Sunday, December 13, 2015

Justin Bieber: Hooking Up with Kourtney Kardashian! Throwing MAJOR Shade at Scott Disick!

With 2015 nearly over, Justin Bieber and Kourtney Kardashian are reportedly going out with a bang.


According to two new reports, both from mostly reputable sources, the singer and the reality star are absolutely, definitely, totally having sex.

Chatter of a naked relationship between the stars started in October, with insiders saying Justin and Kourtney, who live near each other in Calabasas, were spending a lot of time together.

Talk then heated up as the romance heated up, as Bieber and Kardashian allegedly danced all night together at Kendall Jenner’s birthday party in Los Angeles last month.

Justin bragged to friends recently that he has been hooking up with Kourtney Kardashian,” an insider tells Us Weekly, while another source adds:

“Oh yeah, that’s definitely happening and has been for some time now. Every time Kourtney and Justin are together they’re extremely flirtatious. They text each other all the time.”

Gossip Cop backs up this allegation

A website that prides itself on shooting down false rumors says Kourtney left The Montage Beverly Hills Hotel (where Bieber often stays) around 4 a.m. on Saturday mooring, following a night out with Bieber at establishments The Nice Guy and Blind Dragon.

The site quotes a self-proclaimed “impeccable insider” who says Bieber and Kourtney have “hooked up” at least once.

Still unsure about the validity of this story?

Consider the caption Bieber wrote along with the image we posted above.

A heavily Photoshopped picture, it depicts Bieber pounding away at some faceless woman against his car. 

What did Bieber wrote as the caption? “Lord knows.”

What is the nickname of Kourtney Kardashian’s ex-boyfriend, Scott Disick? Lord.

Go ahead and do the math, people. Jump to your own conclusions.

But Justin shared that photo and that caption just a couple hours after reports of his fling with Kourtney went public.

So… go ahead and have at it, blogosphere. Let loose, Twitter: