s nice to see that Paris doesn’t just have a decorator come in and never give her own surroundings a second thought.

(Not that we expected that she did — she’s such a real person, you know?)

A lot of people reported this as her playing cards, and that might be the case.

Most people have played strip poker (well, the rules of poker get a little complicated the more that you drink … so it usually ends up more like strip Texas hold ‘em, right?), but most of us don’t allow photos.

The thing is, though, that we’re not entirely convinced that these are playing cards.

(Or, at least, being used as playing cards)

They might be tarot cards.

(And yes, some do have very simple backs like these)

Even traditional playing cards can be used for divination, just like a dedicated tarot deck.

We mention this, even though playing cards are a more common choice, because Paris Jackson — a very spiritual person in general — has been on a huge spiritual kick lately.

And she’s been sharing many of her thoughts on social media, even just over the weekend:

“When the universe be sending you so many messages at once n you don’t know which ones to process first n can’t figure out what they all mean.”

She tweets that with a well-known stock photo of a man who seems surprised but overwhelmed with his good fortune at receiving so many limes.

(Stock photos are weird, but they make great fodder for memes)

She also shared a meme about reincarnation that featured a Trump quote (don’t worry — she is not one of his fans).

Paris shared another tweet that, honestly, even we had to read a couple of times:

“When they hurt u but they’re playing a role due to sacred soul contract so u love them bc their existence is furthering ur spiritual growth.”

Our big takeaway is that we’re sorry that some jerk made Paris Jackson sad.

Anyway, we still don’t know what cards she was looking at.

She included no caption with the photo.

She also appears to have disabled comments for that picture.

A good choice, given the kind of vile things that people say to naked young women.

As for the toplessness, well … Paris Jackson has been nude before. And she’s even shared photos:

She enjoys nudity (even outdoors).

It’s so nice that she’s embracing her flesh prison instead of being needlessly ashamed of it.

Really, she’s 19 and she’s already wiser than a lot of people.

More importantly, she’s so good, you guys.

Given her father’s fame, controversy, and death — it would have been so easy to look at her and go: “This girl doesn’t stand a chance.”

Instead, she’s one of our absolute favorite celebrity kids.

Actually, she’s one of our favorite people.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Bella Thorne Posts, Deletes Topless Photo After Slew of Hateful Comments!

Bella Thorne claims that she and Scott Disick never banged, but even if she didn’t do any literal bouncing on him, she’s certainly been using him as a springboard to boost how much attention she’s been getting. And it’s worked.

And now Bella Thorne seems to be capitalizing on that to give her career a boost.

But she recently shared a super revealing photo on Instagram … only to delete it moments later. We have it, of course.

This new photo is a bit more formal than, say, eating a burger while wearing a bikini or any of her other, more garden-variety thirst traps.

And by “formal” we don’t mean formal attire, though.

It looks like an outtake of some sort from a photoshoot.

She’s wearing a black belt, a black thong, black stockings, and black gloves.

She is, of course, entirely topless.

So, here it is, Bella Thorne’s super racy photo:

First of all, she looks amazing.

She kind of always does, you know?

But she isn’t always topless (okay, she’s topless sometimes, but only sometimes), and she isn’t always showing off her butt.

(Again, this is technically not the first time for that, either)

But this is a more structured outfit for her, you know?

Less “wasted party girl” nudity and more “dominatrix assassin.”

Holy crap, we never realized how much the world needs a movie where Bella Thorne plays a dominatrix assassin.

(Make that happen, Hollywood)

As for deleting it, who can say?

It looks like it’s probably an outtake or even a photo snapped by an assistant or friend, given the overall quality.

Maybe she wants to release it later when she expects more Instagram traffic.

(Random Tumblr users schedule their posts that way, so you know that fame-conscious actresses do)

Maybe she decided that she wants to wait until the photoshoot comes out — because there have to be more pics, right?

If that’s the case, maybe this was intended to be just a teaser.

And honestly that’s our best guess, because it sure as hell has us looking forward to whenever the actual photoshoot comes out.

However, she did delete it and write “turning off my comments,” which makes it sound like she got some vile backlash.

Like, we can give her — or anyone — a bit of a hard time, but we’re not going to comment mean things on somebody’s page.

