Elizabeth Taylor"s diamonds, Jayne Mansfield"s cleavage…there are some things in this world that prevent us from looking away, however impolite that may be.
The Duchess of Cambridge has perfected the art of a blowout, balancing shine with volume to create what my friend calls "hair that won"t quit."
Allow yourself to get lost in a gallery of one of Great Britain"s national treasures.
1. "You Haven’t Said a Thing About My Hair"
“I don’t even know why I’m here. I just wanted to wear this up do.”
2. "Nature Is My Own Personal Wind Machine"
“Disney requested this photo as a sketch for their next princess. I said ‘fine."”
3. "May I Introduce…My Hair"
“We are very happy to spend the rest of our lives with William.”
4. "Happy Wedding Day To Me and My Hair!"
“You lot won’t believe the glory hiding beneath this veil.”
5. "Easy With The Flash Bulbs, Boys"
“The light will damage my hair, which is grounds for treason.”
6. "Oh, Stop"
“Just kidding, keep talking about my hair.”