Showing posts with label feel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feel. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Emily Ratajkowski: I Get Naked to Feel Myself!

Emily Ratajkowski’s latest interview with Oyster — LOL! — magazine is nothing short of brilliance. 

The seemingly-always topless Blurred Lines video model revealed that she likes being sexy — for her own enjoyment. 

“I don’t think my career would have happened if it wasn’t for the way I look,” she admitted.

Ratajkowski continued, “I don’t think I’m being complicit.”

“Women in the last five to ten years are able to say, ‘I want to feel this way — it’s not for someone else.”

“I don’t know if in [Gloria Steinem’s] revolution in the ’60s that was really true,” she explained.

“I don’t know if there were a lot of women being sexy for their own enjoyment; that’s much more common now.” 

She also admitted that we live in a world where things are politically correct — and maybe too PC simply for the sake of being non-offensive. 

“Right now,” she explained, “we’re in this interesting phase where people are directing a lot of attention to being politically correct, being really careful about the words we use, but we’re avoiding the deep-rooted issues that revolve around those terms.”

“You know, sexism and racism exist even though you can’t say the n-word, or people don’t like to be called a bitch.”

She also addressed what she calls the United States’ “systematic racism,” which she describes as having “all those polite things but you still have a disproportionate portion of, [for example], really poor black people.”

“So how do we fix that?” she asked.

“Because that’s really ugly, ugly racism.”

But is it Donald Trump racism, though?

As for feminism, the outspoken advocate for women states that things with gender equality have been temporarily fixed on a topical level, but there’s still a major issue underneath the skin. 

Being a “sexually confident” woman, Emily admitted, also has its challenges. 

“It took me a long time to not take personally the way people write me off; it took me a long time to realize that [it was] ideas our culture has drilled into people about what it means to be an attractive woman and a woman who plays into what sexy is,” she explained.

“I always had an anger — I don’t know if anger is too harsh of a word, but a resistance to ever letting anyone write me off,” she revealed in the interview

“But it wasn’t until I was little older that I realized, ‘Holy s–t, this is sexism.’ “

As for why she incessantly shares scantily-clad photos of herself, Ratajkowski chalks it up to, again, being sexually confident. 

To Emily, it doesn’t seem there’s any boundaries when it comes to TMI … not that we’re complaining. 

She concluded, “My private life is my private life,” when asked by the interviewer where the Instagram Emily ended and the Real Emily began.

“To me it’s almost more of a visual thing — I go back and delete photos if I don’t like the way the layout of my Instagram looks.”

“But I also let people way more into my ideas and beliefs, and in that sense I’m way less separate from my public persona because I’m very outspoken about things,” she revealed.  

To be honest, whatever you’re doing, girl, we’re digging it. 


Friday, October 28, 2016

Lady Gaga -- Feel Free to Grab My Ass ... When I"m Crowd Surfing! (VIDEOS)

Lady Gaga does not mind a hand or 2 — or 10 — on her ass when she’s performing … ‘cause she let her fans do just that Thursday night. Gaga was performing at The Satellite in L.A. Thursday wearing booty shorts, when she fell butt first into a…


Lady Gaga -- Feel Free to Grab My Ass ... When I"m Crowd Surfing! (VIDEOS)

Lady Gaga does not mind a hand or 2 — or 10 — on her ass when she’s performing … ‘cause she let her fans do just that Thursday night. Gaga was performing at The Satellite in L.A. Thursday wearing booty shorts, when she fell butt first into a…


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Kylie Jenner: I Feel Like a Prostitute!

It’s been just over a week since Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in Paris, and the reality star has been entirely absent on social media in the days following the shocking incident.

Going a week without posting any selfies on the ‘Gram may not sound like a big deal, but Kim has nearly 85 million followers, and her online presence is one of the cornerstones of her media empire.

Somewhat amazingly, Kim’s famous family has followed suit, with most of her sisters keeping lower profiles on social media recently for the sake of their family’s safety.

But it should come as no surprise that Kylie Jenner was having none of that idea.

Kylie took a single day off out of respect to Kim’s situation, but since then, she’s been snapping and gramming like it’s going out of style.

Just 48 hours after her sister’s traumatic experience , Kylie was all “look at my butt” with a throwback from her August vacation in Turks & Caicos.

Insiders say Kylie refuses to stop flaunting her jewelry (and her curves) on social media despite pleas from Kris Jenner and other concerned parties.

We suppose we can see the necessity behind her decision.

