Showing posts with label Weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight. Show all posts

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Shows Off INSANE Weight Loss!

There have been a whole lot of changes for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra these past several months, right?

And as you likely know, not all of them have been good.

Last fall, they decided it was time to expand their family, and Catelynn actually did get pregnant pretty fast. Unfortunately, she suffered a miscarriage shortly after announcing the news to her family (and to the Teen Mom OG film crew).

She’s dealt with depression and anxiety for years, and the miscarriage sent her into a tailspin that resulted in two separate six-week visits to a treatment center in Arizona.

In March, she left her second rehab stint, and she’s been home since — and thankfully, it seems like she’s doing much better these days.

As for Tyler, who struggled with his own grief over the miscarriage on top of holding down the home and family clothing business while Catelynn was gone, it looks like he’s been feeling a lot better too!

Judging by a new photo he shared on Instagram, he’s looking a lot different, too!

Tyler Baltierra selfie

DANG, right?!

“Hard work is paying off!” he captioned the photo. “It’s been 6 months since completely changing my eating habits, I dropped 40lbs & now it’s time to cut it all up with these workouts, BOOM!”

He added the hashtags “crushing these personal goals” and “it feels great,” which is nice.

Then, as you can see in the photo (because of the text and also because of the evidence), he’s already seeing progress with his ab muscles.

Tyler has never been a heavy guy, quite the contrary — he’s always been pretty skinny.

But sometime in the past year or so, his metabolism did seem to slow down, and he started looking a little fuller in the face, which he himself frequently mentioned on social media.

Back in October, he announced that he had “a major dadbod,” but that “I just haven’t decided if I care yet hahaha.”

Tyler Baltierra Weight Loss

Around New Years though, like so many of us, he decided he did care, and he switched up his diet.

He started dropping weight fast — by the beginning of February, he said that he was already down 35 pounds.

Judging by this new post of his, the goal was to lose 40 pounds altogether, and now that he’s done it, he’s going to start working on building muscle.

And judging by the comments on the post, a whole lot of his followers appreciate what they’re seeing.

An insane amount of people complimented his looks here, which is more than fair — as we’ve said, he’s obviously looking good.

“Taking dad bod to a whole new level!” one commenter joked.

“Good job Tyler,” another wrote. “Besides getting back into shape, exercise is so important for mental stability. I applaud you.”

That’s a good point, because on top of all the bad feelings brought on by the miscarriage, we know that he was also diagnosed as bipolar recently.

He’s said that he wanted to try working on things naturally before starting on any medications, and while there’s definitely no shame if he ends up needing meds, exercise and a healthy diet certainly can’t hurt.

Let’s see, what else … a ton of people admitted that they thought Tyler was Justin Bieber at first when they saw this photo in their Instagram feed, which is hilarious but understandable.

Of course, things couldn’t be all positive and lighthearted for long — plenty of his followers felt the need to tell him that Catelynn should be the one working out instead.

Some even suggest that he should leave her. Because of abs.

Somehow, we doubt that will happen, and even if it did, this isn’t a story about Baltierra divorce rumors.

It’s a story about how Tyler is feeling himself, and rightfully so.

Congrats, bud!


Friday, May 18, 2018

Farrah Abraham and Jenelle Evans: SLAMMED for Plugging Weight Loss Lollipops!

Right on the heels of Kim Kardashian’s ridiculous lollipop promotion, past, present, and perhaps future Teen Mom stars are coming out of the woodwork to promote “appetite-suppressing” lollipops.

No one’s favorite reality stars, Farrah Abraham and Jenelle Evans, are getting slammed for plugging these weight-loss lollipops.

Even Farrah’s replacement is endorsing them. And fans are roasting them all for it.

Continuing the tradition of millionaires who’ve had plastic surgery promoting weight loss products to their fans, Farrah Abraham posted a (genuinely good) pic of herself.

And her caption was … not the subtlest product endorsement that we’ve ever seen.

“#ad They’re like lollipops, but better. @flattummyco has figured out how to suppress my appetite with freaking LOLLIPOPS and it’s seriously the best thing ever.”


“I’ve been taking them with me everywhere, and keeping extras in my purse and car too.”

Don’t keep lollipops in your car, folks. They melt in hot weather and it’s a disaster. We assume that these lollipops work the same way.

“I tend to grab one between lunch and dinner when I need a little something to hold me over, and it totally does the trick.”

… Sure.

“Keeps me from reaching for those not-so-healthy snacks. You guys seriously need to check these out! #flattummypops”

While the world over hopes that no one, least of all teenage girls, looks to Farrah for advice on anything, if her Instagram audience didn’t seem like a viable market for these, she would be paid to advertise them.

Followers were outraged to see Farrah endorsing what they believe to be harmful or even dangerous product.

