Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Britney Spears Feels Sorry for Justin Bieber

Britney Spears feels your pain, Justin Bieber.

What pain, one might wonder, considering Bieber is rich and famous and even got to have alleged sex with Kourtney Kardashian last year?

The pain of being young and of having all eyes on you at all times, Britney explains in the latest issue of V Magazine.

Hard as it may be to believe, Spears is now an elder stateswoman in the world of music, happily settled down at home with two kids.

But many still remember her as the 16-year old in the Catholic School Girl dress in the “Hit Me Baby One More Time” video.

Or as the troubled singer who once shaved her head during a breakdown.

“Whoever is in the spotlight, people are really quick to judge,” Britney says. “I mean, there are a lot of kids coming up who’ve experienced that.”

Bieber is likely at the top of this list, considering the way his reputation has taken a hit over the past two years.

“You know, Justin Bieber, he’s huge, and he experiences [judgment]. It’s just the way the world works, unfortunately,” Spears tells the publication.

That’s often true.

But Bieber did bring a lot of that judgment on himself by speeding around in his car… telling bodyguards to attack photographs… and even hurling eggs at a neighbor.

He’s been on his relatively best behavior for awhile now, though.

“I’ve been doing this for 20 years,” Britney says of where she’s at these days.

“I kind of don’t pay attention to it. I have my relationship with God and myself and that’s what matters to me. I really don’t care what most people think.”

Look for the artist to release new music at some point in 2016.

“I’m just particular with this record. It’s my baby, and so I really want it done right,” she says.

“I would much rather have it be completely how I want it to be, whether that takes another year for me to do, or two months. I have no idea at this point.

“But I just know that the direction I’m going in is so good. It’s the best thing I’ve done in a long time.”