Monday, March 14, 2016

Ben Affleck FINALLY Breaks Silence on Divorce: Jennifer Garner is a Great Person!

Last week, Jennifer Garner opened up about her divorce from Ben Affleck in a surprisingly candid interview with Vanity Fair.

Several sources claimed that Ben was pissed about Jen’s comments, but the actor/director hadn’t spoken publicly about that or any other aspect of his highly-publicized divorce until today.

Ben recently sat for an interview with The New York Times as part of his promotional tour for Batman v Superman (prepare to see a lot of the Batfleck over the next couple weeks), and while he was there to drum up publicity for his battle with the Man of Steel, the discussion naturally turned to Ben’s much more civil relationship with his ex:

In a lengthy profile that mostly focuses on his film career, Ben states that he didn’t want to comment on his divorce previously “because it ends up being in the record somewhere, in the great miasma of junk on the Internet.”

“Jen’s great. She’s a great person. We’re on great terms. I just saw her this morning, so that’s the reality that I live in,” he says, no doubt disappointing millions who had been following the soapy melodrama version of his separation presented in the tabloids.

As for the claims that he was outraged about Jen’s comments about him in the press, Ben had this to say:

“She felt like she wanted to discuss it and get it out there and get it over with so she could say, ‘Look, I already talked about it — I don’t want to do it again.’

“It’s fine. She’s allowed to talk about it.”

He added that his family life is stable and healthy; Jen and his children will be visiting him in Europe this summer, where he’ll be filming Justice League; and of course, his son is psyched to have Batman for a dad.

“He knows that I am Batman,” Ben said. “It’s a mixed blessing. He also thinks that for some reason — I don’t know if it’s the color combination or whatever — that the FedEx guy is the Joker.

“Whenever there’s a FedEx delivery, he’s like, ‘Dad, the Joker’s outside.’ The burden’s on me to go out there and give the guy an extra 20 bucks to pantomime a whole Adam West kung fu battle.”

Yes, Ben’s out there doing battle with the Joker on his front lawn.

We guess his situation’s not so serious after all.