“This is disgusting. You have so many young women following you, that by you supporting these, you are feeding into the idea that starving yourself is fine.”

There are types of weight loss that are fine or even healthy, but starving yourself can do serious harm or even claim your life.

“Please god tell me you don’t let your daughter use these! Why advertise sweets/candy that promotes weight loss! Disgusting.”

She almost certainly doesn’t let Sophia use them. She also almost certainly doesn’t use them herself. She’s (reasonably) rich. She uses an expensive diet, exercise, and plastic surgery.

“That’s a good thing to show your daughter.. ‘eat these lollipops and you won’t be fat."”

One could almost believe that this person was praising her, but fortunately they were not endorsing this mindset.

“Disgusting example of a mother and a woman. A proper diet and exercise is what you should be [promoting]… not something to make you feel full.”

Hey, since Farrah was fired, we guess that she’s not going to turn down an advertising opportunity.

While Jenelle Evans is still technically a Teen Mom star, we guess, her husband was fired for being the worst. And she’s playing the ad game, too.

“#ad I never thought I’d see the day that @flattummyco came out with LOLLIPOPS as a way to help keep my stomach looking flat, but they did!”

Thankfully, they have the “#ad” tag in case someone thought that she just woke up with a strong desire to push lollipops.

“Since I have a massive sweet-tooth and I’m pretty much always chasing one of my kids around, this is pretty much the best it can get for me (yummy and convenient)!”

Maybe one day, her brood will run fast enough to escape to a better life. That was supposed to be burn but … we just made ourselves sad.

“I get to have lollipops, keep my appetite in-check, and continue to work towards my goals for a fit + toned tummy.”


“Yep, my cravings can #suckit. You guys should try these out with me – berry is definitely my favorite! #flattummypops”


Some of the criticisms aimed towards Jenelle were very, very specific.

“None of this is true. Meth keeps her stomach flat.”

That’s … not Jenelle’s weight loss secret. But a number of those familiar with Jenelle got a laugh out of it.

Another asked if there exists a lollipop that might assist Jenelle to prevent her from “having kids with every man your with.”

Ooooh, burn.

“When you copy and paste farrah’s and mackenzie’s post and make it into one.”

Yes, even Farrah’s expected replacement McKenzie McKee is playing this game.

Mackenzie McKee, who is known for her dedication to fitness, is also promoting the lollipop.

“#ad I never thought I’d see the day that @flattummyco came out with these tasty lollipops as a way to help keep my stomach looking flat.”

Oh, so they weren’t kidding. Jenelle’s starts the exact same way.

“And since I have a massive sweet-tooth, this is pretty much the best it can get for me (sorry kids, these lollipops are mine!).”

At least she’s taking a firm stand against children using them.

“I get to have lollipops, keep my appetite in-check, and continue to work towards my goals for a fit + toned tummy.”

They even both used the plus sign. Who helped Jenelle write her caption? Melania Trump?

“Yep, my cravings can #suckit. You guys should try these out with me – berry is definitely my favorite! #flattummypops”

Look, everybody needs to make money. But a lot of fans are crushed to see these women advertise these particular products.


Monday, April 30, 2018

Meghan Markle to Prince Harry: You Better Lose Some Weight Before the Wedding, Tubby!

We’re just weeks away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and it seems that in some ways, the final weeks of preparation resemble the run-up to a regular old peasant wedding.

Granted, there are far more dudes who look like playing cards come to life reading from scrolls and whatnot, but anyone who’s had a hand in planning a wedding will recognize much of what Harry and Meghan are going through.

Harry and Meghan have sent out the invitations; her dress has been designed by a designer whose name is being kept secret for some reason …

They’ve even participated in one of the most enjoyable parts of the wedding planning process – snubbing family members who were behaved douchily over the years.

“Meghan has completely changed Harry’s diet. She’s got him juicing and he has lost at least half a stone, which is a lot for someone as skinny as he is.”

On this side of the pond, “losing half a stone” sounds like the result of a very painful kidney condition, Brits know that that means Harry lost about seven pounds.

The insider went on to reveal that Meg spared no expense when it came to splurging on a juice-making machine:

“They have bought a top-of-the-range juicer and she has him on fruit and veg smoothies. She’s also weaning him off meat.”

While it’s hilarious that the source felt the need to clarify that Harry and Meg sprung for a high-end juicer, the rest of this report seems pretty credible.

We doubt Meg really cares about Harry’s wedding day appearance, but there’s good reason to believe she’d be worried about his health.

Apparently, throughout his bachelor days, Harry’s diet was downright Trumpian.

Burgers, pizza, and KFC were said to be his personal favorites, proving once again that British cuisine is the worst, and Gordon Ramsay is so angry because deep down he never had a decent meal until he came to America.

