Friday, December 18, 2015

Jinger Duggar on Anna Duggar: She"s Amazing!

On the upcoming episode of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, Anna Duggar speaks publicly about the Josh Duggar sex scandal for the first time:

Apparently, despite the presence of Jill and Jessa’s names in the title, the second installment in the three-part series focuses primarily on Anna and her struggles to come to terms with her husband’s infidelity while Josh is in rehab for sex addiction.

Not surprisingly, the rest of the Duggar clan seems to hold Anna in the highest esteem, as her refusal to divorce Josh despite his many indiscretions aligns with their ultra-conservative religious beliefs.

Sunday night’s episode not only features Anna’s first public comments on the scandal, it also shows the rest of the family’s reactions to the 

“Anna is amazing”, an emotional Jinger Duggar says at one point.

“She displayed to each one of us to what it means to have unconditional love and she is walking through this better than anyone of us could have ever imagined.”

“Unconditional love” is one way to describe it. However, we’re guessing “love” isn’t the first word that springs to mind when Anna thinks of Josh these days.

Other members of the family have expressed their displeasure with Josh in recent weeks, and while Anna says her husband “betrayed” not only her, but “anyone who calls themselves a Christian,” it seems as though she has no plans to leave him any time soon.