Monday, November 2, 2015

Ariana Grande Gets (Sort Of) Assaulted on Stage

Remember when Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber teamed up for a weird video in which they tried to be funy in order to promote a bonus track on the latter"s new album?

That was awkward.

And so was this:

The 22-year old pop singer was in the middle of a concert on the Honda Stage at the iHeartRadio Theater in Burbank… when someone in the audience hurled a phone on stage.

As you can see here, no one was injured. And Grande handled it like a seasoned professional, even making a joke about the odd incident.

"Did someone throw a phone at me?" she asked. "Did someone just throw a phone on stage? That"s so dangerous. What if your screen cracked?"

It"s a good point and a good question, isn"t it?

Perhaps the fan just wanted Grande to snap a selfie and throw it back to him or her.

"Whose is this? Is this yours" Grande asked the crowd, holding the device. "Be careful. Take your phone back."

Perhaps Ariana has come a long way after she got into hot water for not handling the sight of a donut very well this summer, licking it and slamming America in the process.

During the concert, the artist – who sported a stitched mouth get-up for Halloween – also revealed that actor Jamie Foxx is the man behind the mystery voice in "Focus."

Watch the phone-hurling take place here and give Grande credit for just brushing it off.

(Note to fans attending future concerts for any singer or band: do not throw your phone on stage at any time. It"s just not a smart idea.)

Ariana grande gets sort of assaulted on stage