So there’s an irony in the fact that Harry is marrying an American with a reputation as a passionate foodie, but she’s got hm off red meat and onto kale smoothies.

What’s the point of being married royalty if you can’t rock a Henty VIII waistline and walk around with a turkey leg in one hand and a goblet of mead in the other?

If Harry keeps doing regular shmoe stuff, he’s gonna mess up all our fantasies about trading places, a la The Prince and the Pauper.


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Rob Kardashian Celebrates 31st Birthday, Shows Off MASSIVE Weight Loss!

Rob Kardashian has been laying low recently, and for good reason.

After all, things haven’t been going super well for him lately.

Or for the past several years, for that matter.

He obviously loves his daughter very much, and he probably had like three or four good days during his relationship with Blac Chyna, but besides that, it seems like he’s been in a really dark place for a really dark time.

He had that extremely messy, allegedly abusive relationship with Chyna that ended in flames, he released those nude photos of her that’s gotten him into a heap of legal trouble.

Chyna’s claimed in court documents that he was violent towards her, and that he would threaten suicide to manipulate her, which, you know, isn’t great.

On top of all that, his health has been an issue for the past few years now, and in multiple ways: remember when his family was begging him to go to rehab?

Rob’s also struggled with his weight for a long time, and that’s leading into what we’re going to be talking about today.

See, yesterday was his birthday — he’s 31 now.

To celebrate, Kris Jenner threw a party at her house. Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe were there, though it looks like Kendall and Kylie were on vacation.

Kim and Kourtney brought their kids as well, and little Dream was in attendance!

We know that because Kim shared this picture in her Instagram stories — and look how great Rob looks:

It’s clear that he’s been losing quite a bit of weight, right?

He posted Kim’s photo on his Twitter account, and his followers all agreed that he’s looking good here.

“Dream is just beaut and don’t get me started on Rob,” one person wrote. “He looks so good I’m so happy for him.”

“Wow the weight loss!!” another commented. “Keep going you’ve got this!”

Referencing one of the most iconic Kardashian moments, another of his followers told him “YAS DADDY ROB UR DOING AMAZING SWEETIE.”

And it’s not just that he’s lost weight, but he also looks genuinely happy here, which is rare to see these days.

Oh, and since it was his birthday, you know his family took some time to leave some sweet comments about him on their social media accounts!

“Happy birthday to my brother Rob!!!” Kim wrote. “I love you so much and wish you all of the happiness in the world! I love raising our kids together, you’re the best dad and friend! Can’t wait to celebrate today!!”

In a post of her own, Khloe said “Happy birthday Rob!!! This year is YOURS! I can’t wait to see all you conquer! Seeing you as a father has been so rewarding!”

“You’re an incredible father, brother, and friend!” she added. “I can’t wait to raise our daughters together! I love you Bob.”

Meanwhile, Kris told him that he’s “the most wonderful son a mom could ever ask for and I thank God for you every day!”

“It brings me so much joy to see the incredible father you have become. I am so proud of you!!”

Blac Chyna even set aside her issues with Rob to wish him a happy birthday — she shared this old photo of them with Dream to do so:

Blac Chyna

It’s nice that he seems to have so much support in his life, and especially that he and Chyna seem to be on decent terms, despite everything.

Hopefully this means that he’s finally on the way to getting better, for good this time, mentally as well as physically.

Happy birthday, Rob.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Alvin Kamara Trains Insane, Pulls Weights, Weight Rack, AND TRUCK

Unless you bench press live African elephants, New Orleans Saints star Alvin Kamara is about to make your workout look like trash with his RIDICULOUS new training session!  Kamara is down in Louisiana getting ready for next season and decided…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Speaks Out About Rob Kardashian"s Weight

Though Rob Kardashian is always happy to post adorable photos of North and Dream, he is personally camera-shy and spent years more or less hiding from his family"s spotlight.

A huge factor was his weight gain. He"s been honest about it, but the body-shaming that he"s received has been inexcusable.

Khloe opens up about that and more in this clip from Revenge Body, which you can see below.

Khloe kardashian on revenge body

In the Revenge Body clip that you can watch below, Khloe offers counseling to a married couple named Chad and Allison.

Allison laments being heavier than she would like — describing "worrying about" being 200 pounds when she and Chad were dating and now "worrying about" being 300 pounds as a married woman.

She believes that her current weight presents health risks, and that it would be unsafe to become pregnant with her current figure.

(We don"t know the exact date when this was taped, but in real life, Khloe just did her gender reveal, and is of course pregnant. And she probably knew that she was pregnant at this time. Her facial expression is interesting)

Chad, interestingly, also has body image issues.

He believes that he is too scrawny.

