Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Jimmy Kimmel and Parents Prank Kids, Ruin Yet Another Halloween

Last night, Jimmy Kimmel aired his annual video challenge, in which he asked parents around the country to tell their children that they ate all of their Halloween candy.  

The late night host has been doing this for four years now, and the submissions never, ever fail to entertain.  Fortunately, most of the children were too wound up to remember Kimmel"s call to action, and only a set of twins called their parents out for trying to pull the wool over their eyes again.

Most of the kids were angry as hell with their parents for ruining what promised to be a wonderful Sunday full of rummaging through last night"s winnings while mom and dad are distracted by football.

One kid even whipped an empty Trick or Treat bag at his dad"s face (I don"t condone violence, but…HIS DAD ATE HIS HALLOWEEN CANDY).

Some of our favorite responses to "I ate all of your Halloween candy:"

  • "I wanted to try Skittles."

  • "There"s only wrappers in there, Turkey Butthole!"

  • "Are you kidding me?  Are you kidding me?"

  • "I don"t want to see you ever again.  Go get a job."

You know exactly what it feels like to learn that someone ate your leftovers.  The leftovers you were waiting all day to enjoy.

On behalf of these children, I am furious.

Jimmy kimmel i told my kids i ate all of their halloween candy