Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Scott Disick: No Longer Allowed to See His Kids After Latest Relapse?

Sadly, it’s not surprising that Scott Disick has fallen off the wagon again.

What is surprising is that after spending a month in rehab and swearing off the sauce for the sake of his family, Scott has been partying harder than ever in recent weeks.

Just yesterday, video of a wasted Scott hanging out with Kylie Jenner surfaced online. 

Strangely, Scott seems to be making no effort to hide the fact that he’s drinking again, but now it looks as though he’ll be paying the price for his stubborn refusal to stick with a treatment program.

According to Radar Online, Kourtney Kardashian has informed Disick that he’ll no longer be permitted to see his children unless he seeks help for his addictions. 

“She told Scott that he is not allowed to see his kids until he pulls it together,” says one insider.

“Kourtney said that he is a mess right now and she does not want him around the children in this condition.”

Apparently, Scott stopped attending his outpatient treatment sessions several days before his most recent relapse. 

“He does not go to his outpatient sessions anymore,” says the source. “Kourtney had told them those were mandatory if he wanted to keep joint custody of the kids.”

It’s not known exactly when Kourtney began preventing Scott from seeing the kids, but he hasn’t been photographed with then since January.

“They are trying to force him back into rehab before it’s too late,” the insider claims. “Things are looking really, really bad right now,”