While the issues that Allison laments are somewhat more common, there is a stigma — arising from toxic masculinity — against thin or scrawny men, even though many people find their body type to be desirable or even ideal.

Revenge body 01

Khloe first addresses Allison"s desire to lose weight and her complicated relationship with her body and figure.

"I know how you feel."

That"s an interesting claim, since Khloe — though she was once less fit than she currently is — has never been what could honestly be described as "fat."

"You feel, like, trapped in your own body."

Before anyone assumes that Khloe is trying to say that her past issues compare to Allison"s, however, Khloe explains why she knows how Allison feels.

"I feel that way for my brother."

Revenge body 02

Khloe continues, discussing Rob Kardashian as an example.

"Who, you know, gained a lot of weight. It"s debilitating."

Rob Kardashian did famously gain a lot of weight and spent years in seclusion, rarely venturing into the public eye.

He was so self-conscious about his weight gain — which he has blamed on a milkshake habit that snowballed into other unhealthy habits — that he skipped out on Kim Kardashians"s 2014 wedding.

He just did not feel comfortable in his own skin.

Khloe has previously encouraged him to work out with her and with Tristan.

Khloe, of course, gets up at like 6am every single day of her life so that she can start her day with a workout.

Rob kardashian blue hat

Khloe also extends her sympathies to Chad.

"And I think that people sympathize enough when people are body-shamed for being too thin."

It sounded like a lot of Chad"s issues with his body were in his own mind — again, a product of toxic masculinity that pernicously seeps into men"s minds. But body-shamed or not, if he wants his body to be a different way, he"s welcome to pursue change.

Khloe continues: 

"My sister Kendall … When she was growing up, she was very skinny. She used to get bullied all of the time for being "too skinny.""

To be fair, Kendall is a very slender woman even as an adult. But she"s also hot for a living — she"s a model. Some could argue that she"s skinny for a living, even.

Kendall jenner relaxes

While Chad"s body type likely presents zero health risks whatsoever, if he wants to live out his beefcake dreams (or just put on a little more muscle), good for him.

Khloe can likely connect more with Allison, even though Allison"s weight loss goals are a bit heftier than Khloe"s have ever been.

Different people, based upon genetics and body types and personal histories, will have more or less difficulty gaining or losing weight.

It"s important to realize that body-shaming, since even a literal supermodel like Kendall Jenner can be on the receiving end of it, is never about the recipient. It"s always about the bully.

If a guy like Chad has been body-shamed for being slender, it"s because someone wanted to ruin his day because of their own issues.

Allison, just like Rob Kardashian, should not be shamed for being overweight, and not just because she"s working to change it.

We only wish that Rob had realized that before he went off on Blac Chyna in a revenge porn attack last summer, posting her nudes and body-shaming her.

Take a look at this video. Do you like the advice that Khloe is giving out?

Khloe kardashian speaks out about rob kardashians weight

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Reveals Stunning Weight Gain

Note to all Kardashian personal chefs:

Can you please make these women a few cheeseburgers?!?

Maybe a steak? Or at least throw some Caesar dressing on their salads?

Late last week, Kim Kardashian flaunted her body in a new Instagram photo that revealed the mother of three has a 24-inch waist.

Yes, a 24-inch waist.

And this was a woman who once embraced her curves; who could once be seen as a role model for anyone who felt pressure to shed as many pounds as possible in order to fit an accepted standard of beauty in America.

It was the one thing we admired about Kim back in the day.

Over the last few years, though, she has talked incessantly about the need to regain her bikini body after having kids… and even endorsed a ridiculous waist trainer on multiple occasions.

But anyway. That’s Kim.

This story is more about Kourtney.

In a deleted scene from this past Sunday’s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the 38-year old is about to have a very light lunch when Khloe mentions her weight to a friend.

“You know she’s 97 pounds?” says to Simon Gebrelul in the following video.

“Guess what? I gained a pound,” Kourtney chimes in. “I’m 98 [pounds now].”

She then added: “You know Mason is 62 [pounds]?”

Mason recently turned eight years old.

We aren’t body-shaming here, we’re just thinking of Kourtney’s health when we say the following:


A grown woman should not weight just thirty-six pounds fewer than her eight-year old son.

Just like all her siblings, Kourtney has often made a big deal about her weight.

Shortly after giving birth to her third child, Reign, in late 2014, Kardashian took Instagram followers on her weight loss journey, often sharing photos of her scale as she stood upon it.

This is just a wildly unhealthy way for one to live, both mentally and physically.

“I always try to avoid sugar – especially refined sugar – for so many reasons,” Kourtney said on her website and app last year, explaining:

“First, sugar is addictive and I notice that after I eat it, I need it. Sugar doesn’t sustain you when you actually need energy, like for a workout.