Especially not a 19-year-old who hasn’t done anything that’s genuinely bad.

And really, we’ve all seen that photo — what is there to hate about it, exactly?

It’s probably just trolls looking to make themselves feel powerful by hurting a celebrity’s feelings.


You really have to congratulate the girl.

A lot of 19-year-olds in her shoes might just party all of the time for its own sake.

(And there’s nothing wrong with that, of course)

By the looks of things, Bella Thorne saw Scott Disick, a guy having a midlife crisis a decade early, and was like “oh hey, if we hang out, I’ll get some more attention and maybe a career boost!”

That’s called multitasking.

… Among other things.

If you have a reputation as a thot — which is nothing to be ashamed of in the first place — don’t hesitate to use it to make your life better.

There’s no way of telling if Scott is just stumbling around in a stupor or consciously playing along, at this point.

He did send her a card and flowers, though … so we’re thinking that he’s in on it at times.

Though maybe it took him a little while for him to catch onto Bella’s angle, what with how “gentleman” Scott Disick fixed Bella Thorne’s top by touching her boob.

A regular knight in shining armor, that guy.

We’re not saying that Bella is necessarily some sort of mastermind, evil or otherwise.

Obviously, Bella Thorne’s hotness has gotten her at least as far in her career as her possible scheming.

And she’s certainly made mistakes.

A while back she was briefly said to be dating accused serial rapist Sam Pepper.

We think that she probably didn’t know that about him until she saw backlash and then peaced out, but that’s really just a guess.

(Google is your friend, folks)

But she’s learning more over time.

And whether she took down the photo because of trolls or just to tease us, we hope that she feels open to sharing more, soon.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Kristen Doute: Topless on Instagram, Eternally Thirsty

Vanderpump Rules is unique amongst reality shows, in that its producers crank out a truly remarkable number of episodes per season.

In an age when most series, scripted or otherwise, are paring down, Vanderpump just keeps getting bigger, churning out a staggering 24 episodes in each of its last two seasons.

With that sort of exposure, it’s tough to imagine the cast is ever wanting for attention, and yet, it seems even when she’s in a pool, Kristen Doute remains parched:

What you’re looking at is a “topless photo of Kristen Doute.”

It’s not easy to pull off a topless pic that doesn’t violate Instagram’s no-nipple policy, but Kristen pulls it off by baring nothing more than a little shoulder.

The important thing is that it’s enough to accomplish the desired effect, which is to get the Internet talking about a Kristen Doute topless pic.

Hey, you don’t survive and thrive in the increasingly crowded reality TV market for five seasons without knowing how to manipulate social media.

The Vanderpump cast is currently shooting its sixth season, and K-Dot has to what she can to stand out amidst a number of promising storylines.

Just in the past three weeks, the following rumors have emerged out of West Hollywood:

Sources say Scheana Marie is engaged to Robert Parks-Valletta after just a few months of dating.

Other insiders close to the cast say that Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney are headed for divorce.

(The couple denies it, but that could just be part of an effort to preserve the drama.)

There are conflicting reports about new additions to the cast, but we know that Stassi Schroeder is back together with Patrick Meagher, who will appear on camera for the first time this season.

He may or may not be joined by a pair of new SURvers, including James Kennedy’s unfortunate girlfriend.

And all of this will take place on camera directly on the heels of the premiere season of Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright’s spinoff series.

So you can’t really blame Kristen for grabbing her share of the Internet’s attention with a bit of false advertising.

If there’s one thing that’s guaranteed to be good for some clicks, it’s the promise of nudity.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for what’s sure to be another lengthy, drama-packed season.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Paola Mayfield: Topless Pics Were a Mistake, But…

Paola Mayfield may star on 90 Day Fiance.

But she’s clashed with her husband over the past several months for photos Mayfield starred in last year that likely caused her to also star in the fantasies of men around the globe.

Or at least men around the globe who watched Mayfield on the aforementioned TLC reality series and have a clue who she is.

The aspiring fitness blogger and model posed for a racy pictorial back in 2016, angering husband Russ at the time because he was raised in a conservative household in Oklahoma.

Paola, meanwhile, hails from Colombia.

