Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Ben Affleck: Trying to Hook Up With Jennifer Lawrence?

After a hellish year full of the kind of tabloid scrutiny he despises, Ben Affleck is definitely riding high again.

Despite some seriously dismal reviews, Batman v Superman delivered record-breaking box office numbers over the weekend, thus paving the way for Affleck to reprise his role as the Caped Crusader in a series of standalone films which he’ll also direct.

We imagine seeing yourself as a modern day Orson Welles combined with Bruce freakin’ Wayne can lead to quite the inflated ego, which is probably what inspired Ben to go for the gold in terms of his love life:

According to Radar Online Affleck only has eyes for Jennifer Lawrence these days, which i boths not at all surprising (The dude only dates hot actresses named Jen.) and pretty damn shocking. (Ben is still married to Jennifer Garner, and Lawrence is 18 years his junior.)

“They’ve been emailing and talking about scripts,” one insider tells the website.

“He wants to get coffee or lunch with her, and he’s trying to do what he normally does, which is to arrange a ‘working date’ in Ventura.”

Apparently, Ben usually is in the habit of asking his love interests to meet him just outside of Los Angeles, “in order to stay off the radar.”

The source adds that Garner has caught wind of Affleck’s attempts to seduce Lawrence and “she’s not happy about it.”

Ben may have thought Superman was a formidable foe, but it sounds like his ex might soon make for an even tougher opponent.