Friday, March 11, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: My New Boyfriend is Gonna Save My Career!

As we reported earlier this week, Lindsay Lohan is dating a 22-year-old Russian real estate agent with the awesomely Russian name of Egor Tarabasov.

When Lindsay makes a decision, we kinda just assume it’s a bad one, and the way she’s been going around telling probably made-up stories about the time she almost banged Harry Styles, we assumed Ligor would be another flash-in-the-pan relationship and that Lohan would be trashing Tarabasov in the press by next week.

But apparently, those in the actress’ inner-circle – most notably her psychotic father, Michael Lohan – believe that not only is Egor the one for Lindsay, he’s also the key to her long-gestating career comeback.

“He has a lot of strong connections in Russia — these are big people and they’re very supportive,” Michael said in a recent interview with Page Six.

“He wants things to be in the right place for Lindsay and he’s wise beyond his years.”

Michael added that Tarabasov “isn’t a good influence, he’s a great influence.”

Wow. Either this guy is really amazing, or he’s a Lindsay-caliber con artist. Either way, it sounds like the Lohan family is buying what he’s selling in a big way.

We just hope they’re not already spending Lindsay’s comeback money. 

Maybe 22-year-old Russian real estate agents know more about Hollywood than the dozens of others who have tried to rescue Lindsay’s career – but her dad might want to be a little cautious in his optimism.