Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner Insists: My Kids Work Hard!

It may have taken a little while at first after her transition, but Caitlyn Jenner is now very close with her children.

Perhaps closer than ever, considering the 65-year old transgender star is finally sharing her real self with those around her.

So we get it. We get that Caitlyn wants to defend Kim, Kourtney, Khloe Kardashian and company.

We get that she won’t exactly come out and say that the Kim Kardashian sex tape is the impetus for why her family is rich and famous.

But still.

Caitlyn gave a speech at her alma mater, Graceland University in Iowa, on Tuesday, bringing up the topic of her children and slamming the prevailing notion that they haven’t exactly earned their wealth.

“In life we don’t get anywhere unless you work hard,” the former Olympian told the crowd, adding:

“Unless we outwork the next guy. Unless we put more time and energy, and it means more to us than anything in the whole world. That’s how you get ahead in life.”

She then turned her focus specifically to her famous kin:

“My kids work hard. They work everyday. You know, they kind of sometimes say, ‘Oh, they’re famous for being famous.’ No, they’re famous in my house for hard work.”

Jenner especially took note of Kendall Jenner’s grueling schedule as a model, saying of her 20-year old model:

“My little Kendall works everyday. She’s in Australia for three days. She’ll be back here at home one day. She’ll be off to Europe.

“She’ll be traveling all over the world. She never stops, because it takes hard work to succeed in life.”

That’s fair. We grant that Kendall is a legitimate, busy model at this point.

But the Kardashians and Jenners make millions of dollars a year by Tweeting about various companies; by posing on red carpets; by asking fans to pay for their official websites.

That’s fine. They’re just taking advantage of the current culture.

But that’s also a far cry from hard work, Caitlyn.