Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Kim Kardashian Reveals Secret to 42-Pound Weight Loss

Yesterday, we reported that Kim Kardashian’s post-pregnancy weight loss is coming along nicely, with the mother of two dropping 42 pounds in the four months since she welcomed son Saint into the world.

Now, Kim is revealing her secret for rapidly dropping the pounds…or rather, Kim’s nutritionist, Colette Heimowitz, has gotten her permission to reveal the secret.

Of course, while Colette almost certainly got Kim’s okay before dishing on her diet details, we imagine Mrs. Kardashian-West would prefer to keep the talk about how much weight she’s gained to a minimum:

“She gained 60lbs with her second pregnancy again [laughs] and she wanted to get back to her pre-pregnancy weight,” Heimowitz tells Too Fab.

“She succeeded with Atkins with her first pregnancy and she remembered from doing it in college with her dad [Robert Kardashian], so family was there and it was familiar to her and she succeeded.”

“She was able to reach her weight loss goals and keep her energy up, preserve lean tissue, you know, have her appetite under control,” she continues.

“She’s great to work with because she is committed and very motivated which is a pleasure. As a nutritionist, you’re only as good as you patient is compliant. So working with her has been a real pleasure.”

So there you have it. The Atkins Diet is still Kim’s secret.

Of course, we imagine having your own nutritionist and being able to hide out at Kris Jenner’s mansion until you drop the pounds doesn’t hurt either.