Thursday, March 24, 2016

Madonna Busted For Posting Fake Parking Signs Outside NYC Home

Madge has been under a lot of stress lately, in her case against ex-husband Guy Ritchie over custody of their teenage son, Rocco.

So you can’t blame her for going a little nuts over parking privileges in front of her $ 40 million townhouse on New York’s Upper East Side.

Sources tell TMZ that Madonna and her team basically made up their own rules when it came to public parking spots.  Someone posted “Tenant Parking Only” signs, sprayed “NO PARKING” warnings on the curb, then painted said curb yellow.

One of Madonna’s neighbors thought this was a little weird/wrong and got in touch with the Department of Transportation, who sent an agent over to the singer’s home on March 23rd to assess the situation.

Guess what?  The signs were fake, and Madonna’s people were instructed to remove the signs immediately.

TMZ spoke to the whistle-blowing neighborhood, who explained that when she asked a man standing outside Madonna’s home (where 3 SUVs were parked) about the signs, he said “We know the right people.”

If by the right people you mean the sales associates in Home Depot’s sign department, then yes, yes you do.

No one is exempt from city parking laws.