Monday, November 9, 2015

10 Things Kim Kardashian Actually Said to Vogue

Wait… what?!?

Did we hear that correctly?!? What, exactly, did Kim Kardashian say in a Vogue-sponsored podcast in November of 2015?

We"re so glad you asked! Scroll down for some of the most absurd words to come out of this large-breasted star"s mouth…

1. She Once Flew to Paris Just for Cheesecake

Stern kim kardashian

“I don’t like cheesecake but the cheesecake at Hotel Costes…It’s heaven. I flew in, maybe a couple months ago, just to have a last hoorah of all the food that I’m not going to be able to have for a while. And I get there, and they tell me they didn’t have it. And I was like, ‘You don’t understand! I leave tomorrow!’ I think I flew for one night…And they got it and it really made my day.”

2. She Does More Than Just Pose Naked for Her New App

She does more than just pose naked for her new app

“It’s not an easy job. There’s so much work put into it, more than people I think even realized. So I’m proud that they’ve been doing so well.”

3. Her Pregnancy Diet Includes…

Kim kardashian pregnant shot

“Every morning I have egg whites and avocado and a piece of toast. And for lunch I love a salad, and then dinner it’s usually a risotto or a pasta.”

4. She Has a Sweet Tooth, Not a Turkey Tooth

Kim kardashian pregnant at the vmas

“I actually don’t love Thanksgiving food, isn’t that weird?. I don’t love it all. I love the tradition and I love hanging out with the family, but I don’t really love the food so I never get tempted really. But around Christmas time I love the sweets and all of that.”

5. She Loves Instagram, But…

Kim kardashian instagram selfie

“It’s pretty crazy once you don’t post something… you get into that mode and things are going on in your life. It’s almost as if it never happened because you didn’t post it. Like, people didn’t believe my sisters graduated from high school because we didn’t post about it!” (NOTE: That’s not why we didn’t believe it, Kim.)

6. More Selfies are Coming!

Kim kardashian selfie book photo

“I’m going to do a holiday edition [of my selfie book] with just a new picture on the cover. And there might be a few more photos on the inside.”

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