Thursday, December 17, 2015

Azealia Banks Bites Security Guard"s Boob, Gets Arrested

Azealia Banks has learned a valuable lesson in life:

Try not to bite the breast of a security guard if you wish to avoid the strong arm of the law.

According to E! News and other outlets, the controversial singer was arrested early Wednesday morning after assaulting a female employee outside the New York City club Up&Down.

The New York Police Department reports that Banks was escorted away from the establishment at 12:46 a.m., after “she became verbally abusive and began to push the victim and bit victim on the breast causing swelling and redness.”

What led to the artist getting “arrested and charged with assault, disorderly conduct and harassment?”

An insider says Banks grew irritated when she was told she needed a stamp to go downstairs at the party being held at this venue.

Despite not being on the actual invite list and instead attending as a guest, Banks did earn entry to the private affair.

But she was offended that security did not recognize her and responded by getting into an alleged altercation, even spitting in the owner’s face at one point.

This caused Banks to be led away by a security guard and to reportedly bite security guard’s boob in anger.

Hence, the arrest.

Banks stood before a judge on Wednesday night and has since been released.

We’d act surprised and everything, but after Banks went on that homophobic tirade a few weeks ago, nothing really surprises us about this star.