She has always been far more open with her body, but she gets now why Russ was upset about all the skin showed a little while back.

“I’m getting more into fitness and that requires to be a little bit more revealing, something that my husband is not that happy [about],” Paola told Fox News, adding:

“But he’s getting to the point [of] trying to understand my position that I’m not doing it just because I want to expose myself.”

Mayfield goes on to say she isn’t trying to be Kim Kardashian here.

Her goal is not to gain social media followers by randomly taking off layers of clothing; she wants to build an actual career. 

“[It’s not] like, ‘Look at me! I’m half naked.’ No, it’s because I actually [want to] motivate people to change their lifestyle,” Mayfield explains.

Russ says it was difficult to watch his wife strip down on the previous season of 90 Day Fiance. It made him feel uncomfortable.

But he’s also trying he hardest to see things from Paola’s point of view.

“She’s promoting herself through her workouts and also through her modeling to show all the hard work she has done for her body and I’m very proud of that,” Russ tells Fox.

On this week’s return of 90 Day Fiance, Mayfield cut her hair and dyed it blonde after her agent said such a change would help her take the next professional step.

She also spoke to friends in Colombia who made it clear they don’t think she and Russ make for a very good match.

With Russ still in Oklahoma and Paola in Florida, questions remain over how much of a future they really have as a married couple.

“I think I learned my lesson, but I think that was the biggest fight that we had,” Mayfield says in this interview about her topless shoot.

“I wasn’t expect[ing] to do that either. It just, I don’t know, it happened so fast, but it was classy. I wasn’t showing any… showing too much, of course.

“It was sexy but yeah, oopsie.”

Russ is glad she sees it this way.

There’s only so much public nudity he can handle from his wife.

“There is a point that I like to make sure she keeps it classy,” he says, explaining:

“I come from Oklahoma and I’ve got my conservative morals and values and I’m not going to change her and she is who she is and that’s what I love about her.”

“I’m all yours,” Paola jumped in to say at this point in the Fox News discussion.

But for how much longer? That’s the question in the minds of 90 Day Fiance fans everywhere.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Salma Hayek"s Topless Photo Makes the World a Better Place

Salma Hayek’s appearances in film and on television are wonderful, and not just because she’s more than a little on the busty side.

But also that.

Well, now she’s giving the world the gift of toplessness, and we all need to take a moment to express our gratitude.

So, Salma Hayek shared a topless photo where she is looking all kinds of amazing.

That’s no surprise, since Salma Hayek always looks gorgeous.

She captions the photo:

“When the party is over …. cuando se acaba la fiesta…”

Nice of her to make even her captions bilingual. Salma Hayek’s cited her biligualism to mock Trump, showing that she doesn’t need her looks to do good in the world.

(To be honest, I would have translated that second line “when the party ends,” which is only slightly different but it shows how long it’s been since I took Spanish)

The photo shows her face looking serene and perhaps relieved.

And it shows the rest of her being very much topless.

Thank goodness for bathrooms with mirrors on both sides, huh?

They’re clearly not just for spotting missed tangles in your hair or whatever.

Why take a regular ol’ mirror selfie when you can take an Infinite Selfie?

In this case, that means infinite toplessness.

Of course, this is on Instagram, so she self-censored a bit.

It looks like she’s still wearing the dress from the party, but that she’s let down the front of it.

This looks to us like an impulsive photo, where she took it off and realized that her hair and everything still looked good enough for a photo.

You don’t see this side of a lot of stars all that often, you know?

Well … maybe it’s not so unusual with some of the younger celebs.

Paris Jackson loves being topless and doesn’t mind sharing photos of it.

And then there are Kendall Jenner’s weird topless selfies, also made with the use of mirrors.

For Salma’s age group, though, it’s way less common.

But still a gift.

Now, we’ve been to our share of parties, topless and otherwise, and we’re reasonably confident that Salma is just celebrating “letting it all hang out.”


Like, regular bras can be uncomfortable for regular-boobed people.

Salma Hayek does not have regular boobs.

Salma Hayek has extraordinary, category-5 boobs.

That comes with a price, and that price is paid in comfort.