“Also, when I eat sugar, I find that more cellulite appears.”

One, so what?!? Go enjoy a donut, Kourt.

Two, look at the photo below. We’re pretty sure Kardashian need not worry about her appearance:

Perhaps this is our fault, however.

We’re often saying how beautiful Kourtney is and how she ought to keep posting pictures such as the one above.

Should we stop praising Kourtney’s body so that she starts focusing on something else instead?

It’s worth thinking about, we guess.

In the meantime, here are some attractive photos of Kourtney in a bikini:


Monday, January 22, 2018

Abby Lee Miller Showing Off Major Prison Weight Loss

What a load off Abby Lee Miller — she’s reportedly getting out of federal prison next month, and she’ll be way lighter when she does it. Abby posted a pic of herself and some friends — looks like they were visiting her at the federal pen in…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: I"m Done With Drugs & I"m Gonna Lose Weight!

Back in November, Catelynn Lowell checked into rehab to be treated for emotional issues and recurrent suicidal thoughts.

It was Catelynn’s second stint in a treatment facility, and just like the first time, she’s being admirably candid about her struggles.

“Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment,” she tweeted just hours before she checked in.

According to Radar Online, Catelynn recently returned home after a six-week stay, and she’s resolved to change several habits that she’s learned are detrimental to her mental health.

The last time that she sought treatment, Catelynn decided that she had an unhealthy dependence on marijuana and decided to swear it off.

This time, she’s also decided to forgo alcohol and commit herself to a healthier lifestyle.

Fortunately, it seems Lowell has the full support of her husband, Tyler Baltierra.

“He said he’s going to be with her every step of the way in terms of her working the steps, staying on top of her therapy session and not missing any days of her outpatient treatment,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

“He said he’s going to be with her every step of the way in terms of her working the steps, staying on top of her therapy sessions and not missing any days of her outpatient treatment.”

Apparently, Baltierra has decided to make some changes of his own.

“Tyler will be joining her when it comes to losing weight! He’s admittedly gained a bit of weight over the past year and he’s unhappy with his appearance. He’s been wanting to lose weight for a while now, so they’re making major changes as a family.”

In the past, Tyler has been accused of fat-shaming Catelynn and being unsupportive of her efforts to lose weight.

Tyler visited Catelynn in rehab several times, so her decision to get sober likely didn’t come as a surprise to him.

Fans were concerned when Lowell ended her treatment ahead of schedule, but those who know her best say the reality star is fully committed to maintaining her physical and mental health.

Most importantly, she’s reportedly self-aware enough to know when she needs treatment.

And she’s aware that there’s no shame in seeking further help.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on Catelynn’s courageous struggle.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

MMA Star Gabi Garcia: "I Almost Died" Cutting Weight, Had to Stop

Gabi Garcia says she’s got a damn good reason for missing weight in Japan … she literally could’ve killed herself if she kept droppin’ sweat. “I decide not cut weight because I feeling like I almost died,” Gabi told TMZ…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

June Shannon Offers Weight Loss Advice, Gets SLAMMED!

Season 2 of Mama June: From Hot to Not premieres on January 12th. 

As you know, June Shannon is going to be a beauty queen. The first season documented the steps that she took to lose weight. so the second season will show her trying to make the most of it.

But how, exactly, does she keep the weight off? June Shannon shared how … and she’s getting roasted over it.

Mama June Shannon spoke to People about how she’s retained her significantly trimmer figure since she first underwent her body transformation.

“It’s all about portion control for me.”

That’s a common, if not fun, answer. Nobody wants to hear that their fondness for eating a “family size” meal themselves might be what’s keeping them back from attaining their dream body.

“It’s not easy to eat like you’re ‘supposed to’ and hit the gym all the time, but I’m just trying to maintain it the best I can.”

Mama June also shares that she sleeps until 1pm and, in the process, skips breakfast — cutting out an entire meal’s calories while also relishing in the comfort of her bed.

“This sounds bad. But I’m more of a snacker.”

Snacking can be fine — or even, for some metabolisms, ideal — depending on what the snack is.

June says that a normal snack for her is grapes and cheese.

For dinner, she prefers “baked chicken and quinoa” or “baked pork chops, corn and beans.”

“If I’m craving something sweet, Little Debbie jelly cakes are my favorite cheat snack.”

Those do sound good.

Just as when news broke of a June Shannon workout video, people were quick to point out that June’s “advice” seemed … less than helpful.

And possibly inherently dishonest.

“Her secret to weight loss?” One commenter replied. “I’m pretty sure it was the gastric sleeve which physically prevented her from eating.”

Another took even harsher aim at Mama June, writing:

“I hate when people say they have lost all that weight. No you had it surgically removed. There is a difference between someone busting their ass to lose weight and having the fat sucked out.”