After all, Kylie has a new line of Halloween-themed lip kits (yes, really) to promote, and her ability to foster lifestyle envy amongst her tens of millions of followers is a huge part of her popularity.

But Kylie hasn’t just been plugging her products this past week.

Rather, she seems to be engaging with fans more than ever, even responding to criticism of her famously racy selfies.

When some random on Twitter joked that Kylie looks “like a 14 year old prostitute” last night, Kylie clapped back in epic fashion:

“Idk I feel like I look like a 19 year old prostitute,” she tweeted.

Since she tends to only show us the serious self-promotional side on TV, it’s easy to forget that Kylie is known in her inner circle for her sense of humor.

Clearly, unlike the rest of her family, she’s even capable of self-deprecation.

We’d love to see more of Kylizzle’s lighthearted side, but the girl weirdly hates smiling.

We imagine she just doesn’t like how it makes her lips look.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Opens Up About Divorce: I Feel Nothing!

As you may have heard, Kailyn Lowry confirmed that she’s getting divorced from Javi Marroquin in a recent interview with The Daily Mail.

“We’re trying to do the best we can for our kids because they are what really matters,” Lowry told the London-based tabloid.

The confirmation came after months of subtle clues that Kailyn and Javi were on the verge of calling it quits.

The problems seemed to begin not long before Marroquin was deployed to Qatar for a tour of duty with the United States Air Force.

Lowry unfollowed Marroquin on Twitter shortly after publicly arguing with her husband about sexually explicit photos he allegedly sent to another woman.

Neither party denied the ensuing rumors that they were headed for a divorce, and at one point, Kailyn seemed to confirm her split from Marroquin in a series of cryptic social media messages. 

But yesterday marked the first time that Kailyn publicly opened up about the separation, and now that the tea has been spilled, it seems that she’s not holding back her emotions on Twitter.

Or maybe we should say lack of emotions:

“Show no feelings, show no weakness,” Kailyn tweeted yesterday in obvious reference to her split with Marroquin.

Moments later, she posted what appeared to be a subtle dig her at ex:

“Can’t expect everyone to be real, too much responsibility.”

Marroquin’s been radio silent on his end, but in fairness, the guy is probably pretty busy with his military duties.

Anyway, it looks as though much like Kailyn and Javi’s relationship, this split will be playing out in public.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to see Kailyn and Javi in happier times.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Chrissy Teigen on Breastfeeding: I Feel Like a Cow!

Chrissy Teigen is going to tell it like it is.

Yes, she may be a new parent, but that doesn’t mean she won’t go out to dinner and that doesn’t mean she won’t tell off haters who have a problem with this.

That’s why we love Chrissy Teigen, isn’t it?

Along these honest lines, the model spoke to Entertainment Tonight this week about life as a mother, with she and John Legend having welcomed a daughter named Luna into the world in mid-April.

Parenthood is amazing, Teigen said. But it’s also challenging and exhausting.

“If you kind of do the math, you’re kind of breast-feeding for 10 hours a day, total,” Teigen explained.

Don’t get the Lip Sync Battle co-host wrong, of course. She isn’t really complaining.

“We’re so happy,” she made a point of telling correspondent Jennifer Peros. “It’s been really exciting and fun, and every day is so different, and seeing all her little changes is so cute.”

Luna, of course, is a total cutie herself. As you can see here:

Back to breastfeeding, though, which Teigen has even shared photos of her doing.

“It’s very loving and sweet, but it’s not easy,” she said. “It’s hard to work your entire day around getting her the nourishment she needs because they are just little animals.”

She means this in a loving sense.

“They just use you for your milk and you just feel like you are just a cow all day,” Chrissy added.

We’re guessing that millions of moms, famous or not, are nodding in agreement around the world right now.

Teigen says she may still lash out occasionally, but being a mother really does put things in perspective.

“It does seem all silly now,” she says of critics and her responses to them in the past.

“Like, anything that you got frustrated over about before, nothing really matters anymore. And I think you just let things go a little more…

“I’m learning to let things roll off my back a bit easier. I have more important things going on now.”

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Amy Duggar Covers People: I Don"t Feel Guilty For Being Me!

Amy Duggar has often been referred to as “the rebellious one” in her famous family, but these days, the 29-year-old is one of the only adult Duggars who’s never found herself at the center of a scandal.

