Friday, March 4, 2016

Kris Jenner Hates Kanye West, Loves His Meltdown, Source Claims

As you probably, know Kanye West has employed an unusual marketing strategy for the promotion of his seventh studio album.

Basically, the man who calls himself Yeezus has decided to drum up some free publicity by going from eccentric weirdo to full-blown, batsh-t crazy person right before our eyes.

It’s a neat trick, and it’s definitely succeeded in earning West the (mostly negative) attention of the press, but not surprisingly, the whole thing has taken a bit of a toll on the rapper’s personal life.

In recent weeks we’ve heard rumors of Kim Kardashian hiring a divorce attorney and planning a future as a single mom because of Kanye’s antics.

Kim’s sisters have encouraged her to dump Kanye, and while the entire family is reportedly sick of Kanye’s crap, at least one member of Kim’s inner circle can see the upside:

“Kris doesn’t believe in the concept of bad publicity,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. “Especially when all Kanye’s crazy behavior draws sympathy for poor Kim and the rest of the family.”

Yes, the insider says that while there’s “zero doubt she’s soured” on Kanye, Kris is loving the attention her family is receiving from his antics.

“She’s always had this attitude that the girls come first and if these guys can’t keep up then it’s on them,” the source said, referencing Kris’ attitude toward the parade of troubled men that seem to come in and out of her daughters’ lives.

But while she’s enjoying the publicity she receives from West, make no mistake that Kris is tired of his BS.

Sources say she recently kicked Kim and Kanye out of her house, forcing them to move into a rental property while their home is being renovated.