Friday, March 11, 2016

Josh Duggar: Out or Rehab and Looking For Work?

The name Josh Duggar has been synonymous with sex scandals for so long that many seem to have forgotten there was a time not too long ago when the 28-year-old had a thriving career as a Washington lobbyist.

Yes, it’s hard to believe, but there was a time when a Duggar had a career other than “reality TV star/shiller or random childcare items on Instagram.”

Of course, as you know, a lot has changed for Josh, and within the span of a few months he’s gone from being a guy who poses for photos with presidential candidates to a pariah that no one Washington would be seen in the same room with. 

Last week, Josh returned to Arkansas after six months in a rehab facility that’s been described as a sort of Christian work camp.

It’s safe to say that at this point “TV personality” and “conservative political figure” are both off the table for Josh in terms of career paths, so how will the disgraced father of four make a living?

Why, by dragging his siblings down with him, of course!

Yes, according to People magazine, Josh plans to join a family business that his brothers are starting. 

The venture will focus on remodeling homes, as well as buying and selling used cars at auction.

Yes, the scattershot business model makes it sound like this is just something for the Duggar boys to do on camera while they continue to pay the bills by acting out wholesome family scenarios in front of TLC camera crews, but at least it’ll keep Josh busy.

We’ve seen what the guy is capable of when he’s got a full-time job, a wife, and four kids at home.

We shudder to think what he’d get into if he had unlimited time on his hands.