Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Katy Perry vs. Taylor Swift: Who Earned More in 2015?

When it comes to the music business in 2015, the big bucks are in touring, not album sales.

At least that seems to be the number one lesson that we can take away from this year’s annual Forbes list of the highest earning musicians.

We already knew Katy Perry was the highest-earning female musician of the year, but now we know that she also beat out the boys to take the year’s top spot overall.

As impressive as that accomplishment is, we’re guessing Katy is happier about besting her rival Taylor Swift by a wide margin.

Ms. Perry pulled in an astonishing $ 135 million in the past 12 months. She’s followed on the list by One Direction ($ 130 million) and Garth Brooks ($ 90 million).

Taylor pulled in at number four with a paltry $ 80 million How does she even live on that?!

We kid, of course, but it’s pretty surprising that she’s so far down the list, considering 2015 will forever be remembered as “the year of Taylor Swift.”

Obviously, both ladies did incredibly well, but the Forbes list serves as further evidence that Katy is quietly winning the war against Taylor Swift.

Of course, industry analysts note that with an average of $ 4 million per show, Taylor is a contender to top the list in 2016.

However, she may have some competition from that other queen of the breakup ballad, as Adele is currently gearing up for a 40-city world tour.

Sheesh, that Taylor Swift just can’t catch a break!