Friday, March 25, 2016

Ariel Winter Praises Kim Kardashian for "Promoting Body Positivity"

Ariel Winter has a very different opinion of Kim Kardashian than we do.

The Modern Family star was one of the few public voices in support of Kardashian last month after Kim posed naked once again on Instagram and she even gave a shout-out to Kardashian upon recently posing in her bikini.

Now, while most continue to slam Kardashian for talking at length about her need to lose weight, Winter has chimed in with her opposing view.

“I think she’s promoting body positivity,” the actress said on the Australian radio show Kyle and Jackie O Wednesday.

Why does the 18-year old see it this way?

“You know, young girls being able to express that they don’t have a stick-thin body – they’re curvy,” Winter explained.

“And stick-thin bodies are amazing… those girls are amazing too … but I think that everybody’s body would be celebrated no matter what it is and I think that it’s great that she’s so comfortable with herself and that she’s able to post out there what she wants to post and if she wants to post a nude selfie, she can.”

She definitely can, that much we know.

And we’d totally agree with Winter’s assessment, if only Kim didn’t go to every length possible to lose weight and talk about how she needs to lose weight. ASAP!

Kardashian had a chance to be a role model for curvy young women everywhere. 

But she most definitely blew it as soon as she started waist training.

As for why Winter stood up for Kardashian during her latest naked picture scandal?

“The whole thing that I don’t understand with the stigma these days is there are so many guys that go out there that are so cool with posing nude and doing all these things and they post about it…

“… And then when women do it, we’re really crucified.

“We’re not able to do the exact same thing and I think it’s really upsetting to be in an industry where that’s happening, so I really decided to stand up for her because I thought it was so ridiculous.”

There’s probably some double standard at work here, yes.

But most critics take issue with Kim Kardashian because posing naked (or starring in sex tapes) is the only card she has to play in order to remain relevant. She has no actual talent.

Find us the male equivalent of Kardashian, track down the guy who is only famous because he bares his body on social media, and then we’ll consider this point more.