Friday, November 20, 2015

Jay Z: Did He Give Pharrell Williams a Black Eye?!

As you may have heard, Jay Z’s music-streaming service Tidal isn’t doing so hot. It’s almost as though people weren’t crazy about the idea of shelling out more than they pay for Spotify just so some millionaire celebs could get even righer. Go figure!

Anyway, Jay is reportedly embarrassed by Tidal’s failure, and sources say he’s been lashing out at some of the A-listers involved – sometimes literally.

Pharrell Williams has been spotted rocking a black eye recently, and there have been rumors within the music industry that Jay knocked Pharrell cold after the latter tried to back out of his contract with Tidal.

It may seem like a wild accusation to level at one of the successful moguls in hip hop, but before he matured into the laid-back family man we know today, Jay was known to get caught up in some occasional violence.

(And no, we’re not talking about his elevator scuffle with Solange Knowles.)

Several sources claimed to have witnessed the scuffle, but reps for both artists say it never happened.

Pharrell’s people are telling TMZ that the black eye is the result of his wife accidentally hitting him in the face with a spatula.

This may sound crazy, but we believe him. It’s one of those situations where if the man wanted to lie, he’d come up with a more believable story.