Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Blake Shelton Got Gwen Stefani PREGNANT!!!

One loves a good bit of tabloid fodder.

However, I’m a little confused by OK Magazine’s newest cover story, because nowhere in the online story does it state that Gwen Stefani is carrying Blake Shelton‘s child.

The story only talks about Shelton getting to know Stefani’s three sons with ex, Gavin Rossdale.  A source claims that Stefani will let Kingston, Zuma and Apollo to “get to know Blake as a friend,” before they all start referring to him as a “father figure.”

Yes, but where are you saying that she’s pregnant?

“Blake has a picture of Gwen as the screen saver on his phone, the source said.When they’re together, they literally can’t wipe the smiles off their faces. It’s very sweet.”

No, I want to read the part where the “sources” talk about Stefani being up the duff.

“They don’t just want to date; they want to be a family.  Blake would be thrilled to finally become a dad.”

Gossip Cop had the same question about this so-called pregnancy announcement, only to discover that OK! was actually speculating about the possibility of a baby.

“Insiders believe that, just a few weeks in, Blake and Gwen already have a baby on the way,” the story alleges.

“Gwen made an appointment with a doctor in late October after signs pointed to her being pregnant,” a so-called “source” alleges to the tabloid. “She’s already changed her lifestyle in preparation for the possibility. And Blake would be thrilled to become a dad.”

OK! brought up one of the issues that reportedly cause Shelton and his ex-wife, Miranda Lambert to split.  Lambert didn’t want kids, Shelton did, and now he’s “thrilled” at the prospect of becoming a dad.

The story is most likely a load of crap.  The end.