Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: Headed for DIVORCE?!?

Are America’s holiest couple about to commit the unspeakable sin of divorce??

According to InTouch, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar just can’t see eye to eye on a controversial topic that has brought them much grief over the past couple years: their son Josh.

As we know, Josh has disgraced the family name by molesting his younger sisters, admitting to a porn and sex addiction and allegedly soliciting sex from and abusing a porn star.

That’s a cavalcade of doozies for the Duggars, whose strict religious beliefs even prohibit dancing for being too sexual.

However, the mag claims that it’s not Josh’s deviance that so bothers Jim Bob, but his son’s destruction of the family name, and thus, their entire public franchise and celebrity.

As we know, the Duggars’ hit reality show 19 Kids and Counting was canceled following news of Josh’s molestation scandal, and Jim Bob is hopping mad.

Apparently, he wants to completely disown his sinister son to try and rebuild their brand, but Michelle isn’t having it.

She wants to forgive, forget and welcome Josh, who is fresh out of sex rehab, back with open arms – and if that means they say goodbye to the cashola, so be it. 

Oh, but that’s not all, says the gossip rag. 

In addition, Josh’s wife Anna Duggar is strong-arming Jim Bob and Michelle into paying her off to remain married to their son. Well, I guess she should get something out of staying with the disgusting POS.

Such a tangled web InTouch has spun.

Nevertheless, we think it’s safe to suggest that the couple hold back on doling out marriage advice for the time being.