Now, as her cousins’ TV hiatus continues, Amy is coming into her own as a fan favorite, even landing the cover of this week’s People magazine:

Inside the magazine, Amy talks about her marriage to Dillon King, the ways in which her beliefs differ from those of her ultraconservative aunt and uncle, and her relationship with her own parents:

“I was born out of wedlock,” Amy says, before adding that she credits her father for making her the free spirit that she is today.

“I went to Christian school all of my life but I never really felt up to the Duggar standard.”

Amy’s mother and father divorced last year (a major no-no in Duggar land), but she remains close to both of her parents:

“I just wanted to make sure she wasn’t stifled or held back in any way,” her father, Terry Jordan tells People. “I made a concerted effort for her to be able to express and be herself.” 

Amy says that even the more conservative members of her family, such as Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, are more “accepting” than the public thinks, but adds that she’s sometimes made to feel like an outcast for her liberal views.

“I don’t feel guilty for being me,” Amy says.’

The so-called “Rebel Duggar” was tight-lipped with regard to her future plans, but you can bet she’ll be involved in the 19 Kids and Counting spinoff that’s currently filming.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Scott Disick Makes Us Almost Feel Bad for Him

Poor Scott Disick.

We never thought we"d write those words, but the troubled reality star is a guest on Kocktails with Khloe this week and the following sneak peek makes it clear that his life isn"t exactly all it"s cracked up to be.

Yes, we see photos and videos of the Keeping Up with the Kardashians cast member partying and drinking and posing alongside expensive vehicle… and it certainly appears as if he"s happy.

As if not much in life matters to him except material items.

But after Malika Haqq asks Disick what is next for him, take a look at what Disick told the show’s fellow guest.

"A lot of people think that [I] only care about money and cars, and don"t realize it"s more just about insecurities, and how much I care about my friends and my family," Disick explains.

"I really would rather never be in a tabloid again, but if I"m gonna be, at least it [should] be about that Scott isn"t what everybody thinks he is."

Disick, of course, spent nine years as he boyfriend of Kourtney Kardashian. He is the father to her three kids.

But she kicked him to the curb last summer after cheating allegations became too much for her to handle.

"I have money," Disick says while seated next to Mr. Kylie Jenner himself, Tyga.

"The more money I have, the less happy I am. So the only thing I"m trying to focus on is just calming down, and just focusing on the kids, and just trying to be a good dad."

For the sake of those kids, let"s hope he succeeds.

Watch Disick open up now:

Scott disick money makes me sad

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Kim Kardashian: I Feel "Fat as F-ck!"

This (not) just in: Kim Kardashian is not a fan of this whole pregnancy thing.

In her latest official website blog entry, the 35-year old reality star laments how she’s grown to be “the size of a pumpkin,” going on to throw herself one heck of a pity party.

“I’m feeling fat as f—. My cankles are out of control,” Kardashian writes, adding that she’s “craving Lay’s Barbecue potato chips.”

Kim and Kanye West, of course, are expecting a boy.

He was originally due on Christmas Day, but Kim has suffered through a few complications (including the fetus being breach until a painful procedure recently corrected him) and Kanye now says his son will be born any day in the near future.

Kardashian has also been very open of late regarding just how over being pregnant she is.

She’s whined about her swollen feet and how hard she’s trying to work while knocked up and, in general, how expecting a child is just awful.

Some critics out there are hating on Kardashian for complaining about the miracle of life and the small price one must pay of gaining some weight for a few months in order to create a person.

They’re also already groaning over all the times going forward that she’ll talk about getting her bikini body back. Barf!

Some fans out there, conversely, are applauding Kim for her honest approach to life and pregnancy.

At The Hollywood Gossip, meanwhile? We just want to know one thing and one thing only:


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Kim Kardashian: I Feel Like a F-ckin Whale!

Kim Kardashian cannot wait for Christmas this year.

Because she’s expecting a major gift from husband Kanye West? Actually, yes. But it’s not one that will arrive with a bow on it.

Kardashian and West are expecting their second child on Christmas Day itself… and Kim is clearly anxious for December 25 to arrive.

In her latest website post about “Baby West,” the expecting reality star admits she’s feeling “like a f—king whale” at seven months along.

The mother to North West went on to say she been craving taco salad these days and that she can’t eat Mexican candy anymore because it gives her “too much heartburn.”

Moreover, her son-to-be is also “sitting” on her bladder, which is causing her to “have to pee every five minutes!”

This is pretty typical pregnancy fare. But that likely isn’t much of a comfort to the person experiencing it.