(Honestly, that seems silly to us — weight loss is weight loss)

Another comment, however, cut right to the point:

“I’m pretty sure if someone paid for all my expenses for weight loss surgery, excess skin removal, a personal trainer, and chef that I’d be able to lose weight and keep it off too!”

That’s a fair point — there’s much more at work for Mama June than “portion control” and sleeping in.

That same commenter went a little overboard with their next jab, however, writing:

“She’s still a hillbilly skank no matter what her weight!”

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” another commenter wrote. “And I’m pretty sure she had surgery to lose all that weight.”

She sure did have surgery. (Honestly, though, who has time to eat breakfast? Do people really still do that?)

“What a horrible woman! So into herself. How about getting up at a normal time and teaching your kids to eat properly.”

If you don’t have a job or pets or young children to get you up, 1pm is a perfectly normal time to get up. (Why get up before noon if you don’t have to?)

“If we could all be lazy pieces of [excrement] and sleep until 1pm,” laments another judgmental commenter. “Kids have school, have a job, and why waste half a good day being worthless?”

So, some of the backlash seems unwarranted — why do some people get so worked up over when someone else gets out of bed? (Especially since, you know, someone who gets up late was probably up late also)

But some of these seemed to have a point. Mama June’s “secrets” to success seemed to have a lot to do with some massively expensive procedures and luxuries that few can afford.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Khabib Nurmagomedov Says He"ll Cut His Leg Off to Make Weight at UFC 219

Khabib Nurmagomedov says he’s going “The Walking Dead” route to make weight at UFC 219 — telling TMZ Sports he’ll hack off his own leg to hit 155 pounds in 10 days.  Don’t worry — he’s kidding … we think. “I’m gonna cut my leg ……


Khabib Nurmagomedov Says He"ll Cut His Leg Off to Make Weight at UFC 219

Khabib Nurmagomedov says he’s going “The Walking Dead” route to make weight at UFC 219 — telling TMZ Sports he’ll hack off his own leg to hit 155 pounds in 10 days.  Don’t worry — he’s kidding … we think. “I’m gonna cut my leg ……


Friday, December 8, 2017

I Am Jazz: Season 4 Trailer: Jazz Jennings Tackles Dating, Weight Gain, and Haters

Despite Derick Dillard"s worst effortsI Am Jazz returns next month, continuing to document the life of well-spoken trans teen, Jazz Jennings.

We"ve seen a lot about her, her family, and her activism. It looks like this season is going to focus on some personal decisions and struggles: getting a tattoo, dating a girl for the first time, her weight, activism, and being in the path of Hurricane Irma.

In the first trailer, which we have for you below, you"ll see that and more as Jazz 

Jazz jennings at 17

Jazz Jennings" hit reality series is continuing to succeed where Caitlyn Jenner"s failed. Why?

Well, probably because Jazz is a better representative of the LGBT+ community. I Am Cait lost a lot of viewers, and you can"t help but wonder how much her affection for people like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump had to do with that.

Also, Jazz is in many ways more relatable to viewers, whether they"re trans or cis. Most of us can"t relate to being a millionaire Olympian. But a teenager with a teenager"s struggles?

We"ve all been there.

So, the first thing that we really get to see in the trailer is Jazz getting a tattoo.

Jazz only turned 17 last October, so we imagine that for at least most of this upcoming season of I Am Jazz, she"ll be 16.

For those of you concerned about a 16-year-old getting a tattoo, Florida law is fine with a 16- or 17-year-old getting a tattoo so long as it is with the permission of a present.

Here"s the tat!

Jazz jennings tattoo

Jazz shared that photo in November, so she may have only gotten it when she was 17 — we"re not sure.

It"s of a mermaid (and it"s beautifully colorful!), and we should note that mermaids — in addition to being, you know, neat in general — are sometimes symbolic for members of the LGBT+ community (particularly for trans folks).

In fact, when Hans Christian Andersen wrote The Little Mermaid, it was apparently symbolic of his desire to transform himself to be with the man whom he loved but did not love him back (Edvard Collin).

So a mermaid is an appropriate symbol for her.

And speaking of romantic feelings, the next item covered in the trailer is Jazz Jennings" love life.

In the video below, you"ll see her get set up with another girl and even go on what looks like a double-date.

Though Jazz came out as pansexual in 2014, revealing that she"s attracted to people regardless of their gender, she"s previously dated boys. This will be a big, exciting step for her!

Jazz jennings for tlc

(There is an awkward line about "now is a good time to experiment with bisexuality." While some people use bi and pan as interchangeable labels, it"s rude to use one label for someone who prefers another. Common courtesy, folks)

The next topic is a little tricky, because it"s Jazz"s weight.

