Friday, November 20, 2015

Kylie Jenner and Tyga: Why Did They Break Up?

Rumors about Kylie Jenner dumping Tyga had been circulating for so long that when it finally happened, fans were initially skeptical.

The timing seemed odd, as the couple just went public a few months ago, but several reliable sources made it official just hours ago: it’s over between Kylie and Tyga

So what finally caused the couple who’d already endured infidelity rumors, an angry baby mama, and the constant glare of the media spotlight to call it quits?

Well, as is so often the case with breakups it seems a number of factors entered into the decision, but it ultimately came down to Kylie’s decision that she’s just too good for her D-list rapper boyfriend.

Despite early reports that the split was “sudden and ugly,” sources tell Radar Online that the Kyga’s troubles started several months ago.

“They have been on the verge of ending it since this summer when Kylie started to feel like she was way too good for him,” says one insider. “She used to feel like she was not beautiful enough for him, and now she thinks he is not hot enough for her.”

Sounds like a pretty shallow reason to dump someone, but Kylie’s a Kardashian at heart, and hey – in this case, she’s absolutely right.

And, of course, there were other reasons as well: namely, the fact that the Kardashians didn’t approve of Tyga and he prioritized his career over his relationship. 

“Kylie’s entire family has always disliked Tyga and they only told her that they approved because they saw how happy he made her,” one insider tells Radar. 

“But honestly, they believe he used her for fame. Without her he would be nothing right now. “Tyga’s biggest fear was that if he lost her, he would lose his connection to Kanye West and other music industry folks.”

“Kylie broke up with Tyga because he treated her like sh-t,” says another source.

“He told her she would never be like her sisters. He constantly ridiculed her and lied to her. Ever since rumors of Tyga’s cheating ways started to come out, she was very, very suspicious of him.”

Yes, on top of everything else, there were the persistent rumors about Tyga cheating on Kylie.

It may be a while before we get the facts directly from Kylie, but based on what we know, it seems it’s safe to say she’s better off without T-Raww in her life.