This isn’t to say, however, that Kardashian is enjoying certain perks of her pregnancy.

She was feted over the weekend at a baby shower, spending Sunday in pajamas and hanging out with sisters Kourtney Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner.

Kim later shared a picture of her baby bump on Instagram and she’s not kidding… that thing is pretty huge!

But the child that emerges from it will likely be pretty adorable and well worth any and all whale-like feelings.

Monday, September 28, 2015

August Alsina -- I Feel for You ... Gropes Fan Onstage (VIDEO)


August Alsina gave a female fan a VERY touching performance — so touching, it might be criminal.

The R&B singer did a show in Baton Rouge this weekend and invited a woman up onstage. While he crooned, he stood behind her and started massaging her shoulders … and quickly headed south.

Watch the video … Alsina full on groped her breasts, and she definitely seems uncomfortable with the situation. It’s unclear if the woman was randomly selected from the crowd, or if she’s a plant — a paid performer in the act.

Either way … audience members were shocked, and fans have been ripping Alsina on social media.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jon Gosselin: Colleen Conrad Makes Me Feel Normal!

It’s been eight years since Jon and Kate Gosselin split. Though it has taken a long time, Jon says life is finally beginning to feel normal.

The former star on Jon & Kate Plus 8 told Us Weekly that he credits his girlfriend, Colleen Conrad, for restoring that calm to his world.

“Colleen and I are doing great, the kids are getting along well together, [and I’m] just living a normal life and DJing,” the 38-year-old said.

“Maybe it’s boring, [but] it’s a breath of fresh air.” he added.

Not only are they dating, but Gosselin has been cohabiting with with Colleen Conrad, who is also a parent, for the last nine months.

Though Jon has twins Maddie and Cara and sextuplets Collin, Aaden, Joel, Leah, Hannah, and Alexis, he says life is “super normal.”

That’s impressive for someone with so many children!

In fact, he said “It’s almost like before [reality] TV. No paparazzi, just playing my gigs… just playing, no one bothering me … it’s really nice actually.” 

Unfortunately, his relationship with ex-wife Kate is still a mess. 

“It’s just sad almost,” Jon told Us. “It’s been a long time.”

But despite the difficult relationship with Kate, he is moving on with his life and career as a DJ.  He is even going on tour with DJ-N-Do.

According to Jon, the kids are doing great. 

“[Maddie and Cara] are teenagers, it’s just really difficult… I’ve never been a teenage girl but living with one…it’s up, down, left, right,” Jon said.

He added that part of it is a product of modern times: “It’s so different from when I was in high school with social media and stuff. It’s crazy!”

“Boys, it’s just like, ‘You want to go play football? Okay. Awesome. Do you want to go fishing? Do you want to go hunting?’ [And] they’re like, ‘Okay!’ 

“But with girls it’s like…’I want to go to King of Prussia [Pa.],’ And I’m like, ‘Oh my goodness! This is going to cost me a million dollars!"”

“King of Prussia is like 26 miles from here … Oh my goodness, Louis Vuitton … I’m like, ‘We’re not going to that side, crazy!’”

On the flip side, Kate Gosselin has a laundry list of scandals, and her life has been complicated and dramatic for years.

Just this month, Jeff Precott dumped Kate after nine months of dating, citing she was merely using him for her reality show.

Jon denied throwing shade at her on Facebook, claiming posts attributed to him celebrating the split were from fake accounts.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Kim and Kyle Richards -- Reunited, and they Feel So Good (VIDEO)



Kyle Richards stunned everyone Saturday when she took her estranged sister Kim to dinner for her birthday.

Kyle has put a tough-love wall up between her and Kim since she fell off the wagon in Mexico several months ago.  Things have not gotten better for Kim … she was arrested for shoplifting at Target.

But all seemed well outside Ocean Prime in Bev Hills — at least on the surface.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Starbucks Barista Can"t Feel His Face While Serving Coffee

Simply put, we should all love our jobs as much as this guy loves his.

The video featured here depicts a Starbucks employee who isn"t content to simply hand out coffee to those at the drive-thru. Oh no.

He"s all about having fun and dancing and getting his groove on to The Weeknd"s "Can"t Feel My Face."

Watch now as the dude shakes it, totally unafraid to drop it low in his green apron.

Isn"t serving lattes and mochas far more fun when you make it into a one-man dance party? Someone really should have told this to that angry Starbucks barista in May.

Oh well.

Starbucks barista has time of his life serving coffee