Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Justin Bieber Surprises the World"s Biggest Beliebers

It"s Day Two of Justin Bieber Week on Ellen!

On Monday, the singer sat across from the host and talked about two very important/personal topics: his penis and his love for Selena Gomez.

Then, on Tuesday, Justin went ahead and made the lives of multiple Beliebers, one shocking appearance at a time.

These young fans were brought in and made to believe they were simply doing on-camera interviews about why they love Bieber so much.

And that"s how each one started out.

What each supporter did not know, however, was that Bieber was present on set, hiding in the background until the ideal opportunity presented itself for him to jump out… and nearly cause a heart attack in the process.

There were screams upon these fans meeting Bieber. There were tears. There were declarations of love.

One girl had even just referred to Bieber her “husband” before she realized he was there, while another asked the superstar, “Are you real?”

Oh, yes. Very real and very handsome. VERY, VERY, VERY handsome.

"You can touch me," Bieber said in response to this question.

Moreover, as if the surprise meeting wasn’t sufficient enough, Bieber gave each fan VIP tickets to Friday"s episode of Ellen, which will basically be one giant Justin Bieber concert.

That"s the same day on which Bieber will release his new album, "Purpose."

You may be hearing a whole lot from Bieber in the days leading up to it. Prepare yourselves however you can.

Justin bieber surprises the worlds biggest beliebers