Also, we don’t imagine that a dress like the one that she was wearing was accompanied by a run-of-the-mill bra.

All sorts of outfits can be hell on boobs, mashing them into different position in ways that look great but feel like a mammogram.

We’re glad that she got to let them free.

Honestly, undressing after any dress-up occasion is one of the world’s best feelings.

Like a naked butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.

Honestly, a lot of people feel that way just after wearing any clothes at all.

Salma may be a beautiful and talented celebrity, but this is a good reminder that she can be pretty relatable.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Ireland Baldwin Is Completely Topless on Instagram And For That, We Thank Her

Ireland Baldwin contains multitudes.

Despite being named after a foreign nation, she’s an American treasure.

And despite being the offspring of a jowly rage maniac, she does nothing but spread joy with glorious pics like this:

Yes, Ireland is about as naked as you can be without violating Instagram’s no nipple policy.

The pic is a pleasure to look at for the obvious reasons, but we’re also happy to see it because of what it represents.

When Ireland first began posting bikini pics, she became an overnight Instagram sensation.

She rode that wave for just a few months before encountering some difficulties in her personal life that led her to shut down her social media accounts. 

Eventually, Ireland checked into rehab, seeking treatment for what her camp has described as depression and anxiety issues.

After completing the program, she remained low-key for a time, eschewing social media and the lime light in favor of staying home and focusing on her mental health.

We applaud Ireland for taking the time to properly heal, but at the same time, we’re very happy to have her back on the ‘Gram.

Though we’re sure she still has her emotional mountains to climb, as we all do, it’s difficult to look at a pic like Ireland’s latest and imagine that the girl photographed is suffering from any severe self-esteem issues.

It’s entirely possible that we’re reading way too much into a simple side-boob pic, but there’s something about this sultry snap that makes us feel optimistic for Ireland’s future.

She’s experienced the travails of young stardom and the difficulties of being born to a famous family, and she’s come out on the other side.

Are their further battles ahead?

Of course!

But unlike so many people her age (particularly young celebs), Ireland now has the tools to meet those future challenges.

There’s pretty much no way that we’re not reading way too much into this, but maybe side boob selfies are a sort of modern-day Rorschach Test.

So think long and hard about what you’re seeing when you look at Ireland’s IG page.

Or just enjoy the boobies, it works on many levels.


Friday, June 2, 2017

Kim Zolciak Shares Topless Photo: LOOK!

It’s pretty safe to say that Kim Zolciak loves her fame and she loves having fans.

Having fans means having followers. She’s reached a new social media milestone, and she’s clearly in a thankful mood.

And what better way to celebrate a ridiculous number of Instagram followers — and, let’s be clear, 2.5 is a lot of millions — than with a topless beach photo?

“Hands up! THANK YOU for 2.5 million!! I appreciate all of you,” her caption began.

Honestly, this photo isn’t surprising.

We all know that she looks great, and there’s no shortage of Kim Zolciak bikini selfies

Even if she’s been accused of photoshopping them.

Toplessness is kinda just the next logical step, and this isn’t even her first brush with that.

If you’re gonna celebrate a milestone, go wild, you know?

What is kinda surprising to read is the rest of her caption.

“I love getting feedback (most of the time) from you guys. You guys keep me up to date with all things I miss. I love reading your comments/stories. Thank you for sharing in this journey (with me) we call “life.”

No, the surprising part of that isn’t that she comes across like English isn’t her first language.

It’s just … weird how much she seems to delight in genuinely reading the comments that her followers leave.

If hell exists, then surely celebrities who end up there spend eternity reading every single comment that their followers make.

Most celebrities don’t read everything that people write to them on Instagram. Like, even compared to Twitter comments.

Part of that is just that Instagram isn’t really designed for conversations — at all.

The other part is that even a lot of positive Instagram comments just come across as wildly thirsty.

Sometimes bordering on sexual harassment.

“No filter” is supposed to apply to the photos, people, not to the things that you blurt out online.

Maybe she really likes engaging with them on a genuine, human level.

Maybe part of is an inability to look away, like when you scroll down to read the YouTube comments even though no one should ever in their lives do that for any reason.

But part of it could be a savvy approach to social media. Followers are way more likely to stick around if they feel like their voices are being heard.