It looks like she"s put on a few pounds (really just a few!); you"ll have to see for yourself in the video below if you agree with some of the voices describing Jazz as "fat."

While weight fluctuation is normal, especially for teens, it"s not a bad time to start getting into the habit of a daily exercise routine (we know that it"s hard at first and it"s never fun, but life is full of suffering anyway so you might at least be healthy while you suffer).

The line about Jazz"s unhealthy relationship with food is going to be almost painfully relatable to some viewers.

It looks like the brief montage of exercises that we see in the trailer are going to pay off, because recent photos of her show her having shed weight.

Jazz jennings 00

Her exercise isn"t just for the sake of a trim figure, however.

We see her nervously discussing gender confirmation surgery with her doctor. And apparently she needed to lose a few pounds in preparation for that.

It sounds like the doctors are discussing top surgery — what Jazz does or does not do to her genitals is absolutely none of our business (even if she weren"t a minor!).

After the surgery talk, we get to a much less comfortable subject: transphobes.

Facing bigots who think that you shouldn"t exist cannot be an easy task, but we"re glad that Jazz has a support system in place of family and medical experts.

Also, we should remember that Jazz first became famous at an extremely young age for being so well-spoken about her gender in an interview with Barbara Walters.

At 16 and 17, she"s been answering questions — some of them hateful — for almost all of her life. She shouldn"t have to face this kind of hate, but she"s totally got this.

Jazz jennings with caitlyn jenner candis cayne

The final portion of the trailer deals with Jazz dealing with her entire family being in the path of Hurricane Irma.

Jazz lives in Florida, folks. (Shall we joke and say that it"s her one big shortcoming, or is Florida too easy of a target?)

With all of the devastation in Puerto Rico — from which they are still recovering — and with fires raging in and around L.A. right at this very moment, you might almost forget about the damage and destruction wrought by hurricanes like Irma and Harvey.

It looks like we"re going to see the toll that Irma took, up close and personally.

At least we know that Jazz herself is okay.

I am jazz season 4 trailer released jazz jennings tackles dating

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Ashamed of Weight Gain? Planning Emergency Surgery?!?

Kylie Jenner has scarcely been seen in public since numerous outlets confirmed she’s pregnant.

The reality star has shared the occasional photo on social media, but rarely of her belly.

And she certainly hasn’t confirmed the VERY strong rumor at any point, either.

Will we even see Kylie again before she gives birth to her first child?

One would have to imagine so, although recent reports have suggested Jenner really is going to lay as low as possible until she becomes a mother.

“Kylie wants to disappear and be out of the spotlight and focus on her health and happiness,” an insider recently told People Magazine, claiming Jenner won’t even “address her pregnancy” until it’s over with.

For what reason?

Multiple sources have said Kylie thinks she’s an ugly pregnant person.

Considering she’s sky-rocketed to Instagram fame largely due to her revealing pictures, it’s not hard to understand why a new, significantly larger figure may be difficult for the star to digest.

This is why Kylie supposedly has a master plan to get rid of said figure as quickly as she can.

According to Radar Online, the 20-year old is “very insecure with her weight gain” and, as a result, her loved ones are “trying to make her feel better.”

But to no avail.

The pregnant star has been asking “if it’s possible get [liposuction] immediately” after giving birth, this same report alleges.

This, of course, is frowned upon in the United States. Or in nearly any first world country, really.

It’s dangerous to go under the knife after your body goes through some as traumatic as squeezing a human being out of your vagina.

Having had her request denied, Radar writes that Kylie “asked if she could to another country” for the weight loss procedure.

Thankfully, there are apparently a few voices of reason here.

For all the issues one could understandably take with Kim, Khloe or Kim Kardashian, this Radar source says the sisters advised Kylie against such a terrible idea.

They told her she would have to shed the weight “naturally,” as Kim blogged about non-stop shortly after giving birth to her two kids.

Why cutting pounds so darn important to this family?

We wish we knew.

The sisters are setting a pretty terrible example by so constantly bringing up their bodies and their work out routines and their supposed need to weigh a certain amount.

We mean…come on now!

Kylie Jenner is about to be a mother!

