Friday, April 15, 2016

Azealia Banks SLAMS Kanye West, Kardashian Family on Twitter

The only time Azealia Banks makes headlines is when she attacks someone a more famous celebrity on Twitter.

Usually she goes after low-hanging fruit like Iggy Azalea.

Last week, Banks went after Tila Tequila, and the ensuing back-and-forth was amusing, but didn’t earn the sort of attention that Azealia craves like oxygen.

So this week, the rapper-turned-professional-trash-talker decided to seek out a more worthy opponent – the originator and king of the batsh-t Twitter tantrum himself, Kanye West.

When a fan of Banks’ (They’re a rare breed, but they do exist.) tried to compliment her by calling her the “next Kanye,” Azealia took it as an insult (of course) and went off on an artist whom she once cited as one of her inspirations:

“Kanye lost all credibility when he became a kardashian,” Banks tweeted. “I don’t even look up to him anymore. i look past him… B/C kanye was put here to do major cultural work, which he’s traded out for trying to make bootleg jay-z moves.”

In most contexts, being compared to arguably the best rapper alive would be a compliment, but Azealia hates Jay Z, as well as Beyonce, Kendrick Lamar, Pharrell, and anyone else who’s ever made music and/or drawn breath.

Yeah, she seems like a fun person.

Our hearts go out to the folks in her inner circle who haven’t already had their still-beating hearts ripped from their chest cavities.

Run while you still can.