Talking about her appreciation for comments can encourage them — and more followers — without her having to try to respond.

Honestly? It’s probably a blend of all three, with a major dose of vanity thrown in to boot.

And at her level of MILFdom, a little vanity is pretty understandable.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Paris Jackson Shares Topless Photos, Love of Being Nude

Paris Jackson is an absolutely beautiful individual, right? Just 100% gorgeous, inside and out.

And since she’s so gorgeous … well, it just makes sense that we’d be delighted to see more of her.

More of her talents, more of her insights, more of her intellect.

And also more of her incredible body.

Last night, Paris shared so much of herself with us, including but certainly not limited to — brace yourselves — a couple of topless photos.

The first one she shared on Snapchat:

Cute, right? She’s doing the classic Miley Cyrus move of using emojis for pasties, there’s even a dog in there. A top notch Snap for sure.

But the second topless pic she put on Instagram. And this one was a little different.

For one, it’s a little more artsy — black and white, no emojis. It’s basically museum-worthy.

And for two, she added a lengthy caption along with the photo explaining why nudity is so important to her.

“I’ll say it again for those questioning what I stand for and how I express myself,” she began.

“Nudity started as a movement for ‘going back to nature,’ ‘expressing freedom,’ ‘being healthier,’ and was even called a philosophy. Being naked is part of what makes us human.”

She wrote “For me it helps me feel more connected to mama gaia. I’m usually naked when I garden.”

“It’s actually a beautiful thing and you don’t have to make it sexual the way many Hollywood stars (and the media) do.”

“Not only is your body a temple and should be worshipped as so, but also part of feminism is being able to express yourself in your own way, whether it’s being conservative and wearing lots of clothes or showing yourself.”

Paris, who seems even deeper than we originally thought, goes on to explain that “There’s different ways of absorbing mother earth’s energy.”

“My favorite is earthing which is absorbing the earths vibrations from contact between the soil and your bare feet, as well as letting your naked skin absorb the rays of the sun.”

“The human body is a beautiful thing and no matter what ‘flaws’ you have, whether it be scars, or extra weight, stretch marks, freckles, whatever, it is beautiful and you should express yourself however you feel comfortable.”

See what we mean about being beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside?

“If this makes some of you upset,” she continued,” “I completely understand and I encourage you to maybe no longer follow me, but I cannot apologize for this in any way.”

“It is who I am and I refuse to shy away and keep my beliefs a secret.”

Amazing, right?

“Everyone has an opinion and everyone has their beliefs,” Paris finished. “We don’t always agree with one another and that’s okay. But again, we are all human, and to appreciate the things that other people do that makes us human helps us feel connected.”

“How can that be a bad thing?”

Paris Jackson, everybody. A real, true gem.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Johnny Manziel & Fiancee In Topless Beach Party with 2 Hot Chicks!

Johnny Manziel’s NFL comeback is taking a backseat … to boobies.  The QB and his smokin’ hot fiancee, Bre Tiesi, are on a pre-wedding vacation in Tulum, Mexico with 2 of Bre’s insanely attractive lady pals.  For some incredible…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Lesley Murphy: Bachelor Alum Shares Topless Photo Days After Mastectomy

We know Lesley Murphy best as a contestant on season 17 of The Bachelor — she fought for Sean Lowe’s heart, and she came in fifth place.

Or at least, that was how we knew her.

These days, she’s doing work that’s a little more important than reality show love.

Last month, Lesley revealed that she carried a gene that put her at high risk for breast cancer and ovarian cancer and, as a preventative measure, she’d be getting a double mastectomy.

She explained that her mother battled breast cancer, and so she felt it was best to “take care of it right now” with the surgery.

And so last week, she had both of her breasts removed.

She’s been documenting her recovery on her Instagram page, and it’s really just amazing to see.

The first day after her surgery, she wrote that the whole thing was “hard to wrap my head around,” and after seeing her chest, she described it as “It looks like I was in a bear fight and lost. Badly.”

But, she added, “The human body is truly amazing, though, and I will heal soon enough.”

The second day after her surgery, she was able to go home, but with a little apron that held four tubes attached to her chest to drain fluids.