She ought to be excited about the bundle of joy that’s about to enter her life, not what she looks like when she steps in front of a mirror.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Beyonce Has Lost All Her Baby Weight 4 Months After Twins" Birth

Beyonce gave birth to twins Rumi and Sir only four months ago but you can’t tell … from any angle. Bey’s been sharing pics of her post-twins bod on Instagram, ever since the kiddos were born, but this latest batch of her in a corset is the first…


Beyonce Has Lost All Her Baby Weight 4 Months After Twins" Birth

Beyonce gave birth to twins Rumi and Sir only four months ago but you can’t tell … from any angle. Bey’s been sharing pics of her post-twins bod on Instagram, ever since the kiddos were born, but this latest batch of her in a corset is the first…


Thursday, October 5, 2017

DMX Gained Weight During Rehab, And Apparently Plans to Keep It

DMX is handling his legal business and his diet like a grown ass man after going to rehab. We got X Thursday outside court in NYC, where he had a hearing on his tax evasion case. Afterward, he basically confirmed what his lawyer told us last month…


DMX Gained Weight During Rehab, And Apparently Plans to Keep It

DMX is handling his legal business and his diet like a grown ass man after going to rehab. We got X Thursday outside court in NYC, where he had a hearing on his tax evasion case. Afterward, he basically confirmed what his lawyer told us last month…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Janelle Brown: Sister Wives Star Debuts Dramatic Weight Loss!

Janelle Brown of Sister Wives, along with her husband, Kody, was in Las Vegas over the weekend, even the night before the Las Vegas shooting that claimed the lives of 59 people and injured 527.

Janelle updated her Instagram to make sure that everyone knew that she and the whole Brown family are okay. So don’t panic.

But Janelle had also shared a photo, below, and it is striking how much weight she has lost. You might not recognize her.

Sister Wives gets a lot of criticism, but it tends to have much less to do with the titular wives and a lot more to do with the family’s husband, Kody Brown.

Kody just comes across as unlikable and more than a little creepy.

The Browns agreed to do the show because they wanted to help normalize polygamy and to push for legalization.

A lot of people who are totally in support of legalizing the marriages of more than two consenting adults are disappointed, because Sister Wives does not really show a great example of healthy polyamory.

Instead, we get Kody. Off-putting and obnoxious Kody.

On the plus side, we’ve gotten to know the wives themselves by watching the series. And their children, and their children’s loved ones.

While Meri Brown had a disappointing reaction to learning that her daughter was gay, other moms have had more positive reactions to their children’s love lives.

Like Janelle, whose son Logan Brown recently got engaged.

But anyway, this is about Janelle, specifically.

So, as we said, Kody and Janelle were in Vegas over the weekend.

On Sunday, Janelle shared the (below) photo with the caption:

“Kody and I may really regret the second night in a row LOL. But we couldn’t pass up Depeche Mode! I love the concert opportunities Las Vegas . #wemaybecrazy @kodywinnbrown”

Like we said, they’re totally okay, unlike hundreds of victims of the terrorist shooting.

But one very striking thing about the photo is how much trimmer Janelle’s face looks.

Take a look:

She really does look dramatically thinner.

Sometimes, people’s faces are the last parts of them that lose weight.

In a video fro TLC, Janelle has spoken about her weight loss journey.

“You know, I’ve been making some big changes in my life — trying to get myself healthier and my kids healthier — and part of that is what I’ve been fixing for dinner and that I’ve been fixing dinner.”

She’s been combining diet and exercise, which really is the best path to changing your figure and, often, one’s health.

“So I’m a big bargain shopper and a coupon shopper — so I have a pantry, and I stock it full of things when they are on sale, they’re cheap. But really, not a lot of processed foods; I don’t keep a lot of pastries, or even a lot of pasta.”

Pasta is delicious, but we’ll grudgingly admit that it’s usually not conducive to weight loss and should therefore be eaten sparingly if you’re looking to change your habits.

“I used to be a person that would order out or drive-thru somewhere two or three nights a week.”

For some people, that’s the healthiest choice. Depending on how much time you have in the day, ordering delivery might be your only way to be sure that you make healthy choices.

If you don’t have much time, something like curry with all of its vegetables could be a much better option than heating up some frozen enchiladas. Not everyone has time to prepare a full meal.

But if she does, that’s great. It’s clearly working for her.

“And i’ve come back to really making the base of our meals — meat, or protein, fish, or chicken, whatever it is that I have — and then fruits and vegetables, and then adding potatoes or whatever it is that I have around the same for the children.”

Really thinking about what you’re putting into your meals and therefore into your body is a smart choice.

“I’ve seen our overall health improve, I’ve seen our grocery budget go down, and I think it’s pretty much changed the way that we’re eating at home. And that’s really led to great success in my fitness journey as well — to improve the way that I’m eating.”

That’s so great!

Now, if Janelle could only lose … however much Kody weighs. You know, like the classic divorcee quote: “I just lost 200 pounds!” Or, you know, whatever the ex-husband weighs.

Actually, we’ve heard repeatedly that Kody Brown might lose all four sister-wives, but they never seem to part ways.

Is it just wishful thinking on our part that they’ll start living their own lives and stop living under Kody’s thumb?

Could it be that Kody has qualities that make him an admirable husband and the camera has just failed to capture those?

Probably not.
