Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Star Wars Honest Trailer: May the Hilarity Be With You!

This may be a first:

Screen Junkies, the good amazing folks behind endlessly entertaining Honest Trailers, have created a new version for a film that has not even been released yet.

But it"s one you"ve likely heard of: Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Does that ring a bell?

Because the film hasn"t actually opened yet (DECEMBER 18, people!!!!), this edited preview doesn"t make fun of the plot or the story itself.

Instead, it sets its sights on the out-of-control anticipation surrounding the seventh episode in this iconic chapter.

"We could show you two hours of a monkey washing a cat and you"d still go see this movie…twice," the Honest Trailer says at one point.

"Who are you?" the narrator also asks Daisy Ridley"s character as the trailer opens, to which she replies:

"It depends who you ask, there"s a lot of fan theories floating around. But you can back-order a tiny version of my droid for $ 150." 

The footage also makes fun of some of the less-appreciated (that"s a generous description, huh?) prequels that Star Wars fans wish they could forget, pointed out that The Force Awakens will (hopefully!) usher in a new era.

"The prequels…they"re gnawing at you…just let them go," intons the narrator, before the logo appears with the following statement:

"It"s on you, Abrams."

But no pressure, man. No pressure at all.

Check out the Honest Trailer below and then view the actual Force Awakens trailer by following our link.

May the humor be with you.

Star wars the force awakens honest trailer