Poor Lesley wrote that “Walking and breathing still doesn’t come easy,” but she looks pretty tough to us.

And then on Sunday, she shared another update — along with a topless photo of herself, taken just five days after her mastectomy.

“My Sunday best,” she captioned the picture, “or what I could manage to put on today with limited arm movements.”

“My mom washed and dried my hair today. She dresses me in the mornings. She also measures my drains twice daily which are the tubes you see coming out of my lovely red apron I never take off,” she continued.

“She’s the freaking best. She slept in my hospital room and bed at home for the first few nights, helping me in and out of bed and giving me meds at horrid hours to control the pain.”

“I have to sleep on my back in the exact same position every night,” she described. “Sometimes when I make the wrong movements it feels like my chest is detaching from my body, but all in all, I think my upper half is healing nicely!”

“Sure, it’s sunken in and lumpy because what you see are deflated expanders that were put in which will gradually get filled every 2-3 weeks as I get ready for reconstructive surgery.”

“Hopefully by then the permanent marker will be off my body.”

Lesley wrote that she feels “lucky” because “my surgeons only made one vertical incision on the lower half of both breasts will saving skin and nipple.”

“So while all breast tissue is (hopefully) gone,” she concluded, “I retained some of the old me! Happy Sunday. God is good.”

In her latest update, which she wrote yesterday, she wrote that she had two of her four tubes removed, and the other two would be removed next week.

“As always,” she added, “I love you guys. I read every heartfelt comment and truly feel the love of this incredible support system.”

“Together we are creating so much awareness for early detection, screenings, gene mutations and how to work with the options we have. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

And thank you, Lesley!

Because seriously, what an inspiration.


Friday, March 31, 2017

"WAGS" Bachelorette and Her Girls Go T-O-P-L-E-S-S (PHOTO GALLERY)

We know this … “WAGS” star Nicole Williams and her hot model girlfriends won’t come home with many tan lines — her bachelorette party is tops optional. Nicole, who’s marrying ex-NFL star Larry English, is over in Hawaii with her crew, and when…


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Halle Berry Posts Topless Pic, But Only for Snacks (PHOTO)

Halle Berry’s happy to give you a glimpse of herself topless … if ya got a bag o’ chips. Halle just posted this shot on her Instagram with the caption, “Me when someone says I’m coming over and I’ve got snacks.” Two things: Thank you, Halle.…


Mama June: See Her TOPLESS After Skin Removal Surgery!

Exciting news, friends: Mama June"s weight loss journey is nearly complete!

As we"ve been seeing on Mama June: From Not to Hot, she"s had the weight loss surgery, she"s been working out and changing her eating habits, and after getting down to 190 pounds, she had her first round of skin removal surgery.

Round One involves a tummy tuck and a breast lift, while Round Two will take care of the excess skin on her arms and under her chin.

Though judging by this sneak peek for tomorrow"s new episode, there"s a good chance she"s done with surgery altogether.

In the clip, June visits her doctor for a follow-up appointment, and she is seriously displeased with her results.

"I thought this surgery would make me feel better, and it hasn"t," she admits.

"My body looks like Frankenstein and I hate that I did this."

Her doctor tells her that she looks good, considering she"s still got a long way to go in healing from the surgery, but still, June says she can"t imagine ever going under the knife again.

We"re pretty sure she changes her mind — after all, there are three episodes of the show left, and there"s only so far they can stretch footage of Honey Boo Boo being sassy.

But we get where she"s coming from. Mama June looks rough.

Check her new body out in the video below:

Mama june see her topless after skin removal surgery

Monday, March 27, 2017

Rob Gronkowski Hijacks DJ Booth ... Topless Turn Up (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Here’s Rob Gronkowski dancing funny … with a water bottle … without a shirt. The NFL star took over the DJ booth at Hyde Beach at SLS South Beach on Sunday night … essentially serving as DJ Carnage’s private turn up dancer. Things got messy…


Friday, March 24, 2017

Arianny Celeste Goes Topless in Tulum (PHOTO GALLERY)

Arianny Celeste is vacationing in Mexico … and it looks like tops are optional at her beach of choice. The UFC Octagon Girl and model let her girls free while enjoying the sunshine in Tulum … and one of her friends even joined her. And yes ……


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Usher Goes Topless, Hairless In Mexico (PHOTO GALLERY)

Here’s Usher lookin’ smooth in Mexico … without a single hair on his body!  The singer/Cleveland Cavs minority owner hit the beach with his wife, Grace Miguel, in an ultra-exclusive private estate resort in Costa Careyes … on…


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ciara Poses Topless and Pregnant; Haters, Fans Clash on Twitter

Two and a half years have passed since Ciara and her rapper ex-fiance Future split, but still, Internet trolls love to evoke that relationship.

Especially when the former couple"s child is involved.

To wit, one photo in particular among the many images of Ciara topless and pregnant in Harper"s Bazaar has people all kinds of fired up.

Even though she"s married to Russell Wilson, and expecting a new baby with him, every single move is supposedly directed at Future.

At least if you believe some of her online critics … but fortunately, plenty of fans came to Ciara"s defense regarding the photos as well.

See a sampling of the Twitter debate that erupted:


1. Ciara: Topless and Pregnant

Ciara topless and pregnant

This is a revealing picture to be sure, and one that some people deemed to be a little much. But that’s not even close to the most controversial image from the shoot …

2. Just the 4 of Us

Ciara russell wilson and baby future

Ciara, Russell Wilson, baby Future and future baby Wilson pose for a photo that has fans all kinds of worked up. Her caption: “Just the 4 of Us.” For many people on Twitter, it’s just 2 many nude limbs.

3. SO Disrespectful

So disrespectful

Is it, though?

4. Baby Future is Too Old!

Baby future is too old

This was a common theme among Twitter critics.

5. This is Weird

This is weird

More than a few memes popped up to that effect.

6. Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy theory

What if I told you … she’s pushing his buttons as part of a passive-aggressive naked war of words and pics?!

View Slideshow

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Ciara: Topless! Very Pregnant for Harper"s Bazaar!

Back in October, Ciara confirmed that she’s pregnant.

In a precious Instagram message that accompanied a photo of her and husband Russell Wilson, the singer wrote the following

“On this special Birthday I received an abundance of love from friends and family.. and I’m excited to Finally share one of the Greatest Gifts of All that God could give…”

Wilson then shared a post with his own social media followers that was even more specific:

“The Greatest Blessing of All. Forever Grateful.#BabyWilsonOnTheWay.”

However, in case you somehow didn’t believe the stars at the time, Ciara has gone ahead and made it as clear as any mother-to-be could possibly make it:

She really is pregnant!

The artist is featured in a very revealing photo spread for the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar, posing without a shirt on while flaunting her large and beautiful baby bump.

She also has some fun with two-year old son Future Jr. in one photo and gushes over Wilson in the magazine’s interview.

“If someone’s not supporting you and your vision and your dreams, whether it’s your relationship partner, your friend, whomever, then you’ve got to make sure to keep it moving,” she says of Wilson, adding:

“If people aren’t lifting you up, even if you’re the strongest person in the world, eventually it does chip away at you. You don’t even realize that you’re losing yourself.

“And that’s the scariest place to be in life. I don’t want to lose myself. I love myself too much. I love life too much.”

How does little Future feel about becoming a big brother?

“He’ll randomly pull my shirt up and be like, ‘I want to see the baby,’” Ciara tells the publication, quoting her adorable son as saying the following:

“‘Hello, baby. How you doing, baby? I love you, baby. Okay, talk to you later, baby. Bye, bye.’

“Then he’ll kiss me on my belly and put my shirt back down.”

The gorgeous singer and the Super Bowl-winning quarterback got married in July.

They famously refrained from sexual intercourse until they tied the knot, but have clearly banged at least once since becoming husband and wife.

The couple is yet to announce Ciara’s due date, but if you study these photos closely, it’s pretty clear that she’s getting ready to pop.

She could very well be a second-time mother in a matter of days.

And in case you think there’s any feud between her and another famous, pregnant singer, Ciara has this to say about rumors that she doesn’t get along with Beyonce.

“There’s this unspoken word: love,” she says.

“When you meet successful powerful women, you show each other love, because it is a tough environment.”
